I'm the new mother of the cre...

By Itzcrystall0816

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What would happen if Bryan become the new or first mother of the creepypasta 'Bryan was just wondering around... More

Prologue: The Beginning
Happy late Halloween
Chapter 2: Flashback
Chapter 3: More people & Broken
Happy new year and wow!!
Me ranting
Quotes part 2
Chapter 4: More flashback
Vote here {closed}
(A/N) Something I found
After all she is the true writer and reader of the story (oneshot)
Satan's son (oneshot)
How we met (oneshot)
(A/N) All of Bryan's kid
Chapter 5: Bonding, Forgive, and Possessive
Merry Christmas!!
Happy new year!!
What's the use of feeling blue? (oneshot)
it's been a while


835 30 13
By Itzcrystall0816

So while you guys wait for the next chapter which I hope wouldn't take me long have some incorrect quotes for a while and also this is my first doing something like this so uhh enjoy
༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ❤

>>>>Start of the quotes<<<<

Some of the creepypasta: *watching and following Bryan from a far without him noticing them*


Slender:got any information about him?

Jeff:we haven't even got any information about him but we already want him to be our mom

Other creepypasta:yeah

Slender:dang it!


Bryan: *cooking lunch for his kids because Jon gave him the day off*

Bryan's younger kids: *walks in and went to they're mom* hey mom where back!

Bryan:hey kids wel- *stop mid sentence seeing they have some bruises, scratch, and a black eye and almost drop the pan*

Bryan: *rush over to heal them up* what happened to all of you?!

One of Bryan's younger kids:we where at the park until some people walk up to us and started beating us

Bryan:didn't your older siblings were watching all of you?!!

Bryan's older kids: *walks in through the back door and are at the same condition as the younger siblings* hey mom

Bryan: . . .

Bryan:come on kids let's go *turning the fire off the stove then started walking to the door*

One of Bryan's kids:mom where are we going?

Bryan:to the park

>>>>At the park<<<<

Bryan: *holding a horn speaker with a bat as well* who ever decide to hurt my kids please step forward so I could peacefully break your legs and hands

Bryan's kids: •w•


Bryan: *walking around the grocery aisles buying everything needed on the list*

Random person: *walks to Bryan* hey they're can I ask you something~

Bryan: *didn't know the person was flirting* sure what is it's?

Random person: do you- *stop mid sentence seeing Bryan's kids looking at him with a death glare and muttering "if you dare finish that sentence we will be the last thing you saw" while making a gesture on moving they're hand across they're necks*

Bryan:go on finish what do you need? *still didn't know the person was flirting*

Random person: nothing I was going to ask where the candy aisle is but I found it thank you anyway!! *runs to the opposite direction sweating and scared but before that he manage to see Bryan's kids mutter "good choice"*

Bryan:ehh? *so confused*


Bryan;my kids asked me what I want for Christmas and I said to them that I'm okay with anything they give me as long as they put they're heart to it and love and care for it I will love it

Bryan:on Christmas morning I woke up inside a box that was wrap around and with a giant bow on top

Bryan:. . .

Bryan:I love my kids very much *crying a little*

Bryan's kids:we love you too mom!


Bryan: *panicking a lot because he couldn't find his kids in the house or anywhere at all*

Still Bryan: *walks up to a random lady* hey they're ma'am have you seen my kids they're this tall clearly gay and lesbian just like me but we haven't had the talk

One of Bryan's kids: *all of them are at Angel's and SR's dimension* do you think mom is okay? I have a feeling mom is going haywire trying to find us


Kidnapper: *calling through a cellphone* we have your mom hostage

Vile: yeah wait one sec *start walking*

Kidnapper: *hears weird and mumbling sounds* what the- are you still they're we will kill your mom after all we got him hostage

Vile; actually it's you who we have hostage with *pop out of nowhere with the rest of Bryan's kids or his siblings with weapons*

Kidnapper: *jump up and turned around with wide eyes* what the- how!!?

Bryan:yeah you mess up real bad *watching all hell broke loss between his kids and the kidnapper*


Bryan: *tapping his foot while hands cross looking at his kids disappointed while they look down on the floor guilty*

Bryan: what did I told you all? *gesturing to the dead body on the floor*

Bryan's kids: *still looking down* not to kill anyone at all

Bryan: and what did you all do?

Bryan's kids:we kill someone

Bryan: exactly all of you are grounded

Vile:but mom he was flirting with you and we don't like him at all


Bryan: *waking up after getting hurt badly*uhh what happened?

Angel:don't you remember anything mom?

Bryan: the only thing I remember is the ambulance's siren and nothing else

Angel:uhh mom Brianna's the one who was driving the car to get to the hospital

Bryan: *sitting up looking confused* what do you mean sweety? I heard sirens going off

Angel:that was all of our youngest siblings screaming very loud mom

Bryan's younger kids:were sorry mom we panicked a lot


Bryan: *walking around the house until he accidentally hit his toe on the table in the dining room* ow...

Bryan's kids: *appeared in different places with a weapon* who hurt our mom!!

Bryan:calm down kids I just hit my toe on the table noth- *before he could even finish they start attacking table*

Bryan's kids: how dare you hurt our mom!! *continuous attacking the table giving it no mercy at all*


Bryan: *meeting Chris's nightmares for the first* so this are your nightmares?

Chris: *nodding his head* yup mom

The nightmares: hi *having a weird tension with Bryan*

Bryan:. . .

The nightmares:. . .

Bryan: *pulls out a giant scythe and point it at the nightmares* if I ever find out any of you betray my kid and start giving him nightmares again I will personally and completely dismantle you all and burn your parts and with the remaining from the fire I will feed it to a dragon

Bryan:understood *putting the giant scythe closer to the nightmares while giving them a blank stare*

The nightmares:w-we understood *putting they're hands up and are terrified of Bryan*

Chris:mom no don't do it!

>>>>End of the quotes hope all of you enjoyed it<<<<

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