Illicit Love | Charlie Conway

By RachaelBanks99

7.7K 211 2.1K

Illicit: Forbidden by law, rules, or custom. Love: An intense feeling of deep affection. Annabelle Banks and... More

Cast List
You forgot your shoe
That's an insult to girls
Number 1
I didn't ask
I didn't do it!
An unlikely Ally

The big 10

877 31 120
By RachaelBanks99

A.N Hii I'm changing the ages of the characters, I've updated the cast list to reflect this but the ducks are all 11 with some almost 12 (Adam in 2 months, Charlie in 6). Belle turns 10 this chapter. Also sorry that this took so long, I've been busy with work and the phobia series. Please remember to vote and comment xx

Annabelle Banks woke up with a huge smile on her face. It was her birthday, her 10th birthday, she was finally in double digits.

She rushed out of bed, heading downstairs "Goodmorning" she grinned to her father making him look up from his newspaper "Annabelle" he nodded before handing her his cup "fill this will you?" he asked. 

Nothing could bring Belle down, it was her birthday, after all, she couldn't wait for her whole family to wake up.

So, the girl took the cup happily, filling it with freshly brewed coffee. She handed it back to him with a small smile, not even caring that he didn't thank her or that he snatched it.

"I'll go get dressed for breakfast, where are we going this year?" she asked her mother who had appeared from the living room, sitting with her father. 

Every year the Banks family took the birthday child out for a special breakfast, it was Belle's one day where something was about her.

"What breakfast honey? Dad and I are going out with friends, its been on the calendar for weeks" Anne spoke as Belle felt sadness hit her. They'd forgot. 

"We will see you later, wake Adam up if he isn't up by 11. Lazy boy" she laughed grabbing her coat and tossing Phil his keys as they exited. 

Belle frowned, at least Adam wouldn't forget, whenever he finally got up. She decided to head up to her room and wait, grabbing a book to read.

"Belly" Adam singsonged a few hours later making the girl look up excitedly as he walked into her room.

"Hey Addy" she grinned enthusiastically, Adam raised a brow "you look awfully excited especially considering I'm coming in to tell you it's your turn to load the dishwasher" the boy laughed.

The younger Banks grin dropped from her face as she forced an emotionless face "right, I'll do it now" she whispered standing up purposely shoulder bumping him as she walked past him.

"Ow what the heck Annabelle" the boy grumbled as he held his shoulder, the girl rolled her eyes as she stomped down the stairs, throwing the dishes into the dishwasher listening as some smashed, she knew she'd get in trouble but she was way too angry to care. 

"What are you doing?" Adam panicked rushing downstairs "stop it" he spoke urgently as he grabbed a plate from her. 

Belle glared at him throwing her shoes on as she exited the house, slamming the front door behind her. "I hate this damn family" she grumbled as she headed down the street alone. 

"Belle, Belle" an out of breath voice called as they raced after her. Belle sighed as she stopped walking, turning around to look at the familiar figure.

"Guy told me it was your birthday. I thought you might want this" they smiled handing her a single chocolate cupcake in a pink box.

Belle looked at it confused as she took it cautiously "don't worry it's not poisoned" he laughed. 

The girl managed a small smile "Thanks Conway".

Charlie sent her a grin "Happy Birthday Belle" he spoke softly, gazing directly into the girls blue eyes, he thought she was truly gorgeous. 

Belle laughed sarcastically as Charlie looked at her confused "It's 12pm, that's the first time someone has said Happy Birthday and it's someone I hate"

"Hates a pretty strong word-" Charlie began, Belle shrugged her shoulders "I know, that's why I used it. Thank you for the cupcake Conway goodbye" she muttered turning and walking away, she didn't know where she was going but she knew she had to go.

Annabelle Banks was not about to let anyone else in. She wasn't going to get herself hurt. She hated district 5 and she always would. 

Except for her bestriend Guy and new friend Connie. 

"Hello Sunshine" she smiled as she arrived at the ice pond. 

Belle finally felt excitement fill her as she placed the cupcake down to put her skates on as she looked over  to her best friend "Hello rain and happy birthday!" Guy grinned skating over to her.

"Thankyou for remembering" she laughed as she tied her laces before standing, she said nothing as Guy pulled her into his arms holding her in a hug. 

"Oh here!" he remembered, grabbing a small ring out of his coat "look I have the same, we can match" he grinned as he slid it on her finger.

Belle giggled happily as she looked at the ring on her hand "Thank you" she whispered, she knew it was only one from the dollar store but she'd never loved a present more. 

A few hours later it was confirmed to the young girl that her family had well and truly forgotten her birthday. 

It was 8pm and no one had even bothered to come in and see her, except for her father who screamed at her about the broken dishes. She heard them speaking about going out for Pizza but no one had come to get her. 

Her thoughts were confirmed as she heard the door shut and car start, heading out of the driveway.

"Happy birthday to me" Belle sang softly as she held the cupcake Charlie had given her.

She quickly blew out the candle, letting out a sad sigh as her room was once again enveloped in darkness. "There's tears in my frosting" she sniffled throwing the cupcake across the room into the trashcan. 

"Hey silly" a voice spoke as they opened her door, Belle quickly wiped her eyes, sending her brother a grin.

She rushed over to him and threw herself into his arms as he lifted her off the ground slightly, holding her. 

"Happy birthday Elle" he smiled, placing a kiss to her head.

