The Nanny

By Moms4boys

75.7K 2.3K 226

Greenlee gets a job as a nanny. Is it more than she bargained for? Maybe she should have read the contract. More

Chapter One- She's the one.
Chapter Three- Do you always do what you're told?
Chapter Four- Things are weird.
Chapter Five- She seems off.
Chapter Six-Bonding with Arianna.
Chapter Seven- Feelings Change.
Chapter Eight- Devastation
Chapter Nine- This is all your fault.
Chapter Ten- Reassigned.
Chapter Eleven- The Christmas party.
Chapter Twelve- Nothing is perfect.
Chapter Thirteen- Hard conversations.
Chapter Fourteen- Man to man.
Chapter Fifteen- Lots to talk about.
Chapter Sixteen-Coming home.
Chapter Seventeen- Home.
Chapter Eighteen- The end.

Chapter Two-Making moves

5.7K 183 23
By Moms4boys


The back deck.

Picture this at night for some of this chapter.


~~Greenlee's point of view~~

I started this job three days ago. Things are very different. I'm not complaining; it's been great. They don't make me feel like a nanny. I've acted like I usually would, but Callen always comes to find me. It's different here; they make me feel like family, I'm lying in bed. Bria usually wakes up around midnight, then right around three-thirty am or so. I haven't been going to sleep until after her midnight feeding.

It's a beautiful night, so I make my way out the door to the outside. I keep Bria's monitor with me. I find a rocking chair.

Callen: "Beautiful night, isn't it?"

Greenlee: "It is."

I didn't hear him come out. His room is next to mine. In the time I've been here, I've learned they don't sleep in the same room. I look over as I say it. He's standing there in just shorts. He has his arms resting on the wood frame above.

(Picture this at night.)

I can honestly say this is the weirdest job ever. I've never had a real family unit. So far, I've worked with kids with split families. I've shifted back and forth. Never have I ever spent any time alone with a parent on either side. I've never had a Dad bare-chested in front of me either. Especially one that looks like him, I can't help but notice his perfect six-pack.

Callen: "Even though it's dark, I see your wheels spinning. Something wrong, Greenlee?"

Greenlee: "Oh, no. I'm ok."

Callen: "Care to share what's on your mind?"

Greenlee: "This is just a bit different than what I'm used to."

Callen: "Is it bothering you?"

Greenlee: "No. I actually enjoy it. I rarely get a view of the family together. This has been great."

Callen: "What do you think so far?"

Greenlee: "You guys are what a family is supposed to be."

Callen: "You didn't have that?"

Greenlee: "No. I'll never complain about my Grandmother. She was fantastic."

Callen: "You just never had the family feeling?"

Greenlee: "Exactly."

Callen: "Do you think that's why you chose this line of work?"

Greenlee: "Yes, and no. I love kids. That's why I chose Early Childhood Development. I wanted to work with kids. I chose to be a nanny because I wanted to work with kids individually, not as a whole. It just makes me sad that your family is the first I've seen a real unit."

Callen: "What do you mean?"

Greenlee: "So far, all I've seen are broken families."

Callen: "Ahh, you've seen the ugly side. The ones that use their children as negotiation tools."

Greenlee: "Exactly."

Callen: "Definitely not happening here."

Greenlee: "I see that. May I ask why you and Ari don't share a bed?"

Callen: "She chooses that."

Greenlee: "Oh."

Callen: "Our situation is a little different."

Bria cries.

Greenlee: "I'll go get her."

I get up and start to walk in.

Callen: "Greenlee..."

Greenlee: "Yeah?"

Callen: "If you own anymore pajamas like that, please wear them every night."

I don't even know what to say. I just go take care of Bria. 

~~Callen's point of view~~

She's been here for three days. I'm very sexually attracted to her. I can't figure out if it's because Ari approves or because I am really attracted to her. I know that I need to take this slow. She's never been there before. I know every night she stays awake until after Bria's midnight feeding. She went to stand up to go get Bria, and I saw some cleavage. My dick went instantly hard. I know that I embarrassed her with my comment. It's been over a decade since I've had to flirt with a woman. Arianna and I have been married for fifteen years.

I stay outside for a little bit giving her time to process it; I then walk into Bria's nursery. She's standing at the changing station; I love those pajamas on her. It shows off her body in the best way possible.

