Take Me To London

By bubblesbitch_

14.5K 512 709

(COMPLETED) Clay was on a trip to london and connected instantly with another boy he saw there. <3 dreamnotfo... More



2.8K 53 59
By bubblesbitch_

London was cold. Colder than Clay was used to. The skies were grayer too, much grayer than Florida. How could it possibly be this cold? He thought as goosebumps rose on his bare arms. The clothes he brought on this trip were clearly unsuitable for the weather. If he didn't go to the nearest shop and buy some sweaters or long sleeves, or even a heavier jacket, he wouldn't be able to leave his hotel room at all. He knew nothing about London. Clay's only knowledge of the area would be what he could retain from the multiple tour guides his class had to follow throughout the day. His class, ugh. He never liked school, but loved traveling. When finding out about this trip the school was hosting, he was only permitted to go if he got his grades up. Though he was naturally smart, he never had good grades. Likely just due to not being motivated in classes. Why study something I'm not interested in? he continuously thought as his grades continued to slip. But, visiting London was worth the extra tiresome days of studying. Well, it would be worth it if he had brought the right clothing. Clay wasn't close with the classmates he roomed with on this trip, or anyone else on the trip either. The chaperones were already in their rooms, allowing Clay to effortlessly leave the hotel. No one would really notice, or care, that he was gone. So he left. Not for long, just to go to the shop down the street. He needed some more clothes.

It was dark out, but the street lights lit up the area in a soft yellow haze. As he passed underneath one of the lights, Clay could see his breath form in front of himself. The short sleeve shirt he was swearing was clearly not sufficient in keeping him warm. His hands grip his upper arms tightly as he hurries into the shop. Some warmth finally, he thought, lowering his hands to his sides as he searched the aisles. There weren't many others in the shop at this time, it was about an hour before closing. Clay picks one sweater and a jacket, knowing he will only be in London for two more days.

As he exited the aisle, the bell to the shop rang as a few other customers came in. His head perked up, and instinctively looked at the group of guys who entered the store. They were around his age, maybe a few years older at most. He briefly made eye contact with one of them. It was a quick look, yet their eyes met. In that passing glance, he felt a smile creep onto his face. A smile by simply making eye contact with somebody. Yet the moment was short lived. The group of boys walked down the first aisle of the shop, and away from Clay. His smile fell slightly and shrugged. Wasn't planning on making friends during this trip anyway. He brought his things to the cashier, and paid hastily. He took the tags off the jacket after paying and put it on quickly. Warm, finally warm. He kept the sweater in the bag and headed for the door. As his hand moved to the handle, Clay paused for a second. He turned around, glancing back into the store. What am I looking for... No one was in eye sight of him besides the cashier. His eyes fall and he turns back to the door. Nothing...You're looking for nothing...he thought as he headed back into the night.


Second to last day. One more long ass tour, one more day of being berated with historical facts about a building that no one even knows, one more day of sore feet from constant walking. This was the last day of set activities the school set. The actual last day was a free day, where you could do anything you want, as long as you stayed within the city limits. But for now, Clay continued on with his class, following yet another tour guide. This tour was a general tour of London, instead of the past, history based tours that they went on the past few days.

It wasn't as cold as it was the previous night. Still fairly cold, but not horrible. It was a little windy, the skies still stayed dark. The wind likely made it feel much colder than it actually was. Luckily, his jacket kept him warmer.

Clay stayed toward the back of his group, not wanting to pay attention to the tour guide. He could hear the tour guide describing the buildings around them and the city during the summer, yet his mind wandered. He thought of anything. It looks like it's gonna storm soon...I should get new shoes soon, these ones are kinda old, and my feet hurt...still so much more walking. His mind ping ponged back and forth between the most random thoughts.

"And now, as you can probably tell, that is Big Ben" the tour guide continues to describe the places around them. Clay looks around still, not at anything particular. He wanted to take it all in. The smells, the culture, the people. The people.

He looked through the massive crowd that his class happened to be in. While looking past probably hundreds of faces, his eyes lock in on one person. Specifically, that person's eyes. The soft brown eyes. I've seen those eyes before. The boy from last night. This time, he took a longer glance, taking more of his features in. He noticed his porcelain like skin. The paleness of his skin contrasted, yet perfectly complimented the darkness from his hair. His features, soft. Not masculine, but not overly feminine. Clay catches a smile form on the other man's face. The corner of his mouth lifts, matching the smile that he couldn't take his eyes off of. His group begins to pass by the crowd, yet Clay's eyes never leave him. Even upon passing the boy, Clay cranes his neck, just to get a final look at him. To his pleasure, the other boy turned his head too, passing on a final smile to him before melting into the crowd.

And with that, the boy was gone.

Clay's smile faded yet again, similar to what he did that previous night. He knew nothing of this boy. You saw him twice...TWICE...why are you getting upset over nobody? He let out a soft sigh, and followed along with the tour.


It was only 9:30 pm and everyone was back in their hotel rooms for the night. Clay's feet ached too much from the constant walking for the past few days to go out and explore the city more tonight. He needed to relax. The hotel had an indoor pool for the people to use, and it was open until 11. I can go check it out. He headed down the elevator of the hotel after changing into his swim trunks. He hadn't looked much at the hotel itself. While walking down the hallways towards the pool room, he took in everything about the hotel. The high ceilings, the detail in the molding, the carpet pattern, all of it. He moved his hand to the wall, tracing the pattern of the wallpaper as he continues down the hallway. His hand fell once he reached the door of the pool.

Clay stepped inside the room. Empty, perfect. He put a towel down on a poolside chair, along with his phone and room key. The pool water was completely clear, unlike the pools he would see at home. They would at least be slightly murky, this one was not. He dipped his toes into the water to feel the temperature. One thing here that isn't freezing cold. He sunk further into the pool, the water only reaching to his waist. The water was fairly warm. It helped sooth his hurting feet. He let out a soft sigh, relaxing against the side of the pool. Clay closed his eyes for a second, and when he opened them next, he noticed another person in the pool with him.

It was him. The person he had seen twice before. The eyes, the skin, the hair, everything. It was him. He was on the other side of the pool, looking at Clay. His smile lured Clay closer to him. The water just seemed to be in the way of them. Clay swam closer and closer to him, wanting to see him up close. The smile never left the boy's face. Closer, closer. He was feet away, and his smile was still there. He reached his hand out, reaching for him. The door to the pool room creeks open, distracting Clay. He looks at the group of people that come into the pool room, taking his eyes away from the boy in front of him. But when he looks back, no one was there. The water was still.

Clay hung his head slightly as he stepped out of the pool. Get him out of your head, you don't know him. He grabbed his towel and dried off, looking down at his phone. 10:20, I was there for almost an hour?! He rubbed his face, and grabbed the rest of his things. Clay went to the door and put his hand on the handle. He took one last glance at the pool. The water remained still, and only that group of people that walked in earlier were there, no one else. He shook his head slightly, coming back to his senses, and left the pool room.

By the time he got back to his room, he was already exhausted from the day. His roommates barely acknowledged him when he walked into the room. He went to the bathroom, changed quick, and rested on his bed. Clay looked out the window, taking in the sight. The dark clouds covered the already dark sky. The only light was coming from the thousands of building, car, and street lights. His breath left fog against the window, indicating how cold it was here. He buried himself underneath a blanket, still staring out the window. Clay kept looking outside. He hoped to see something, anything at all. But nothing important was there for him to see.

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