by order of the fucking peaky...

By thatpeakybauthor

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What would happen if another Shelby sister was tossed into the mix? Meet Charlotte Shelby, baby sister to Art... More

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The Jesus Twins
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By thatpeakybauthor

"Finn, Chris, are you ready?" Charlie calls up the stairs, footsteps coming down as she called. "Good Morning Char" Finn greets with a smile, "Morning, thanks again" Chris says. "Don't mention it, let me get my g... stuff, and we will be off." She replies and they nod heading out the door to wait until she joined them.

"Let's go." She says bounding out the door, closing it, making sure her gun and knife were hidden from Chris' view. "You forgot this." Charlie adds handing Finns cap to him. He'd only just gotten it for his 15th birthday. "Why does everyone wear a cap but you and your aunt?" Chris asks, "Polly thinks it's unladylike, and I don't like them, feel weird on my head." Charlie replies. "I've never been to Eversley." Finn says, "not a place a lot of people would want to live." Chris mumbles, "have you ever been?" Chris questions Charlie who nods. "Why?" He asks and she clears her throat awkwardly, "business."

"Did you sleep alright?" Charlie asks diverting the conversation, "yeah, ive never had my own room before." Chris replies with a large boyish grin. "What if he doesn't let us leave?" Chris asks sadly, and Charlie wraps an arm round his shoulders. "He will, okay. That's why I'm here. He isn't going to hurt you. You and Finn go and get your stuff, I'll deal with him should he say anything." Charlie assures. "What if he attacks you?" Chris asks, "then you 2 get out, go find Tommy, Arthur, John, or Scudboat. But don't try to come in. I'm a big girl, I'll be alright." She tells him. "Chris, it's fine. She knows what she's doing." Finn adds. "She got shot a few months ago, just sat up and told them to get it out of her." Finn chuckles and Chris looks at her in shock. "Youve been shot?"

"3 times. Left arm, right shoulder and my left thigh." Charlotte nods, "wow." Chris says in awe. "Your sister is awesome" he tells Finn, and Charlotte laughs. "She's also an idiot, who has no form of self preservation" Finn retorts. "The ones who truly die are the ones afraid of death." Charlotte quotes what Tommy had told her when he returned from war. "So you aren't scared of death? The nothingness?" Chris questions, "No, I'm not scared of it, but just because I ain't afraid of it doesn't mean I want it to happen sooner than it needs to." Charlie explains. "You do like living life in the fast line, don't ya? Always putting yourself at risk." Finn grumbles. "Stop being mopey. I ain't dead. Takes a lot to kill a blinder." She smiles shoving him slightly.

"It's down here on the right." Chris gulps as they turn onto his road. People loitering in the streets, all looking fragile and ill.

"Number 12?" Charlotte asks and he nods, stopping infront of his home. "Do you have a key?" She questions and he nods handing it to her, following her up the stairs with Finn. Putting the key in the lock, she turns it, pushing it open and stepping in. "What's the layout?" Charlie questions Chris quietly. "Bedroom, straight ahead, kitchen on the right, living area on the left." Chris tells her stepping over empty beer bottles, poking her head into the living room, she sees a sofabed, then bottles and rubbish on the floor, in the corner there was some drawers. Walking across the hallway into the kitchen, it was hard to see anything but an array of empty bottles, a few splotches of blood and dents in the walls, and a crack in the back door.