Callen: "Wow, she stinks."

Greenlee: "She does."

Callen: "I can do it."

Greenlee: "I've got her."

She continues with her.

I stand and watch her with my daughter. I love the way she is with Bria. Bria is the reason for all of this. Standing here in this moment watching her, I truly understand. I now know why Arianna wanted this.

Greenlee: "All better sweet girl; you ready to eat? Let's go to the kitchen."

She picks Bria up, kisses her forehead. She turns to the door and sees me standing there. She jumps a little.

Greenlee: "Oh, I forgot that you were here."

Callen: "I can see that."

Greenlee: "I'm just going to make her a bottle."

Callen: "You find a seat. I'll make her bottle."

We head up the stairs to the kitchen.

She sits in a chair with Bria. Arianna couldn't breastfeed, so we had to go the formula route. I make the bottle and take it to Greenlee. Bria is wide awake.

Callen: "It amazes me how awake she is."

Greenlee: "She won't be for long."

Callen: "You're really good with her."

Greenlee: "Thank you."

We chose really well. I really need to get to know her. If it has to be in the middle of the night, then so be it.

Callen: "Why haven't you had any boyfriends?"

Greenlee: "Oh. I don't know; I haven't really been looking; I wanted to focus on school. Which I did."

Callen: "You graduated a year early?"

I love that she's smart.

Greenlee: "I did. My grandmother made sure that I was taken care of. She wanted me to focus on school and not have to worry. I guess I just kept that in my mind. I stayed to myself. I've never been someone who gets noticed across the room."

She's beautiful. She gets noticed she was just too focused to care.

Callen: "I think you did; you just didn't notice."

She blushes.

She burps Bria. It's not long she's back to sleep.

Callen: "Take her to bed, then come back up here, please."

Greenlee: "Ok."

Tonight has given me full clarity of what needs to happen. I finally see the big picture. Greenlee comes back up the steps.

Greenlee: "Everything ok, Callen?"

Callen: "Yes. Have a seat."

She goes to sit in the chair.

Callen: "No... come over here."

She comes and sits on the couch next to me.

Callen: "Greenlee...I know it's going to sound strange, but what's your life plan?"

Greenlee: "My life plans?"

Callen: "Yes. Like what do you see your future being?"

Greenlee: "I knew what you meant."

She moved her back to the arm of the chair. She had crisscrossed them on the couch. Her thighs are facing me.

I have to admit it is a major turn-on. Knowing I could potentially be the one to have her.

Greenlee: "I've always pictured my life with my house full of kids. I know it's crazy, but all I've ever really wanted was to be a mom. Outside of that, I have no plan."

Callen: "What's the problem with that?"

Greenlee: "I've never pictured a man being in the picture."

Callen: "Why not?"

That concerns me. Is she a lesbian?

Greenlee: "I just know that I don't need the man to have kids these days."

Callen: "What if someone wanted to be there?"

Greenlee: "Umm, I did sign a contract with your family. I'm your property until you tire of me or you no longer need me. I'll be with you and your family. I get thirteen hours on a Sunday which I will spend with Aubrey."

Property... my property. I like her choice of words.

Callen: "Not a lot of time for dating."

That's exactly what Arianna wanted.

Greenlee: "No, Callen. Not a lot of time, no."

I place my hand on her leg. She looks up at me with her big brown eyes.

Callen: "You're beautiful, Greenlee."

Greenlee: "Thank you."

I scoot closer to her. 

~~Greenlee's point of view~~

I know what's happening, but I'm too stunned to stop it. He scoots closer to me. He moves his hand from my leg to my cheek, leans in, and kisses me. Once I register what is happening, I push him away. I jump up and run to my room.

I call Aubrey...

~~Phone conversation~~

Aubrey- "It's two am....everything ok?"

Greenlee- "He kissed me, Aubrey."

Aubrey- "What?"

Greenlee- "He kissed me."

Aubrey- "Who?"

Greenlee- "Mr. Bryant."

Aubrey laughs as I've never heard her laugh before.

Aubrey- "Oh, Babes. You had your first kiss."

Greenlee- "It was my first kiss. That's not the point."

Aubrey- "Let what happens, happen Babes. He knows what he's doing."

