PEACE | rosalie hale

By sansasrose

288K 13.4K 6.2K

Devyn Wilde is the new girl at Forks High School and she is in for a wild ride when she meets the illustrious... More

summary + cast.


13.6K 604 399
By sansasrose


DEVYN WASN'T SURE WHY, BUT SHE WAS certain that Rosalie Hale hated her. In the month that she had been living in Forks, all she had received from the blonde was a shoulder colder than the arctic.

Devyn tried to be polite, greeting the girl each morning before class, but hardly did she ever receive a response in return. In fact, Rosalie hardly looked at her, as though she were simply disturbed by the sight of Devyn. It was a bit insulting, but Devyn tried not to take it to heart.

There would be days where Rosalie wouldn't come to school and Devyn would wonder about her absence. It was selfish to think it was because of her that Rosalie didn't decide to show, but it was hard not to think that when the rest of the Cullens were there and Rosalie was not.

Otherwise, Devyn settles into her new school quite well. It didn't take her long to realize that she had been embraced by the popular kids. Ralph was football captain, Nathan was captain of the basketball team, Justine was student body president, Emma was cheer captain and Tristan was a loather of all extracurriculars.

She liked her new friends. Despite only recently being inducted into the group, it felt like she had always been there. They made sure that Devyn knew whatever Rosalie had against her, it wasn't personal.

"She thinks she's better than everybody," Tristan told her one day at lunch, "They all do."

"I wouldn't say that about all of them," Emma answers, "Alice and Emmett are super friendly."

"Yeah, and Jasper is a unit when we play dodgeball," Nate says as he shoves a chip into his mouth.

"Okay I get that," Devyn says, "I have art with Edward and at the very least he's polite. But Rosalie? She seems like she wishes I was never born, and I don't know what I did to her."

"Maybe she's jealous," Justine suggests, wiggling her eyebrows playfully.

Devyn laughs, "Jealous? Of what?"

"Of you," Justine says, "You're beautiful, you're smart, you debated her your first day here. It would make sense that she's jealous or at the very least feels threatened by you."

Across the cafeteria, they hear a chair slide loudly against the floor. Everyone's head turns to see Rosalie shove the cafeteria door open as she leaves. They look at the rest of the Cullens to see a smile on Emmett's face. Perhaps he had said something to set her off.

"Looks like the princess just threw a temper tantrum," Tristan teases with a smile.

"Has anyone heard Jasper speak before?" Ralph asks suddenly and everyone looks at him strangely, "It's just I've never heard him say anything."

"I have," Emma answers, "He's in my calculus class. He's got a strong country accent; it actually sounds like he's from Houston."

"You placed his accent to Houston?" Justine asks with a laugh.

"I know a Houston accent, I'm from freaking Houston," Emma says as she throws a grape across the table, hitting Justine in the chest. She glared at Emma who smiled mockingly before shoving another grape into her mouth.

"Anyway," Tristan says, "What's the theme of homecoming this year?"

"Do you actually plan on going?" Ralph asks and Tristan shrugs her shoulders, smiling teasingly at him.


Justine grins happily as they segue into a topic that she very much enjoyed, "I am happy to announce that this year's homecoming theme is inspired by Devyn Wilde herself."

"Me?" Devyn asks curiously.

"Yep," Justine says, "Our theme is Romance in the City."

Emma nods her head thoughtfully, "I can get behind that idea."

"Romance in the City?" Nate asks, not sounding interested at all, "What type of theme is that?"

"Of course, your small-town mind can't wrap your head around it," Tristan taunts.

"Hey, you have a small-town mind too!" Nate exclaims.

"I was born in Seattle," Tristan says and Nate scoffs.

"That's because your mom was visiting your aunt in the city at the time," Nathan retorts, "You were raised in good ole Forks just like me."

"Are you two done?" Justine asks, "Because I want to explain my vision to Devyn."

"Why don't you just let her join the Homecoming committee?" Ralph suggests. He turns to Devyn, "We all help Justine do the dance because she doesn't trust anyone else with her vision."

"Yeah, even Tristan helps," Emma says, "It's really fun."

"Until teachers use it as a form of detention," Justine grumbles, "Then my vision gets slightly skewered and I have to fix it."

Devyn chuckles at the words, Justine was such a perfectionist. She wished she could be like that.

"I'd love to help out," Devyn tells her, "Just tell me when and where."

"When, after school. Where, the auditorium," Justine tells her, "Thank you so much, Devyn. With you there, it'll be much more accurate to romance in the city."

"Yeah, there's nothing more romantic than a kiss under a streetlight," Devyn voices with a shy smile.

"Streetlight! I love it," Justine says as she reaches into her bookbag and pulling out a notebook as she scribbles the idea down.

