FLOYD; sirius black

By l0velyjubly

27.5K 973 618

What is there to say about a broken girl who's life collapsed before her at the tender age of 15? A lot, but... More

00; prologue
01;- a spark
02;- the summer
03;- a surprise on the hogwarts express
04;- slughorn
05;- the beauties of nature
06;- washington street woman
07;- the black brothers
08;- godmothers
09;- cleopatra 1963
10;- bludgers and doris
11;- the realism of the dreams
13;- oh, you pretty things
14;- l'amour qui ne se brise jamais
15;- we'll meet again
16;- just a few seconds
17; the order of the phoenix
18; sulien
19; eccentric sully thatcher
20; jinx gowdie
21;- memories
22;- freaks
23; the kiss
24; mia's little girl
25;- messes
26; coronation street
27; cry me a river
28;- birmingham no.1
29; birmingham no.2
30; time
31; help her
32; memory lane

12;- 19th chime

528 20 48
By l0velyjubly

for the people who want the visuals ^^ though, you could imagine anything!!

chapter twelve; 19th chime
word count 2814

It was the afternoon of October 31st, 1977. Every student was engrossed in the matters of the upcoming ball that would take place on the 19th chime of the great grandfather's clock that had been ringing in the distant town of Hogsmeade since twelve that morning. Crowds of students gathered in the Gryffindor common room, many staring in disgust at the group of friends that lounged in any available seat, especially since even though the majority of them belonged to the Gryffindor house, no brave or chivalrous student could bear the idea that Badgers and Eagles were in their common room, let alone snakes. " Should we take offense?" George offered to the whispering girls that sat nearby them." I believe that all my fellow Slytherins prefer to be called Serpents than snakes. Gives us a bad rep, you know?"

"Don't listen to the mean snake, girls." Remus nodded their way, a blush quickly formed on the pale face of one of them and Adrian glared at her." George there in second year!"

"The second years in our house are bloody pieces of shit." Em muttered, her feat hanging off the arm of the chair that she shared with Giselle." Yesterday they went and cursed one of the fifth years. Got beat up, of course- and it was funny but then they go and throw some weird arse dye in my bloody shampoo and I can't get this awful purple colour out of my hair!" She flicked up a strand of her dreadlocks, sighing as she leaned her head back onto Giselle's lap.

"Well it was right on time for Halloween, give them some credit." Marlene Mckinnon added. Her blonde hair was stowed in a high bun on top of her head, though strands of hair were falling each in every way out of the less than perfect bun. She wore her school shirt but with grey joggers, stained with the cake that was currently sitting on a plate on her lap." For Halloween, I'm going as a witch."

"Put a lot of effort into that haven't you?" Sirius asked, laughing in the corner as he wrapped his arm around Sylvia, pulling her closer to him so that she could feel the vibrations of his laugh.

"Damn right I did. Have the whole witch's hat and everything, just hoping Minnie doesn't notice her hat is missing or I'm fucked."

"Aren't you supposed to be in detention now?" Lily asked, scooting closer to James who snuggled into her side." I told you not to attempt to stroke Professor Mcgongalls cat form."

"Ooh- I did that once, she got so pissed. How was I supposed to know that it was her, whole bloody Hogwarts got cats crawling left and right. Really, cats! And they don't let me bring my dog Peanut." James muttered." I miss Peanut."

"He's keeping your mum company. Poor Miss. Potter, have you wrote to her in the past week, James? When I was writing to her she said you'd gone abnormally quiet, made me laugh." Lily smiled, shaking her head soon after." That's not the point. She said it might have been about your N.E.W.T.S and that you are distracted but I know damn well Potter that you definitely have not touched a book."

"You hold such little doubt in me, Lily-pads. It's truly heartbreaking." James clutched his heart, faking weeping into Lily's shoulder who smacked his hand gently." I'll write to her, it's just different now dad's gone."

Sylvia's eyes softened." Jamesie, I'm so sorry- I know how it feels to have a parent past away, if you need any-"

James laughed, his smile brightening at her words." Thank you, dear Sylvie. Dads not dead, just a fucker. He cheated on mum and her Slytherin self hexed him to St. Mungos and divorced him whilst he was still in surgery. I've cut ties with him, he was never a good dad anyway, never there,"

"If we had liquor, I would toast. But as it goes- we don't. This is strange because at least three of us here are alcoholics. But here's too shitty parents." Sirius laughed, raising a fake glass high in the air. The majority in the circle followed including Marlene, Remus, Giselle, Em, George, Adrian, James- though he only went half high as respect for his mum, Sylvia doing the same.

"Well, I'm sorry all the same." Sylvia offered, a smile ghosting her lips as she turned to look at Sirius who was already watching her. Sirius leaned into her ear." Save me a dance, will you." He whispered as Lily Evans hopped up from her seat, offering the girls to get ready in her dorm room.

"Only if your dancing skills have improved, Jack."


"Sylvia Floyd how on earth did you tame your hair?" Lily shrieked, playing with her ginger locks before glancing up at Sylvia with a pleading look." I swear, I didn't brush it for one day and it turns into my bloody nemesis."

