Irreparable; Unordinary (What...

By -MadWhale-

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This is a Fanfic of the webtoon story Unordinary. Begins after Remi and John's argument. Showcasing the worst... More

Terror of ignorance
Punguent scent
The Great Planner. Part 1/2
The Great Planner Part 2/2
We meet again
Peaceful Conference
¿Lullaby of a Sure Victory?
Real Battle Commences
Chasing ducks
Monster/ End for Part 1.
◾️e◾️ B◾️◾️i◾️n◾️◾️◾️
M◾️◾️o◾️◾️e◾️ to ◾️e◾️e◾️◾️e◾️
A ◾◾◾ to ◾◾◾◾◾◾r
We're all ◾◾◾◾◾◾◾


253 9 0
By -MadWhale-

A body laid on the ground. Another flew across the arena. It flew, flew, scraped and slid across the ground. Who knew how many floor burns that fellow would end up with it?

It certainly wasn't something the two could waste thinking on.

???- " got...them.."

???- " Are you kidding me? I almost got KO'd and you're telling me that's what you're gonna say? Come on man."

???- " Shut.....up...???."


The apprehensive battle, well no. Let's take that back and give it a 180 turn. Wait no, was it apprehensive or not? It's too much for someone who's not acquainted with battle to easily digest.

It's something that resonates and spins around someone's head. Cracking their skull and making their brain tremble and shake in agony, and confusion.

Anxiousness and wariness fill the people and endless possibilities arise. Could they lose? Could they win? What happens if this is done rather than that? What could happen if they choose to act sooner? Or maybe have some patience and act later? Will their comrades succeed? Or will they fall? If they do win, would they actually win? Or would it be a superficial win to fill one's curiosity and satisfaction? For what reason and how do fights start? Why did winning seem more empty than actually losing? Why was the desire to win more important? Were either side right in the end?

Or do people just end up suffering for others selfish desires?

A blue haired boy charged and flew with a fist laid out in front.

Isen immediately withdrew to one side. And jumped aside.

He looked away from the taunting and bravado boy. He glanced towards the other battlefields.

Both battlefields were havoc of destructions.

Blyke shot as many beams as he could and Remi sparked the ground as much as much as she could.

Keeping an eye on the other battles was what Isen was particularly doing. His participation was to examined the other opponents.

Gou in front of him leaped toward him and gave roundhouse kicks, continuous kicks being thrown over and over again. Until the final kick came in and he stomped the ground, making a small crater.

Isen- " Sheesh, how is he not tired?"

Isen kept running further and further, he used his speed and the self distraction Gou made as an advantage.

He drowned himself further and further in the clouds and laid there glaring at Broven and Rein.

If anything, Broven scared him and didn't not want anything to do with him. His ability «Ground Disorder» was not so friendly, it also didn't help with his odd persona. It creeped him and frightened him.

Rein was just full mysterious. He didn't know how to feel about her, but he was curious and intrigued. However the more he found and hypothesized about her, the less he felt secure with him or anyone fighting her.

Isen- " Surely if anyone fought her with no information beforehand. They would lose, unless they're a higher level, or in this case. They have more offensive power than her."

As he kept on watching he noticed some thing.

When she talked to Remi and was denouncing her. One of Blyke's beams had been shot at her and she turned around cut the laser without care.

This wouldn't be too alarming and eye catching if no one saw this, or they would have thought that Blyke's beams are excessively loud.

However the way her body had changed since her particular usage of «Spider Arms».

If she could listen and pinpoint a fast incoming beam.....not anyone could locate and have enough speed to.......hmm.

Isen- " If.....wait."

Isen heard the footsteps of someone getting closer to him, and he immediately retracted his voice and scurried out of the area to a more secluded one.

He paused and begin his observations again.

He looked at Rein. Her fingers may have gotten blacker. But those were only to his eyes.

Isen- "If her fingers, her bones, or her outer surface. Her skin, would harden, then.... what about the rest of her limbs!?"

From Isen's point of view, not only her limbs, legs and arms. We're filled with black colors but at the ends were extremely black and sharp surfaces. The joints were filled with more whiteness.

Isen- " If we take into account that her body changes as whole when her «Spider Arms» are retracted and each time they get darker..."

He looked closely, his eyes were as keen and sharp as a hawk. He couldn't fail or had time to be a hindrance. He had to figure this out.

Isen- " She even uses specific ones, and each used loses her armor and offense to a certain limb, but not all...."

He turned his head and looked around him, his ears perked up. No signs of Gou, Gou had taken another route to look for him.