Tristan raises an eyebrow as she looks at her, "Who were you kissing under the streetlights?"

"You wouldn't know them," Devyn teases back.

The bell rings and they all gather their things. Everyone parts ways except for Devyn and Ralph who had their next class together.

"So, if you need a date to Homecoming, I happen to be available," Ralph tells her, and Devyn can't help the laugh that escapes her. It was pretty normal for Devyn to be hit on by Ralph and Tristan, though the latter's method of flirting was very subtle.

Amused, Devyn asks, "Oh really?"

Ralph shrugs his shoulders, "I know, it's surprising. How am I single when I am a total catch?"

"You are Ralph, and don't let anyone tell you and your abs otherwise," Devyn says as she pokes Ralph in the stomach, causing him to jerk away with a giggle. Devyn's mouth falls open as she stops walking and looks at the giant football player beside her.

"You are not ticklish."

"I'm not," Ralph insists, "You just caught me off guard."

"Right," Devyn says, as she moves her fingers in a tickling motion, "So you won't mind if I-"

"Okay I'm ticklish," Ralph tells her in a whisper, "But you cannot tell anyone."

Devyn laughs, "Your secret is safe with me."

"Good," Ralph says as he throws his arm around Devyn's shoulder, tugging her close, an action she doesn't mind. Devyn feels a pair of eyes on her and she doesn't think much of it. She was used to receiving stares since she was the new girl, and she was currently walking with one of the most desirable guys in school.

However, it wasn't someone random staring at her.

As she looked over her shoulder, Devyn found the golden eyes of Rosalie Hale boring a hole into her back. It was a curious thing, being the object of Rosalie's attention. She expected the blonde to look away when Devyn noticed that she was staring at her, but she didn't. Instead, she chose to hold Devyn's gaze. Something that Devyn hadn't been expecting.

She ends up losing her footing and tripping a little, but Ralph's strong arms capture her and prevent her from unbearable embarrassment.

"Whoa there," Ralph says as he steadies her, "You okay?"

Devyn glances down the hall only to find Rosalie gone. She subconsciously licks her lips and nods her head as she looks at Ralph, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little clumsy."

Ralph chuckles, "Well let's get to class, I don't need you falling for me any more than you are now."

"Oh ha-ha," Devyn says sarcastically, unable to help herself as she checks down the hall once more for Rosalie.


"Welcome everyone to the Homecoming committee!" Justine exclaims excitedly, "As some of you already know, this year's theme is Romance in the City. We're bringing New York to Forks!"

"Someone already brought New York to Forks," a junior named Mike Newton mutters, winking at Devyn.

"Hey Newton, aren't you still being potty trained?" Emma asks, and that silences Mike but earns snickers from a few people around them.

"Is something funny?" Justine asks.

"Sorry, Emma just had to neuter Mike," Devyn says, and this time everyone in the auditorium erupts into laughter. Even Justine can't help the smile that comes on her lips.

"Mike, keep it in your pants," Justine scolds the junior, "Now as I was saying Romance in the City, I'm thinking streetlights, skyscrapers, fountains."

"This is homecoming, not prom," someone says and Justine frowns.

"If one more junior speaks out of turn, I will have you banished from prom and homecoming. Is that clear?"

There are grumbles of agreement and Devyn can't help but be impressed. She leans close to Emma, "Has she always been like this?"

"Only since freshman year," Emma responds.

"So, we're gonna split off into groups, brainstorm and then I want you to bring your ideas to me so I can run them by the principal later," Justine says before clapping her hands together dismissively before rushing off the stage toward Devyn and Emma.

"So? Thoughts?"

"Streetlight, skyscrapers, and fountains are nice," Devyn tells her, "Last year my homecoming was held at a hotel. Could that be a thing?"

"I wish," Justine says, "Usually the hotel is for prom."

"We could, however, do a park," Emma suggests, "Streetlights, fountain and we can get cardboard cutouts of skyscrapers."

"I like where your heads at, Em," Justine says as she writes something down on her clipboard.

"There could be fairy lights on the walkway and over the dance floor," Devyn suggests and Justine smiles as she writes the ideas down.

"Have a well-lit area where pictures can be taken," Emma states, "I really think this park idea can work."

"Me too!" Justine exclaims, throwing an arm around Devyn's shoulder, "I'm so glad you moved here, otherwise our homecoming theme would have been Arabian Nights."

"What's wrong with Arabian Nights?" Devyn asks as she looks at Emma.

"We did its sophomore year," Emma laughs.

"Our principal is a huge fan of Aladdin," Justine states shaking her head.

"Well, I'm glad I could save you from an Arabian night," Devyn teases and the other two girls erupt into a laugh.

