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ē”± wheelerblossom

117K 5.8K 2.2K

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4.4K 241 89
ē”± wheelerblossom

She was a odd girl, Juniper. So odd yet so beautiful and angelic. She seemed mad most of the time and if she didn't she seemed small, sweet, gentle like. She was a sight for the sorest of eyes, ones you'd only notice if you looked past the scary nature.

"Would you stop staring?" Hermione asked as she hit Ron with her books, "Its rude."

"She's a lunatic, that girl, creepy." Ron spoke as he stared over his shoulder at Slythrin table, twisting a knife between her hands as she stared around the Great Hall with wide eyes.

"Creepy is brilliant." George spoke with a snap of his fingers, "You're creepy."

"Am not." Ron defended himself with a scoff toward one of the twins who gave a knowing look back. Hermione rolled her eyes at the pairs watched as Dumbledore walked toward the glowing, blue flames goblet with names just daring to fly to his hands.

Juniper watched in excitement, throwing a grin toward Hufflepuff table.

"Sit down, please." Dumbledore urged everyone, circling the Goblet. Juniper bounced her foot as her knife carved into the wood of the table harder, "Now the moment, you've all been waiting for! The Champion selection!"

Juniper let out a loud, startling laugh as Dumbledore used his wand to dim the lights. Blaise put a hand on hers to avoid any detention she'd receive for carving into the table. As Dumbledore stared at the fire, watching as it turned a bright red, a piece of paper flew out. Juniper bounced her legs in excitement, patients never being a very good habit of hers.

"The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum!" Dumbledores words had the strong, manly like students from the school cheering in a odd way. Juniper clapped gently as Viktor walked forward, shaking Dumbledores hand. Juniper glanced over her shoulder again, seeing Cedric looking twitchy and excited, a child like grin on his face. Juniper smiled at the sight, getting slapped by her cousin as she faced forward again when Dumbledore caught the second piece of parchment.

"The champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour!" loud squeals from the french ladies echoed as the beautiful blonde that went by the name Fleur walked forward with a blushy grin.

"Quite beautiful, isn't she?" Juniper asked as she leaned back to whisper to Theo, "Think she has fragile bones?"

Blaise gave her a knowing look as Junipers hands when up in surrender.

Dumbledore caught the third and final paper. Juniper held her breath, knowing this would be the make or break moment.

"The Hogwarts champion.. Cedric Diggory!" Dumbledores words made Juniper gasp as she shot to her feet, ignoring her friends protest, clapping and cheering loudly for the proud, gentle Hufflepuff boy who walked forward with a perfect, shiny smile. He gave Juniper a grin when he shook Dumbledores hand, joining the other pair.

"Excellent! We now have our three champions! But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalis of champions! This vessel of victory! The Triwizard Cup!" Dumbledore announced as the sheet flew from the beautiful, eye catching cup. Everyone cheered once again, staring at the mesmerizing cup with admiration and jealousy.

"What are you on about?" Pansy asked as she nudged Juniper, seeing as though she was flushed in the face and shaky.

The Goblet began to turn a red shade again as a new piece of parchment shot out, confusing everyone. Juniper shared a worried look with Cedric as she motioned for him to step back, as Dumbledore caught it in his hand, "Harry Potter!"

Juniper gasped as her eyes flickered toward Gryffindor. She searched for the Potter boy, not being able to make him out. She made eye contact with Hermione Granger, seeing the familiar panic in her eyes as well.

"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore yelled angrily again, his eyes fixing toward Gryffindor as well.

"Odd, isn't it?" a voice was heard as Juniper took her eyes off the lake, staring at its darkness, turning around as she smiled at the sight.

"What is?" Juniper asked the Hufflepuff as he joined her side by the lake, shivering slightly from the cold air and the fireball shot he took from the celebration.

"What happened back there, how do you recon he got his name in?" Cedric questioned Juniper, eyeing her rocking figure as she hummed a off putting, creepy tune.

"Dunno." she stated with a shrug, "Maybe a ghost."

"A ghost? What are you on about?" Cedric had to laugh at her words, shutting his mouth quickly when her hands found his shoulders and turned him to face her. For the first time, Cedrics eyes were as big and wide as Junipers were, staring down at her. The Lestrange girl was rather tall for her gender and age, standing around two or three inches above average woman hood height.

"Congratulations." Juniper spoke after a second of silence, "You must be happy, joyed, ecstatic, thrilled, p-"

Her words were cut off by his hands on her shoulders, a gentle and mesmerizing grin on his face, "I can't read you."

"How do you mean?" she found herself confused by his words, flickering her eyes around in hopes of catching on what his eyes were saying to hers.

"You, I can't understand you one bit." Cedric admitted, staring at the dark orbs in hopes of seeing some sort of story or trait behind them.

Juniper grinned as she chewed on the inside of her mouth, "Maybe i'm one of those people you aren't suppose to read."

With that she took off in a sprint, leaving his arms as the Hufflepuff turned to watch her run. Juniper glanced over her shoulder and saw Cedric standing by the lake, "Don't stand there like a line without a hook, come on!"

Her words made him laugh, the perfect rows of teeth showing before his own legs took off after her, hoping to catch up but she was rather fast and made it inside the forest before he did. When Cedric did finally catch up, he paused and watched her.

Juniper stood in the middle of a old, plant infested gazebo, build with marble that was stained with the beauty of nature. The look of it was eye catching, beautiful even. But nothing compared to the girl that stood inside of it, spinning slightly as she stepped over the cracks in the marble flooring. She was beautiful, ethereal even.

Cedric thought so anyways.

