Changes || Lucius Malfoy

By luciusmalfoyxx

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Athena Belladonna is a 24 year old pureblood witch, who owns her own shop at Hogsmeade. One day she meets the... More

Chapter One | An Unexpected Customer
Chapter Two | Evening Greetings
Chapter Four | Back to Hogwarts
Chapter Five | The Library
Chapter Six | Draco Malfoy
small announcment
Chapter Seven | Jealousy
Chapter Eight | Mistakes

Chapter Three | Dinner

1.9K 72 53
By luciusmalfoyxx

• August 31st, 1993 •

Lucius woke that morning same as always, Narcissa hugging the edge of the bed and barely staying on. He went to his study after a shower and getting dressed, the metal bottom of his cane hitting the wooden floor as he walked through the halls.

The Malfoy's had hired a new house elf, since Harry Potter had freed their old one, Dobby. Lucius was still angry about it but was grateful he had one. "Jinky!" he yelled, and with a loud pop the elf appeared in front of Lucius.

"Yes master? Jinky is at your service." she beamed.

"Bring me some tea. Just knock and set it on my desk." he spoke coldly.

"Yes master! Anything for you master!" and with that, Jinky was off to getting his tea.


Athena woke up around an hour after Lucius, by now it was 7:30. She did her usual morning routine, and she opened her store to local witches and wizards.

As the day carried on she did her usual option for lunch, The Three Broomsticks. After paying for her meal she decided to stop by the Hogsmeade Post Office to see if she had any mail. The building had owls flying all around, ranging of Great Grey Owls to tiny little Scops. Athena walked in greeting the witch at the shelf and check the slot for her shop. To her surprise, she had not a letter, but a package. She grabbed it and immediately noticed how easily bendable it was, but it didn't seem fragile at all. She brought it back to her shop went straight to her tiny living room to open the package. Carefully unwrapping it, trying not to damage the contents inside she took out a beautiful forest green dress. It looked tight so it would show off her figure, and looked to go down to about mid-thigh. The dress had thin straps towards the top and a V-Line that she imagined would show some cleavage. She noticed there was a beautiful silver arm cuff, in she shape of a snake. It's eyes were an emerald green. "It's beautiful..." she said in awe. She got butterflies at the thought that Lucius would go out of his way to do this for her. Inside the package laid a letter, with a dark green wax print keeping it sealed. She opened the letter and read the following.

Dearest, Athena.
I look forward to seeing you tonight, I sure do enjoy being in your presence. I hope you like the dress and the accessory that came with it. Wear them tonight. I'll see you at 7:15 darling.

P.S.  Use the floo network. I'll be in the living room waiting for you love.

Lucius Malfoy.

Athena smiled to herself held the letter close to her chest. She then looked back at the dress, draped across her bed and set the letter down, exchanging it with the dress. Like a little girl on Christmas morning, she was excited to try on her gift. Athena stripped and put the beautiful piece of fabric on. It complemented her body so well, showing off her curves at her chest, waist and her lower back. She was right about the revealing of her cleavage, it wasn't too much but it was just enough. Athena felt beautiful, but felt that her hair didn't quite meet the expectations. She decided that she would curl it, and for her makeup, she would do nude shades of eyeshadow, with eyelashes and eyeliner.


Lucius had just gotten back from Diagon Alley, after getting Draco the last of his school books, and a few other things he needed for his third year. By the time he was home it was already a quarter past 4:00. He didn't see Narcissa anywhere, the manor was silent. She's probably with another man. That's alright, I'll be seeing someone much more lovely tonight, he thought to himself.

"Father?" Draco broke the silence, snapping Lucius out of his thought. "Since you said you'd be gone tonight, can I stay at Blaise's house for dinner?" he asked. Lucius nodded and with that Draco made his way to the fireplace and the emerald green flames had taken him away. Lucius sighed and went up to his study, finishing the last bit of work he had for the day.


Athena checked the time, she had roughly three hours until she had to be at Malfoy Manor. She decided to take a shower and shave, because the dress would show quite a bit of her legs. She dried her hair and by now it was 4:49. Athena got in bed and took a small nap before getting ready. She set her alarm for 6:00 so she'd have just over an hour to get ready. She woke at exactly 6:00 and sprung up from bed, excitement flowing through her veins. She made her way to her tiny bathroom and was about to start her makeup when she heard a knocking on the door of her shop. Athena walked to answer the door, and to her surprise it Jason Lockhart.

