To Live Peacefully In This Wo...

By xyrothor

11.4K 377 99

This new world was advertised differently to the both of them. But hey, you should make do with what you have... More

The end is often just a beginning.
Beginnings are always slow.
Not so friendly town of beginnings
Settling in
The Siege of Axel
Catching Up
Trouble Caused by Greed
New Lands
New places, new faces
A moment of respite
Town of Arkton
Things burried by time

Strength of a Hero

884 34 7
By xyrothor

Disclaimer: I do not own BNHA, Konosuba or any other fictional story that i my use in here.

Chapter 5


After changing her visage to that of the goddess of fortune, Chris or rather Eris teleported into the soul guidance chamber. Not even looking at her new charge she quickly searched for the last entry in the Book of Souls.

"Ah... Here you are. Izuku Midoriya, welcome to the afterlife!" She said with a smile to ease the young man before her. Only to freeze in her seat after she felt the amount of energy this soul was radiating. It was at a level of a lower class Demigod, not a mortal being. She started to sweat a little, not knowing what to do in such situation.

"Holy shit, Izuku are you seeing this? There is an afterlife after all!" A happy female voice rang in the silence.

Ok the situation was clearly getting out of hand, there should be only one soul here! Just behind the seating boy, a form of a young woman was floating looking around like a kid in a candy store.

"Nana, what are you even doing here with me? Didn't you let go after our talk? " It was really strange for Eris to be ignored like that, she was a goddess after all. But she decided to see what will happen for now and remained silent.

"Weeeeeelllll... You see i promised to wake you up right? So i might have used OfA from the inside to power you up... And here I am!" The girl with the white cape clearly hid something, it wasn't hard to see her avoiding the gaze of the green haired youth.

"What did you do?" He asked patiently.

After floating around a bit, and failing to avoid the question Nana surrendered and spilled the truth.

"I had to use quite a bit of power to give those few minutes of consciousness to you... And after a while it was getting harder and harder so i decided to crank it up... And i may have overdid it a bit..." Visibly embarrassed the floating woman started to blush a little.

"Why I have a feeling you did something that shouldn't be done?" Izuku asked more in a tired voice than angry.

"Hey don't speak like that to me young man! I am the one older in our relationship here!" She clearly wasn't too happy about the questioning. But for Eris this woman didn't look that old, maybe a few years older than the boy himself.

"Nana it may sound strange, but you look a lot younger than the last time i saw you." The green haired boy stated getting a puzzled look from his companion.

"I do? I don't feel different though... " The girl in question started to look herself around, looking like a dog trying to chase it's tail more than anything.

Then she turned to the still observing them goddess. "Hey, you there, do you maybe have a mirror or something in here?" The casual tone the question was asked in caused the goddess to in turn question her own sanity. How in the all realms two souls managed to get in here at the same time? And even the way they behaved... It looked more like a social gathering at the park than a meeting to decide their fate.

"Izuku Midoriya... I welcome you and your... Friend to the afterlife. I'm sorry but this situation is unheard of, do you maybe have any explanation to this all? " Not being able to stop herself from asking she inquired.

The greenette sighed o bit, not so long ago he would be flustered from speaking to this beautiful girl... Now he was apparently dead, in the afterlife and the spirit form of Nana Shimura followed him there, not to mention that she looked more like a teenager than the grown woman he saw earlier.

"The only thing I can think of is Nana here using my... Our, quirk when i died. I don't really know how it all works though." He started after a short while.

And there it was again, the second soul she was having here had some sort of power. Momo Yaoyorozu didn't retain her power because it was tied to her mortal vessel... The case should be the same with this boy, but for some reason it wasn't.

"Can you use your power in here?" She inquired again, hoping to get some answers, in the next second the boy in front of her started crackling with emerald energy. He silently pointed his hand away from them all not even getting up from the chair. The goddess of fortune had to consciously prevent her jaw from dropping when with a flick of his fingers he created a powerful gust of wind. For some reason he didn't look pleased though.

"Nana, there is something wrong with OfA... i used around 30% right now, the power should be tremendously higher." Izuku stated to his companion, missing a look of awe and surprise from his host.

"I had to use a lot of power okay? I don't know where it all went... In one moment i was trying to keep you awake, in the second i was being pulled away from you so I started to panic and might have used all i could..." Nana blurted out fast, playing with her fingers in front of her chest. "I had to spend a lot of time in solitude when i was in the core of OfA and i was worried that it may happened again if you die. I wasn't ready to let go like the others so I tried whatever i could..." Izuku laughed a bit surprising the floating girl beside him.

"Don't worry Nana, i don't think we will need all that power anyway." Feeling that it was her time to interject, Eris spoke up.