Greenlee- "You're telling me to let it happen?"

Aubrey- "Yes, I'm telling you. Let it happen. Maybe even flirt back."

Greenlee- "Are you insane? He's married."

Aubrey- "Again, he knows what he's doing. I've never told you to do anything ever. I'm telling you to let this happen."

I think she's lost her damn mind.

Greenlee- "I should call Nancy."

Aubrey- "Nancy, isn't your boss. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant is. You, my dear, also have a contract."

Fuck. She's right. I need this job too. Yes, my house and school were paid for. I still have bills to pay.

Greenlee- "Fine. I'll deal with it. I cannot be held responsible for my actions."

Aubrey- "I'd love to see you get down and dirty. We both know that is never going to happen. Be you. Let it happen."

Greenlee- "I don't like him doing this to Mrs. Bryant. I don't like doing it to her."

Aubrey- "That's not on you. That's on him. If you want it, let it happen."

Greenlee- "Ok."

Aubrey- "I'm going back to bed."

Greenlee- "Sorry to wake you."

Aubrey- "It's ok. I would have done the same thing. Love ya, Babes."

Greenlee- "I love you too."

~~End phone conversation~~

I just lay in my bed. I don't sleep. 

~~Ariana's point of view~~

I wake up. I immediately know that I'm not making it out of bed today. Not without drugs. This is my life; This is my struggle. My bedroom door opens; I turn my head to look.

Callen: "Morning."

Arianna: "Good morning. You look like shit Callen."

Callen: "Thanks, Babe."

Arianna: "Please tell me the reason you haven't slept is a good one."

Callen: "I don't know."

He comes and sits on the bed.

Arianna: "You still haven't made a move?"

Callen: "I did. I think I scared her."

Arianna: "What did you do?"

Callen: "I kissed her."

Arianna: "If I could move my arm, I'd smack you right now."

Callen: "I know."

Arianna: "Why would you do that?"

Callen: "I haven't had to flirt with anyone in fifteen years. If I remember, I wasn't good at it back, then."

Arianna: "You suck at it."

Callen: "Exactly."

I explain to her what happened.

Arianna: "No, wonder you scared her."

Callen: "I heard her on the phone last night. She's terrified of me hurting you."

Arianna: "She doesn't even know me that well."

Callen: "She has a conscience, Babe. She's concerned about you. She told me the first day she liked you."

Arianna: "If you can give me my shots, maybe I can move enough to get up and out to the living room."

My bedroom is the only one on the lower level. I am thankful for that now.

Callen: "How about I give your shots, help you get dressed, and I'll carry you wherever you want to go."

Arianna: "Sounds, even better."

He goes to get my shots.

This is why Greenlee is here. I have a rare medical condition. Without carefully administered shots throughout the day, I can't function. We knew having a child was risky. We wanted that chance no matter what. We planned right up to the moment Greenlee came into our lives. I pray she can handle this.

Not all days are like today. Some days I feel like a human. Those days I spend every moment that I can with Bria. Callen has never turned his back on me. Ever. He has put up with everything, including having Bria without having sex. We used in vitro fertilization his sperm my egg.

Callen: "You ready, Babe?"

Arianna: "I am."

He sticks the needle into my hip. This is the first of five. Five shots three times a day. Even on good days. This has been my life for five years.

Almost an hour later. I'm dressed.

Arianna: "I want to walk."

Callen: "Are you sure?"

Arianna: "Yes."

Callen: "You know that I don't mind."

I know that he doesn't. That's why it weighs on me.

Arianna: "I do. Just stay close."

We make it to the living room. I make my way to the chair.

Arianna: "She must be upstairs."

Callen: "Or out on the deck. I know for sure she didn't sleep last night either."

Arianna: "Go find her, please."

He comes over and kisses me.

Callen: "I love you, Ari."

Arianna: "I love you too." 

~~Callen's point of view ~~

I go to my room and open my door. Greenlee isn't on the deck. I go to the nursery, and she isn't there. I check her room and nothing; I make my way to the living room on the third level, I find her on the couch sound asleep with Bria asleep on her chest. I walk over and sit on the coffee table. I shake Greenlee.

Callen: "Hey, Sweetheart."

She opens her eyes. Then immediately looks down at her chest.

