The Umbrella Academy -- Seaso...

By letixxia14

8.7K 137 94


Characters + Backstory
Season 2, Episode 10: Ending
🇴 🇳 🇪 - The Two Academies
Important Note

TWO - Unexpected Visitor

1.3K 22 17
By letixxia14

The alarms went off in the infinite switchboard. The red light flashing, and alarming about the emergency. On the screen appeared six time traveling siblings inside the Hargreeves mansion. Herb quickly contacted the head. 

"Miss L, you need to come to the Infinite Switchboard. It's about them." Herb announced over the microphone that was connected to her office. 

Not a few moment later she was there. Herb let her in as they took a look at the monitors. 

"Finally..." she let out a sigh and smiled. "They arrived. Safely." 

"Yes yes ma'am but they don't seem to like their situation very much." said Herb.

"Well obviously!" she replied rolling her eyes. "Anyway, you need to send an agent to fetch Y/n." 

"Y/n Hargreeves?" 

"Yes, she can help us with the apocalypse." she replied.

"But we don't need her! Last time I heard we have many responsible agents here to find out more!" Herb replied, standing up to face her, but regretting what he had done right away.

"Really?" she raised her voice now. "Because last time I heard, I give orders here! And if you don't, I will have to send an agent to bring Y/n. We are in a desperate situation Herb. That girl has more information than any of our empty-headed agents will ever get. So get to work!" 

And just like that she went back to her office.


7:45am... oof I overslept! I quickly changed into my deep red tank top that I had made from one of my academy uniforms. It had a Sparrow crest on the left side. I slipped on my light wash  mom jeans, and put on black converse. I had convinced Dad to let me, and only me wear these clothes. I have always been on his good side... but I wouldn't call myself a favorite. When I came back, I didn't tell him what happened. I just said I was stuck. No apocalypse mentioned. But he knew without me having to mention it. I personally think these new siblings cause it, so I'll look deeper into that. These were my thoughts as I took my h/c (hair color) hair out of my ponytail. 

7:58am... Run downstairs run downstairs run run runnnnn! Dad had made an underground training ground. It was gigantic. When I arrived, it was exact. Phew! Dad always got mad if we were late for training. Once Sloane and I convinced everyone to be rebels for a day, and not show up to training! The punishment we got was memorable, but it was fun to piss Dad off :)

<Imagine this as the training place, but 3 times bigger and no cones, and a Sparrow symbol on the wall (honestly, just how YOU want it to look)>

"Ah, Number 2 I see you've decided to join us." Dad said, gesturing me towards my siblings. He was still mad at me for time traveling. 

Inside the training room, there were 3 squares big enough for two people to fight. There were walls, fake opponents, a running track around the room, and random things like balls, pieces of wood,  etc. Everything was there to help us train using our powers.My favorite were the squares... The UA were fidgety, and were giving us stern looks. 

"Do we HAVE to do this?" Klaus said out of nowhere. 

"What was that?" said Dad, turning towards him now.

"We haven't trained since... since I don't know!  A long time!" Klaus replied.

"Now you're going to train again then Zombie boy!" Dad replied. 

Klaus fell silent, knowing he can't stand up against Dad. I eyed each of the siblings carefully. Luther and Allison were looking at each other non-stop, Diego is looking at my siblings and fiddling with his knife. Klaus kinda walking around, looking at the ground. He doesn't look like the person who fights. Five was- looking at- me? We made eye contact. He probably found it weird that I wasn't wearing my uniform. I mean, HE is wearing a uniform. It's very similar to ours, which gives me even more proof that their story isn't fake. Anyway, I blushed, and broke the contact. Ugh why- 

"We will start with fighting, then running, then powers. Let me know who wins. Number 1, go ahead." Dad said, like he usually does, and left to go back upstairs. 

Ben stepped forward, in the middle, ready to give instructions. 

"Number 2, you're with the kid." I rolled my eyes and nodded. Five nodded as well. 

"Number 3, manipulating girl." he continued. 

"WHAT? So you're making us fight each other? AS TRAINING? We don't even know your abilities."  Allison protested. 

"That's the point." ben replied, smirking. 

"Number 4" Klaus snapped his head up, but then realized they weren't talking about him. "You're going with knife boy" 

"We'll rotate. Number 5 and 6, take the zombie boy, the shy one, and the Godzilla over to the walls. I'll observe."

We all got into position in our squares. Five was standing in front of me, hands in pockets, super chill. He has no idea what he's up against. 

"You've got no chance against me." he said, smirking. "I'm a fully trained assassin." 

