LIGHTNING STORM |b. barnes| [...

By Jackisnotokay

9.2K 257 17

"So are we gonna fight or are you gonna keep talking?" "Well that's rude." In which a broken woman finds her... More

lightning storm


207 9 0
By Jackisnotokay

ONCE THE GROUP RETRIEVED THE FALCON, they went to go find Jasper Sitwell. He was someone that they knew they could easily get at and who also had the answers for the questions they had.

Ana was the one to aim the sniper rifle at Sitwell's chest and Sam lured him to his car.  From there, Sam went to put on the Falcon suit while Steve, Natasha, and Ana dragged Sitwell to the roof,

"Tell me about Zola's algorithm." Steve demanded,

Sitwell put on his glasses, "Never heard of it."

"What were you doing on the Lemurian Star?"

"I was throwing up, I get seasick." Steve forced Sitwell to the edge of the rooftop and Sitwell just smiled, "Is this little display meant to insinuate that you're gonna throw me off the roof? Because it's really not your style, Rogers."

"You're right. It's not. It's hers." Steve stepped aside and Natasha kicked Sitwell off the roof.

Ananya cleared her throat, "So, any leads so far about where Elsa ran off to?" She asked and Steve placed his hands on his hips,

"Not really. It's just like she disappeared into thin air." Steve sighed, "I'm still looking."

Ana nodded, "You'll find her."

Suddenly, Sam, in his Falcon jet-pack suit with wings, flew up holding Sitwell and threw him down on the roof. As the four approached him, he raised his hands in surrender,

"Zola's algorithm is a program...for choosing Insight's targets!" Sitwell exclaimed,

"What targets?" Steve asked,

"You! A TV anchor in Cairo, the Undersecretary of Defense, a high school valedictorian in Iowa City. A college student in Colorado, Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, anyone who's a threat to Hydra! Now, or in the future." Sitwell answered,

"The future? How could it know?" Ana questioned,

You couldn't tell the future. So how did Hydra know who would be a threat to them years from now?

Sitwell laughed, "How could it not? The 21st century is a digital book. Zola taught HYDRA how to read it." They all looked at him in confusion, "Your bank records, medical histories, voting patterns, e-mails, phone calls, your damn SAT scores. Zola's algorithm evaluates peoples' past to predict their future."

"And what then?" Steve asked,

"Oh, my God. Pierce is gonna kill me." Sitwell said in realization,

"What then?!" Steve demanded,

"Then the Insight Helicarriers scratch people off the list. A few million at a time."

The four glanced at each other before dragging Sitwell off the roof of the building. The five of them got into Sam's car and he begins to drive them to the Triskelion,

"HYDRA doesn't like leaks." Sitwell stated from the backseat,

"So why don't you try sticking a cork in it." Sam replied, not taking his eyes off the road,

"Insight's launching in sixteen hours, we're cutting it a little bit close here." Natasha said from Ana's left,

"I know. We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the Helicarriers directly." Steve planned,

"What?! Are you crazy? That is a terrible, terrible idea." Sitwell ranted before something landed on the roof, causing a dent.

Ana gasped as a metal arm broke through the window and pulled Sitwell into the oncoming traffic, killing him instantly.

Guess he should've worn his seatbelt.

Natasha jumped into Steve's lap while Ana moved over to Sitwell's seat, trying to dodge the bullets as shots were fired into the back seat.

Steve pulled the emergency break handle, making the Winter Soldier drop down onto the street. As another car smashed into their bumper, forcing the car forward.

The Winter Soldier jumped back onto the hood, smashing through the windshield and pulled out the steering wheel,


"I hope you're insured." Ana gulped.

Natasha started shooting at him but the Winter Soldier jumped onto the vehicle behind them, as the car is being pulled off the road Steve holds on to the car door,

"Ana! Get up here!" He ordered,

"Go!" Ana yelled as she put on her seatbelt, "I got this!"

"Hang on!" Steve told the others before he breaks open the door, holding onto Natasha and Sam as they slid on the car door through the street.

The car began to flip and Ana held her breath, bracing herself. When the car stopped, she was between Hydra and the others. She unbuckled her seat belt and hit the roof of the car. She laid there for a few moments, trying to catch her breath, as Hydra shot at her friends.

Ana growled before adsorbing the car's electricity and left through the rear window. She stood up and before they could shoot, she shot at them with lightning. She electrocuted the men and they all collapsed to the asphalt.

More men came out with guns and Ana ran towards the edge. She jumped from the bridge and landed on top of an overturned bus. Ananya took out her gun and spotted the Winter Soldier on the edge of the bridge, gun in hand. Bullets landed around her and embedded into the metal side of the bus.

Ana slid onto the pavement and behind the bus, out of view. She was in plain sight of the solider... so how come he missed?

She began running down the street once she watched the solider jump from the bridge. As Ana ran, an arm reached out and grabbed her.

"Shh!" Natasha shushed her,

The two stayed quiet against a car and they could hear his footsteps. The car across the street from them exploded.

Natasha jumped onto the Winter Soldiers back while Ana watched. He threw her off and Ana took that as her chance to attack while he was distracted. She jumped and wrapped her arm around his neck. The Winter Solider backed into a car and smacked her against it. Ana groaned in pain and he grabbed her leg. He pulled her to the ground and grabbed his gun.

Ana closed her eyes, assuming he was gonna shoot her. When nothing happened she opened her eyes and saw the soldier aiming at Natasha.


Ana grabbed his metal arm and sent electrical shocks through it. The Winter Soldier threw her onto the ground and placed his foot on her chest to keep her down. She growled up at him as he aimed and pulled the trigger,

Once Natasha went down, the soldier lifted her up with his metal arm. With both hands she grabbed his wrist and sent as much electricity as she could into his arm.

He dropped her and she began running towards Natasha. Ana found her behind a car and ripped the bottom of her t-shirt and pressed it into her wound.

"Hold it there."

As the Winter Soldier came up from behind to shoot at them, Steve jumped in and attacked him. They fight and in the process, the Winter Soldier took Steve's shield and threw it at him but Steve managed to avoid being hit.

Ana jumped in to help and after battling it out more the Winter Soldier's mask comes off, as he looked around at Steve, the group learned the true identity of the Winter Soldier,


"Who the hell is Bucky?"

As the solider, or Bucky, went to shoot at Steve, Sam flew in and kicked him aside. The Winter Soldier took aim again after getting up but before he could shoot, Natasha used the grenade launcher. Bucky dropped before the grenade could hit him and vanished in the smoke.

"You okay?" The redhead asked, glancing over at Ana,

"Yeah." She huffed.

Nat moved to go confront Steve as a helicopter flew over them. Sirens began to close in and Ana began to panic.

Who would be in the wrong? Them? Or SHIELD?

Suddenly, an arm wrapped around her mouth, silencing her. Before she could take any action, she was knocked unconscious.

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