"Let us proceed then. There was never a precedent like this, but i will go with my gut feeling and let that woman accompanying you wherever you choose to go." At that Nana giggled like a school girl. The greenette could only hope that everything was okay with her, she was looking and acting a lot more... Childlike then the last time they meet.

"According to the book your life wasn't too kind on you, for that i am really sorry. Your cause of death is listed as multiple organ failure from an infection. It's strange... There is nothing about your sins in here... Anyway you were really righteous in your life, helped a lot of people even at your own cost. That is really commendable of you."
The boy only smiled at her from all this praise. He looked so calm, and his green eyes looked so gentle Eris had to forcefully avert her sight back to the book.

"You are allowed to choose by yourself what will you do now. Your first choice is obviously heaven. It's recommended for the souls of old people, as it's more of a retirement house for them. You can go around and bask in the sun all day. There is very little in the way of entertainment though." She paused to look up just to see his attentive eyes on her, the floating girl was spinning in circles her face the pinnacle of boredom.

"The second option is a reincarnation. Your soul would be purified of your sins and memories, then returned into the circle of life." She stopped for the second time, Izuku was still observing her, Nana, now upside down, was trying to untangle herself from her cape.

"And the third choice is something special because of your good way of life. There is a world currently at war, civilians suffer because of..." She was cut off by Izuku's voice, gentle but determined.

"I will help them then." The goddess of fortune could only stare at this boy. He didn't even hear her out, he didn't even hear about a boon from the Gods to help him.

"Excellent!" She decided to retain the rest of her sanity and roll with the punches.

"As a way to help you with your new life, we will grant you a boon of your choosing to..." She was one again cut off, this time by Nana though.

"Can I get internet?!" At that outburst both Izuku and Eris looked at the floating, now untangled, girl.

After a few moments Izuku sighed again."Why would you want Internet in this new world. How would you even use it without any devices?" After pondering for a few seconds, the capped girl happily spoke up.

"Ah you see, i was so long in the OfA without any entertainment beside some glimpses of your memories that i want to explore a bit. I want to see all the movies and listen to all the music! I want entertainment!" Izuku was about to refuse and ask for something more useful until his new friend used the most deadly technique known to all the women in the world. She crouched before him and looked at him with upturned eyes and her lip trembled a little. And was staring without stopping for a few minutes already. As Izuku was starting to crack she went for the kill. Her eyes moistened slightly, little tears forming in the corners.

"Pretty pleeeeaseee. I really, really want to have it. It will be useful too! " Not being able to resist any longer he agreed to her wish. It wasn't like he was going to be defenseless, even with his now weaker power.

"Yay!" She happily squealed, looking really pleased with her success at negotiation if you could name it that way.

Izuku visibly embarrassed to be played that way, turned back to the goddess before him.

"Is there any way you could make her a device to explore the internet? Something like a tablet maybe. It would be good if it could survive a fight to, or if she could make it disappear or something..." The greenette trailer off when he saw disbelief on the goddesse's face.

"You want your boon, a power or artifact from the Gods themselves to be an entertainment device... Not even for yourself?" She had to clarify it like that. Otherwise she wouldn't believe in all that.

"Yes, pretty much. Is that strange?" Now Eris had to actively restrain herself from saying something. Was it strange? She didn't even heard of anyone taking something like that with them too the new world. It would t be stupid to take only something like a tablet or a cellphone with yourself to a world with monsters running around. But she could feel the power thrumming inside that boy. Maybe he really didn't need any help?

"It is certainly in my abilities to grant you such a device, as the owner of this artifact you can summon and send it away at will. It will be impossible to send anything to your world thought. You can't communicate with anyone, only receive, read and watch." When she said that, a large white rectangular device appeared in her hands. Nana happily flew over to her and received it, immediately starting to tap at it and trying to use it.

Observing the strange girl Eris said her goodbyes.

"I heard your wish and fulfilled it, i will send you now to the outskirts of a town called Axel. May your new live be peaceful." At her words a large magic circles appeared above and under the duo, teleporting them away in a flash of white light.

After a minute passed, Eris still couldn't comprehend what just transpired.
"I may need a drink after this... Wait a minute... Is this why Aqua started to drink so heavily?" Poor goddess realized that her new work may be not so good for her health.


In a small flash of light, both Izuku and Nana materialized in a small clearing. It was quite late evening, the sun was already behind the horizon, in the last rays of light the greenette spotted a city in the far distance. He looked himself up and down, his attire certainly different than last time. In the presence of the goddess he was wearing a set of hospital clothes. Now he has a creamy, linen shirt and a set of brown hemp pants. On his feet were sturdy looking lether boots. Then he saw that Nana was sporting her hero suit like always, her new toy now dismissed she was looking around curious and definitely happy she could move by herself again.