"Oh erm, hey Jason." she said with a small smile. Jason Lockhart was Athena's ex boyfriend. He was a very controlling man, he'd often times resort to alcohol and put his anger out on her when things didn't go the way he wanted them to. Athena didn't miss the relationship they had at all, for Jason was emotionally, verbally, and sometimes physically abusive. She had finally managed to escape their relationship back in the midst of April.

"Im closed right now, sorry." she spoke. Jason smiled and shook his head.

"No worries, that's not what I was here for. I just wanted to see how you were doing, that's all." He smiled at her and put his arm in the doorway, leaning against it. Athena looked at him and then said, "I'm doing just fine, thanks, b-" before she could say she was busy, Jason had interrupted her.

"So I was wondering," Athena looked annoyed, "can I take you out? I've missed you Athena." he said as his eyes trailed down her body and met back up with her eyes.

Athena shook her head. "Jason, I've already told you, it's over. It's been over for four months, please just-" Jason had cut her off yet again but stepped into her shop, forcing her to back up.

"What? Why not? Are you seeing someone? Is there another guy?" he rambled, slowly backing her up into a shelf of potion ingredients.

"Y-Yes there is, leave Jason." she said her voice shaking. Athena knew that her and Lucius where only going out to dinner, but she just wanted Jason to leave. Jason's brows furrowed and he got closer, leaving their noses inches apart. "Please leave Jason, I have somewhere to be tonight." Jason took a step back before looking her up and down with disgust.

"Whore." he spat. Athena watched him as he turned around and left the shop slamming the door behind him, causing the bell to ring. Athena's eyes were stinging as tears began to form, she shook her head. She tried not to think about to too much, and distracted herself with the night ahead of her.

Athena began to do her makeup, with some natural shades. She didn't like too much makeup, but she figured she'd use an appropriate amount for the occasion. She then moved on to curling her long black hair, and it looked perfect. Next, she slipped on the beautiful forest green dress that Lucius had given her. Finally she slipped on the arm cuff and the snake fit on her arm perfectly. This is amazing, she thought. Athena looked in the mirror and felt like a goddess. She checked her clock and it was already 7:12. She grabbed her purse, wand and a handful of floo powder. "Malfoy Manor." she spoke, and with that the emerald green flames had engulfed her and she was stepping out of the Malfoy's fireplace.

Athena brushed off her dress a bit and her eyes fell on Lucius, he was wearing a forest green tux with a black undershirt to match hers. His long platinum blonde hair was pulled back in a low ponytail, with a black ribbon. He looks so handsome, she thought.

"You look absolutely stunning Athena." he said approaching her. Athena smiled and looked into his beautiful grey eyes.

"Thank you Mr. Malfoy." she said, tucking a stand of hair behind her ear.

"Please, call me Lucius." he stated, taking her hand and pressing a kiss on it. Athena nodded and suddenly felt his soft lips make contact with her skin. The hair on the back of her neck stood up and she was swarming with butterflies in her stomach. She felt a blush creeping up on her when Lucius smiled and broke the silence.

"Well then, let's get going. Have you ever apparated?" he asked. Athena nodded, she remembered taking apparation lessons a long time ago.

"Yes I have, Lucius." she spoke with a smile.

"Alright then, take my hand." he ordered, holding his hand out for hers to take. His skin was soft and his hands were warm, not like she expected. Something about his touch comforted her so much, and she couldn't explain it. "You ready love?" he asked. Athena nodded with a smile and with a loud pop they apparated to an alley way in London. It was dark, and Athena could hear the sound of cars driving by, and people walking.

"Lucius, where are we?" she asked.

"London darling, I wanted to take you to one of the nicest restaurants around." he spoke, giving her hand a small squeeze of assurance. Athena looked up at him and smiled, and they began walking towards the street, making their way out of the alley. Athena hadn't been to London since her parents died, memories flowed through her veins as she recognized the same buildings she saw as a child. After a while they stood outside of a beautiful restaurant called 'Plum Split Milk' it didn't sound too appetizing, and Athena gave Lucius a slight look of confusion. Lucius looked down at her and gave her a reassuring smile. He held the door for her as she walked inside, and her eyes lit up at the beautiful decorations and fancy looking restaurant. They walked up to the receptionist and Lucius quietly cleared his throat.

"I have reservations for 7:25, a table for two." Lucius spoke.

