By darkw1ngs

371K 13.9K 14.8K

I highly recommend reading the rewrite, which is still in the process of being updated, if you want a more ma... More

i n t r o d u c t i o n
❃ failure
❃ fuck you
❃ liquid luck
❃ brown eyes
❃ alone
❃ regret
❃ accusations
❃ good wife
❃ unbreakable vow
❃ in my sleep
❃ overprotective
❃ skyscraper
❃ a perfect storm
❃ the black lake
❃ unforgettable
❃ the paintings under my bed
❃ familiarity
❃ pain never heals
❃ sunrise
❃ healer
❃ calming draught
❃ she doesn't love me
❃ children of war
❃ stop
❃ not a chance
❃ promise
❃ fireplace
❃ bedrest
❃ skipping dinner
❃ paris
❃ penelope
❃ lightning has struck
❃ don't cry
❃ filthy little mudblood
❃ mirror of erised
❃ all over again
❃ I'm sorry
❃ boulder
❃ woolworth building
❃ agent
❃ it's okay, flower
❃ stabbed
❃ tell her I remember
❃ I love you, penelope
❃ never safer
❃ incendio
a u t h o r ' s n o t e
b o o k r e c s
r e w r i t e

❃ vivienne

5.1K 266 382
By darkw1ngs

Hellooo. Quick reminder I'd really appreciate it if you voted on each chapter, it's demotivating when I get 100 views with six stars. If you enjoy please star, it helps the algorithm! Ty ❤️

*TW, r4pe flashbacks. Please skip the section of this chapter if you are easily triggered, I will let you know when the TW starts. Stay safe reading please please please. Don't read anything that you can't handle. Ily*

𝑴𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒆 𝑪𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒇𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒆

I groaned as soft orange light from the sunrise met my eyes, snuggling back into Draco's chest. "Mmm, you're so warm," he mumbled into my neck, squeezing his hands possessively around my thighs, still half asleep.

I sat up, covering myself with the sheets as I heard a man clear his throat. I could only stare at him with wide eyes.

"No, I'm cold," Draco groaned without opening his eyes, "I'm not letting you go. It's too early to get out of bed," he pulled at my waist, trying to steal the warmth of my skin for himself.

"Draco," he spoke. He immediately shot up, his expression both shocked and embarrassed as he fluffed his hair with one hand.

"Get this filthy half-blood out of my penthouse."

Draco bit back his tongue.

"Yes Father."

He quickly grasped my wrist, apparating me back onto his bed inside the Manor.

"Fuck, he's going to kill me," Draco muttered, "Did he see you? Are you okay?" he mumbled groggily, throwing me a t-shirt.

"I'm okay, Draco."

"I don't want to go back," he groaned, "what if he hurts me? I don't want him to-"

"Draco, he'll be even angrier if you don't," I cupped his cheeks in my hands, calming the chaos in his eyes, "go."

"I love you," he mumbled onto my lips, giving me a rushed kiss before dressing himself, apparating away.

𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒐 𝑴𝒂𝒍𝒇𝒐𝒚

I was faced by my Father the moment I apparated back into the hotel room.

"What did I tell you, Draco?" he hissed, striding forward as I pressed myself against the wall.

"I just wanted to do something nice for her-"

"Something nice? You gave her the family ring, you gave her our money, for fucks sake, you had sex with her-"

"So what?" I seethed, staring up at him in rage.

"So what?" he chuckled before his hand slapped across my face, "YOU SLEPT WITH A HALF BLOOD. THERE IS MUGGLE BLOOD IN HER VEINS, DRACO, YOU SLEPT WITH A FILTHY BLOOD TRAITOR-"


I was silenced with a fist to the face, blood trickling down my lips from my now broken nose.

"You are a disappointment to this bloodline. Do you know why her Father raped her? Because he couldn't stand that he made that thing, with a muggle born witch, do you understand? Do you understand why I made you watch? Women are to be manhandled. I won't have my son pleasuring a mudblood with expensive gifts and your manhood, you disgust me, Draco," he seethed, pulling out his wand, holding it to my neck. "Apologize for your behavior this instant."


"Conterere," he fumed, making me groan out in pain as the spell shot through my body, leaving hues of blue and purple bruises on my limbs.

"Apologize. Right. Now."

"I'm sorry, Father."

"I want her gone," he strode out of the room with a slam of the door.

