Serial Killers - woosan

By LoveforKorea18

52.3K 1.2K 1.2K

San and Wooyoung are wanted serial killers. More

New Story!
Curvy Affection - New Story!
New Story!

-The End-

3K 96 84
By LoveforKorea18

Trigger Warning! - Mentions of murder and Suicide!


Time flew. It had now been a full six weeks. There was still no trace of Yeosang and even at several airports he was nowhere recorded by a surveillance camera. Yunho found confirmation that something bad must have happened to Yeosang.

Hongjoong and Seonghwa were very busy. In the past few weeks, more missing people have been reported than ever before. All of the missing came from the local area and some had already been found dead.

For Hongjoong it was a clear motive. All corpses had an umbrella scratched on their forearm. The population has already been warned and informed. What was also not yet revealed whether the perpetrator was a woman or a man. What was clear is that the perpetrator worked very cleanly. So far they have never really left any traces that could help the two officers.

There was one body in the lake with a slit neck, the other body was found in a garbage dump. Another was found on the edge of the field in heavy rain and was totally dismembered. Another body was also discovered in a remote area in an underpass. The person was strangled and totally mutilated. Two others were apparently beaten to death with a hammer and also mutilated.

So many murders occurred in just a few weeks that everyone was shocked. At some point, traces had to be left behind or they had to be caught.

Yunho couldn't wait. He called his old classmates and desperately tries to get San and Wooyoung's address. When no one could tell him where they lived, he had no choice but to sniff in the officers office. Somehow he had managed to lure both men out of the room and was searching crazily. Yunho was about to give up when he got the address. He hesitated for a moment and looked at a certain item on the desk, but then packed it up and ran out. He was sure that the two had something to do with Yeosang's disappearance and if they wouldn't declare themselves guilty, he'd have to threaten them with a gun.

Seonghwa came back with a hot coffee and saw the door open. He entered the room and was greeted with utter desolation. He called Hongjoong, who shot to him like lightning and looked panickedly into the room.

"I thought you would take care of him?" Hongjoong squeaked in fear.

"I was going to, but he asked so insistently for a hot coffee, so I left to get him one. I didn't think he would do this. " Seonghwa tried to explain himself and set the coffee aside.

"Ok. It is as it is now. We have to see what he was searching for and it would probably be easier to see what he took with him on the camera up here!" Hongjoong made clear as he pointed to the camera in the top corner of the room.

He took out a small laptop and the two looked at everything carefully. They quickly found what they were looking for and alerted their colleagues. They had to stand in for them in the office as the couple made their way to San and Wooyoung's penthouse.

Once there, everything was calm. They rang and knocked but no one answered. They were hoping that Yunho wasn't here when they received a call.

"Shooting in an old factory area nearby. Four people were spotted. And one of them is Jeong Yunho!" Seonghwa hoped that Yunho wouldn't do anything rash as they hurried.

It took the two officers only 10 minutes when they arrived at the old remote factory site. They searched the whole building and found Yunho sitting on the floor next to a blood-smeared jacket.

"Mr. Jeong. How dare you! Do you know how dangerous that is. Doing it alone is never good and, above all, not illegally armed!" Hongjoong angrily said as he secured the gun.

"I saw them. San and Wooyoung and another relatively tall man. This jacket is from him. I hurt his arm." Yunho declared totally depressed. He had hoped to catch them red-handed but what he saw had disappointed him in some way.

"What were those two doing here? Do you know that?" Asked Seonghwa as he secured the blood from the jacket and wrapped it up.

"I only saw small packages being exchanged." Yunho answered.

"Drugs?" Seonghwa carefully unpacked the jacket again and searched the pockets. In fact, he found a package with white powder in it, which he packed in an extra bag and sealed everything securely.

"Unfortunately, you have to go to the police station for theft, illegal possession of guns and use of firearms. It is likely that you will be convicted, Mr. Jeong." Hongjoong stated as he pulled Yunho up and took him away.

After only a few hours they had the results of the blood sample in front of them.

"Are you ready?" It was heard from behind Seonghwa as Hongjoong came inside their office.

