-๐ƒ๐Ž๐Œ! ๐ฅ๐ฎ๐ฆ๐š๐ซ๐ค.

By avngelicbubu

1.8K 59 65

'i love the way you completely crumble apart under my gaze.' ๐Ÿช its a oneshot. :p [!] warning. this has bxb... More


1.8K 59 65
By avngelicbubu

a/n: i did this on a slight impulse. mainly because i was bored, and we need more lumark in our lives. so this dumb idea came up in my head at 3am lmao. enjoy. -l <3

october 8th, 2021.
-yukhei and mark's date.


mark was sitting against the headboard of him and yukhei's shared bed, half-dressed, and a slight pout plastered on his lips. his bottom lip jutted out even further as he heard the distant sounds of the hair dryer turn off in the bathroom, signaling that yukhei had finished drying his hair.

the younger boy frowned slightly, as he was yet to finish getting ready. his legs slightly sprawled against the soft duvet covers, and he was only wearing a buttoned up dress shirt.

mark turned his gaze to yukhei's clothes that hung neatly on the dress hanger, and sighed. his outfit consisted of a black turtle neck along with a black long overcoat, a silver gucci belt, dark grey slacks, and some low-high doc martens.

the boy would be lying if he said the taller looked mediocre in that type of outfit. god yukhei looked absolutely stunning in anything he wore on his built and muscular body, that mark practically drools just thinking about it. yukhei's body proportions were no joke.

mark, truly, wanted to be like his lover yukhei, tall, keen, built, and confident to the point where anyone staring at him could feel intimidated by a quick glance in their direction. but unfortunately instead, he was stuck with his 5'9 and vulnerable self.

it was almost as if mark wanted to blame yukhei for being a whole 6'2 giant, but he knew that it was immature of him to do so.

but in retrospect, there were advantages to having such a massive hunk of a man as a boyfriend. mark, being the obviously, tinier boy, absolutely loved burying himself into the deep depths of yukhei's hard chest. he loved the feeling of yukhei's arms enclosing him, pulling him closer into his warmth.

it was like a feeling or symbolism of protection.

he felt protected.

yukhei did it as a sign of protection.

hence, the reason why mark thinks cuddling with yukhei is one of the best things ever.

mark assumes he is winning at life, in which he definitely is.

mark wasn't short, but he wasn't necessarily tall either, compared to yukhei anyway. he was average height.

mark and yukhei had fairly big eyes, but they both held different personas. yukhei had a mysterious and dark aura to his appearance, and to himself in general, which the younger found deeply attractive. but he couldn't say the same for himself. no matter how hard he tried, people just couldn't seem to take him seriously.

the boy ruffled his own hair, letting out a huff of frustration.

it wasn't fair, why does he have to be so small and clueless?

yes, mark had a habit of being easily manipulated into many things. he was slightly dumb, but the kind of dumb yukhei found adorable, as odd as that sounds. yukhei would always reassure the sheepish boy about how cute it was, he never wanted mark to feel bad about himself. which is what a decent significant other should do.

i mean, who doesn't want a cute boy who's obsessed with watermelon, does questionable things; and sort of... horny all time. as a boyfriend?

definitely yukhei.

suddenly and coincidentally, a click was heard from the bathroom doorknob, the door opened to reveal a shirtless yukhei, a towel tied alarmingly loosely around his waist. a few droplets of water from yukhei's slightly wet and damp hair dripped on the taller's well toned sun kissed abs and tattooed chest, a few running down his body. the prominent veins on his tattooed arms, ran down to his freakishly huge hands, his nails painted pure black. it was quite a sight.

mark froze, his mouth slowly agape, as he was staring at a literal goddess himself. blood rushing through all parts of his limbs.

yukhei ran his hand through his maroon hair, looking at his lovers expression of shock , caused by only his presence alone,  the corners of his lips pulled up into a slight smirk.

god he looked so fucking attractive just standing there.

mark thought.

the elder leaned against the door frame, his smirk deepening, he didn't know he had so much affect on the younger.

he decided to test it out in a way, maybe he should rile up the latter in the process.