"What is this place?" he found himself asking, his worn out shoes clicking slightly on the flooring. Juniper spun gracefully to look at him, her wild curls hanging in her face in the slightest. Her eyes blinked, almost as if she hadn't expect him to follow her.

"Not sure, what do you want it to be?" her question took him off guard, frowning his eyebrows and fighting off a grin, "Come on, it can be anything. Use your imagination, your mind has to have some sort of meaning, doesn't it?"

"Well, I'd hope so." Cedric said as he mimicked her actions, circling slightly as he allowed his mind to race, "Perhaps a wedding venue."

"A wedding venue." Juniper said in amazement, staring around at the marble with a grin, "Brilliant."

"My parents got married in something similar, down in Devon though." Cedric spoke as he put his hands in his pockets, becoming nervous slightly. He watched Juniper look around, her eyes dancing away on the decade old walls and mossy walls, "Suppose i'd do the same thing."

"That's best, my parents didn't have a wedding, they just got married because it was expected." Juniper spoke out loud, her mind going to the part of the stories of her parents her aunties would tell her, "My mother didn't even love my father, she truly loved another man, but i'm not allowed to talk about him."

"Do you remember your parents?" Cedric hoped he hadn't over stepped, it's why he had so much hesitation in his question. Junior grinned at his gentle statement, her eyes meeting him from across the cracked flooring.

"Not particularly, no." she answered honestly with a small shrug, "But sometimes I can feel her hold, she was evil, but I know she loved me if that makes sense."

Cedric nodded at her words, waiting to see if she wanted to go on. She had with a small sigh, "Apart of me wants to write to her, Auntie Narcissa often does with photos of me, usually on my birthday. She never shows me what she writes back, though I wish I could just see, just once what she says."

"Why won't they let you." Cedric spoke, the pair meeting half way in the middle of the gazebo to stand closer.

Juniper shrugged her shoulders, "My safety I suppose, but i'm not completely sure. I only know my mother's family and they never seem to want to talk about her much. Cant blame them though, not really anyways, what she did was horribly. Neville hates me for it, I can see it in his eyes."

"You're not her." Cedric spoke quickly, his eyebrows frowned as his gaze scanned her eyes, "You're not evil, you're nothing like what people say."

"I know that." Junior agree with him with a gentle smile, "But he doesn't, and that's okay, I just wish he knew, you know?"

"Knew what?" Cedric asked, having a horrible urge to push one of the chaotic curls out of her face but stopped himself from doing so.

"How sorry I am, that i'd do absolutely anything to fix what they caused." Junipers eyes went sad as she looked away from the boy before her, "But I couldn't possibly forgive him if I was in the same situation."

Cedric couldn't help himself this time, gentle pushing the curl from her face causing her eyes to snap up at him, "It wasn't your fault what happened to the Longbottoms, you know that, don't you?"

"I do." Juniper agreed with a small nod, "Doesn't stop me from feeling guilty though."

Cedric couldn't remove his hand from her face, almost as if it were glued there. She was beautiful, she was interesting, she was everything he needed in his boring and plain life. He wanted her, so badly, "The way the world views you should send them all to Azkaban."

Juniper blinked, she blinked again, and again. No one in her sixteen years of living had said that to her, never made the point of telling her she wasn't the horribly, evil, vial creature everyone else made her out to be. She wasn't her mother, she wasn't, and Cedric was the first to see that. She couldn't speak, a gentle smile on her face, one that made her look like a blushy little girl again after the voices in her head spoke to her for the first time.

"A wedding venues." Juniper spoke again as she grinned, "Our story starts there, two strangers, both here for the groom but have no clue who the other is."

Her arms found her shoulders before she moved his to her own waist before speaking again, "We don't speak a word, only through our minds. I told you that you have lovely eyes and you say my hair suits me well, only with our eyes though, never spoke a word."

"Can we read each other's minds in the scenario?" Cedric asked as he swayed her slightly, thankful his mother had taught him how to slow dance at such a young age. It was a beautiful memory, his fathers records playing in the background as he cooked his wife and son's favorite meal. The song was soft, similar to the memory. His mother found him, only at the age of barley seven, teaching him how to sway and telling him how important it would be one day.

Today was that day.

"Yes." Juniper spoke as she spun him as the pair laughed before finding the other again, "So then we walk across the dance floor, no words, and I ask you to dance, only through my mind though."

"Am I allowed to say yes?" Cedric asked with a grin down at her, Juniper nodded quickly, "Then yes, i'll say yes."

Without saying a word, Juniper let go of his shoulders and leaned back against his hands on her waist, his spinning picking up quicker as her hands flew above her head. Cedric spun her in his arms, her body only being supported by his hold as the girl laughed with her body hanging backwards, putting her trust into him.

"What happened now?" Cedric asked as Juniper sat up again and wrapped her arms around his shoulders once more, "Do we speak yet?"

"Yes." Juniper spoke with a blushy grin, "Now we speak for the first time, and we say one word, choose wisely."

Cedric smiled, pausing their dancing at the pair stared at each other.


"What could that possibly mean?" Juniper asked loudly as she smacked his chest, earning a loud laugh from the taller boy.

"You said one word." he spoke through laughs as Juniper stared at him in disbelief, "What would you say?"

"Don't know, maybe 'hi'." she spoke, only making Cedric laugh harder, "Eternity, how would you react if someone said that to you as the first words?"

"Do you not remember how we met? You popped my fingers before saying anything." Cedric spoke knowingly with a flushed face between laughing and being so close with her, Juniper had to laugh before grabbing his hands to pop his fingers once again.

"Say your word back now, it's only fare if you get one word as well." he spoke gently and quietly as she popped his ring finger, looking up for a moment as a grin formed along her rosy lips.


kylie speaks

stfu this was
the cutest thing
i've ever written.


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