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By JKR0415

529K 17.3K 44.5K

STORY IS BEING REWRITTEN UNDER THE TITLE OF 'it began with you'. ---- š—¦š—µš—² š˜„š—®š˜€ š—ŗš—®š—±š—² š—¼š—³ š—±š—²š˜€š˜š—æļæ½... More

Before reading...
(1) The beginning.
(2) Metanoia
(3) Elysian
(4) Abiditory
(5) Xenization
Power Explained
(6) Eccedentesiast
(7) Pistanthrophobia
(8) Eunoia
(9) Forfeiture
(10) Moira
(11) Arcane
(12) Kalon
(13) sushi
(14) bruises
(15) Hiwaga
(16) Saudade
(17) forelsket
(18) hiraeth
(19) Fract
(20) persistence
(21) Mellifluous
(22) Selcouth
(23) Opia
(24) Kalopsia
(26) Beguile
(27) Agathokakological
(28) Absquatulate
(29) Petrichor
(30) Tacenda
(31) Redamancy
(32) Orphic
(33) Serendipity
(34) Onism
Understanding y/n
(35) Stellify
(36) Ukiyo
(37) Thantophobia
(38.6) Appetence
(39) Meraki
(40) Morosis
(41) weltschmerz
(42) Jouska
(43) Kefi
(44) truculent
(45) amate
Im back
Voting Results

(25) Epiphany

8.1K 285 672
By JKR0415

Your guard was up
But you were only protecting
From you
- rina

It was the next morning and Aizawa took no time to have us up and ready for more training. Instead of being alone again like the past two days, I was training one on one with Bakugou who was taking a break from his boiling water buckets.

"Why are you going so hard on me." I groaned, crouching quickly to dodge his fist. Right as I stood up, I had to use my arm to block another hit.

"Why aren't you trying harder?" He challenged, dodging the hits I was sending.

"You know--" I swung my leg up to which he grabbed, dropping me to the ground with him straddling me, my leg against his chest. "-- you're being an asshole." I huffed, blowing a piece of hair from my face.

"I'm being an asshole because I know you could do better! For fucks sake, y/n stop messing around." He yelled, gripping my leg tighter. He was not fully angry yet was annoyed at the fact I was not going full power with my hits.

"Fuck you." I spat, a small smile hiding behind my frustrated face.

"Later. Now listen to me you piece of shit and try harder." He directed sternly, helping me off the ground. I laughed at his subtle flirt, throwing my head back and slapping his chest.

"I hate you." I chuckled, shaking my head. He smiled back at me also shaking his head lightly. "Fine, I'll go full out but don't be mad if I hurt you."

"Ha, yeah right." He mocked, enjoying my competitiveness coming out. He didn't like seeing me not at my best. Hated that I never put in the full effort he knew I had in me. It also made him feel that he wasn't worthy of my full power.

The thing was that I knew I had been made for power. But I had scared of using something that was made to kill people to save them. It was a process of becoming comfortable with the idea.

"Use your damn power!" He demanded. I rolled my eyes and rubbed my hands together.

"You're being such a baby about it." I teased, running at him. He followed my lead, small pops sparking between his fingertips.

My arm raised up before throwing back down at the ground.

Wind gusted by, pushing everything around us including the other students around aggressively. The explosion he let out was through off aim, catching him off guard from the unexpectance.

I could see the frustration covering his face. The anger from seeing his usually successful tactics going downhill.

Once the wind died down, he let brought his hands together, gathering the sweat from both of them to power a large explosion. It came toward me rapidly, but I waited until the last second to make my move. When seeing it was close, I flattened my hand in front of me watching the explosion shatter like glass.

A trick learned from Karasu.

Before Bakugou had the opportunity to further react, I warped behind him, covering his eyes and kicking my foot behind his knees to where he fell with me on his back.

I leaned down to ear his and whispered for only him to hear. "I won." I kissed his ear before shifting down lower to lay my head on his back, leaving my hands in his hair.

"What the fuck. That was only a few seconds." He mumbled, slightly confused and irritated at the quick loss.

He got a true taste of a caster's abilities.

"What were the words you said to me this first time we fought? Was it 'Looks like you underestimated me'?" I recited, smiling with my cheek squished against his shoulder blade.

"Whatever, don't think this will happen again." He threatened, folding his arms so his head could lay on them.

Parts of me felt bad for him losing but he asked for me to use my powers.

"Yeah, I know. You'll learn and get better. I know it." I sighed, fluffing my fingers through his hair. "Come on. Let's go again and I'll let you win so you can feel better." I joked, knowing it would piss him off.