"So what do we do now? Do we camp here or head out in the direction of the city?" Izuku asked his companion.

"Oh, oh i want to see the city! Do you think I could scare someone? It would be so cool if i could!" She laughed mischievously, flying backwards in the direction the green haired boy stated to walk. Only to suddenly yelp in pain and freight when she collided with a tree. As she fell to the ground and was trying to understand what and why, Izuku quickly approached her.

"Hey are you alright? You shouldn't fly backwards like that, you can't see what is in your way." He said totally missing the point.

Nana, still laying on the soft grass, that she somewhat was able to feel again, lifted slowly her hand to her eyes and looked at it. Then she suddenly jabbed her finger into Izuku's chest. The boy in question didn't react much, having only a questioning look on his face. She did in fact react to her own action though.

"Aww shit! That hurts like all hell, what are you made of?! Freaking steel?" She cradled her now clearly hurting finger.

"I... I don't know what are you talking about. I just have to be in form for the power of OfA, you know that right? Speaking of, i should take it for a test drive don't you think?" He asked her with a knowing smile.

"Yes! Let's race! Last one to the city have to take off their pants!" She laughed and flew in the direction of the town in the horizon not even getting up first.

Izuku immediately followed with a burst of speed, leaving a small crater in the place he started from. He could feel the warm feeling of his power flowing through him, it was quite a bit smaller than before, but it made all this stored energy easier to control. Not even half a minute later he was a blur of green lightning that passed Nana who was flying at a low altitude, probably thinking that she would win anyway. When he was passing her he saw in her eyes a clear surprise and smiled at her coyly.

Her accusatory shouts of cheating were heard in the distance, but in that moment something different catched his attention. He was still quite a distance away but he clearly saw a skirmish at the gates of the city. Feeling that his body could still hold up, he pumped even more power into his system, with a burst of green electricity that momentarily lighted up the field around him, he shot out like from a canon nearly breaking the sound barrier.

In his super charged state, everything moving in slow motion he saw a black haired girl in an armor that was evading a giant blade of a sword. When he landed feet first in the side of the headless villain his eyes widened when he recognized the girl that died in his hands a few days ago. She was scuffed and dirty, had a few scrapes on her face and her hair were free from her usual ponytail, probably from the intense fight. Right before him stood Momo Yaoyorozu in all her glory, looking like a goddess of war, visibly in shock to see him too.

Leaving any talk for later he looked in the direction he sent that guy in, apparently that villain was tough. Now when the armored man stood up the greenette clearly saw that he did in fact have a head, just for some reason he held it in his hand, and was glaring something fierce, nearly as much as Katsuki on his bad day. That thought brought a smile to his face, which didn't go unnoticed by the armored monster.

"Who the hell are you. There shouldn't be any higher ranked adventurers here!" He roared at him. A primitive intimidation tactic the green haired teen mused. Still smiling he replied.

"I am Deku." He stated, not feeling any need to tell this villain anything more. With his body practically brand new, with only the benefits of the back breaking training he endured, he really could push himself now. Suddenly the empty hand of the villain lighted up in a black aura, certainly an attack.

With the power of his quirk pumping through his body the attack moving with the speed of a bullet looked more like a leisurely moving mass of darkness floating in his direction, he sidestepped it without to much effort and rocketed in the direction of his attacker.


He was here! Momo couldn't believe in it.

One second she was mentally preparing herself for decapitation the next her opponent was launched like from a canon and the form of her green haired, cinnamon roll of a friend was there, smiling at her bathed in his emerald lightning. She had so much questions but before she could manage to voice any, he turned in the direction of Beldia and introduced himself using his hero name. The next thing she knew he was sidestepping a magic bullet that most people wouldn't react in time for and shoot of in the direction of the Dullahan. She wanted to help him so much, but her friend behind her needed her more.

Darkness was laying in a pool of blood, her breath bit ragged but still strong. Momo looked her over and to her relief she didn't have any life threatening wounds.

She was about to call somone for help but a form of a young woman in a black suit and with a white cape at her back landed before her on one knee and with a fist to the ground. The whole scene would look really epic if she didn't nearly gave the ravenette a heart attack with that entrance, but the girl only giggled and started to talk.

"Yes! I always wanted to do that superhero landing! Heya, you are Izuku's friend right? I'm here to help!" She stated proudly with both hands on her hips, clearly trying to look heroic, not failing though.

She had even more questions now, but it wasn't the time for them. "Please help me to carry her to the medical station inside, we need to patch her up."