"Language." Emmeline Vance chuckled from behind her, Sylvia rolled her eyes- it was clear as day to see that she didn't like Vance. Especially since she referred to her as 'Vance' rather than the girls chosen 'Em'- defending herself by saying it was too confusing with Emerald." My hair looks alright, doesn't it? I wanted Sirius to save me his last dance tonight." Sylvia's eyebrows perked up, glancing at the girl with a confused look." Oh, they don't do that in France?" Sylvia thought her sickening." Well, here, in England. We have this thing called 'last dances' they basically are the most important dance! I can't believe you don't know this, Sylv!" Emmeline chuckled, her gaze hardening." Whoever is given the last dance is literally confirmed to be the girl that the boys will be betrothed to-"

Lily rolled her eyes." That's a very old and pureblooded tradition, Lina."

"I don't like that name and you know it." Emmeline snapped." Well, I believe that it's a very smart pureblooded tradition, many pureblooded traditions are great. My mother of course doesn't approve of Sirius. He was burnt off his family tree for god's sake and he's a blood traitor! But we are willing to look past that especially since I'm in Gryffindor, I'm as much as a disgrace as he's known to be. My parents are kind and understanding though, they know that hat is absolute nonsense." She cast a simple spell on her hair making it bouncy with curls. No one could object that Emmeline Vance was beautiful, even if her personality was horrid.  That's what captured Giselle Montegrio, amongst many others eyes. She had beautiful melanin skin and a bright complexion. Her chocolate eyes hypnotized any onlooker, her long, shiny, and black hair reached down to the small of her back, and her perfect button nose complimented her plump lips." He is up for grabs though? You don't have a weird claim on him do you, Floyd? I mean it's obvious you aren't his type- look at Louisa, his ex, she's one of my best friends you know. She's gorgeous, got new highlights a few weeks before school started and she's glowing! She's totally fine with me going after Sirius, she's dating this Slytherin boy- one of her brothers, Cecil Parkinson, practically famous for his Slytherin Quidditch teams, best mates whilst he was here in Hogwarts. He graduated last year though, a shame."

Lily stared at her, her eyes wide." Emmeline you don't have to be rud-"

"It's alright, Lils." Sylvia cocked her head as she brushed the last remaining knots out of Lily's hair." She clearly has a lot to say about me. Maybe she's jealous, can't tell anymore." She glanced back to Emmeline." After the first few sentences you just became this buzzing in my ear, can't really decipher what you said- a shame." She set the brush down, watching as Emmeline scowled and applied her lipgloss.

"You, are my savior, Floyd!" Lily jumped up, flattening her hair and adjusting the strap of her dress." I've kept everyone waiting haven't I?"

Sylvia laughed, shaking her head." Hardly Lily, last I heard the boys are still doing their bloody hair. George, Ems, and Gissy are waiting downstairs though, I'm sure they'd appreciate our company."

"You aren't just going to leave me in here, are you-" Emmeline started, gasping when Sylvia flipped her off and descended down the stairs. Lily sent her an apologetic look as she trailed after Sylvia, yelping as she almost tripped down the first step due to her heels.


"Oh my god." James Potter muttered as he watched his girlfriend walk down the last few steps of the stairs. Her sparkly dress shining with the light as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, showing off the earrings James had bought for her in their second year, the stage where he bought her anything that the girl showed any interest in at Hogsmeade." Lily- Lils, you look absolutely gorgeous." He jumped up from his seat laying a kiss on her lips before quickly get scowled as Lily pushed him away, muttering something about her lipstick before smiling.

"You look quite dashing yourself, Potter." She laid a suave kiss on his cheek, enlacing her hand with his before adjusting his bowtie with her spare hand." Goodness, James." She huffed, pulling her hand away to properly adjust the crooked bowtie." Who tied this for you?" Her eyes glancing to Peter who had the same, crooked tie."Right." She nodded, sighing.

"Angel," Sirius whispered to Sylvia, surprising the girl who was watching Emerald attempt to flirt with Giselle. Sylvia spun around meeting the grin of Sirius Black. The infamous grin, the grin that got the girl in the mess she currently faced- did she have a crush on one of her best friends?" You look breathtaking."

Sylvia bowed her head, hiding the small blushed that appeared on her cheeks." I didn't know you owned anything but black jeans, leather jackets, and band tees." She laughed. Sirius scoffed, shaking his head in humor as he glanced down at Sylvia once more. His gaze was soft, admiring and Sylvia tried hard not to make eye contact.

"Don't you think I look dapper, princess?" His grin widened as her eyes rolled.

"You look positively handsome, Jack." His eyes narrowed but he laughed all the same, grabbing her hand to kiss it before entwining it with his own.

Sylvia tutted, shimmying her hand away before giving him a humor-laced smile." My goodness Sirius Black. Do you not think I am a respectable woman! No hand-holding at least until you propose! And, I doubt that Vance up there will be happy about that. She has confirmed that you will be her last dance."