"Good luck, you're gonna need it!" Alphonso (number 4) shouted to Five from the square next to me. I smiled at him. We always had a nice relationship... except for when he made jokes about me. 

"You got this Diego..." Allison said to him from the third square. 

"WHAT ABOUT ME?" Five shouted!


"Hm ok." Five said, giving me a proud + sarcastic smile. 

"FIGHT!" we heard Ben yell, and all hell broke loose. 

Five threw a punch at me with his right hand, I grabbed his arm, and twisted it downward. He kicked my stomach to escape my grip, but just as I was about to throw a punch, he was gone. Before I knew it, I was kicked in my back, and pushed forward, almost falling to the ground. 

I quickly turned around, gripped both his arms, and kneed him in the chest. He groaned. He lifted his legs to kick me, but I ducked and his leg swung over my head. I got up, threw a jab at him, he blocked. He then punched my nose and made it bleed, and that's when I decided I'm going full force at him. 

I turned invisible, leaving him confused the where I am, but I punched his eye before he could react. I wanted to tease him. I tapped his right shoulder, he threw a punch to the right thinking I was there, but then I tapped his left shoulder. He punched that way too, and missed, as I was already on his right side. I tapped his right shoulder, and moved to his left, but this time he punched left where I stood, and hit my cheek. I turned visible again, losing focus of my powers.  I trembled back as he came toward me and tried to kick me. It worked, and I fell down on my bottom. As he tried to step on my neck, I grabbed his foot and threw him off me. He lost his balance, which gave me time to turn invisible again. I stood in the corner of the square, and clenched my fists. They glowed a purple color, and I was focusing  on creating the perfect fight scene illusion. Illusion me was born. It looked, sounded, acted like me, but when you tried to make contact with it, your hands would be feeling nothing but air. 

I made my illusion sit, holding its bloody nose, looking hurt. Five turned around and looked confused, but chuckled, thinking that he won. He had no idea I could make illusions. My illusion tried to get up, but fell on its back. Five walked up to 'me' laying on the floor. He was looking down at 'me' and smirked, lifted his foot up, to put to my windpipe and claim his victory. "this was easy..." As he put it near my neck, he was shocked to see his foot go straight through me. 

"-the hell?" he said, lost.

I made my illusion cackle on the ground. From the corner, still invisible I snuck up behind him and turned visible. My illusion said, "Look behind you" still laughing. 

He turned around, and BAM! I punched his face so hard, he fell back, and now, I put my foot to his windpipe. He tried to fight back, but the punch was so strong he just wasn't able to move. 

"And now, I have defeated you. Next time, don't be too confident, it'll lower your chances." I said smirking at him. Then I took off my foot and he took a deep breath. 

"Not like you had any to start off with in the first place." 

Five quickly jumped up and pointed his finger in my face

"You got lucky because I had NO IDEA you could do that!" he said as he pointed at my illusion that quickly disappeared. "Next time, you're dead." 

"You wish..." I rolled my eyes at him and let Ben know that we're finished. As you and Five sat to the side to rest, he finally said, 

"You weren't... bad." not making eye contact. 

"Yes, but YOU have a lot to learn." I replied, teasing.

"Oh come on you know we're better." replied Five.


"My family and I. We're pretty awesome when we team up." Five replied, still not looking at me, but at his fighting siblings. 

I thought about that for a moment. My family and I rarely team up, just because we are so different. We've always followed our own heads, and couldn't stand working together. I wish I had that type of teamwork bond with my siblings. 

"I bet." 


"Holy moly guacamole you guys got your ass beat!" said Klaus to Allison and Diego who stood there shaking their heads in annoyance. 

"We had no idea what was coming our way. Next time, they're going down." Diego said through gritted teeth. 

We were all in the big living room now, each academy talking amongst themselves.

"Do they have coffee here? Sure it has to be better than what we used to have." Five said, as he started walking around. "I'll go see Dad."

"And we're going with you." Allison said. 

"You think we're gonna miss the chance to talk with Dad?" Luther joined in. 

"Alright. Let's go."  With that they left to Dad's office. 

-Meanwhile in the Sparrow corner- 

"Then he tried to throw a knife at me and our abilities created some sort of energy wave that we wrestled against. Obviously my powers were stronger and the energy wave knocked that caveman out!" Antonio laughed at his own story. "Ight ima get a beer." 

"Does he ever shut up?" Ben said, rolling his eyes. 

"Look who's talking." I said to Ben.

"It is so unbelievable how you had kept it a secret from us." Jayme said looking down.

"What?" I replied.

"The end of the world you disgrace." Ben spat. "I'm surprised Dad hasn't thrown you out by now." 