"I've already looked. Sorry. It's Song Mingi's blood. The one we condemned for fleeing in an accident which resulted in death. He was sentenced for a year and we already had the pretense that he was dealing with drugs, but could never prove it." Seonghwa spoke up feeling sorry for already looking.

"Mr. Jung and Mr. Choi didn't look like they were doing drugs. But you never know." Hongjoong answered.

"We found a new body. Also with an umbrella symbol on the forearm! And someone saw it. We have traces and witnesses who confirm that it was Jung Wooyoung and Choi San. The two fled!" A colleague stormed through the door and panted heavily.

"Okay. Thank you. We're on our way. Finally we have certainty and clarity." Hongjoong was determined to get those two into jail. So many fell victim to the two. Now it should all come to an end.

One hour later.

When they reached the metal door of the penthouse, they first tried to approach them peacefully. After no one opened again, they tried to kick the door open. But to no avail. Someone had to come to break the door open.

Another hour passed before they finally had the door open. It was very quiet in the penthouse. Too quiet.

With their guns drawn, they searched room by room and stood in front of the last door. The bedroom door. Hongjoong slowly opened the white door and saw the couple, embraced tightly, lying on the large bed. On the one hand they looked quite peaceful, on the other hand they were clasped tightly as if they were afraid of being torn apart.

Hongjoong walked quietly in front of Seonghwa and stood next to the bed. He put a finger to his lips as a sign that they should approach the matter quietly. But Seonghwa interrupted Hongjoong's plan when he pointed in shock at the table on the other side of the room behind Hongjoong. There were a number of empty packages lying around, many empty pill blisters and four syringes. Next to the mountain of plastic was a credit card and a small tray with white powder residue. In alarm, Hongjoong put the gun away and put one hand on each of the couple's carotid arteries.

"FUCK!" Hongjoong screamed.

"They took their own lives." He said completely berserk.

"You've got to be kidding me. They're just 18 and 19. They killed so many people and then kill themselves. How much can go wrong in life?" Seonghwa couldn't believe it.

Hongjoong reported the situation to the control station, who then sent more officers over. Since Hongjoong and Seonghwa were allowed to examine the penthouse, they began.

After what felt like hours, Hongjoong and Seonghwa were exhausted. They sat down in the living room and tried to think everything through. It couldn't possibly be that the couple's penthouse was clean.

"If you think about it. Where would you hide stuff or get rid of things that should never be seen?" Hongjoong questioned out loud.

"I don't know why, but my subconscious tells me there's something wrong with this fireplace. " He stood up, took a small bag out of his jacket pockets and walked over to the fireplace.

Seonghwa took two to three samples of the fireplace ash and stored them securely.

"I hope I'm wrong." He exhaled deeply and went back to the bedroom where the forensics team was examining the empty blisters and securing fingerprints of Wooyoung and San when one of the men walked towards Seonghwa.

"Those two definitely died from an overdose of sleeping pills. The fact that they took drugs put an additional death blow on them. The four syringes we found contained a narcotic. Apparently they were afraid that death would cause them pain. They both injected themselves. You could tell by the angle at which the syringe pierced the skin." The man told Seonghwa and turned arount to continue his work.

Back in the living room of the penthouse, he and Hongjoong packed their things and made their way to the laboratory. Seonghwa really wanted to have the fire ashes evaluated and couldn't wait.

It was late in the evening when a laboratory worker called the police station and told them the result.

"The ashes you brought us have traces of human remains and they are at least a few years old." That's all the woman needed to say. That's all she could say.

Hongjoong couldn't belive what he had heard. Seonghwa had found them another innocent victim.

After they had finished the call there was silence in the room for a short moment.

"Do you know if there are cameras in the building where these two had their penthouse? Maybe we can see if someone entered their home and never left!"

"That's a good idea. I hope that they still have the old recordings."

Hongjoong didn't hesitate and called everyone he knew. In fact, at some point they reached the building's caretaker and were even able to pass by to watch the video footage.

It took until the early hours of the morning when they finally found what they were looking for. The records were indeed all still there, and both of them were shocked when they saw Yeosang enter the building and stop in front of the metal door of the penthouse. All the other videotapes did not show Yeosang leave the building, so it was clear where he had disappeared to years ago. He became a victim of San and Wooyoung.