"like what'cha see pretty boy?"

mark could nearly choke then and there. his face was heating up at an alarming rate. he could feel himself go red in embarrassment. yukhei's incredibly deep voice practically vibrated in mark's ears.

meanwhile, yukhei was buried in his own separate thoughts. he observed the other carefully. the younger had subtle and soft makeup on that made him look absolutely gorgeous, his already beautiful features stood out perfectly. yukhei badly wanted to kiss those pretty glossy lips. his black hair sat messily on his head, and he was only dressed in boxers and a white dress shirt that draped over his small frame, they went down to his knees, revealing his white, milky thighs. the two buttons of his shirt were un-buttoned, causing the shirt to slide off a bit on his right shoulder. yukhei could see marks deep collarbones, which drove him absolutely insane. his pale complexion made him look like an angel fallen from heaven. he was fucking glowing.

"you're cute." yukhei mumbles absentmindedly. mark immediately registers and turns a deep shade of cherry.

without realizing, yukhei licked his perfectly plump lips and gulped, his adams apple bobbing, causing mark to tense. the cold metal taste hit his buds from his lip piercing and tongue piercing clashing together. he walked closer to his lover, who was still glued on the bed.

"h-hey stop that!" mark squeaked. the smile never left yukhei's face.

"hm? stop what pretty boy?" yukhei hummed, putting both of his huge arms on each side of the younger, trapping him.

mark gulped ever so subtly, praying to the heavens above that yukhei didn't catch such a move.

mark scoffed as he attempted to look at yukhei in the eyes, but failed horribly. yukhei's intense stare made him flinch and he looked away in an instant.

yukhei cocked his brow at the reaction. a bit concerned and confused on why his boyfriend looked so agitated, or annoyed.

"whats wrong baby?" yukhei inquired softly, though his voice was low and firm. mark nipped at his upper lip.

it's not fair.

"you can't j-just walk around like t-that. i-its...." mark couldn't continue, as if yukhei wasn't already close enough, the taller managed to move even closer, he leaned in, their faces were only centimeters apart.

the flustered boy dragged the last few of his words. completely unable to finish properly.

come on mark lee, let's not fucking stutter right now.

"words babyboy." yukhei's voice was now octave deeper then before.

oh shit.

mark's heart was about to lurch out of his own god damn chest. how dare he be so oblivious?! mark thought outrageously.

"its not fair...."

"louder, i can't hear you." it was obvious now that yukhei was playing with him, and mark wasn't having it at all.

"i said its not fair!" the younger canadian tried to yell, but frankly, it came out more of a whine, and quite more of a complaint then it was a protest. curse mark's natural high toned voice.

it took only a few seconds for mark to hear the deep ass chuckle erupt from yukhei's vocal cords that made him want to continuously slam his own head against the wall until there was a dent.

but he would of course, pass the fuck out. the only thing mark could do was stare at his boyfriend in disbelief.

"stop laughing! its not funny. you think this is a joke?" mark snapped, he shot yukhei a death glare before crossing his arms.

marks attempt at growling seem to merely be a joke to yukhei, as the taller was barely phased at all. yukhei managed to stop stifling his laughter,

"mark, baby, you're still on about this?"

mark scoffed for the 20th time, and rolled his eyes. he was sickly in love with the way yukhei uses the term "baby". he didn't want to admit the butterflies that erupted in the pits of his stomach everytime.

but mark didn't give up easily, well, not yet anyways. he was a stubborn fucker.

"yeah, cause you clearly don't know how much i'm capable of." mark mumbled. a hint of sass was visible in his tone. yukhei seemed to be amused by the sudden statement. mark slowly turned around to see that stupidly attractive smug smirk on yukhei's face again. god mark just wanted kiss it off of his stupidly attractive face.

"oh really...." the chinese whispered. yukhei's eyes somehow deepened in color, and to mark he was unreadable. he gulped.

yukhei snaked his large biceps arounds mark's petite waist, in an agonizingly slow pace, that mark wanted to whine to urge him to go faster. mark felt yukhei's intensely hot breath burning the skin of his nape. he wanted to shudder, but he resisted.