"Alright they're clear, start getting your stuff." Charlotte says and the boys go into the living room, carrying a bag from the Shelbys house to pack his stuff into. Creeping over to the bedroom, she opens the door with a slight creak, looking in she doesn't see anyone there. Sighing in relief she turns to go find the boys. "He isn't here" Charlotte announces, and she can see them both relax slightly, taking a bit more care in collecting the small amount of Chris' things. When they were done, they decided they were going to head out the back door to avoid the people out front. Those plans got changed when they heard heavy footsteps coming up the metal stairs. "Go..go home." Charlotte says ushering them out, "Charlie, it's stuck, can't open it." Finn says shaking the handle on the door. Hand on her gun she walks back towards the kitchen, see a large, beefy man stumbling through the door, seeing her he picks up a knife from the counter. "You, what are you doing in my house!" He yells pointing the knife in her direction, moving towards her clumsily. "You two, stay behind me" she instructs dodging the knife, as he slashed downwards. "Mr Murray. Calm down." Charlotte says ducking as he swipes the knife, kicking his legs making him tumble onto his back. "Get out my house!" he slurs loudly standing up using the wall for support. "Happily, just put the knife down." Charlotte says moving towards him slowly, but he doesn't instead he comes at her faster, trying to bring the knife down onto her but she catches his hand. "Boys, get out. Leave." She commands Finn and Chris, who hesitate but rush out the back door.

"Why are you in my house!" Mr Murray demands, as she gets out of his grip, smashing his wrist against the wall making him drop the knife which she kicks away. "I came to get your sons things. He isn't coming back." Charlotte says punching him. "You whore!" he yells swinging his arms managing to land a punch to her cheek, slamming her against the wall, pinning her there, hands wrapped round her neck. Bringing her legs up she kicks him away, catching her breath. Unfortunately she'd kicked him near the knife which he picked up, driving the knife into her stomach, to which she pulled out her gun, 3 clean shots. PBJ. Pelvis, Brain, Jaw. Watching as his body slumped to the floor, crashing into the glass bottles. Shooting the lock on the front door, she walks out, holding onto the railing, as her vision started to go hazy, due to the blood loss. She didn't dare remove the knife yet, at the moment, it was stopping an excess blood pouring out of her. Taking a short cut back to Watery lane, she sways slightly breathing heavily, as she made her way home. Banging on the door, she'd forgotten the betting shop was open and they wouldn't be able to hear her. So she leans against her house, making her way to the back door holding her stomach. Sneaking past the people that had come to place their bets, leaving a trail of blood in her wake. "Jo-John, where's Tom?" Charlie grimaces, "Black Lion." John replies not looking up. "Did Finn and Chris come back?" she asks taking deep shaky breaths. "Yeah, came in here, told em to look for Scudboat." John answers writing in the betting books answering the phone. "Al-alright." Charlie says wincing as she walked through the crowds. "Fuck" she mumbles when someone bumps into her. "Finn.. she's right there." Scudboat says pointing to Charlie who he could see over the crowd, stumbling towards them. "Scudboat. She might be injured." Chris says making him furrow his eyebrows, looking over to Charlie who was now pale and slumped against a wall, "out my way. Move" he barks barging through the crowd, seeing Charlie on the floor a puddle of blood round her and a knife stuck in her stomach, "come on Charlie" he grunts lifting her up. As she falls limp in his arms. "Scudboat" she speaks daintily, as he pushed through the large crowds into the private area, "Finn, get your aunt. You young lad. Probably don't wanna watch this." Scudboat says looking at the boys. "Charlie." Chris speaks taking her hand as she gives him a smile, squeezing it. "I'm fine." She assures, "can I stay? This is my fault." Chris asks, "it's not your fault. You can stay if you want but it won't be pleasant." Charlie says, "Charlie, you ready" Scudboat says and she nods, groaning as he removes the knife, "deep breaths." Scudboat says pouring vodka onto her wound lifting her shirt slightly, before covering it with a cloth, to slow down the bleeding. "What've you done now?" Polly asks closing the doors, "thought I'd only have to worry bout your brother today." Polly scolds. "It was my fault." Chris speaks up gaining Pollys attention. "It was not his fault." Charlie grunts, "I made a mistake." she adds. "Who?" Polly asks, "Mr Murray." Finn answers. "You took those 2." Polly glares. "It's my Dad ma'am. We went to get my stuff, thought he'd be out." Chris admits. "Oh. Okay." Polly sighs. "Charlie, hold this." Scudboat says releasing the cloth and going to get some bandages and tape. "Can you sit up?" He asks returning and she nods wincing as she sat on the edge of the counter.