Greenlee: "I'm so sorry."

Callen: "It's ok. I'm not angry. Arianna wants Bria."

Greenlee: "Oh, ok."

I take Bria from her, and she sits up. Her knees are touching mine.

Callen: "Did you sleep at all?"

Greenlee: "Not until I sat here with her."

I'm genuinely amazed at how attracted I am to her. There so many differences between her and Arianna. I want her just as much as I still want Arianna.

Callen: "Greenlee, we need to talk about last night."

Greenlee: "We're good. I was a little freaked out."

Callen: "I didn't realize that was your first kiss."

Greenlee: "How did you know?"

I heard the entire end of your conversation.

Callen: "You said you hadn't had a boyfriend before. I assumed..."

Greenlee: "Ah. Did you sleep?"

Callen: "No."

Greenlee: "Why not?"

Callen: "I couldn't stop thinking about you. You didn't read the contract, did you?"

Greenlee: "No."

Callen: "I didn't think so. Maybe you should read it."

Greenlee: "Callen, I have to be honest. Somewhere between here and my house, I lost it."

Callen: "I can replace it."

She sighs.

Greenlee: "I'm not worried about it." 

Callen: "It would clear some things up."

She gives a slight smile.

Greenlee: "Maybe at some point. I'm content right now."

Callen: "So, you aren't mad about last night?"

Greenlee: "No."

Then she won't be mad when I do it again. I lean in and kiss her. This time she doesn't push me away; she responds. We both are a little lost in it when Bria starts to cry. We break apart.

Greenlee: "I'm sorry."

Callen: "Don't ever be sorry."

I let her take Bria from me.

Greenlee: "I'm going to take her to Ari."

Callen: "That's probably a good idea. She's downstairs."

Arianna and I haven't been together since the first time she had an issue. That's been five years. I've never cheated on her. What's happening with Greenlee was all her. I just got to pick who I wanted. I follow her downstairs, not even bothering to hide my hard-on. I know Ari will catch it, and that's the point. I need her to know things are progressing. 

~~Greenlee's point of view~~

Until last night I've never been kissed. I don't know what they are supposed to feel like, but it made me tingle. I felt it from my head to my toes. Not to mention what it did to my woman parts. I've never felt anything like that before; I've never wanted a man; he's making me rethink that. He's married, though. It's never going to be more than what it is. I calm Bria, and I take her down to her Mom.

Arianna: "Thank you, Greenlee."

Greenlee: "You're welcome. I'll give you two some time with her. Call me if you need me."

I start to walk away.

Arianna: "Greenlee...."

Greenlee: "Yes?"

Arianna: "Please stay."

Greenlee: "Ok."

She looks really bad today. She's still beautiful, but she's not wearing makeup, and she looks like she's in pain.

Callen had sat on the love seat, so; I Immediately go to the couch. He moves next to me.

Arianna: "You look cute. I love that shirt on you."

I was wearing a black tank top with cross stitches over my breast. Cut off jean shorts with tears on the right side.

Greenlee: "Thank you."

I cross my feet under me. Callen's hand goes to my thigh. I look at Arianna, and her eyes are focused on his hand with a smile on her face. Weirdest family ever.

Greenlee: "Are either of you hungry? I can make breakfast."

Arianna: "Ohhh, that would be great."

Callen has cooked every meal. I know where things are; I've been watching.

Callen: "Do you need help?"

Greenlee: "I know where everything is."

Callen: "Ok."

I get up to head to the kitchen. Three sets of stairs it's ok, though. I can stand to lose a little weight.

Greenlee: "Do you guys eat anything special?"

Callen: "No."

Arianna: "Can you make French toast?"

Greenlee: "I can."

Arianna: "That sounds good. Callen burns it every time."

Greenlee: "Well, it's a good thing I'm here, then."

Arianna: "I agree."

She must be sick. Even her voice sounds a bit strained.

I head upstairs and start to get all the stuff out. I then realize I'm too short to get the skillet from the shelf. I am only five foot.

Callen: "I knew you needed me."

I can't help but smile.

Greenlee: "You knew it was up; there, didn't you?"

I turn to face him.

Callen: "I did."

He comes close to me.

I don't know what is happening. I do know he's sexy. I can't take my eyes off all 6'2 of him walking towards me. He stops when he gets in front of me.

