Infinite Love (Inazuma Eleven...

By Tori_Shisora

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Hello! This is Tori, And this is my first Inazuma Eleven x reader book, so there might be a few minor mistake... More

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By Your Side | Ichihoshi Mitsuru
Midnight Kiss | Hakuryuu
Worth It | Nosaka Yuuma
The Timer of Two | Fideo Aldena
Not As Bad As You Think | Afuro "Aphrodi" Terumi
A Frozen Heart | Suzuno Fuusuke [part 1/2]
A Frozen Heart | Suzuno Fuusuke [part 2/2]
A Punny Night | Kidou Yuuto
Mixing Encounter | Mizukamiya Seiryuu
New Years Special Chap 1
New Years Special Chap 2
New Year Special Chap 3
New Year Special Chap 4
New Year Special Chap 6
New Years Special Chap 7

New Year Special Chap 5

230 8 9
By Tori_Shisora


"It's not something big, really. I just want you to go along with them. Like a supervisor."

"Are you trying to throw me into the war zone??" You slumped.

"I'm more concerned that they'll be on their own while like that." Curses... she's got a good point.

"Fine, I'll do it. Only because they might kill each other if I don't."

"Works for me!" She exclaimed in victory, "Do your best out there!"

You lifted your hand up to give her a nonchalant wave before catching up to the other two. You're so going to regret this...


You are regretting this indeed.

Why if it wasn't bad enough that you were made to go along with two ticking time bombs which could blow their fuse at any given time, you were walking in between said bombs and was also indirectly tasked with making sure that they're defused by the time you get back. Splendid.

Well if you're going to be defusing these bombs, you're gonna need a plan. What's the plan? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You haven't got a single clue what should you do, at all.

To be fair, could you be blamed? You, a socially awkward person, tasked with making two equally hard headed and prideful people who have got a bone to pick with each other get along. Yea, not easy. How in the world did you let yourself get into this situation...

"So, uh..." You tried to make conversation, cutting the tense atmosphere emanating from the two strikers, "Anyone going to tell me what're we getting? 'Cause I have no clue."

"Osechi and hot pot ingredients," Haizaki-kun answered flatly, not even sparing a glance.

"Oh, I see..." Back with the awkward silence. Well that went smoothly, didn't it? Haizaki-kun helped so much (note the sarcasm). "So... what's gonna be going in the hot pot?"

"Whatever's on the list," Atsuya shrugged. Silence, again. Well today you learned that these two absolutely have no idea how to read the room. Doesn't that make your job much easier...

And that's pretty much how the walk went. You didn't attempt to make more conversation and you lot just kept walking and walking until eventually, you reached the super market. The walk itself was... Well, awkward was putting it lightly honestly.

"Well then, I guess we'll be splitting up for the ingredient, yea?" Attempt number 3. Third times a charm, right?

"I'm taking the lower half of the list," Atsuya immediately grabbed a basket and headed to the isles. "I'll call if I'm finished."

"Huh, wait a sec-- and, he's gone," you sighed. You simply stood there and stared dumbly as Atsuya disappeared into the sea of people. You shook your head and looked at your other companion grabbing a basket and heading to another isle. 

"Hey, wait!" You ran and caught up to Haizaki-kun, "I'm coming with you. I forgot my phone and I don't have the list. Sooo..."

"Here," he caught your signal and handed you his phone which was displaying the list. You give the list a quick scan and looked where you were heading.

"Vegetables first?"

"Since they take up most of our part of the list," he shrugged and looked over your shoulder to read the list. "First up, spinach."

You looked over to the leafy green section, and by Gods. How on earth was your mother able to differentiate which vegetable from which just by a look. You can't even name what they are without looking at their labels. 

But it seems like that you were the only one with that problem as Haizaki-kun immediately walked over to the shelf, picked up a few bunches and moved on to the next shelf. In disbelief you walked over to the shelf where he got the bunch of greens from and checked the label. Lo and behold, it was indeed spinach... how did he know without looking at... what the--

"Hey," Haizaki-kun called, snapping you out of your thoughts, "You coming?"

"What-- oh yea, coming..!" You ran to him. Looking at the basket, you noticed that it was filled with vegetables in different packaging and sticker logos and such. Checking the labels, you confirmed that they were all different vegetables which you were looking for. "How are you able to do that..."

"Do what?" Haizaki-kun cocked a brow at you.

"Getting all these vegetables so fast."

"By going to the shelf and putting them in the basket?" He looked at you as if you were asking a stupid question, which in retrospect, kinda was but-

"No- that's not what I meant. I mean, you just straight up walked to a shelf without looking at the labels and, well, just know what vegetable it was."