"Shut up! I told you it was just this one time! If anything, I let you win." He argued, his eyes glaring holes into my skin.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm gonna go grab water, be right back." He mumbled insults under his breath as I walked away toward the cart where Pixie-Bob and the others were.

Everyone was focused on their own objectives with a few of the Pros yelling at them for motivation. Aizawa was with the remedial group on the extra lessons they were always going at for hours.

I felt terrible hearing Mina come to bed at 3 am.

I reached into the cart, the temperature dropping insanely as I grabbed two water bottles from the bottom. As I went to turn around, I bumped into Monoma who was waiting behind me.

"Sorry didn't see you there." I apologized to him.

"Watch where you're going next time." He spat, shoving me to the side. I stumbled into Aoyama who was next to Ocacho.

She was levitating a large rock over us and once Aoyama bumped into her, her strength depleted. "Watch out!" She yelled, using whatever strength was left in her to scream.

But it was too late.

The only thing I felt was a hard hit against my forehead and the muscles in my body give out.

Sounds became a single ringing buzz, my thoughts erasing their previous images and worries with nothing but black occupying it. My sense of touch was minimal with only the feeling of warmth and liquid.

Small thoughts came through yet they were unclear, strange, and unfamiliar. Unexpected for that matter.


My eyes sprang open, adjusting to the light that was coming from the sun directly above me. Students and teachers were paused, surround me as I laid on the ground. Kirishima was upside down in my view, holding a cloth up to my head that had spots of blood.

"She's awake!" He yelled, signaling to the others to come. I attempted to get up, pushing my body weight up.

"No, say there. We'll have someone take you over to Mandaly to get that check out." Aizawa instructed, standing over me. He looked around until his eyes focused on someone. "Bakugou. Take yourself and Yuma to get your injuries checked out."

Kirishima slowly helped me up with Momo to my other side. I stumbled lightly making everyone on edge.

"Sorry, I'm okay." I laughed off, taking hold of the cloth from Kirishima's hand. "Just a bit of an accident no worries."

"Y/n, I am so sorry." Ochaco pained, walking toward me. I smiled shaking my head.

"Don't be it wasn't your fault." I side-eyed Monoma who was holding his bleeding nose. Fucking idiot needs to keep himself in check before I do next time.

"Yuma," Aizawa called, catching my attention. "You will no longer participate in any more activities or training until we know the situation with your head. You're at risk for brain damage because of your concussion. Bakugou take her."

Bakugou walked toward me, scapes and blood on his hand. His clean hand grabbed my arm putting it over his shoulders, taking small steps forward.

We walked away from everyone as Aizawa yelled for everyone to get back to work.

I euphorically looked over to him, the sun illuminating his hair brightly. "Did you punch him?" I wondered, laughing lightly.

He smugly looked away, hiding his smirk. "Bastard got what he deserved." I laughed a bit, pressing the rag into my head closer.

"Of course he did. Dude's an asshole and for no reason." I sighed, yawning at the end of my sentence. My emotions began to feel more numb as an unknown sleepiness came over me.

Bakugou looked over at me, more alerted with the new signs I was showing. "Let's get you unfucked up. C'mon." He stopped walking, scooping his arm under my leg, being careful of his knuckles.

"Could you carry me back for dinner? I want food." I wondered, looking up at him.

He laughed shaking his head lightly. "You damn fat ass. I'll bring you back later when it's done." He walked inside the building sitting me down on the seat before walking to get Mandaly.

Hitting my head was more valuable than you thought, Bakugou.


"How're you feeling, y/n?" Jirou asked, filling a pot in front of me where I sat on the bench. It had been many hours later from the morning incident.

Mandaly spent hours making sure none of the damage had gone too far into my head. Luckily it had mild but she and Aizawa were still on edge about letting me do anything interactive. She put a bandaid patch and had been icing it for hours to bring down inflation after small stitching. Now there were only a bruise and a bit of stitching.

"Better, just have a headache now and just really tired." I expressed, leaning my head against the palm of my hand. My energy had just been completely gone with only enough to walk around minimally.

Bakugou came by once he was done training and showered to watch the painful process of the stitching. Kept telling me to "Stop being a pussy and suck it up." which was obviously amazing support, only the best.

After he walked me back to take a shower and here I am now.

"You're pretty strong for being able to get hit over and over on the head but still get back up." She responded as she walked away.

"Yeah, pretty manly of you, Yuma." Kirishima agreed.

"I have a tough soul." I laughed, knowing the literal hell I went through growing up. I got up slowly, hugging myself in the pullover sweater I had been wearing which really not helping with the cold at all.

Smiling as I walked by everyone, I went to go see what Bakugou had been up to.