Callen: "I need to do something before I get you what you need."

Greenlee: "What's that?"

His mouth comes down on mine. He slides his tongue across my lips; I open them, and he slides his tongue in. Mine immediately knows what to do. It seems to last forever, but I can't break it. I'm feeling that same tingle that I felt before.

Greenlee: "Mmm."

He breaks the kiss.

Callen: "Fuck, Greenlee. You can't do that, Sweetheart."

Greenlee: "I'm sorry."

Callen: "Don't say that. I kissed you. It's not a bad thing. That sound makes me want to do terrible things to you..."

I'd let him do whatever he wanted to do to me at this moment.

Callen: "Ohhh, you thought about it, didn't you?"

I feel myself blush.

Callen: "Give me your hand."

I place my hand in his. He slides his hand down the front of his jeans.

Callen: "Do you feel that?"

Greenlee: "Mmhmm."

Callen: "You did that. Whenever you want it, it's yours; I won't force you or try to convince you; you need to make that choice. I will tell you that it's going to be hard for me to keep my hands off you. You said it perfectly last night. You are MY property now."

Something about the way he says it makes it seems like he means that too. I shiver at the thought of it.

He laughs.

Callen: "It's not as bad as it sounds."

He kisses my forehead.

Callen: "Can you help me do something before you cook?"

Greenlee: "Yes."

Callen: "Can you bring Bria up here for me? I need to carry Ari up here. She can't walk the steps."

I knew she was sick.

Greenlee: "Absolutely, I can."

He kisses me quickly again; I head downstairs; Bria is wide awake and smiling; I'm a little nervous around her now.

Arianna: "You seem a little uptight. Relax a little."

Greenlee: "Oh, I'm ok. I just came to get Bria."

She hands me, Bria.

Greenlee: "Ready to go for a walk, Chunky Monkey?"

Arianna: "What did you just call her?"

Greenlee: "Chunky Monkey."

Arianna: "Wow, that's crazy, Greenlee."

I'm confused.

Greenlee: "Why?"

Arianna: "We didn't meet too long ago. I've called her that since she was born. I've never said it in front of you."

Greenlee: "I won't say it anymore."

I see tears in her eyes.

Arianna: "No. Don't stop."

I'm super confused.

Greenlee: "Ari, if it bothers you, I don't want to keep doing it."

Arianna: "It makes me happy, Greenlee. I knew the moment that came out your mouth that we made the right choice."

Callen: "I think so too."

He comes over to me. He places a kiss on Bria's forehead, kisses my cheek, walks over to Arianna, and places a quick kiss on her lips.

Callen: "Ready, Babe?"

Arianna: "Whenever you are."

He lifts her up.

Callen: "Greenlee, go on up with Bria. We will be right behind you."

Greenlee: "Ok."

I head upstairs with Bria. I know Arianna likes the chair, so I sit on the love seat with Bria.

It's not long before Callen brings Ari up and sits her in the chair. He comes over and takes Bria from me, and hands her to Ari.

Callen: "I'll get you that skillet now."

Greenlee: "Thank you."

He gets the skillet; I make breakfast, Callen puts Bria in her playpen in the living room, I make Arianna a plate and take it to her.

Arianna: "Thank you."

Greenlee: "Of course."

I go back to the kitchen to grab napkins for her. Callen comes up behind me. I turn to him.

Callen: "Thank you."

His voice is lowered.

Greenlee: "For what?"

Callen: "Helping Ari."

Greenlee: "It's really not a problem; I can tell she doesn't feel good."

Callen: "She has bad days."

Greenlee: "I'll help in any way that I can."

We just stand there looking at each other.

Greenlee: "I need to take these to Arianna."

Callen: "Ok."

I thought this family was normal, but it's not. I'm not complaining at all. I have the sexiest man I've ever seen kissing me. I'm confused because he's married.

I take the napkins to Arianna. I noticed she hadn't touched her food.

Greenlee: "Are you ok?"

She looks at me and smiles.

Arianna: "I can't cut it."

Greenlee: "Oh, I've got it."

I see sadness in her eyes as I take her plate and cut it. I don't know what is going on with her. In the three days I've been here I've not spent a lot of time with her. I really like her, though. I finish cutting it and hand it to her.