Sirius scoffed, running his hand through his hair." James!" Sirius shouted over to the boy, who was still staring bewildered at Lily." It's frightening how much angel here acts like mum!"

James nodded." Oh yeah, Mum will love you- Sylvia!" He shouted back, never breaking eye contact will Lily who was laughing at George who attempted to not trip over her dress.

"You ready, princess?" Sirius whispered to her as the echo of the 19th chime vibrated through the walls of Hogwarts and an excited chatter could be heard from the bustling students outside the common rooms.

"When am I never, Jack?"


Remus Lupin spiked the drinks much to the shock of Lily Evans and the joy of Sylvia Floyd, whom, by the end of the night, swore that Remus was now her official and only best friend. "Remus, you are going to be my best man!" She 'whispered' into his ear, her speech slurred and she held onto the table for support. The Kinks were on, much to the surprise of the students of Hogwarts who had to bear the 'Weird Sisters' the whole night. Most had come to the conclusion someone had tampered with the music.

"I'm holding you to it, Floyd." Remus shook his head with laughter. Sylvia jumped up, almost tripping on the dress that pooled at her feet.

"Scouts honor, Remmy. Promise!" The night had gone well. As soon as they had entered the grand hall, the group had split ways. Marlene Mckinnon was almost immediately scolded for wearing McGonagall's hat- who, out of amusement, let the girl keep it for the night but faced her with a week of detentions starting Monday. Emerald had stolen Giselle away and the two had danced with one another the whole night- Emerald glaring at any person who attempted to steal Giselle away from her. Sirius Black, much to his and Sylvia's (though she'd never admit such a thing) dismay, had been stolen away by girls as soon as he stepped foot on the dance floor, and had been passed from girl to girl all night. Adrian Gisdby was dancing with Peter, who failed flirting with a fourth-year girl named Claire. And George had pissed off to smoke a cigarette as soon as she heard The Weird Sisters playing, muttering 'music is very much dead.'

Remus Lupin and Sylvia Floyd had been left to fend for themselves. Especially since James and Lily, who had been with them for the first hour had cut themselves off from the two and had now been slow dancing for three hours. "You like him don't you?" Remus asked a drunk Sylvia who was staring at Sirius Black.

Sylvia swung around, smiling at Remus before placing a finger over her mouth." Shh. He can't know- his ego, so big- an-and, I'm not ready for a relationship, Remmy. I don't, I can't- it wouldn't be fair."

"He likes you," Remus added, glancing up at the girl with a soft gaze.

"He shouldn't. He's got all those girls out there, they all love him and want to marry him and have his babies." She shook her head." I hate babies, especially my own."

"I think you'd be a good parent."

Sylvia grimaced, shaking her head." You have to have good parents to be a good parent. James, Lily- they'll be great parents. No- no they'd be amazing parents. Lily was born a mother and James would spoil his little ones rotten. My parents were fine- can't complain much about them, they are both dead. They weren't around a lot- especially my mum but apparently she's a huge evil death eater/not death eater." She laughed." Don't ask me. I think I'd be a good auntie to their kid. And yours, yours and Adrian's- or some lucky lad or lady." She paused." If you have a kid, call it Teddy if it's a boy. Because, teddys are soft and loveable and you- you are very loveable and soft- Rem."

Remus frowned." I'm a monster, Sylvia. You'd hate me if you knew."

"That you are a werewolf?" She asked, covering her mouth with surprise as it slipped out of her mouth." Colette's a werewolf."

Remus' face filled with worry." Fuck- how did you know?"

Sylvia shrugged." I use to watch Colette's signs before the full moon- yo-you had the same ones. Don't worry, Remmy. I don't hate you or think you're a monster, I think you are a teddy. Anyways, oh look! Sirius!"

"You got her drunk?" Sirius asked as he placed a hand round her waist, steadying her from the inevitable fall.

"Spiked the punch- s'okay though, she'll only have a major headache tomorrow but I brewed some hangover potion earlier."

"You are a savior, Rem Lupin!" She glanced up to Sirius, grinning at him." Do you know he's going to be my best man?"

Sirius perked his eyebrows in interest." Really? Who are you getting married to, am I invited?" He asked.

"You can be the groom if you ask nicely." Sirius Black stilled, glancing at Remus who had a silly smirk growing on his face." Come on, Black. I promised you a dance."

Sylvia Floyd led Sirius Black out to the dance floor, infuriating every awaiting girl as she did. She grasped onto his arm before throwing her arms over his neck for extra support. She swayed gently to the slow music, her eyes never leaving his. There was a spark between them, a spark that she felt anytime she was near him, anytime that he looked at her with his stormy, grey eyes." You fascinate me, Sylvia Floyd."


i'm so sorry for this sloppy update. i wanted to get one out since I haven't posted in five days! I had exams last week and was just insanely busy. anyways, expect better content now since exams are over. This was just some sweet and wholesome days in Hogwarts because we have to have some of those. Anyways, happy sunday!

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