He widened his eyes.

Isen- " So in other words, if her body changes. We can't say just her offense and defense changes. But even her senses!? And each individual «Spiders Arms» contributes to those senses and changes?That would make sense on how she countered all of Blyke's beams with ease. It would also make sense on how she saw me, throughout the smoke and without looking directly at me."

An ability that alters a body as a whole!? That's absurd, way too complex of an ability. Isen wanted to shout this out, he was convinced that this was the unfriendliest and most hidden ability he has ever seen.

John's ability «Aura Manipulation» was already bad enough. He could copy abilities and sense them. If we don't take into account he can use several and amplify them, it would still be a troublesome ability.

Arlo was also quite unfriendly.

However Rein's «Spider Arms» has too many secrecies about it. Anyone would think that it's just an ordinary annoying spider ability. Yet, there was more, it enhanced her body in every way it could.

Almost like a spider....

Isen- " Turns our she really is a spider. Jumping all around, she's acting just like a Jumping Spider."

Sounds of feet clacking in the floor resounding Isen's ears, as he turned in an emergence. Gou broke through the smutty clouds.

He sent another powerful strike and then a jab.

The first strike was dodged and the jab was palm. Gou tilted his body and threw himself towards, Isen. With his with his elbow out front.

The light orange haired boy, with dark brown hair under the base and hue amber eyes the glow in the smutty cloud.

He palmed the incoming elbow with his left hand, sliding slightly on the pavement.

With his free arm that let his clutch off, he intended to swing it directly at the boy with blue hair. However, the blue haired boy was quicker and sent another attack flying towards towards him.

Isen hastily used his right free arm to palm the other incoming attack, sliding more inches across the sturdy pavement.

To Isen's thoughts, he thought he stopped the barrage of attacks of this blue haired boy, Gou. Albeit, Gou was more experienced in combat and in turf wars. Stopping his fists and elbow wasn't enough cease the fist flaming boy.

In a brief moment, the blue haired boy and sent a knee directly at Isen's abdomen.

Isen lowered both his palms while still holding onto Gou's elbow and fist but received the direct blow.

Isen- " Arrrgh..."

He flew across the pavement ground and slid. He rolled a couple of times leaving floor burns.

Isen- " What the hell..."

Isen paused his words, as he lifted one of his arms up to bring himself up. Gou was engaging for another attack. Yet, this time it wasn't from the ground. Isen glanced back and forth, sideways but couldn't see him. He took the liberty to look up and saw a man descending onto the ground at alarming speeds.

He rolled and threw his body away from the incoming slam.....


Isen moved away in time and the place where he was just at had been destroyed. The boy smashed the ground underneath him and left a decent sized crater.

Isen- " Were you trying to kill me!?"

He shouted, he didn't understand the arbitrary atrocities and fighting tactics the turf war used. They were too out of sentimentality.

He stood up stuttering. He had already received a direct blow to his abdomen and he was hurt. He clutched that part as he continued to set his feet ready to keep dodging.

Isen- " Aww man, why did I have to get involved in this? Not cool, Blyke can't finish his fight and Remi is getting no where."

Throughout the fight of fists and kicks, plummeting, clutching each other to throw one another. The scenery was one sided. One attacking and one defending.

Despite Isen's superior level, he lacked a way to fight. His talent could only do so much to guide him. He never worked on improving his fighting. The combat talent that he reigned over.

All he ever did was activate his ability, lock onto someone and punch them once. His knack for overwhelming the other students at Wellston shone.

Nevertheless, turf wars was a different story. It was at another level, it was recognizable and plain to the eye.

Isen had never fought a real fight before.

Gou raced to Isen again, he striked again and it was palmed again. Isen's feet slid across the pavement again.

Gou was strong to push Isen in a stand-alone fight. To top it off, hé had his own fighting style which Isen had yet to make.

Isen launched a fist towards Gou, Gou immediately retracted his face and gripped his arm. He lifted the unbalanced Isen that had no feet coordination.

Raising him up, Gou had lifted him vertically.

Isen- " Oh shitshitshit. This is bad!!"

Isen panicked as he noticed what was about to happen. He was about to get suplexed into the ground, and with his strength, he would be left unconscious.

As the momentum was being applied and gravity was about to do its work. A beam gazed Gou. His cheek was gazed and was caught off guard. Isen, in Gou's momentarily confusion, Isen released himself and landed on his knees.