Momo directed her sudden ally to take blonde's other arm and they both dragged the Crusader back inside the city. Even from this distance the exchange of blows could be heard.

After they got Darkness to the priests who started her healing immediately, Momo had a few moments to breath.

"Who are you even?" She asked the now looking around girl. She looked quite like Momo herself, had a bit shorter black haired, reaching her upper back, her eyes were gray and even her body proportions were somewhat similar. Her face structure looked a bit different though and she had a small mole under her lower lip. Her clothes were a clear giveaway that she was a hero from her world. Materials that were used looked more synthetic and uniform that things she saw here.

"Oh, I'm Nana! I'm... A part of Izuku's quirk you could say, like a manifestation or something like that. I don't know really, I'm not a scientist! He is the one with the brain in our relationship!"

At her cherry replay the armored teen was taken aback. Their classmate, Tokoyami, had a sentient quirk but it was connected to him at the hip, literally even. This girl in front of her looked like a real blood and bone person, but she wouldn't know so much if she wasn't telling the truth... Or she was traveling with Izuku for some time and knew enough to made this all up...

The sounds of battle outside the walls was getting more intense now, so Momo headed up to to the two of her remaining teammates that were keeping lesser undead away. Taking a few steps she felt someone following her, and when she turned around she saw Nana floating a few meters away from her, clearly intending to go with.

"Can you give me a lift up there?" Ravenette's question was answered with Nana grabbing her under the arms and lifting of to the awe of surrounding adventurers. They were at the top under few seconds, startling Kazuma and Aqua who screamed in fright. It couldn't be Kazuma, it sounded like a little girl.

Momo quickly surveyed the situation from her vantage point. In the distance around 1000 of enemy footmen were visible, not being able to get into the battlefield blessed by the goddess of water. The ones that had enough strength to enter were picked out by the archers with fire arrows.

To her relief Izuku was still fighting, clearly not slowing down, Beldia had his sword back but it didn't give him to much of an advantage when his opponent was so fast. The green blur was moving in for a strike, more often than not, sending the Dullahan rolling and moved out of the range of his attacks when it was needed. Thanks to the blessing over the field, the General had his regenerative abilities suppressed a bit too.

"So... Is that the guy i have to punch?" Kazuma tried to lift the atmosphere, succeeding in bringing a little smile on Momo's face.

"Well you weren't kidding when you said he was strong. I can't see any weapons on him. To fight with a Dullahan, a Demon Army General barehanded and smack him around like that..." He continued after a second.

"Why isn't he finishing him off? He is clearly stronger than him, he should destroy him when he can." Aqua spoke up from her place in a magic formation that she created for the spell.

Momo's eyes widened with realization at that. " Nana, how long were you in this world before coming here?" She asked with urgency.

"I don't know really, maybe 10 minutes, why?" The said heroine asked unsure.

"He doesn't know he have to finish him off, he is fighting to capture, not kill. He probably doesn't even know this is one of the Generals. " The armored beauty said to everyone surprise.

"Why would he kill him even? He is a villain, we capture Villains. How we can be heroes if we kill someone so easily?" The floating teen asked with a bit of a frown.

"That isn't possible in this world, didn't the goddess explain everything to you two? " Momo asked.

"Weeeeeelllll... My body manifested for the first time so I was occupied with that... Besides Izuku just agreed before that girl could finish her sentence. It's not my fault he want to help everyone he can." Nana said starting to spin slowly in the air again.

"Can you tell him that he needs to destroy that monster? You are a part of him right?" Creati started to look back to the fight. The green blur that was speeding around Beldia wasn't slowing down, the battered form of Dullahan still weaved his sword and fired magic attacks at him though. It was just a matter of time before an attack would connect.


This guy was crazy, that was Izuku's impression about his opponent.

Weaving between the blasts of dark energy and that blade, occasionally slapping it away with enough force to spin it's wielder around, Izuku was indeed starting to feel some stress on his body. It wasn't anything critical but he needed to capture this guy ASAP. He didn't have any way to do that though as every time he manages to bring him to the ground, he uses some sort of an ability to blast him away and get up.

He would aim for the head to knock him out but it was armored and in the hand, so it was a surprisingly hard target. Even if he had a speed and strength advantage, his opponent clearly used his experience to roll with the punches and kicks to minimize the damage and was coming at him noon stop with his own attacks.

Suddenly he heard Nana's voice from above him. "Hey, lover boy, your girlfriend told me, to tell you, that you need to kill this guy."

"Momo isn't my girlfriend!" He barked back at her. "And i can't just kill a person, heroes don't kill!"