Greenlee: "Do you need anything else?"

Arianna: "I don't think so. I can do it from here."

Greenlee: "Are you sure?"

Callen: "If not, I can get it. You can finish cooking your breakfast."

Greenlee: "Oh, I'm ok. I do need to make yours, though."

Callen: "You don't have to cook for me."

Greenlee: "I don't mind it."

I go back to the kitchen. I make food for Callen and myself. I had just sat at the table when Bria cries. I go to get up, but Callen stops me.

Callen: "I'll get her and give her to Ari. You eat."

Greenlee: "I can get her."

Callen: "I've got her, Sweetheart."

Greenlee: "It's my job...."

Callen: "Not when I can do it."

My phone beeps as he gets up.

~~Text conversation~~

Aubrey- "Hey, Babes. Everything ok?"

Greenlee- "Yes."

Aubrey- "How're things with Mr. Sexy?"

Greenlee- "Weird."

Aubrey- "Define weird."

Greenlee- "He flirts with me. When Arianna is and isn't around, he kisses me every chance he gets."

Aubrey- "Does it bother you?"

Greenlee- "Yes, and no. The kisses drive me crazy. It makes me feel things."

Aubrey- "It's called attraction. Sexual attraction."

Greenlee- "It's confusing."

Aubrey- "Maybe read the contract?"

Greenlee- "I kind of don't want to know."

Aubrey- "Afraid it will end what you do have?"

Greenlee- "Yes. Every time he kisses me, Aubrey, I imagine more. I'd let him do whatever he wanted to me. Then I feel like shit because of Arianna."

Aubrey- "Take it as it comes, Babes. I have to go back to work. Love ya."

Greenlee- "Love ya."

~~End text conversation~~

The rest of the day goes by as usual. I lay Bria down at eight. This is the time of day I get time alone, eight to twelve. Four hours. I strip my clothes in my bedroom; I make my way to the shower, shower, and get out. I put pajamas on.

After I've showered, I go out to sit on the deck.

I love it out there; it's normal peaceful, so I leave my phone in my room. 

~~Callen's point of view~~

I was on the deck when she stripped down. I saw every glorious part of her body. It's hard when I've not been with a woman for so long. My dick went hard; It's been a long time. I saw her go to the bathroom; I slip into her room; I see her phone. I pick it up; there's no lock. I read her messages. I had every intention of being in her room when she came out. Knowing what I know now, I'm going to wait. The water stops. I put her phone back and go through my room to the deck.

Five minutes later, she comes out to the deck. She has a matching black pajama set; the top barely covers her boobs. The shorts stop at her upper thigh.

Callen: "Fuck me...."

Greenlee: "Excuse me?"

I didn't think I said it out loud.

Callen: "It's an expression."

Greenlee: "Oh."

Callen: "You look good, Greenlee."

Greenlee: "Thank you. Where's Arianna?"

Callen: "She went to bed."

Greenlee: "I hope she feels better tomorrow."

Callen: "Me too."

Greenlee: "How long have you two been married?"

Callen: "Fifteen years."

Greenlee: "How old are you two?"

Callen: "We're both thirty-five."

Greenlee: "Oh."

Callen: "You're twenty-four, right?"

Greenlee: "I am."

Neither of us says anything else. I just stare at the water.

A while later.

Greenlee: "I'm going to go read for a bit."

Callen: "Ok."

She stands up and starts to walk towards her room. I come out of my chair and grab her arm to stop her. She turns to look at me; I step to her and place my lips on hers. I slide my tongue in her mouth. She accepts, and our tongues meet in a fiery dance. I push her against the house. Once I have her against it. I slide my hand under her shorts, Mouth still on hers, I find her clit; I use my index and middle finger to circle her clit.

Greenlee: "Mmm."

I break the kiss.

Callen: "Fuck... you're so wet..."

Greenlee: "Oh, god...."

I'm dying to slip a finger inside, but I refrain.

Greenlee: "Callen..."

Her voice barely above a whisper. I can tell by her body language she's close.

Greenlee: "Oh, mmm."

Callen: "What your feeling is normal. Let it happen."

Greenlee: "Oh god.....Callen....."

She releases on my fingers. I kiss her again and then go to my room. I have an issue that I need to take care of. 

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