Hide Me In The Woods

By OdoGrey

439 4 0

"Maybe I'll never have to see her again. That would be the best option." Emile, Prince of the kingdom of Vegr... More

Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Part IX
Part X
Part XI
Part XII
Part XIV
Part XVI
Part XIX
Part XX

Part XV

14 0 0
By OdoGrey

There was no way Andrew could answer Emile's question. There wasn't really a correct answer, it seemed. On one hand, he would get to be with Emile, but Emile would still be cheating on Crocus.

"Are you okay?" Emile asked.

"Yes," said Andrew. "Yes to both questions."

Emile emitted a high pitched squeaking noise after getting Andrew's affirmative response. He put the ring on his finger. The sun was just nearing the horizon, as they both shared a kiss. The walk back to the castle was long and bumpy. Emile kept hitting his leg off of a number of tree stumps. On one stump he hit, there was something etched on the surface.


Whomever etched the letters on the stump was in need of help. Emile tried to run back into Kugnoz to look for anyone who might have etched 'SOS' on the tree stump. Andrew stopped him quickly before he went out of reach. He pulled on Emile's arm so he ended up really close to him.

"What gives, man?" asked Emile.

"I wrote that on the stump," said Andrew. "I was starving and in need of food. Fun fact; I actually hit my head off that stump. I was on the ground trying to run from - guess what - a fire. That's why I was super out of it and it took a while to regain stability. You and Brie were the first things I remember after coming to my senses."

"So, this was your cry for help?"

Andrew nodded. Emile pulled him in for a really tight hug. He held his hand all the way back to the castle, as he pondered about his wedding tomorrow. Emile started to get cold feet, since he had already proposed to Andrew. He didn't want to stand Crocus up at their own wedding. He felt like the best thing to do was to go and object later.

Coming back onto the castle grounds, Andrew quickly put the ring in his pocket as Lola walked by. She told Emile that it would be a good idea to go to bed early. He agreed with her and went upstairs. In his room, Andrew could freely wear the ring from Emile. "You never told me, where's the wedding?" he asked.

"It's in the Sequoia Woods," said Emile. "I noticed a bunch of flowers on display when I was looking out from your treehouse. It's about a three minute walk away from there. You know, I don't have a best man yet..."

"Wait, but I'm your fiancé now," Andrew whispered. "I mean, I'd be honoured to be your best man, Emile."

"Now, in Vegreris, it is commonly frowned upon for either the bride or groom to object to the marriage. But I can't count the number of weddings I've gone to where the best man objected. You follow me?"

Andrew replied with an affirmative response. Emile wanted him to object instead. They snickered deviously. Emile's engagement to Andrew was the third engagement he ever had in his life, but the first where he was engaged to two people at the same time. There was a knock on the door. It was Brie, with nothing but a measuring tape.

"What brings you here?" Emile asked.

"I got hired as a castle tailor," said Brie. "I figured you'd be inviting Andrew to your wedding."

"You'd be right," said Andrew. "He made me his best man."

"Well, then let me get your measurements and I should have this ready by tomorrow. Andrew, I know you're dysphoric, and I would be grateful if you kept this for a while. Uh, have you tried binding?"

Emile gasped, and ran into his closet. Before getting his surgery, he had collected binders like there was no tomorrow.

"I don't think so," Andrew replied. "Emile, have you ever tried binding?"

"Yes," said Emile. "I wore binders until I got my top surgery. They're supposed to make your chest look more flat. From the looks of it, your chest is roughly about the same mine was when I wore these. Hopefully these fit. You do need to be careful with these though. You can't wear them all day. And do not wear them to bed. It's like a bra."

"So, how long should I wear these per day?"

"I'd say no more than eight hours. I also wouldn't recommend wearing them every day. I don't want you to damage your ribs. You can wear them for the wedding. Here, I can help you. Try them on."

After Emile covered Andrew's eyes, he guided him to the wall mirror. He wanted to surprise his best friend by making him feel and look more masculine. Emile moved his hands, as Andrew couldn't help but stare at himself in the mirror. He turned to Emile with a big smile. Then, back to Brie to get measured.

"Good Lord, Brie," said Emile. "You'd be up for hours."

"I never said I would be alone," Brie chuckled. "It would take weeks for me to finish this alone. I have a crew. I should have this done by tomorrow, okay?"

The boys waved goodbye, as Andrew went back to the mirror to look at himself. Emile laughed at how adorable it was, seeing Andrew feel the happiness he deserved to feel from the moment he was born to present day. Andrew found it difficult to twist his body, but Emile assured him that he felt the same pain. "It's okay. When you get your surgery, you don't have to worry about this. And I mean 'when', not 'if'."

"What are you talking about?" Andrew asked.