"Let me see the knife." Polly says and Finn hands it to her. "7 inches, Santoku Knife. Rather sharp. Reasonably pliant." Polly informs inspecting the knife, as Scudboat begins wrapping her stomach in a bandage. "I'll be fine in a day." Charlie says as Scudboat tapes the bandage, dropping her shirt, as he finished. "5" Polly corrects as Charlotte slides off the counter. "2" Charlotte counters, "why do you have to be so bloody stubborn?" Polly argues making Finn and Scudboat laugh.

"I'm not stubborn. I prefer to call it strong willed." Charlie retorts, "whatever you call it, it's bloody annoying. I've got to go check the books. Family meeting 6 o'clock." Polly says walking out.

"How eventful." Charlie smiles pouring herself a drink. "She always like this after you know being injured?" Chris whispers to Finn, who nods. "You need to be careful Charlie, can't always be getting injured" Scudboat says. "I was careful, I just let my guard down for a second." Charlie defends, "yeah sure, I've got to get back to my post, don't get yourself injured in the mean time." Scudboat says walking off.

"You'll finally get to meet Arthur and John properly tonight, after the meeting." Finn says, "will you be in the meeting?" Chris asks them, "Charlie will, I won't. I'm only allowed in some of the meetings." Finn answers.


"Where is he? He organised the meeting and is late." Arthur complains to Polly. "And why was there a puddle of blood earlier?" John asks. "You can thank your sister for that." Polly replies, making Charlie's two older brothers look to her. "Explain." John says. "Wait for Tommy, can't be bothered to explain it twice." Charlie says, lighting her cigarette.

"Alright then. I got another question. When did we." John says pointing to the family members around the room, "all take a vote on this expansion south?"

"You got something to say you wait for Thomas." Polly says unimpressed. "Polly is fucking right." Arthur agrees. "Alright well I see all the books. We are making 150 pounds a day. Why change what's working?" John says, "Polly, look at what's happened. Aint even set foot in London and they're blowing up our fucking pub" he adds.

"Who said anything about the Cockneys?" Arthur replies, "who else?" Esme retorts from the steps, "you know who did it, do you?" Charlie asks blowing out some smoke, flicking the ash of her cigarette. "No, she doesn't know who did it." John says, "I'm told only family are allowed to speak" Esme says as Tommy enters. "Everyone's allowed to speak. On your feet Esme." Tommy says scanning the room. "I speak for our household." John says, "John, this company is a modern enterprise and believes in equal rights for women. Let's hear what she has to say. On your feet Esme." Tommy interrupts, and Esme puts her things down, walking to stand next to her husband.

"I'm not a blood member, therefore I can see things in a different light. So I'll get to my point." She speaks, "that'd be nice." Charlie retorts, ignoring her comment Esme continues to speak about how it's like a war between armies, coppers fighting side by side with them, foreigners of every description, bombs being the least of their worries. How she wants John to be alive to see their child grow up, all that nonsense.

"That was a lot of words, lot of words. Might wanna wash em down with a nice drink." Charlie says cigarette resting between her fingers as she poured Tommy a drink handing it to him. "Thank you, Esme." Tommy says raising his glass and downing it.

"Firstly, the bang in the pub had nothing to do with London, the band is something I'm dealing with on my own. Secondly, we have nothing to fear for the proposed business expansion. So long as we all stick together. After the first few weeks nine tenths of the stuff we do in London will be legal. The other tenth is in good hands. Isn't that right Arthur?" Tommy speaks. "That's right" Arthur nods, "any of you who want no part in the future of this company, the door is there feel free to leave. For those who don't, the expansion process begins tomorrow." Tommy announces gesturing towards the door.

"Anything else?" Tommy says eyeing the room, "we.. uh. Need a clean up Eversley Road number 12. In the uh, living area." Charlie says coughing awkwardly and reshuffling herself on the chair. "What on earth happened on Eversley Road?" Tommy asks, "I'm guessing something to do with the puddle of blood." Arthur says, and Tommy cocks an eyebrow at her. "I got stabbed." she murmurs, "say that again?" Tommy speaks, "I got stabbed" Charlie says, "who?" John asks angrily, "you can't do anything about it, that's why you need the clean up." Charlie explains. "Mr Murray is dead." She clears up downing her drink. "Okay. I'll send someone to dispose of the body." Tommy nods.