"FUCK," I screamed, punching the wall in with my fist before falling to the ground in a fit of tears.

"God fucking damnit," I stared at my shaking limbs, pulling my sleeves over the discolorations. It wasn't unusual for me to feel rage and sadness at the same time; but usually, the anger bubbled over.

For the first time in years I allowed myself to overflow in grief. I curled into a ball on the floor, nails digging into my forearms as I drowned in my own tears. He'd called her a thing. He had called her a mudblood.

He'd mocked her rape.


"What are we doing, Father?" I asked as he dragged me into a bedroom, slamming the door shut behind him. Maybelle was sitting, tucked in her Father's lap on the bed.

"Do it, Perseus. He needs to see."

"Dad, what are you doing? Dad I'm scared," she spoke faintly as he pulled down her princess pajamas, setting her back on his lap.

"Don't be scared, Maybelle, just don't move, okay?" he exclaimed darkly. Even as such a young child I could sense the manipulation in his voice.

I stood frozen as her Father put his fingers on her.

"What is he doing, Father?"

"Shut your mouth, Draco," he scolded me, hitting my shoulder with the side of his hand.

"Yes Father."

Maybelle cried out in pain, screaming for him to stop, tears streaming down her flushed cheeks as he clamped a hand over her mouth.

"That, my son, is how we treat women,"

"Tell him to stop, Father," I banged my small fist on his chest, "she's telling him to stop, why isn't he stopping, please, just leave her alone-"

I was met by another slap across the cheek.

"Help me, Draco, help me," she sobbed through her muffled lips.

I couldn't.

All I could do was stand and watch.


My stomach began to twist at the memory, forcing me up from the floor as I ran to the bathroom, vomiting into the toilet.

After rinsing out my mouth, I decided on a hot shower. I covered myself in bubbles, staring down at the bruises on my legs, arms and torso.

Flower would know how to heal them.

I curled up in a fluffy robe on my bed, her scent still engraved in my pillow which I relished in until her sweet perfume began to fade, and I could smell her no longer. The only comfort I had until this trip is over was gone.

"Episkey," I pointed my wand at my nose, groaning as it snapped back into place with a small crack.

"Draco, get dressed. We have a business dinner," Father opened the door, shutting it with a sharp slam as he returned to his own bedroom.

I swiftly dressed into a black suit with a black dress shirt and tie, sliding some shoes over my feet before strolling out the door, my Father waiting at the exit.

"You didn't comb your hair."

"Sorry..?" I mumbled, combing it to the side with my fingers.

"Fucking ridiculous, Draco," he hissed as we walked to the limousine parked on the street below.

"Mr. Malfoy," the driver nodded as he opened the door, allowing us to hop inside.

The drive took nearly an hour.

I spent it staring out the tinted window at passing cars, ignoring my Father's gaze as a headache engraved itself into my temples.

It was nearly nightfall by the time we arrived. We were greeted by two men in suits, who guided us into the residence.

I quickly took a glass of champagne from one of the tables before being forced to converse with the other guests.

"Draco, meet Evander Remington and his daughter," Lucius pulled me over to a tall man in a black suit, a dirty blonde haired girl standing next to him in a red bodice with a glass full of liquor.

"I'm Vivienne, it's amazing to meet you," she smiled, cocking her head slightly left before holding out her hand.

"Draco Malfoy, it's nice to meet you," I exclaimed, trying to hide my un-enthusiasm as I shook her hand. Before I could pull away, she wrapped her fingers around mine.


"Be polite, Draco," Father pushed my shoulder, I fought the urge to roll my eyes as I raised her hand to my lips, giving it a soft kiss before letting go.

"We'll let you two converse, Mr. Malfoy and I have some things to discuss," Mr. Remington exclaimed, dragging my Father into a meeting room away from the main hall.

"So, how old are you? I'd say around.. twenty, maybe? I like my men older," she chuckled softly, brushing a blonde wave from her cheek.

"Seventeen.. actually," I muttered, turning my stare away from her.

"I see. I'm sixteen myself," she placed a finger under my chin, forcing my gaze back to hers, "you're probably wondering why you haven't seen me at Hogwarts. I attend Beauxbaton's here in France,"

"Cool," I gave her a small nod, backing away in attempt to get her fingers out of my face.

"I find the women there are.. classier. Bustier,"

I stifled on my drink, "Excuse me?"