"Well, I may or may not have a surprise for you later on in life," Emile snickered.

So many surprises and so little time. What would Andrew have done without Emile? The sun being set completely made Emile's knees start to shake. He grew even more nervous, knowing his best man was also his new fiancé. It was impossible to fall asleep.

He slowly got out of bed to avoid waking Andrew up. Downstairs, Brie and her team were working on exactly what they promised Andrew. Emile was in awe. He tried to stop himself from spilling a glass of grape juice on the jacket. The tie was a nice, velvety shade of red.

"We need to do one or two more things, Emile," said Brie. "After, we'll throw it on a mannequin, and you can surprise Andrew tomorrow morning."

"Thank you again, Brie," Emile replied with a smile. Brie's kindness was the thing he missed the most when she disappeared.

The wedding was the one thing keeping Emile up at night. He knew he was about to make a mistake, and he knew it well. After coming out of the kitchen, the suit was done. He smiled, knowing that Brie did this for Andrew out of the kindness of her own heart. He took the mannequin and tried to get back into his room without making a sound.

The door flung open really quick, as Emile dropped the mannequin on the ground. Thankfully, the suit was still in good shape. He noticed Andrew moving around, so he tried to convince him that he was only dreaming. Andrew lifted his head and rubbed his eyes; the first thing he saw was Emile.

"Hey," Emile stammered.

"What's going on?" Andrew yawned. "Am I dreaming?"

"Yes, don't worry. Go back to sleep."

Emile climbed into bed to try and get Andrew back to sleep. He had no problem doing that, but struggled to get himself to sleep. Emile began to have nightmares of his future with Crocus again. Only this time, he dreamed about Andrew being bludgeoned to death. When the sun came up, Emile couldn't help but sob, until he was woken up by a gentle shake.

He turned around to see Andrew's smiling face looking back at him. That and the reassurance that he was okay was just the thing he needed to wake up to. Emile remembered the suit, as he directed Andrew's attention towards the mannequin in front of him. He loved it. But what he loved more was knowing that Brie took time out of her life to make it for him.

Emile tossed him a binder to go with the suit. After trying everything on together, Andrew felt like a new man. He was the man he was supposed to be at birth. He looked back at Emile with a grin. The final touch was an Annie's Echo boutonnière. Anne Coyote was brave and courageous, just like Andrew.

"Here, try this," said Emile, as he handed Andrew a comb.

"Wow, this works," Andrew chuckled. "Thank you, Emile. Whoa, are you okay?"

"I can't stand up. I mean, I've had cold feet before, but it wasn't that bad."

"Don't worry," said Andrew. "Like we said, as soon as the officiant tells us to speak or forever hold our peace, I will object to the wedding. Still don't know why Vegreris frowns upon the two getting married objecting..."

"Probably because they're the ones getting married."

"That's beside the point. I will object to the wedding, and we'll see what happens."

Agreeing with everything Andrew said, Emile walked into the closet. He came out with a white button up and the top half was undone just for laughs. He could easily grab Andrew's attention with that, since he was looking in the mirror again.

"Hey, turn around," Emile chuckled.

When Andrew turned around, all he saw was Emile with his shirt half done up. He rolled his eyes and let out a good laugh. The love Andrew had for Emile and his sense of humour was like no other. Emile checked the time, since he and Andrew had been goofing off for a while. He went back in the closet to get everything else on.

"I'm about to make a huge mistake," Emile sighed.

"That's why you have me," Andrew said. "I'm here to stop you from making that mistake."

Lola entered Emile's room to see both boys all dressed up. She was in awe at what Brie made for Andrew. Emile was not hesitant to tell his mother one last thing after the conversation with his father. "I just thought of something. Apparently, Crocus must've killed Father out of pure hate. Remember when Aarelyn was poisoned?"

"But, Emile, that was on accident," said Lola.

"Doesn't matter," said Emile. "What Father did to Aarelyn was a mistake he made. Now what Crocus did to him was completely on purpose. Why else would she have his head in a box as a 'wedding present' for me?"

Everything Emile was saying made sense; Lola had to agree with him. She left and told the boys to be downstairs in no more than five minutes. Andrew looked at Emile after Lola shut the door. He had those eyes that sent a message to never see Crocus again after. He moved his thumb along Emile's jawline, which was so sharp, it could cut somebody.

Emile felt a tear run down his face. The thought of having to go to a wedding to be married to somebody he didn't even have feelings for was upsetting. Andrew kissed Emile passionately and assured him everything was going to be alright.

"God, I can't wait to marry you," Emile whispered.

"Soon, Emile," said Andrew. "For now, let's get you to the Sequoia Woods. Are you ready?"

"Let's do this," said Emile.

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