"s-stop." mark commanded, but only to have himself get pulled from his spot on the bed and onto yukhei's lap. the boy squeaked as yukhei's large and veiny hands came in contact with his bare ass.

mark was now straddling the older, as yukhei's lips hovered over mark's collarbone, dragging them all the way to his jaw, and right earlobe. his breathe tickling mark's bare, pale skin.

"hmm, what was that babyboy?" yukhei purred, sucking slightly on the smaller's lobe. earning a cute whimper from the action. mark immediately covered his mouth with with the palm of his hands.

"xuxi, i swear if you-"

the older immediately removed mark's hands and cupped his face, wasting no time as he collided his plush lips against the younger's, almost in a hungrily manner. their mouths moved in sync, as quiet sucks and kissing sounds could be audibly heard in their shared room.

mark lets out a few strings of hitched gasps, his cheeks tinted pink, as he fluttered his eyes shut.

yukhei, being the little shit he is, decided to tease his lover a bit, he began from the smallers hips, and dragged his hands down to mark's ass and groped it tightly, kneading the thick meat. mark moaned softly, his jaw slacked, allowing a gateway for the taller to push his tongue inside of his mouth he was yearning to taste.

and damn right it tasted like heaven. mark's tinted lip gloss smelled and tasted like a mixture of strawberries and watermelon. yukhei was completely intoxicated in the addicting aroma.

their tongues swirled around in both of their mouths, each of them fighting against eachother. but of course, yukhei had the ability to take control. that fucker. mark thought before he made a noise in defeat, he fought long and hard before deciding to give in, and let the elder initiate whatever happens next, i mean, mark looked pretty pathetic trying to fight for dominance against someone that was at least two times bigger then him.

they made out for approximately three minutes, these horny bitches.  yukhei's hands held a bruising grip on the smaller's hips most of the time.

it was as if yukhei couldn't get enough of mark. he was absolutely perfect. his personality, his looks, his ability to look adorable, hot, and absolutely stunning at the same time. he was a complete ball of bliss to yukhei.

and at this very moment, yukhei couldn't help but thought mark looked extremely sexy, his perfectly curvy body fitting into yukhei's like a puzzle piece.

yukhei gently tugged on mark's lower lip, before pulling away, a string of saliva connected at each end, as a sign of a very intense episode of heated kissing. both of their lips were incredibly swollen. the taller stared at mark once more; because a bitch is whipped. even though they just only had a makeout session, mark looked completely fucked out already, his strawberry-peached colored gloss; yukhei's absolutely favorite, mark knew.  smeared all the way down to his chin. his eyes were in complete haze. his hair was even more disheveled then before, and his chest was heaving violently up and down accompanied with sweat beautifully glistening on his neck.

heck , yukhei wanted to groan as mark stared back up at the boy with his round glassy eyes, especially those perfectly, and elegant lashes that curved with such consummate. yukhei couldn't understand how anyone can look so fucking adorable.

he looked like a hormonal teenager who just got railed, but to yukhei, he looked pretty fucking hot.

yukhei started to feel more sexually aroused. his ego boosting enormously on how easy it was to turn his little boyfriend into a frustrated mess.

rubbing his tongue on his sharp canines, yukhei lightly grazed them over the shell of mark's left ear, the latter was unable to move, mixed emotions washed over him like a tidal wave, and slowly slurred in his stomach.

"what happened to the almighty tough and brave markie about 5 minutes ago, huh? don't be shy baby, let me hear you..."

yukhei chuckled lowly, mark could physically feel yukhei smile against his nape as he dragged his hands from mark's waist, to his pale thighs, slowly squeezing and scratching his fingers softly against the skin. the younger shivered, it was embarrassing how sensitive he was to any sort of touch yukhei made. mark whined as he felt the piercing metal tingle the skin on his left ass cheek from yukhei's rings.

"y-yukhei p-please..." mark pleaded helplessly, circulation flowing faster than before, as he felt himself getting turned on more and more.