"You're so full of yourself, I'm surprised Dad hasn't bumped your number down!" I fought. 

"OH so that's what it's about! I know you've always been jealous that you're not the best." Ben said as he narrowed his eyes. 

I stepped closer to him and pointed my finger in his face, "You wanna see who's-" 

"Okay how about we, uh, come up with a plan to save the world?" Fei stepped in between us.

Silence. No one knew what to do. 

"Do we have a lead?" Sloane finally said. 

"Vanya." I replied. "We know Vanya causes it." 

"But 'causing' it can have many ways." Christopher flew up to us, and we already knew that he was gonna be the most help. 

"She doesn't have to cause it directly. Think of life as a butterfly effect. Maybe it is a little more complicated than that." he finished. 

My siblings and I looked at each other, and realizing Chris was right. As always. Vanya is just the start. We're gonna have to go much deeper to actually have a chance at stopping the end of the world. 

"Oh hey! Chris giving one of his lectures? What're we talkin' about?" Alphonso came back with a six pack beer. 

"I'll fill you in... those two are fighting again and I don't wanna watch it." Fei grabbed Alphonso and they shadow traveled upstairs.

"Where's Jayme?" asked Ben looking around. 

"It's funny how you're looking for me." Jayme said, from the couch behind Ben. "I've always been invisible to you. Without needing Y/n's powers."

"You're the antisocial freak!" Ben snapped back at her.

"Ben! Leave her alone you douche!" Sloane grabbed his arm and dragged him away from Jayme.

"You won't talk to me like that again, understood?" Ben now walking towards Sloane. 

"No sorry, can you repeat it in Spanish?" Sloane spat, and I chuckled at the comeback.

Just as Ben was about to storm Sloane, she said, 

"You sat down right here on the floor, and not got up for the next 45 minutes." her eyes glowed green, and she just controlled his mind.

As she finished, Ben criss-cross-apple-sauced onto the floor. Then he snapped out of it, and tried to get up. 

"WHAT. DID. YOU. DO.?!" he yelled. 

"Have fun!" I smiled sarcastically, and gave Sloane a high five.

"Hey Jay-. Where's Jay?" I said as I realized Jayme wasn't on the couch anymore. 

"UGHHHHH FOR 45 MINUTES! SLOANE YOU ARE INSANE!" Ben still fought to get up. 

"You deserve it." I said blankly. 

"AND I'm just as insane as you are. As all of us in this family are." Sloane added.

"You like spiders Ben?" I asked.

"I- no?" he replied.

"Good!" when I said that, I kneeled down and had my hands together in a ball. "Well then you're not gonna like this." 

With my powers I made the illusion that a spider was crawling out of my hands, going straight towards Ben. 

"Wait- no no nononononononononononoooo! Oh my goddddd get it awayyyyy! Ah get it away get it away get it away!" Ben was freaking out as the spider crawled towards his legs. But he couldn't move. 

Sloane burst out laughing when the spider basically crawled through Ben's legs without making contact. I also started cackling and made the spider disappear.

"YOU GUYS WILL PAY FOR THIS!" Ben was now boiling with anger. Slo and I ran to the kitchen because we knew if we stayed with Ben any longer, he'd lash his powers at us.

"AHAHHAHAHAH that was a bold move!" Sloane said and hugged me. 

"hhhhh HELL YES HE DESERVED IT!" I said, while hugging her. 

Suddenly we heard electricity and a whoosh  outside in the back. Sloane looked at me and probably read my mind, since I could see her eyes sparked green for a split second. 

"Yes we should go see what that was." she said, and we walked out the back door, cautiously. 

As we stepped out into the stinging cold, we saw a woman standing with a briefcase facing away from us, looking around. 

"Excuse me ma'am, who are you?" Sloane asked softly.

"And how did you get here?" I added and looked at Sloane, kind of confused and worried. Wait- a briefcase... could she be from the commission?

The woman turned around. She had dark skin, long black hair that was curled, and I recognized the face instantly. She was also wearing black jeans with a grey shirt and black jacket. Very professional looking. 

Sloane and I exchanged horrified looks, our eyes were wide and we couldn't believe who the person standing in front of us was.


-------------OOOOH CLIFFHANGERRRR--------------

What are your thoughts? Make sure to add this story to your library so you can know when a new part comes out!!!


What is your favorite scene/line from the Umbrella Academy?

Author's answer: In season 2, the last episode, when they all get shot by the Swedish guy, but then Five time travels back a few seconds and saves everyone, except the Handler. 


also, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 150 READS!!!!! That is an unbelievable achievement for a newbie like me, and I just appreciate everyone who read this!!! <3

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