"Is that all? We need to be back at the stables." Uncle Charlie says and Tommy nods, letting Curly and Uncle Charlie leave.

"Finn, Chris you can come down now." Charlie calls up the stairs. "John, Arthur. Meet our new house guest Christopher Murray." Tommy introduces watching the two teen boys come down the stairs. "Murray" John repeats and Charlotte gives him a look, shaking her head.

"I-uh. It's nice to meet you." Chris says holding his hand out to John, "John" he says shaking the kids hand. "I'm Arthur." Arthur says shaking his hand.

"Charlie, can I speak to you?" John says yanking her arm, dragging her into his office. "You killed his dad!" John whisper yells. "His Dad was a bad man John. He attacked me first, without any provocation." Charlie argues back quietly. "Where's he gonna stay huh?" John asks, "here" Charlie answers, "that's not a long term plan, we've got business and enemies you can't drag innocent kids into it." John says, "ill do what you all did with Ada, leave him out the illegal shit, with what Tommy's saying there won't be too much of it, I'm taking care of it. You don't live here, it won't effect you that much." Charlie points out, "what about enemies, eh? By being associated with us, there's a target on his back." John says, "nothings going to happen, I'll protect him, just as I've done with Finn. Just as I'd do with any of your bloody kids. But I wasn't gonna send him back to an abusive father and I'm not sending him onto the streets." Charlotte tells him, "fine." John relents, "thank you" she says sarcastically walking out of his office.


"John. Arthur. Be ready tomorrow at 16:30. We are going to London." Tommy says before walking out.

"Right well I've got to.... ahh screw it I'm going to the pub." Arthur says getting his hat.

"Esme and I, should be going, got kids at home." John says kissing his wife as they head out the door following Arthur.

"i have an appointment i can't miss, i trust you 3 will be fine by yourselves" Polly says raising an eyebrow at the 3 teens who nod. "Diego and Isaiah might be coming round, you never know with them two." Charlie informs and her aunt nods walking out the door.


"Honey, Im home" Isaiah calls walking into the Shelby household. "You don't live here" Finn retorts as Isaiah ruffles his hair, "what an awful way to speak to a guest" Diego says mocking hurt. "Charlie, come collect your morons" Finn groans walking into the family area followed by the older males. "They aren't my morons, they're just morons" Charlie says. "Chris, this is Diego and Isaiah. The banes of everyones existence" Finn introduces sitting next to his sister.

"I need to change my bandages" Charlie says excusing herself, "I'll help you, you're going where the drinks are right?" Isaiah says following her. "Help yourself" she says gesturing to the drinks shelves, "oh i will" Isaiah smirks spinning her round and dropping a kiss to her lips. "what bandages?" he then asks, "got stabbed" she shrugs casually, hoping onto the counter reaching for some bandages. "You can't do that" Isaiah groans, "can't do what?" she asks, "say stuff like that so fucking casually as if its normal" Isaiah says brushing a strand of fallen hair behind her ear, "you worried about me?" she teases lifting her shirt and unwrapping the bandages from earlier, "of course i fucking worry about you." Isaiah says, grabbing bottle of whiskey, soaking a cloth, leaning down and beginning to clean his girlfriends wound. "You don't need to be, i can take care of myself" Charlotte says tilting his head up, making him stand between her legs, "i know you can, its one of the things i like most about you doll, but that doesn't mean i aint worried bout what happens to you." Isaiah tells her getting the bandages and rewrapping her waist. "done, all better" he says pecking her lips, "too fast can't stop me" he jokes kissing her again. "Come here" she whines wrapping her arms round his neck, as his slide down her back to her bum, letting himself be consumed into the kiss.