"i don't think so, kitten." yukhei rasped out. the pet-name never failed to make mark melt into a puddle in yukhei's grasp.

yukhei started licking a strip from mark's ear, all the way down to his collarbone. mindlessly threading his fingers through yukhei's hair, mark slightly arched his back, automatically tiltng his head backwards, giving yukhei more access to paint his pale skin. his shirt fell off his left shoulder completely. yukhei almost growled at the sight, yes, he almost fucking growled.

fuck, well that was attractive. mark mewled, only to be surprised at how hoeish it resonated through the entire room, he could easily be mistaken for a girl.

feeling the metal ball of yukhei tongue piercing trailing over his shoulder blades, his body shook, almost spasming, as it traced over mark's sensitive throat. mark bit his lip hard, as an attempt to conceal the sinful sounds that wanted to come out of his lips. immense pleasure shot through his whole body, to the point where he was shaking.

yukhei continued sucking, biting, nibbling the spot below mark's neck, including the crevice of his collarbone, his hands made its way to the scruff of mark's neck, massaging the area, blue, purpleish red bruises dappled all over the area like a perfectly white canvas he was, painted specifically by the name of wong yukhei.

does this guy have a collarbone kink or something? mark managed ponder in his lust filled brain. but he was barely focusing on his own mind, he couldn't, yukhei had the fucking AUDACITY to look mark in the eyes, while dragging his long ass tongue up and down mark's throat, mark wanted to die.

he needed more.

oh fuck it, this controlling thing will probably the last of my worries.

"y-yukhei. oh fuck-" mark whimpered loudly as he slowly rutted against yukhei's lap, yukhei let a husky groan rip from his throat as he was taken off guard. and god it was hot. mark took that as a sign, and continued to grind down against yukhei's groin again. but only to be stopped by the larger boy's hands on his hips once more.

biting his upper lip, yukhei halted his actions.

"not now baby, we have date remember?" yukhei reminded quietly but breathlessly, slightly grinning. mark wanted to scream. was he really this horny?

realizing they were slightly distracted into almost having sex, mark softly punched yukhei on the shoulder before hiding himself into the taller's bare chest.

"admit it mark, you loved that."

mark sputtered, though, he knew yukhei was right. he did indeed enjoy it a lot. he, surprisingly loved getting controlled.

"i hate you."

yukhei giggled at the remark, but nonetheless pulled mark closer, his head buried into mark's neck, taking the chance to breathe in mark's rich scent. the smell of lavender and cotton. yukhei absolutely loved it.

"its not my fault markie, you were asking for it. and plus...."

yukhei still had his hands around the younger, it easily wrapped around all of mark's waist and covered a good fraction of his thighs. his perfectly sculpted and pierced nose was brushing against mark's soft button ones. he started playing with the hem of mark's dress shirt.

the younger trailed his fingers down to yukhei naval piercing, and idly fingered the gem with his thin middle and thumb finger.

"you looked pretty fucking sexy just sitting there like that." slipping his hands under the fabric, he softly rubbed and massaged into mark's bare stomach and sides, mark gasped at the sensation.

"do you know how much of a big problem that gave me, markie?"


mark blushed at the thought. damn, he really gave the elder a massive boner like that? impressive.

"you did that on purpose? just to provoke me, right?"

mark eyes widened.

"all pretty for hyung hmm?"


"you want me to fuck you kitten?

you want me to fuck you so hard until you can't walk for two weeks straight? until you can't breathe-"

"o-ok that's enough x-xuxi, you win a-alright." mark stuttered desperately, getting up from yukhei lap, quickly covering himself with his hands, trying to hide how flustered he looked.

yukhei was one kinky man. mark took note of that.

yukhei smiled in victory, as he leaned back against the bed, and glanced up at his lover, he stared deeply and longingly into mark's curious eyes once more. his arms clenched beside him, revealing his now visible toned muscles on his tattooed biceps. his muscular legs were slightly spread out, like he was asking for mark to literally sit on his lap again. mark gulped as he diverted his gaze down to yukhei's naval piercing. everything about this boy was so damn breathtaking, it was frustrating as fuck.

"got a staring problem i see?" yukhei stated with a cocky grin, only to earn a slap on the shoulder in return.

someone save yukhei's shoulder for goodness sake.