"I just do? It's easy-"

"No, it's not easy," you insisted and looked at him like he was some sort of supernatural creature. "How- what... How can you tell this," you pointed at one of the vegetables in the basket, and then another kind, "from this without looking at the labels? They look the same..."

"No, they don't."

"Yes, they do."

"They don't."

"Well then I guess I'm just that bad when it comes to cooking..."

"I do help with cooking back at home sometimes. That's probably why," he explained while looking through the assortment on greens in the basket, seemingly trying to understand why weren't you able to tell the difference between them.

"Yea, that explains-- wait. You help your mom cook?"

"Yea, that a problem?" He looked at you like you just insulted him, giving you the 'I dare you to make another bad comment about it' look.

"No. Just, wasn't expecting that. You didn't look like the type," you commented, trying to voice it in a way that didn't seem like you were asking for a fight. But you really have to say, Haizaki-kun in a kitchen? Cooking with an apron?? Certainly something you would never have imagined.

"My mom is often out working so I had to learn one way or another," he shrugged off and continued looking through the shelves for the next item on the list.

"Both your parents work?" You helped him scan the shelves.

"My mom does, my old man is another case." You noticed he practically chucked the item into the basket as he said the last part. He must've noticed your confused looks as he sighed, "Alcohol."

Ah, so that's it... You looked at him in surprise before looking away and evading his gaze quickly. The guilt was eating at you very slowly as you muttered an apology.

"You didn't know. Don't mind it," he said in a calmer tone. Must've been a really sensitive topic. Just when you thought that your conversation was finally going well too. You racked your brain for a way to get cheer the mood up.

"So, you must be a good cook, hmm?" Haizaki-kun seemed to understand your intentions and went along with it.

"Yea, you can say that," his lips curved up lightly and exhaled through his nose.

"Isn't someone confident?" You elbowed him in a joking manner, "You should make me something then."

"If you pay me, I'll consider." His smile grew as he elbowed you lightly back. 

"Wow, only consider? No promises of a nice plate of something? Now I'm sad," you said as you wiped away fake tears. He chuckled lightly at you. 

"Alright, fine. Then, if I'm free and you are too I'll whip up something. Happy?" He smirked. There we go, there's the little devil you knew. Seems like your plan to lighten him up worked.

"That's a deal." You smiled back and you two continued picking up and putting items into the basket. The basket soon filled up and you offered to take turns carrying it since it must've been growing heavier by now. He declined the offer and stated that he was fine. In the inside, you were a bit glad that you didn't have to carry the basket though, but that's your little secret.

While Haizaki-kun was crossing off items from the list, considering that he is much calmer now, you figured it would be a good time to bring up the problem earlier. Question is; how are you going to do that. You didn't want to make him upset again so you should watch what you say.

"Hey, Haizaki-kun," you called. He simply hummed in response while looking through some packs of mushrooms. "About what happened earlier with Atsuya..."

He stilled a little before asking, "What about it?"

"I'm sure he didn't mean to snap at you like that. I didn't really understand what happened either but he was getting rather heated back then so--"

"I know," Haizaki-kun cut you off. He put the pack of mushrooms he chose into the basket before looking up and meeting your gaze. "I heard some bits and pieces. What happened exactly?"

"Ah... that. Honestly I didn't really get it either? He helped me out I guess then started getting heated up at Froy and Ichihoshi-kun. Well I guess he might be looking out for me but I don't get why he was so upse-"

"Wa, wait. Give me a sec," Haizaki-kun held his hand up and cut your rambling, "So let me get this straight, he helped you then became upset at Ichihoshi and Froy?"

"Yea, that's right." You nodded along.

"What did he help you with?"

"Yea, that's the thing. I guess he kinda helped me out in his own way, but does it count as helping?"

"Lemme rephrase that; what happened before he arrived?"

"Well, Froy was basically holding me then Ichihoshi-kun 'tried to help me' is what he claimed but it ended up in the both of them having this weird staring contest. Leaving little ol' me forgotten and stuck," you explained in a nonchalant attitude. Haizaki-kun on the other hand doesn't seem so satisfied with your answer.

"What did you mean by 'hold' exactly?" Haizaki-kun's eye twitched.

"Well I guess rather than hold it was more of a bear hug kinda thing. It's surprisingly hard to... You okay?" You trailed off after noticing that he was practically face palming.

"Nah, was just thinking that everything made sense now..." he sighed deeply.

"Huh, it does? Explanation please?" Now you were the one asking questions. How did what Atsuya did made any sense?

"It's... complicated," he looked away with a conflicted expression.

"Is it really that bad?"