"You, boy, start taking me seriously dammit! I won't give you any choice! This is a fight to the end!" Beldia roared, his eyes starting to glow in a red color, his speed rising bit by bit. Not even close to Izuku's own, but for anyone else it would be a death sentence.

"Do i need to kill him? Is there no other way?" The greenette asked his floating companion.

"All of the people in the city certainly think that, even your girlfriend." Nana answered, purposefully heavily accenting the last word.

Breathing deeply in, Izuku shot in the direction of the Dullahan, a lot faster than before striking him with a rising kick, causing his opponent to lift from the ground. Beldia caught off guard, shielded himself with his wide blade but being in the air as his opponent struck the sword, he was launched like a cannonball into a hill nearby, carving a deep trench with his own body.

As he was standing up, he didn't have time to block and was hit in his chest this time, again getting shot into the ground. He tried to use his magic but his outstretched weapon was brutally kicked away from the target. A green blur moving so fast even his enhanced senses couldn't catch up. As he brought his blade to attack again it was stopped dead still by one hand.


As Darkness woke up she was still tended too by the priests. After a second of being in a daze she asked where Creati was.

Getting her answer she quickly sprinted back to the gate tower. Barging on to the roof she sighed with relief seeing with her own eyes that her friend indeed was okay. This fight, even if painful, wasn't the least enjoyable to her. She liked pain, but not at the cost of others and especially her friends.

As she neared the battlements where the whole party stood she was about to speak when she saw a confrontation straight out of a fairy tale.

In the middle of the battlefield was the monster that they were defeated by, Beldia. And opposite him was a young man with dark green hair, bathed in green lightning looking confidently at the Dullahan, and slightly above him was floating a figure of a woman in black with a white cape that was like a guardian angel looking after her charge. The floating woman was telling something to the warrior when the roar of the general reached even people on the walls.

"You, boy, start taking me seriously dammit! I won't give you any choice! This is a fight to the end!"

As if waiting for this words, green haired man moved. He was but a blur when he reached the Dullahan, first kicking him slightly into the air, as the swordsman used his blade too shield himself, his opponent struck his guard with such a force that he was sent into a hill nearby, carving the ground on impact.

With such a display of strength and a light show of green lightning all around, Darkness recognized the man from her friend's stories.

As Beldia was getting up he was struck again by a mighty blow to the chest that created a big crater with them as the center. Even at this distance she saw a fast side kick that bated away the sword that casted a deadly spell.

To the shock of everyone watching, the general's sword was caught in one hand at his next attack and yanked brutally away, nearly ripping off his hand. Then with his other hand Izuku delivered the mother of all haymakers. Folding the armor of his opponent in half finally killing him.


Izuku looked down into the crater he created with his attacks. In the middle, a mangled piece of metal was all that remained from his opponent. Looking at the weapon in his hands he felt something ominous from it so he just tossed it away.

"Sometimes it has to be done, you saved all the people behind those walls there." Soft voice of Nana called to him, floating nearby just above the ground.

"I know that, for some reason this was disturbingly easy... " The green haired man confessed.

"Momo said something about an explanation to this state of things, supposedly that goddess that sent us here should provide it. Well it seems even gods have their moments of forgetfulness." The heroine quipped playfully, getting a small smile from her host.
Izuku looked into the distance, seeing a mob of skeletons and zombies randomly walking in all directions. Now with their master defeated, and with no controller to guide their actions they became disarrayed and milled about without any destination.

"We should probably dispose of those minions too. What do you say for a little friendly competition?" Izuku asked Nana with a sly smile.

"Oh, oh, i like that! Let's see if you can keep up you zygote!" Happily laughing in the face of coming destruction and carnage, they both launched into the fry.


As the two of them was having fun, tearing apart the undead that were left outside Aqua's influence, the whole party just looked at the action from the tower.

"So your shining knight without armor did show up in the end." Darkness playfully jabbed at her friend.

Momo was smiling a bit but she knew only one way to get to this world, and somehow she was certain that it was the exact one her crush took to do that. She was really happy to see him, but he had to leave everybody behind just like her. Her musing was interrupted by Kazuma.

"Who is that babe with him though? Is she your sister or something? You look really similar." And there was this Nana.

She introduced herself as his quirk but it always was a strength enhancer only. It was strange that her own power regressed quite a lot, but his seemingly increased. Did he get some other boon from the Gods? Pondering that she observed as the duo fought side by side systematically destroying all the remaining skeletons.


Author's Note:

And here it is. Sadly the speed of my updates will have to drop, I have a lot to do in the upcoming weeks so I don't know if I will have enough time to write.

It's crazy that this story have so much attention.

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