"s-shut it yukhei, and g-go put on your clothes!" mark retorted in an instant. the red hue on his cheeks saturated in color. a clear visual of bottom behavior.

yukhei, for the first time today, actually obliged and got up from the bed.

well, not for too damn long.

of course before he could make his way to the closet, yukhei took one last chance to smack mark in the ass, watching it jiggle with satisfaction. mark yelped as he whipped his head around, his lips parted as he looked at yukhei with wide eyes, an expression of horror.

chuckling, yukhei bent down and planted a sweet and chaste kiss on the shorter's  forehead. before sashaying(?) away into the bathroom. not into the closet apparently, he already came out, what was the point of going back in?

the door of the bathroom closed once again. and mark finally let out a groan of annoyance. but being a hoe he is, there was a hint of contentment .

annoyed at the fact that he is in fact a bottom, and shall never be a top. and yukhei was able to prove it with complete ease. that man was the devil. and would rather jump off a 50 ft. building then let mark ever be a dom. mark couldn't top even if he tried. but he was glad because overall, the makeout session felt good as fuck. mark wanted to do it again. but maybe add a bit more spice. if you know what i mean.

ok that was slightly cringy.

"that horny bastard. how the fuck am i gonna cover this up?" mark WAS going to wear his dress shirt with a soft complimentary beige sweater outside. but now, he guessed he had to swap it out for a white turtle neck instead. but at least he was going to, sort of, match with his boyfriend. yes, mark is a softie, and likes to twin with yukhei every now and then.

as if mark wasn't already in love with wong yukhei, this afternoon really look his love to whole new level. mark was even more excited and a bit giddier than before.

as expected, boy took mark to a well-known 5 star, fancy ass restaurant that was tucked away in the corner of the city for dinner and later on to the movie theater.

it felt nice cuddling next to his giant boyfriend, while watching annabelle. but holy shit mark despised that movie. he didn't know if he was too dumb to understand the plot. but it definitely did not make sense to him in anyway.

like seriously, who's idea was it, to think it was a good one to move into a house that had a haunted doll in it?

mark was definitely confused for the most part. (calm down mark its just a movie .)

but that didn't matter to mark in the first place. mark enjoyed his evening with yukhei so much. yukhei had showered him with so much affection, it was almost unbearable.

yukhei was such a hopeless romantic indeed. mark absolutely loved it, it was one of many traits of yukhei mark was quite fond of.

the rest of their night included yukhei spooning mark on their shared bed; mark somehow managed to be wearing yukhei's normal sized t-shirt which was, at least three times larger then him, and black thigh-high socks (mark rarely gives a shit to what others say, he enjoys crossdressing from time to time, it boosted his confidence, and it was definitely not a problem for yukhei.) that mark was too thick for, so they plunged into his thighs. covered in fluffy blankets, lazy kisses and pecks were exchanged. it was simply adorable.

"hey xuxi?"

"yes love?"

oh god, here it is again. mark's heart flutters.

as if mark hadn't chose violence that noon, he decided to wreak more chaos. he bit his lip, as he gazed at yukhei. his legs started to spread out on its own. yukhei noticed the boy's doing, and gulped.

"i want to finish what we started today, c-can we do that p-please? i-i'll let you f-"

at this point, mark started to sound as desperate as he was that afternoon.

absolutely needy.

it didn't take too long before yukhei smirked devilishly, the infamous puppy smile yukhei was notorious for, no longer plastered on his face, his grip on the boy tightening, causing mark to squirm.

"you're one needy kitten mark lee."

the soft moment was eventually temporary, you could say it escalated a tad bit, and yukhei and mark were definitely, having the time of their lives.

mark could see himself not being able to walk for
at-least a week or so.



2:07 pm.

a/n: but anyways the moral of the story, mark gets laid by yukhei, you already know. ill leave the rest for you all to imagine. ;) and btw this was purely for fun, i didn't take this story seriously. :))

and lucas is just so boyfriend material in this, mark lucky for that one.

thanks for reading!

-l <3

-word count: 4021


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