The next morning, the couple entered the police station and were immediately stopped.

"We arrested Song Mingi at his house last night and he would be ready to be questioned. Maybe he can say something about Mr. Choi and Mr. Jung.

"Thank you. We will!" Hongjoong said and they made their way over to the room where Mingi sat.

They tried to squeeze Mingi. Even hooked him up to a polygraph. However, the man really didn't know much about the wheeling and dealing of Wooyoung and San.

"I really don't know anything. I knew they had a couple of dumb things going on, but I didn't know they killed people! I swear!" Mingi was desperate. Over the years, the two became like family to him. They became the siblings he never had and now they were dead.

"All I know is that San has a brother. I used to be his drug dealer and I haven't had any contact with him since he went to prison a few years ago. " Mingi continued.

"What's his brother's name?" Maybe they've been in contact with him and he knows something." Seonghwa asked and Mingi answered him.

"Choi Jongho!"

The name instantly clicked with the officers. He was known for his triple homicide.

"They were such a great couple. They just needed each other to be happy, and they never came over like serious criminals. Sure, they were doing drugs and drinking alcohol, but there must have been a reason why they started killing people." Mingi continued and started crying.

Once they had finished questioning Mingi, they made their way to the prison where San's brother was imprisoned. A few minutes later they met him in the visitors' room. The two didn't really have any similarities. Unlike San, Jongho really came across as a criminal.

"We want to keep it short. Can you tell us about your brother Choi San?"

"I don't see why my little brother is any of your business. Keep him out of my shit." Jongho spoke up. He didn't seem to know anything.

"Has he ever come visit you when you were in here?" Seonghwa questioned.

"No he didn't. He didn't even knew where I have been imprisoned. I didn't want him and his boyfriend to come here and see me like this. I am ashamed. As his older brother I should have been his role model but instead I wasn't." Jongho bowed his head.

"Okay. To come to a point. We've been looking for a serial killer for the last few years and never found him. He never left any marks and did a very clean job. We..." Hongjoong was interrupted by Jongho.

"And what does that have to do with my little brother? Why the hell are you here?" Jongho was angry and shouted. He didn't want to talk to the officers.

"Fine. I wanted to tell you but didn't mean to take you off guard. Your brother Choi San and his boyfriend Jung Wooyoung have killed a lot of people and are serial killers. They were caught last night and committed suicide in their penthouse." Hongjoong blurted out. He hated the man's attitude.


"W... wait a second. You're telling me my innocent little brother is a serial killer and his boyfriend as well and that they killed themselves?"

"Yes and they were also doing drugs. Your old drugdealer contacted them and they were regular customers." Seonghwa told Jongho and the latter lost himself.

Jongho started screaming and throwing his fists on the table in front of him.

Jailors had to grab him and hold him in place as he was injeced with a sedative.

Jongho was crying. He had ruined his family. First his parents threw him out after finding out what he did and now his brother had not only killed people but also himself.

The depression he already had worsened. Jongho had no one left. Everyone turned their backs on him and left him. That night, as he sat alone in his cell, he knotted a rope from his bed sheet and hanged himself. When the Jailors went to check on him, all they could find was that he was dead.

Wooyoung and San's parents were informed of the crime of their sons after the investigation was over. Wooyoung's parents were devasted. Their only child was dead and they blamed themselves for this situation. San's parents, however, wanted to know just as little about their youngest as they did not want to know about their oldest. When they found out that both of them had killed themselves, they were shocked but accepted it as if it was something that was supposed to happen just like that.

Yunho also learned what had happened to Yeosang and was totally sad. His trial for stealing the gun and illegally using it was set up for a heavy fine.

Song Mingi was sentenced to eight years in prison for drug trafficking and possessing of larger quantities.

Hongjoong and Seonghwa received their PhDs in their job due to their outstanding work.

The city had calmed down again. The turmoil of the last months had brought the population closer together and people around them are now valued more.

The End


I've struggled so hard to finish this.

Thank you all for reading this fanfiction 😊

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