"No. Well, not exactly."

"Then why can't you tell me?" You pressed.

"I told you, it's complicated. I'd rather not talk about it," he sighed again. Seeming a bit frustrated this time.

"Honestly it makes me more curious but okay I guess..." You tried to think off what could it be but nothing popped up. Well rather than thinking what can't be helped, you should focus on the main goal. "So, does this clear things up between you and Atsuya?"

"Huh? Well... I guess so," he said absent mindedly.

"Well I still don't understand it but at least that's out of the way," you sighed. You looked up and pointed to a cooling shelf (?) with packs of tofu. "That should be the last of them."

"Have Atsuya contacted?" Haizaki took a few of them and placed it in the basket.

You checked the notifications and chat room, nothing. "Nope. I think he isn't finished yet. I'm gonna tell him we're done first." As soon as you sent the message, a phone call came from him. You picked it up.

"Oi, Haizaki. You go ahead and get the osechi," came from the other side of the line.

"Huh? Aren't we going to get them together?" You asked which caught the attention of Haizaki-kun. He came over next to you and put his ear on the other side of the phone so he can listen in.

"Wait, I thought this is Haizaki's--?"

"I forgot my phone so I'm borrowing. So what's going on?"

"I see. Nae just gave me a phone call earlier. Said that Raimon's manager or something messed up big time in the kitchen and now they're asking for us to get more stuff," he clicked his tongue.

"Natsumi-chan, huh..." Who's bright idea was it to let her inside the kitchen of all places..? 

"So we'll go get the osechi first then," Haizaki-kun responded. And since he was also right next to you, you could feel his breathe on your ear causing you to flinch lightly. You were barely able to make out the sound of an intake of breathe from the other line.

"Haizaki listenin' to this, too?"

"Yea, he's right next to me."

"You... Didn't I tell you to- agh, forget it," he sighed. Was it something you said?

"Anyways, you need a hand with them? I can come over and help."

"Haizaki good with that?"

"It's only osechi. I can handle that," Haizaki-kun replied dismissively.

"'Kay then. I'm gonan wait in front of the meat section."

"On my way," you hang up and handed Haizaki-kun his phone back and turned around, ready to head off to Atsuya's location. "Well then, see ya."

"Yea. Oh, and," Haizaki-kun grabbed your wrist. You turned around to face him. "Keep your distance this time."

"'This time'? 'Distance'? What does that--?"

"Just... do it." He held your wrist for a few seconds longer than necessary before letting go and raising his hand in a nonchalant wave. "See ya later."

"You too..." You said still trying to understand the meaning behind his words as you made your way to the meat section. What did Haizaki-kun meant by keeping your distance you wondered...

"Over here!" A voice called out from the back and a hand raised up. You ran over and saw the red head with a basket full of meat. "Sure took your time."

"Hey, this place is rather big y'know," you huffed. "Nae-chan already sent you what they need right?"

"Yup. Got it here." He showed you the list that she sent. "She also sent this." He scrolled up and a picture was sent. The picture showed the kitchen looking like a robber just broke it and ransacked everything. "How does someone even mess up this bad?"

"Natsumi-chan. That's how." You couldn't help but laugh. "I'm so glad that I came now."

"So you wouldn't have to be asked to help clean it up?" Atsuya smirked.

"Exactly." You both laughed and Atsuya admitted that he agreed with you too. I'm pretty sure most would prefer shopping than cleaning that disastrous kitchen anyways. "That said, considering how badly she messed up. This is quite the list."

"Better get a move on if we plan to get this thing done before it gets dark." You grabbed the back of Atsuya's coat so he could lead the way while you were reading the list.

"Cheese, bread, peppers, basil, tomato sauce, olives, smoked beef slices... Just what in the world is she making?" You muttered. Seems like Atsuya heard it two though.

"I was hoping you'd know since you know her better."

"Such a shame that I  don't, either," you laughed to yourself as you continue to read the long list of items. "We're probably going to need a cart. There's no way all this is going to fit in that basket."

"Here. You stay, I'll go get--"

"Nah, it's fine. I'll go get them. You go ahead and get some of the stuff we need from around this area first."

"No. Listen, I'll do it, okay. You stay here," he insisted and tried handing you the basket.

"It's fine. I'll just go and get one then immediately come back, I promise." You pushed the basket back.

"The carts are near the entrance. Wolves. Too dangero--"

"Oh, don't worry so much. I'll be back in a minute." You gave his phone back and left before he could protest even more.

You walked further and further from him, but closer to the entry way of the super market where the carts were. You got a bit lost midway considering the market was bigger than the one you usually visit near your home, but you managed to find it. 