"You're here" she whispered relieved to her oldest brother as she clung to him desperately, at least someone in her family had remembered. 

Aidan laughed as he placed her down, sitting down on her bed, patting the stop beside him for her to sit. 

"Where is everyone?" he spoke confused "the car wasn't in the driveway,  I thought you must have all gone out for your special day, double digits" he grinned nudging her. 

Belle let out a sad laugh "they forgot, all of them" she whispered, shrugging her shoulders. 

Aidan looked at her in disbelief, "everything has sucked since you've left" she admitted quietly as her voice cracked.  

The oldest Banks sibling held his distressed sister in his arms, making a mental note to give it to his parents when his two younger siblings went to school the following morning. 

He spent the night with his sister, on the small couch in her room. He didn't even bother to go downstairs and see his family when they came home and he felt anger fill him as no one came up to even check on the young child.

Adam found himself at school the next day, he still hadn't spoken to his sister, her mood swings yesterday making him keep clear. He was brought out of his trance by the voice of his best friend.

"Banks! Hey, when you see Belle today can you give her this? I won't be at practice today." Alex smiled as he caught up to his best friend as he exited school on the way to hockey practice, handing him a small package. 

Adam laughed as he took the box "What are you giving my sister Larson?"  he spoke placing it into his bag after he briefly examined it.

 The other boy rolled his eyes "I know I didn't come to see her yesterday so it's a day late, give me a break, I was stuck with McGill. We didn't even get to do the usual lunch" he whined

Adam's brows furrowed in confusion "A day late for what? What lunch?" he questioned, a small smile on his face. Alex looked at the other boy like he had grown two heads 

"Her birthday, she turned 10, It's two months before you turn 12?" he stated in a duh tone.

Adam's smile immediately dropped off his face "nope, there's no way yesterday was her birthday, we didn't celebrate anything", the smaller boy looked at his friend in disbelief "I am 100 per cent sure it was her birthday, are you telling me you didn't remember?"

"Oh my god," Adam spoke slapping his hand to his forehead. Everything fell in place, the mood swings, the anger, the frustration. 

It was Belle's birthday. No one remembered.

He rushed to pick her up from school, looking around for her anxiously as the Bell rang for the end of the day. 

"Belly!" he called waving as he spotted her walking down the stairs, he held a popsicle in his hand, an apologetic smile on his face. 

"Did you remember yourself or did you have to be reminded?" she whispered knowing exactly what he was trying to do. 

Adam stuttered a response making the girl scoff as she nodded in disbelief, shoving the popsicle back at him as she heading towards the hockey rink, not even bothering to wait.

By the time the Hawks headed on the ice for practice, they were all snickering as they noticed district 5 finishing their practice. She sent Guy and Connie a small smile and waved ignoring the drama as both teams faced off.

The anger had been brewing inside of Belle for a while, she hated the hawks. She hated everything they stood for and most importantly she hated the fact she couldn't be herself as long as she was one of them. 

The girl felt herself finally explode as she watched McGill shove Charlie Conway down, making the boy groan in pain. 

"Leave him alone Dave. Now" she spoke angrily as she skated over, making him look at her in disbelief as she offered Charlie a hand, pulling him to his feet. 

"Sorry Conway, get your team off the ice now" she spoke softly, not wanting to watch anyone get hurt. 

Not wanting to watch Charlie get hurt.

District 5 quickly rushed off the ice, muttering to each other in confusion as Belle kept her team from bothering them. 

"Traitor" Dave McGill spoke, shoving her down harshly as she hit the ice. Belle let out a small yelp of pain as she laid still for a moment before standing herself up, looking t her other teammates including her brother who stared at her, doing nothing. 

The girl looked at him for help as McGill shoved her again but he instead looked down, refusing to meet her eye. Her own older brother wouldn't help her. He didn't want to either. 

She had no reason to stay. 

So she wasn't going to.

"I'm done, I can't handle being a part of this stupid team anymore " she spoke, standing again and throwing her stick across the rink in anger as she peeled her jersey off and threw it on the ground "I quit" she whispered making her teammates look at her in shock as she rushed to the locker room and she grabbed her bag, throwing her skates off.

Adam rolled his eyes "she's being dramatic, she'll be back" he spoke to the team feeling embarrassed by his sister's actions. He quickly grabbed his bag and followed after her.

"What the hell was that?" he called rushing after her, knocking her bag off of her shoulder making her stop walking.

The girl rolled her eyes, turning to knock his bag off of his shoulder too "Don't touch me" she grumbled.

"oh don't tell me you actually care about the losers" Adam smirked making Belles attitude drop as she looked at him in disbelief.

She couldn't help herself as she threw her fist out, punching her older brother right in the nose as it cracked under her knuckles, as she pulled her hand away she noticed the blood dripping down his nose as he clutched it. 

"What the hell Annabelle" he spoke shocked as he looked down at the girl who had her fists clenched sadness and anger in her eyes. 

"You know, I'm used to our parents forgetting about me or disregarding my feelings, but never you" she whispered. "You've always been my best friend, for as long as I can remember but you've changed and I don't like it and I refuse to be a part of it. We might be family but we are not friends and I do not want to be around you. Not anymore" 

The girl took a final look at him before shaking her head and trailing off in the opposite direction. "Freedom" she whispered a smile spreading on her face as she ran down the street, ignoring her brother's calls. 

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