Then a blast wave of gust blew them away, and each rolled several feet. Isen looked up and saw that Blyke had shot a massive beam at Broven who was high up in a hand sculpture made out of pavement.

Broven used the pavement to rise up higher and move to another direction but the beam destroyed the hand sculpture and  Broven's means to levitate in the powdered pavement suspended.

His shocked face at the mesmerizing aurora, energy canon that Blyke had generated then inflicted, had stunned him.

His threads no longer touched the ground and he fell.

Isen- " So if doesn't have direct or indirect touch with the ground. He can't use it."

He turned his head and saw that Rein who had jumped was also heading toward the direction of the beam. She turned midair and protruded several «Spider Legs» and launched them towards the Massive beam.

The multitudinous «Spider Legs» strode to meet the beam and they begun piercing it. As the beam came, and «Spider Legs» went forth.

Remi took this advantage and leaped. Rein's  «Spider Arms» twitched, two more came forth again, drilled the ground with the intent to jump.

Remi, stretched her arm even more and as soon Rein jumped she grabbed the tip of her «Spider Legs» and electrocuted her.

Rein convulsed again. With six «Spider Arms» out she jerked more violently than last time. Remi let go and jumped backward from the massive beam that kept coming. a brief shock but the nonetheless got her intention across.

The smutty cloud that were vanished begun engulfing them again. However this time, it was less.

Isen- " That luck. Blyke, for this time I'm going to compliment your recklessness. It saved me from getting my ass handed to me."

He puffed, and stood back up. He had an idea.


Blyke- " Take that. You prick, you're not strong when your threads aren't on the ground."

Blyke sprayed the place with beams. With one hand he shot several and the other he focused on one beam itself.

When Blyke had destroyed Broven's fortress he shot a highly dense and solely energized beam.

He thought that if his power couldn't break through Broven's ability. Then what if he concreted more into the speed before he could calculate anything?

Broven was the type of man who had stuff and traps planned out beforehand. No wonder Blyke had a hard time, Broven was already settled.

To break that, he needed to destroy the threads.

Blyke- " That annoying hand sculpture of yours was a pain. You controlled that with ease. Each finger shooting pellets was a huge problem. But now that your threads keep being destroyed, you're relying on the ground beneath you to move and defend you."

Broven placed a wall in front of him, he wanted to generated pellets to hurl at him or create a weapon but the beams came in simultaneously and kept tumbling, disfiguring his wall.

He kept on using the ground beneath to keep rebuilding the wall. However Blyke would curve a hand size beam at him and it would hit the side of him.

With that he would move and try to move the wall with him.

At that instant, Blyke would use the same hand he shot a hand sized and shoot a beam with great speeds to cut through his threads. With precise aiming.

Without threads, he could only use the ground beneath him.

Broven- " Now, t'is a problem."

He attempted more and more to generate threads and create a different wall.

He had to create a wall that could deflect beams to the side.

He curved his ground wall that would occasionally deflect beams. And hardened it to an extreme.

He strained and he got a headache, nose bled and his wall had hardened to almost invulnerability.

The beams were being deflected to the side, his chance to attack had come.

His created his threads from the ground, and the threads developed numerous ground blades. Each enough to injure anyone.

Broven lifted himself up a bit, enough to see above the wall. And threw them.

The blades moved across the field, they approached and approached closer to Blyke.



The blades stopped, no they slowed down.

Blyke, strode across on his beams safely but the blades hit something.

Broven widened his eyes as he saw who he had hit.

It was Gou. Gou was thrown directly into the blades and received a direct blow to the head. That would surely ensure a concussion.

Gou was covered in slashes as if something had cut him, several times. As he found out what it was.......

At his bewildered state, he stood shocked.

Foots resounded on the ground and before he could react, he was hit from the side and was thrown into the air.

He glanced back and saw an orange haired boy were he just stood.

Broven- "!!!"

As he flew, Blyke was charging another massive beam.

And discharged it.

Broven's threads were too short to touch the ground and he wasn't directly touching anything.

He stood there and watched the beam get closer and closer until......


Broven was hit and flew, flew, flew, flew.....he scraped and slid across the ground. Who knew how many floor burns that fellow would end up with it?

It certainly wasn't something the two could waste thinking on.

Blyke-" got...them."

Isen-" Are you kidding me? I almost got KO'd and you're telling me that's what you're gonna say? Come on man."

Blyke- " Shut....up....Isen."

January 19, 2020.
Next chapter is the last chapter for part 1. How's the fan fiction so far? Is it readable? Leave anything in the comments.

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