"Here we go." You tried pulling on the cart but it seems to be stuck. Just your luck. You tried to push the other cart is was stuck to away, but alas, the cart was stronger. "Just great," you grunted while giving it another try.

"Here, let me," a voice coming from behind you called out. A boy who seems to be your age walked towards you and grabbed the carts and managed to pull the apart. "Here you go." He slid one of the carts to you.

"Ah, thank you," you thanked a tried pushing the cart back and forth to make sure the wheels aren't faulty.

"No problem," he replied with a smile. "Say, are you here alone, miss?"

"Oh, I'm not actually. I'm here with friends. Is something wrong?" You questioned the boy. He waved his arms in front of him in a frantic manner.

"No, no! Nothing like that. I just thought it was a bit odd that someone who is alone to be buying so much, well assuming that you will since the cart and all. So I thought maybe I could've helped," he explained in a rather sheepish manner paired with rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Oh, that's nice of you. But I'm fine. Thanks for helping though," you thanked him again. Didn't knew there would still be people like him out there. How nice.

"It's no problem. Though if you don't mind me asking, you and your friends sure seem like you're going to buy a lot. Is it for some sort of party?"

"Well, yes actually. Since New Years and all, so y'know..." You added some flair to your words with hand gestures.

"Ah, what a coincidence!" He exclaimed and stepped closer to you. "My friends and I are also throwing a party. Would you and your friends like to come too, Miss?" He offered with a sweet tone. But something seems wrong...

"Ah, that's a very kind offer. But I think I must decline..." 

"Why so? If you think you're going to be a bother, please don't. You really wouldn't be." He said with a reassuring tone and took multiple steps closer. Much to close for you considering he is a stranger.

"That's very... nice, of you to say. But, I really shouldn't... In fact, I probably shouldn't keep my friend waiting so," you trailed off and took a step back. Something is definitely wrong.

"Oh please, Miss. We'd really welcome you and your friends greatly," he pressed even more. Taking another step closer, he stretched his hand out towards you. "In fact, I really insist that you--"

"I thank you for the offer, but I must really get going--!" You moved your hand away and was getting ready to make a run for it.

"That's enough." A hand gripped the boy's wrist and a body was put in between the both of you. 

You looked up at the broad back covering you from the strange boy. "Atsuya!"

"I thought you were taking too long," he muttered and give you a brief glance before setting his eyes on the boy in front of him. "Mind explaining what you were trying to do, perp?"

"I was merely inviting this lovely miss to my party. Is that wrong?" He answered with a smile. Honestly a pretty gutsy move when the one you're handling is someone like Atsuya.

"Well considering she already said turned you down, then yes, it is." Atsuya glared at the guy and tightened the grip on his wrist.

"I don't exactly recall her saying that she didn't want to come," his smiled grew bigger but you could hear the irritation starting to crack through in his voice.

"Then maybe you should learn to read the room better, hmm? She clearly had no intention of going."

"Oh does she now? Well, let's hear it from her herself shall we? Besides, who are you to answer for her? And even if she didn't want to come, I'm sure some of her friends might like to--"

"Well I'm that 'friend' she mentioned. And I definitely wouldn't want to come either. Now if that's all, do us a favor and get. Lost." Atsuya wasn't playing nice anymore and straight up glaring daggers at the guy. Oh if looks could kill, he would be a goner.

"You little--!" The guy grunted when Atsuya's hold on his wrist grew even harsher. But it seemed like Atsuya took some pity and let the guy shake his grip off. "Thank you for your time..." the perp grit out with a smile and walked away.

After continuously glaring at the guy until he was out of sight, Atsuya let out a big sigh and grabbed your wrist and dragged you to a more secluded part corner of the place.

After dragging you, he turned around to face you. Placinf his hands on both your shoulders, you were sure you were about to be given the biggest lecture of your life. Closing your eyes, you waited for him to start.

But instead, you felt a heavier pressure on one of your shoulders. You opened your eyes and craned your neck slightly to get a better look of the red head currently resting his forehead on your shoulder.

"I swear, you are so..." You managed to make out from his mumbling.

"Uhm, Atsuya...?" You tried calling him out.

He looked up and stared at you dead in the eyes. "What did that perp do?"

"Uh, just as he said really. He tried inviting me to his 'party' and whatever. I did declined him of course but he was rather persistent..! So... y'know..?" Your voice grew smaller and smaller under his intense gaze until eventually you couldn't meet his eyes. "Sorry..."

"Wha, that's not the point- what are you even sorry fo-- No, more importantly, are you okay?" Atsuya did a quick scan of you to check for any possibly injuries.