"Whoa, Bakugou, you're really good with that knife! It's weird." Ocacho complimented, gallantly surprised. He had been chopping everything within seconds, wasting no time.

"What do you mean 'it's weird'? How can you people be so damn bad at everything?" He shouted, taking the entire phrase wrong.

"Look at that. He's not blowing stuff up." Kaminari mumbled as he walked by.

"Calm down, Bakugou. It's just weird because it's unexpected from you." I cleared up before coming to a realization. "Actually that's kind of the same thing she said."

"You shut up!" He barked, looking up from his chopping. "Go sit down! I'll take you a plate in a bit. Go read a book or some shit, I don't care- just go."

"Fine, fine. Don't get your ass in a twist. I'm going." I pouted, sticking my tongue out at him before stomping away. I went back to where I was sitting before, looking up at the sky.

Mentally I started going through the archive of books and poems I kept.

The text floated around in the cloud-like it had been apart of the sky (the gif at the beginning of the chapter). Since having nothing else to do with my time, I had been collecting them since I found out I had this strange ability.

But no one else was able to see them.

"Here." Bakugou interrupted, placing a plate in front of me with his across.

"Thank you." I pulled it toward me, moving the text from the sky to the surface of the table, still reading. Shoving the food into my mouth, I ignored everything around me.

"Not what I had in mind when I told you to read," Bakugou mumbled, taking a bite of his own food. I paused halfway of putting my spoon into my mouth.

Was I surprised? No.

He was freakishly connected to me somehow and it was a norm now. "You can see it?" I referred to the text on the table.

"Yeah, why?" He shrugged, acting as if it was normal.

I laughed slightly, looking around. "Midoriya," I called him over, seeing he was the nearest person. Bakugou glared at me for that decision.

"Is something wrong? Do you need anything?" The emerald head asked, trying to be an aid since I was injuried. I smiled and shook my head.

"No, I was just wondering if there was anything strange you saw on the tables or something." He scrunched up his face before looking around.

"No, I don't see anything."

"That's what I thought. Thank you." I approved, letting him walk away. I turned back to Bakugou with the face of 'Do you see what I mean?'

"Alright, fine. Fuck could have said that I wasn't supposed to see shit." He grumbled at me.

"I don't get how I'm supposed to act like a normal person when you are literally in my head, in my dreams, and now can see my archive of random things." I laughed, slightly frustrated at the fact that my private life was completely gone.

"What can I say? I guess you're stuck falling for me." He smirked, his cockiness shining through. He was a balloon that only grew bigger and bigger the more he got complimented by others or himself.

"Or you're a curse that haunts me," I mumbled, hoping he'd hear. The sound of his fist hitting the table was a sign that he did.

"Go to hell." He insulted, continuing to eat his food with more aggression.

"And leave you here all alone?" I moped, purposely getting on his nerves just to see him scowl at me again. Something about his angry pouts was just so adorable to me.

Once finishing dinner, I tried to help clean up but everyone was treating me like a piece of glass that was about to break. So once again I sat around doing nothing but having small conversations with people who were walking by.

"Perfect." Pixie-Bob cheered. We were all together in the middle of the forest, a distance away from the main campsite. "We've filled our bellies and cleaned the dishes. It's time for..."

"A totally awesome test of courage!" Mina cheered, jumping up and down.

"We're gonna win!" Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari joined in, excited also bubbling in them.

"Not so fast." Aizawa interrupted their party spree mood. "It pains me to say it but the remedial class will be having lessons with me tonight instead. This includes you too, Yuma."

"Huh? Why me, I didn't fail my exam." I clarified, hands tugging on the sleeve of my sweater.

"You've gotta be kidding me!" Mina screamed, her yells echoing in the trees around us.

"Sorry. Your training during the day didn't impress me so I'll be using this time, too. And you're coming because you are unfit to participate in anything let alone an activity. Your condition will be supervised by me to make sure it doesn't worsen." He explained, grabbing the remedial group with his scarf, waving for me to follow.

I sighed, slumping forward with dissatisfaction. Bakugou next to me mumbled a few things upset that I couldn't say. "I'll see you later? We could climb that mountain you were talking about tomorrow morning." I smiled, walking away slowly with my arms to my chest.

"Yeah, sure. Be careful, dumbass." He gave me a side-eye, sneaking a small smirk for only me to see. I smiled back shaking my head as I followed before Aizawa and the rest.

"Give us a break!"

"I just wanna prove my courage!"

The group cried over and over to Aizawa who, in all honestly, didn't give a flying fuck about what they had to say. I was angrier about being forced to follow but strange enough, I didn't mind it.

Something about the forest tonight just sat weirdly with me.

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