"What's so funny?" Tristan asks as she walks over to the group. Justine frowns, wasting no time as she swats the girl with her clipboard. Tristan grabs her shoulder and looks at Justine with narrowed eyes, "What the hell was that for?"

"You're late," Justine tells her, "Why are you late?"

"I took a nap in my car," Tristan says, and Justine rolls her eyes.

"Are you high right now?" Emma asks as she leans around to look at Tristan's eyes, who in response shoves Emma's head away.

"I'm not high," Tristan tells her, "I just took a nap."

"Mhm," Justine says, not believing her, "We're having Homecoming in the park."

"Fun," Tristan says monotonously.

"Devyn's going with Ralph," Emma says and that seems to get Tristan's attention as she looks over at Devyn who seems equally surprised at the fact she's going to homecoming with Ralph.

"Really?" Tristan asks, "When did he ask you?"

"He hasn't," Devyn states firmly, "Emma is joking."

Emma laughs, "I am so funny."

"You are not," Tristan says as she takes Justine's clipboard and hits Emma on the shoulder. The cheerleader doesn't even acknowledge the tap as she continues laughing. Justine snatches the clipboard back from Tristan whacking her another time.

"Don't touch my clipboard!" Justine exclaims and Devyn smiles as she watches the scene unravel.

The doors to the auditorium open and everyone's conversations come to a halt as they look at the double doors. Justine steps away from the group to approach the newcomer who Devyn later identifies as Rosalie Hale.

"Hi," Justine greets, "Are you interested in joining the Homecoming Committee?"

"I guess so," Rosalie answers, sounding anything but interested. Her eyes scan the room before landing on Devyn, "On second thought I'm not."

Rosalie walks out of the auditorium and Devyn turns to look at Emma and Tristan, "Yeah, getting really hard not to take this personal."

"She wasn't even looking at you," Emma states, and Tristan scoffs beside her.

"Don't lie to her. Rosalie was looking directly at Devyn," Tristan says, nudging Devyn gently, "You need to confront her."

"And say what? Sorry, it's painful to be in my presence?" Devyn asks, shaking her head, "No way."

"That was rude," Justine says as she returns to the group, "She definitely has something against you, Devyn."

"I know," Devyn says, "But I don't understand what it is."

"And we circle back to my idea," Tristan says, "You need to confront her."

"Or you could just ignore her," Emma suggests, "We graduate in a couple of months, I wouldn't lose any sleep over Rosalie Hale and why she doesn't like you."

"I still think it's because she's jealous of you," Justine says with a shrug, "That's the only thing that makes sense."

"Emma's right," Devyn mutters, "I'm not gonna lose any sleep over this."

Devyn found that to be easier said than done. She spent the night tossing and turning as she thought about Rosalie and specifically why she didn't like her. She replayed every interaction, major and minor, trying to figure out where she misstepped.

She woke the next morning dreading the fact that she had to go to English and sit next to Rosalie when it was so blatantly obvious that the blonde hated her. She thought of requesting to change seats or even classes, but then she'd be admitting weakness and she couldn't just let Rosalie win.

"If she says anything to you, I'll verbally abuse her because I do not hit women," Nate tells her as they walk into the school.

"Screw that, I'll beat her ass," Emma says and all five of them look at Emma knowing that if she ever got into a fight, there was no way that she was coming out on top.

"I appreciate the sentiment," Devyn says as she pats Emma on the shoulder, "And I'll be fine guys. She doesn't speak to me anyway."

"Still," Justine says, "Text the group chat and we'll walk out of class to save you."

"Yeah, no one messes with our Native New Yorker," Ralph says, messing up her hair affectionately. Devyn pouts as she slaps his hand away, moving to fix the stray strands.

The warning bell rings, and Devyn hates that she has to part with her emotional support system, but they all give her reassuring smiles as they head their separate ways. Devyn takes a deep breath as she walks into English and takes her seat.

Rosalie wasn't there which meant that she probably wasn't coming since she was never late to class. She relaxes and reaches into her bag, pulling out her Great Gatsby book. When she sits up, she hears the chair beside her being pulled out as Rosalie takes a seat. Devyn glances over at Rosalie to find the blonde looking straight ahead.

"Morning," Devyn attempts. She did it every day and Rosalie never responded. She didn't expect today to be any different.

"Good morning," Rosalie told her softly, she didn't look at Devyn, but the verbal acknowledgment was enough.

"Alright class anyone want to take a guess at what we're discussing today?" Mr. Robinson asks as he stands before the class.

"The Great Gatsby," someone guesses and Mr. Robinson smiles.