"Last name sir?" the receptionist asked.


The receptionist nodded. "Alright then Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, you can follow me." Athena's eyes widened when the receptionist referred to her as 'Mrs. Malfoy'. She smiled and looked at Lucius who then grabbed her hand, taking it into his. Shortly after they were brought to a table towards the back of the restaurant. They sat down and struck up a conversation waiting for the waiter to arrive. When the time came, they ordered their appetizers and drinks. Lucius had selected a very expensive champagne, that read Moet Champagne Dom Perignon. The waiter filled their glasses and Lucius looked at Athena, raising his glass to clink with hers.

"To a lovely night with you, Athena." he spoke. Athena blushed and they both sipped at their drinks.

Their appetizers soon arrived and they began eating.
After about 20 minutes of talking and laughter, they decided they were ready to order their main entrée's. Lucius looked at Athena, allowing her to go first. She smiled slightly before looking at the waiter.

"Erm, I'll do the Hot Smoked Salmon, please." she said kindly, and looked back at Lucius who was staring at her with his lip curled, admiring her beauty.

"I'll have the Grilled Flat Iron Steak, thank you." he said. The waiter nodded and took off to letting the chefs know. Athena and Lucius continued to sip on their champagne, until their meals had arrived.

"This is amazing salmon, I've never been somewhere so nice like this Lucius." Athena beamed. He smiled and nodded.

"The food here is very good Athena, i'm glad you like it darling." he spoke with a smirk. His eyes quickly dipped down to her chest and Athena noticed. She tried to hide a smile by looking down at her food as wild thoughts rushed through her mind. Jesus he just checked me out, she thought with butterflies in her stomach. Lucius quietly cleared his throat and shifted in his seat ever so slightly. After roughly an hour the two were making their way out of the restaurant onto the streets of London.

"Thank you so much for dinner Lucius, I loved it." she beamed at him, the moonlight hitting her face. Lucius looked down at the beautiful woman beside him and smiled. She's so beautiful, he thought to himself.

"Of course darling, i'm glad you enjoyed it." he said. He then took her hand in his and they walked back to the alleyway, and with a loud pop apparated back to Malfoy Manor. It was now 9:57, the manor was silent, and Draco hadn't returned from Blaise's house yet. Athena looked at the time and back at Lucius.

"It's getting late, I should be going soon." she said with a smile. Lucius knew she had to go but wanted her to stay so badly, then again he also had things to do the next morning.

He nodded grabbed her hand, so they were now standing in front of each other. "I understand love." Lucius let go of her hand and tucked a loose strand of her black curled hair behind her ear, and caressed her cheek softly. Athena was melting at his touch. His other hand moved to her waist bringing them closer together, only inches apart. Athena then decided to wrap her arms around him, hugging him and putting her head on his chest. Lucius smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist, and it stayed like that for a few moments. Athena then pulled away and looked into his grey eyes, his hands still resting on her waist. "Lucius," she began, "I-" but she was cut off by Lucius' lips crashing into hers. She was surprised for a moment kissed him back. She felt like melting and her knees grew weak. His lips were soft, and she loved everything about it. After a few seconds he broke the kiss and looked down at her with his lip curled.

"I look forward to seeing you again Athena." he said with a small smile. Athena was still trying to process what had just happened, and she smiled while nodding.

"Me too, Lucius. I had an amazing time." she beamed. Lucius hugged her, and she returned it. He hadn't been cared for like this in a long time, he missed the feeling. Although the two weren't in love, it was a start. They both felt safe in the other's presence, and they both craved each other's touch.

"I should really go now." she said with a smile. Lucius nodded, and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I'll see you soon darling." he said. Athena smiled before turning around and walking to the fireplace. She grabbed some floo powder and just seconds later was disappearing into green flames.


After Athena had gotten into bed, her mind flooded with the events that occurred throughout the night. She couldn't sleep, for all she thought about was his lips on hers.

Lucius sat alone in his bed, in the silence. His thoughts consisted of Athena, and the previous hours. He kept thinking about how lovely she was, how her presence made her feel, how her touch made him feel, and how almost everything she did made him go crazy. He started to realize that the little crush that Athena had was now a mutual feeling.


hi guys :) sorry for the long chapter, i hope u like it! i worked super hard on it lol. i'll begin chapter 4 tomorrow, it's pretty late where i'm at :) thanks for the support loves.

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