Pearls of the Salaf | βœ”

By adropofhumanity

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-the salaf series 3- "life changes, little by little, slowly and sweetly." - a third book in 'the salaf serie... More

Pearls of the Salaf
01 || 'Umar on the virtue of Hajj
02 || the expenses claims of 'Umar
03 || prepare for death yourself (khutbah of Uthmaan)
04 || love and hate for the companions
05 || the integrity of a man and his prayer
06 || "as if i saw the Rasool Sallalahu 'alaihi wa sallam"
07 || weapons of mass distinction
08 || dead hearts and empty supplications
09 || sleeping during the day (best and worst times)
10 || deviation is in leaving sunnah
11 || heresy and hypocrisy (the company you keep)
12 || holy man
14 || the sunnah vs what people do
15 || the complete man
16 || 'Umar Bin Abd Al 'Azeez on the way of the believers
17 || don't be the filth
18 || who to love and trust, hate and suspect
19 || isn't this that time?
20 || how the salaf studied the Qur'an
21 || the blessings of marriage according to the sunnah
22 || the last drops of this world
23 || falsehood that leads to falsehood (al kalaam and dialectical)
24 || the scholar, the ruler and your brother
25 || supplication or the sword? (oppressive rulers)
26 || the provision of a traveller (this world to the next)
27 || taqwa, knowledge and beauty
28 || this life in brief
29 || brotherhood or bigotry?
30 || love and praise for the companions
31 || don't ask the polytheists
32 || the worst time, the worst people
33 || the best thing after imaan and the worst thing after kufr (women)
34 || the best of then and now
35 || 10 days to marry
36 || soft poison
37 || four signs of the wretched
38 || faith is not just in the heart
39 || the house in which the Qur'an is recited
40 || the braying drunkard
41 || do not forget your character and speech
42 || 'Umar on interacting with others (trust, consultation and friendship)
43 || the hard life now for the good life later
44 || 'Umar on obeying the muslim ruler
45 || the sahabah on leaving the salah
46 || teach but do not pretend
47 || be with the carriers of books
48 || fearing that wealth is your only reward
49 || the crown and the weight
50 || sinning while fasting
51 || going to the masjid when fasting
52 || guilty by association
53 || two days and two nights like no other
54 || hardship and prosperity, obedience and sin
55 || four distinctions of Abu Bakr (radhi'allāhu anhu)
56 || 'Umar's instructions on the first night of Ramadan
57 || troubled times (corrupt scholars)
58 || three things you should not delay
59 || a trivial pursuit
60 || reciting the Qur'ān like a song
61 || a morning with the Salaf
62 || the trick of the eyes
63 || abandoning hajj
64 || how much should i?
65 || the trials of a believer and the trials of a sinner
66 || the three men and the valley
67 || Imaam Ahmad on rebelling against the rulers
68 || who can give a fatwa?
69 || lowering the gaze
70 || the four eyes
71 || a treatment for egoism
72 || the place of the heart and the tongue
73 || knowledge on the mind
74 || the movements of the believers
75 || righteous fear vs sinful delusion
76 || the hunger of the salaf and its merits
77 || opinionated enemies of the sunnah
78 || ignorant piety
79 || Asking for less refutation [signs of Ahl Al-Bidah]
80 || the recommendation for men to smell pleasant [wearing perfume]
81 || from the manners of a wife with her husband
82 || some of the best and worst people in society
83 || ignorance and the sword
84 || supplicating after a complete reading of the Qur'ān [Khatm Al-Qur'ān]
85 || three sunan 'eid al fitr
86 || the merit of the night prayer when others sleep
87 || the sweetest words (ikhlaas)
88 || taking turns and sharing knowledge
89 || studying manners
90 || at the crossroads of gratitude
91 || graffiti of the salaf
92 || give the world for Islamic knowledge
93 || knowing a man by his moves
94 || checking from where the sun rises
95 || hypocrisy today
96 || wearing perfume for your husband
97 || homeless and senseless
98 || the real people
99 || non racial supremacy
100 || the sly heretic (bid'ah)
101 || will Allāh punish me for praying? (bid'ah)
102 || truth and falsehood, praise and blame
103 || love for the sincere
104 || when living with those you cannot avoid
105 || calamities that afflict knowledge
106 || the economic crisis (duniya)
107 || stupid, asking for Qur'ān without sunnah
108 || between you and the one in grave
109 || following hadeeth exactly
110 || see no evil
111 || the just Mufti
112 || living the dream
113 || from whom does knowledge come?
114 || definition of asceticism
115 || beyond words
116 || a dangerous game
117 || a sign of self respect
118 || real men
119 || the influence of companionship
120 || how Imaam Al Shafi spent his nights
121 || rubbish opinions
122 || humble beginnings
123 || scary speech
124 || the smile of a traitor
125 || the most to answer for
126 || the highest standard
127 || followers of Dajjal
128 || five essential qualities of a Mufti
129 || 'Umar ibn Khattab on Abu Bakr and Bilaal
130 || required learning [what is a Muslim required to study?]
131 || delving into falsehood (I'll take what is good)
132 || mixing or withdrawing for gain
133 || sincere faith
134 || saved chat history
135 || hiding righteous tears
136 || never give up repenting
137 || filthy silk

13 || true goodness

10 1 0
By adropofhumanity

It is reported that ‘Alī b. Abī Ṭālib – Allāh be pleased with him – said:

Goodness is not in your wealth and offspring being plentiful; true goodness is when your [good] deeds are plenty and you have great understanding and forbearance, and when you compete to worship your Lord. If you do good you praise Allāh and thank Him, and if you sin you beg Allāh’s forgiveness. There is no good in this life except with two types of men: A man who sins but then corrects himself through repentance, and a man who strives and hastens to get [the good] of the hereafter.

Ibn ‘Asākir, Al-Tawbah article 13.

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