"You're really handsome, Malfoy," she exclaimed with a smile, taking a sip of her champagne to change the subject. "I'm sure you get all the ladies."

"Um-thanks," I exclaimed uncomfortably, gripping my glass so tightly I thought it might shatter.

"So I'm correct? You get a lot of girls?"

"I-I suppose so-"

"What about me? Would you be into a girl like me, Malfoy?" she bit her gloss stained lips, resting a hand on my chest.

"I'm not really into blondes-"

"But I'm sure I could be an exception," her tone immediately grew darker, slowly backing me up against the wall with a lustful smirk.

"I have a girlfriend-"

"I don't see why that's an issue, Draco," her hand cupped the side of my cheek, her lips getting closer, and closer until they pressed against mine and-

"I said I'm not interested," I pushed her off me with a hard shove, her glass shattering to the floor as she stumbled backward; I couldn't contain my anger any further as my hand slithered around her neck, slamming her against the wall.

"I tried being nice but clearly you can't take a damn hint," I seethed, "I have a girlfriend, you should learn to be more fucking respectful,"

"What the hell is going on?" her Father's voice could be heard from down the hall, my hands immediately unraveling from her neck.

"Daddy, daddy help me, he's h-hurting me," Vivienne began to fake cry, whimpering as she ran into his arms.

"I sincerely apologize for my son's behavior, he has difficulty expressing his.. affection. I'll be sure he sees to his punishment," Father exclaimed with grit in his voice, placing his hand firmly around the back of my neck.

"I see. Goodnight, Lucius," her Father exclaimed sharply, giving me a stare of hatred before turning on his heel.

Vivienne followed after him, not before giving me a sly wink as she followed after her Father, pieces of glass dragging along the floor in the trail of her dress.

Despite my Father's clenched jaw and hard grip on my shoulder the exit from the party was silent, along with the limousine ride.

The moment he slammed the door behind me at the entrance to the penthouse I knew I was in deep shit.

"What were you thinking, embarrassing our family name like that-"

"Did you do it on purpose? Did you ask her to force herself on me?" I asked completely exasperated, disgusted at the red lipgloss still smeared slightly on my lips from her peck.

"She's a pureblood, Draco, it had to be done-"

"NO IT DIDN'T! You didn't have to do that, you-you didn't-" suddenly I found myself crying from both exhaustion and betrayal, tears rolling down my cheeks as I slumped against the wall.

"Are you crying over a girl?" He scoffed, "Pathetic. I am disappointed to have you as a son," his hands gripped my shirt collar, practically throwing me into my bedroom before slamming the door, "come outside when you're ready to be a real man, Draco."

I collapsed into my bed with a quill and parchment, scribbling out my thoughts as quickly as my hand could write them.

To my Flower,

How much I wish I could return to Hogwarts with you on Monday. Hopefully this letter will reach you before you leave. If not, Mother can redirect my crane to your dormitory window. Let's hope no rainstorms weigh down it's wings.

I don't know how much longer I can handle being alone. My Father tried to set me up with a girl at a meeting and she attempted to force herself on me. She was incredibly cogent. I didn't allow her, of course, please don't worry. It was a bit... scarring, actually.

My Father is getting worse; I'm afraid he's going to hurt me if I continue to rebel. He said he wanted you gone, Flower. Please don't let him near you. We both know what he's capable of.

My heart is so tired. I miss you. I feel as though I'm no longer human. I'm just a ball of stress and sadness. You bring me to life, Flower. I miss you so much.

It's getting dark in this heart of mine, without you. All I want to do is cry and scream and allow my anger to escape me as it eats me from the inside out.

I miss the days where every day was a day I spent with you. You made every day mean something. Now, I am lost, and nothing means anything any more. I have poured my heart out, and now I am empty.

All I can do while I wait to return to you is lie in bed and hope I fall asleep before I fall apart.

I hope you aren't feeling as awful as I am. I wish you all the happiness, and laughter, and love, and every other positive affirmation in the world, kitten.

Don't allow your pain to consume your heart in the way my pain has mine.

Please take care of my little crane.

I love you. Be safe.

Yours always, Draco

Two teardrops slipped from my eyes onto the parchment as I folded it into a paper crane, placing the small bird in my shaking palm as I stood near the open window.

A draft of spring air entered my nostrils as the paper crane fluttered from my palm, disappearing into the wind.

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