"What the fuck!" Finn exclaims walking into the room, making the couple tear away from each other. "Im going to kill you" Finn tells Isaiah aiming a fist at his face. "Finn, i aint going to fight you" Isaiah says ducking a fist that came his way.

"Finn, its alright" Charlie says dragging him away as he continued to try and attack Isaiah, the commotion caught Chris and Diegos attention as they walked over seeing Charlotte holding back a livid Finn from attacking Isaiah. "Whats happening?" Diego asks. "He found out" Isaiah says. "Found out what?" Chris asks, "they're make out buddies" Finn spits, attempting to go for Isaiah again. "We aren't make out buddies" Charlie retorts, "what is this then?" Finn asks stopping his attack and looking at his sister. "Finn, we are dating" Charlie says as Isaiah walks over to her placing an arm round her shoulders. "How long?" Finn asks looking between the two. "Around a month" Charlotte says, and Finn looks at her with betrayal. "Im fucking leaving" Finn says storming out, "let him go, he'll be back" Isaiah tells her, when she attempts to go after him. "He needs some time to calm down" Isaiah says giving her a hug. "What if he tells the others?" Charlie asks pulling away, "then we will deal with it when that time comes" Isaiah tells her. "Im going to head up, I've got school tomorrow" Chris says, "night Chris" Charlie smiles at him as he heads up the stairs leaving the 3 friends downstairs.

"Right well, ill leave you two to it" Diego says exiting the house.

"I didn't want him to find out that way" she says turning face Isaiah, his arms wrapping round her as she rests her head on his chest. "I know you didn't. But he will get over it, talk to him. Since he now knows, don't you think its time for the rest of them too. He knows, Polly, Ada, Chris, Diego and my Dad. Secrets can't stay in the dark too long" Isaiah tells her. "Okay" she agrees, and he presses a kiss to her lips. "Its going to be okay." Isaiah assures kissing her again. "Yeah" she says thoughtfully. "Now smile, you look gorgeous" Isaiah says smiling as she pulls him down into a kiss, slipping her tongue into his mouth, making him groan slightly lifting her up, her legs wrapping round his waist as he presses her against the wall, kissing her lips, down her jaw before nuzzling her neck, nipping at the sensitive skin, eliciting a moan from his girlfriend, he found her sweet spot and continued to kiss along it. Before latching his lips to hers once more, her hands tangled into in his hair.

"Char, we should stop. What if someone else walks in?" Isaiah says pulling away still holding her against the wall. "Ugh. I hate it when you're right." she says as she climbs off of him. "Tomorrow?" Diego asks, "the boys are going to London." Charlotte sighs, "day after that" he says and she nods. "Come on, I want to show you something." Charlie smiles taking his hand, and leading him up the stairs. "Chris is in that room." Isaiah whispers, "get your mind out of the gutter." she says quietly, hitting his chest, opening the door to her room. "You said you'd never been up here before... so I thought id show you." Charlotte tells him walking into her room and sitting on her bed, Isaiah following slowly, gazing around her room, running his hand along her chest of drawers, before picking up a picture. "Who's in this picture?" he asks holding it up, "that's my mum, Polly, Ada, my two cousins Michael and Anna, then me." Charlotte says observing the picture a sad smile on her face. "I've never met Michael or Anna." Isaiah says putting the picture back on the drawers. "They were taken at a young age. Michael is my age. He was taken at 5. Then Anna, she was around 3. Haven't seen them since. That was my mums birthday party." Charlotte tells him, "ever thought about looking for them?" Isaiah asks sitting next to her, "they spent weeks when the two first went missing, and given we only know what they look like as kids, it'd be hard." Charlotte sighs, leaning into him.

"You doing anything tomorrow?" He asks, and she shakes her head, "come have dinner with my dad and I, you said your brothers are out, so we won't have to hide it from them, and I want to introduce you to him officially." Isaiah proposes, "yeah, that sounds nice." Charlie nods smiling, "I've got to get home, but I'll see you tomorrow." Isaiah says kissing her forehead, "night doll." he says as she holds her arms out for a hug, which he gladly gives her. "Get some sleep." he smiles bopping her nose.

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