"Yes! Last week I had you all read chapter four and hopefully, you did it because today we're going to discuss it," Mr. Robinson tells them all. He calls on a random student in the class, "Tell me about chapter four."

"Uh Gatsby meets Tom?" they answer.

"That is a part of the chapter but not really the main point," Mr. Robinson says.

Rosalie sighs as she raises her hand and Mr. Robinson gladly calls on her, "Miss. Hale?"

"We learn about Daisy and Gatsby's past. That they had met while Gatsby was stationed in Louisville and that they fell in love. Her family stopped her from marrying Gatsby and a year later she met Tom and married him."

"Why do you guys think she did that?" Mr. Robinson asks as he walks down the path that separates the two columns of lab tables.

"Stability," Devyn answers, "She didn't know if she'd see Gatsby again and Tom was there. He had money and status, everything she needed to survive."

"I wouldn't say survive," someone voices, "Daisy came from money, she was fine."

"She was still a woman," Rosalie argues, "Being a woman and coming from a wealthy family means nothing. It's still the twenties and women are still seen as property of their husbands."

"Rosalie's right," Mr. Robinson says, "Because I'm a teacher and I'm curious, would you choose true love or stability?"

"It's not a hard decision to make," Devyn says and all eyes in the classroom land on her, "Daisy is unhappy in her relationship with Tom. True love is the right answer."

"No, it isn't," Rosalie retorts as she looks at Devyn, "Only a fool would choose true love over stability."

"Then maybe I'm a fool," Devyn states firmly, "But I would rather live a life of uncertainty with the one that I love than a life of stability with someone who doesn't truly care for me."

"You're able to romanticize the idea of being with your true love, but you have no idea what it was like-"

"And you do?" Devyn asks her, unable to help the bitter laugh that escapes her, "Sure we're women and we may have to decide one day between love and stability, but it's the twenty-first century. We're teenagers who have much more leeway than Daisy ever did so don't preach to me like you know what it's like being a woman during that time."

The classroom is silent as everyone stares at Rosalie and Devyn. Even Mr. Robinson seems unsure of what to say. Rosalie glares at Devyn, and she knows she hit a nerve, but she was tired. Tired of Rosalie thinking she was better than everyone else. Tired of the undeserving cold shoulder.

"Okay," Mr. Robinson finally says, "Um anyone else want to tell me what happened this chapter?"

No one seems like they want to speak so Devyn decides to speak up, "We learn that Gatsby's a liar. He says that he's from the Midwest and San Francisco in the same sentence."

"Excellent point," Mr. Robinson says as he begins speaking to the class about how the audience still isn't truly aware of Gatsby's origins.

Devyn can't help as she glances back over to Rosalie, noticing how she had been tightly clenching the edge of their lab table and how there was a dent in it in the form of fingerprints. She looks up at Rosalie who still appeared angry.

When the bell rang, Rosalie was the first one out of the classroom, a surprise to no one. Devyn looked at the table, tracing her finger over it. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her cell phone snapping a quick picture before shoving it in her pocket.

As she was exiting the classroom, Mr. Robinson called out to her, "Devyn?"

"Yes?" she asked.

"I'm really impressed with what you bring to class," he told her, and Devyn smiled at the compliment, "I had Miss. Hale in my class last year. She's a very bright young woman, but her peers failed to challenge her. Something you seem to do."

Devyn chuckles as she shrugs the strap of her bag higher on her shoulder, "It helps that Rosalie and I seem to have opposed opinions in everything."

Her English teacher chuckles, "It does appear that way."

"I'm sorry about what happened in class today. I know I need to challenge Rosalie, but I didn't mean for things to get so tense."

"Don't apologize," he insisted, "A debate like that means you're reading and I'm just glad someone is."

Devyn smiles at him and Mr. Robinson sighs, "Well I didn't want to hold you. I just wanted to say thank you and that you're an excellent student."

"Thank you," Devyn says with a smile before heading out of the classroom where she finds everyone waiting for her in the hallway.

"What the hell happened in there?" Justine is the first to ask.

"Yeah, the cheer squad group chat was blowing up because apparently you and Rosalie started World War 3."

Devyn rolls her eyes, "It wasn't World War 3. I was just tired of her acting like she was better than everyone, so I stood my ground."

Ralph grins at her, "That's what I'm talking about. Up top!"

Devyn laughs as she jumps up to high five Ralph. The group heads toward the library but stop in their tracks as they see the Cullens standing at the end of the hallway. They were talking amongst themselves, but Rosalie was looking at Devyn.

Only Devyn.

"Hey," Tristan says tapping her shoulder, "Ignore her."

Devyn nodded her head and tore her eyes away from Rosalie. And followed her friends into the library, ignoring the way that golden eyes lingered on her.

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