"Y-yea, I'm fine... and, sorry for not listening to you..." You looked down.

"Listening to me?" He questioned.

"Yea. Y'know, about the whole wolf and danger thing... sorry," you apologized again. Guilt plagues you as you stood there thinking about what just happened and what went wrong that could've led to it.

"Look at me," Atsuya sighed. "Hey. Come on, look at me," he said in a gentle manner and help coax you to look up with one of his face. Eventually you relented and did look up at his serious yet concerned look.

"I did warn you and you didn't listen, sure. But even so you wouldn't have known that it would actually happen. Frankly you were in the wrong place in the wrong time. No need to apologize for something that you couldn't control," he said calmly. And for extra reassurance, he gave your shoulder a firm grip, but not in the way it would hurt and a comforting head pat. "It's okay. Alrght?"

Your spirit was lifted lightly and you gave him a small nod and smile. "Yea."

"Good. Now, let's finish this up, then we can go back and get you something nice and warm to drink yea?" He gave you a reassuring smile.

"Yea.. That sounds really nice," you smiled at him. The rest of your shopping trip went pretty smoothly. You slowly got your spirits up and you two made quick progress of the extra stuff you had to buy. It wasn't long before you contacted Haizaki-kun that you were done and meet up to pay for all the stuff. Luckily, the extra money they brought just in case was enough to help cover the extra items.

On your way back, you stopped by a convenience store because you had to use the bathroom. You went inside while your two companions waited for you. And while waiting...

"Hey Atsuya," Haizaki-kun called.


"About what happened earlier in the kitchen... So--"

"Ah, that. Yea, my bad," Atsuya said flatly.


"Yea, it's my bad. I lost my temper and took it out on you."

"Ah, well... No problem. She explained to me what happened. I guess I understand what you were trying to do. I also got heated up earlier, sorry."

"Don't worry about it. Compared to Nae, you're actually a lot more bearable," Atsuya exhaled through his nose.

"The heck's that suppose to mean?" Haizaki-kun whipped his head to Atsuya, ready to ask him some question.

"Nothing much," Atsuya chuckled.

"Oh and by the way, I've been meaning to ask this earlier..." Haizaki-kun looked around, particularly for you inside the convenience store through the glass windows. "Something happen?"

"Why do you ask?" Atsuya asked back.

"Don't think you've noticed it yourself, but you were kinda watching around, like, really, watching around ever since we left the super market."

"Ah, that. Yea, something happened." Atsuya then proceeded to tell Haizaki-kun about what happened earlier to you.

"Seriously?" Haizaki-kun asked him with clenched fists. Atsuya took some offense to the question but didn't let it get to him. He knew that Haizaki-kun didn't mean it in that way.

"You think I'd joke about this?" Silence befall the two as they processed what happened to you.

"Hey guys, I'm back. Sorry I took a while," you called and walked out to them. You took the bags of grocery that you were carrying before you went inside. "Let's go... something happen you guys?"

"Hmm? Nah," Atsuya spoke up.

"Why ask?" This time, Haizaki-kun.

"Just thought that the two of you... I don't know. You've always been quiet since earlier but now it's just kinda... I don't know, weird?" There was just some kinda gut feeling you had upon looking at them.

"Must be your imagination. Nothing happened," Haizaki-kun dismissed.

"Yea. Let's just go home. It's gonna get colder once it gets dark," Atsuya started walking ahead the two of you.

"Oh... right. Let's go." You two walked after him.

And thus, your chaotic grocery shopping journey came to a close. 


Tori: Waaaah, this took so long..! *plops down on bed*

Haizaki: Yea no kidding, a week for an update. What happened to I will try to update every day, or 2 days at the very least.

Tori: Writer's blooock. I had no idea how to do your and Atsuya's interactions with a theme such as grocery shopping. Honestly, I'm not too happy for your part but sorry, IM TIRED.

Haizaki: Then next time don't stay up all night writing this.

Tori: Dedication?

Haizaki: If dedication means ruining you sleep schedule, then yes.

Tori: Credit to my friend AzulaPingu for helping me brainstorm haha

Haizaki: Were you that stuck?

Tori: Yes. Yes i was... this is also the longest chapter i have in a while...

Haizaki: Seems so. Good work *head pats*

Tori: Ryou, do the outro for me. I cant anymore..... *plops down face on pillow* *sleep*

Haizaki: Well then, you heard her. *clears throat* "Thank you everyone for reading this chapter. We hope that you enjoyed it. Comments are always welcome and appreciated. Thank you very much again for reading... ducklings. We hope that you have great day. Good bye."

Word counter: 4138

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