Magnetic Love

By AyeshaM280499

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Step into the world of Azalea Green, a 17-year-old navigating the twists of life in the charming town of Auro... More

Chapter 1, Mischief and Mayhem: The Chaotic Chronicles of Day One
Chapter 2, Adrenaline and Ash: Day 2's Baseball Bat Bonanza
Chapter 3, Dancing with the Bad Boy: A Kiss Caught Off Guard
Chapter 4, Dynamic Duo: Partnering Up with the Bad Boy
Chapter 5, A Gift from the Heart
Chapter 6, Deep Sea Romance: Unraveling the Perfect Underwater Kiss
Chapter 7, Heartstrings Tangled: Confessions of Love
Chapter 8, Stars Aligned: The Teen Party of the Year
Chapter 9, Heartbreak High: The Sting of Betrayal
Chapter 10, Midnight Madness: The Ultimate PJ Party
Chapter 11, Teenage Dreams: A Twist on 'Part of Me' by Katy Perry
Chapter 12 Love's Warning: Keep Your Distance If You Want to Stay Safe.
Chapter 13, Broken Veneer: Unmasking 'I'm Fine'
chapter 14, Emotional Rollercoaster: The Teenage Oxymoron of Love
chapter 15, Thrill Seekers: Teen Cliff Diving Tales

Chapter 16, Fading Dawn: Teen Nostalgia for the Beginning's End

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By AyeshaM280499

I hadn't slept so soundly in days. I feel like a sleeping queen, the bed my kingdom and dearest pillow my crown. My sleeping ass wondering in wonderland considerably unusual I have not been kidnapped or murdered.

Of course, nothing lasts forever. Caleb, my bothersome bad boy, tickled me and startled me from my slumber.

He peacefully lay down next to me. He was all styled up in his typical bad boy attire. His alluring Bleu de Chanel cologne stimulates my brain cells.

"Hey, sleeping beauty," he smirked. I stared at him confusingly. I rubbed my fingers around my tired eyes.

"SCHOOL TIME!" he giggles.

"Oh, my fucking shit!" I exclaimed in shock, how the heck did I forget to get up? My phone lock screen shows 8:15 am. 

My clumsy soul forgot to set an alarm. I've got no time for a mental checklist. I rushed into the bathroom with enough time to only brush my teeth and moisturise my skin.

I wore an oversized black hoodie paired with black leggings and my red converse. I tied my hair into a messy bun.

My phone popped with notifications from Bella and missed calls from Liz.

"You are not missing school again?"

"Coming late," I replied.

"hey avoid Justin at @school he's been asking about u, he's kinda acting weird,"

It was a text from Bella I pretended not to notice as I shoved my notebook, Ipad, MacBook and pencil case into my backpack.

It was 8:20 it was too late to pack a lunch box or even a water bottle.

We got in Caleb's SUV Mercedes. Thankfully, the ride was calm with no drama. Caleb parked his car. I scrolled through my photos from my phone to check the Wednesday planner from one of my screenshots.

"Looks like you need some boost for the day," Caleb handed me a can of Nescafe Mocha.

Delighted, "Thanks,"

We had to register our name in the school office for lateness we missed 15 minutes of class.

"And oh crapped Mrs Claire is there," 

"Miss Green," her loud-pitched voice, I wonder what she eats for breakfast 😂.

"G-good morning miss Claire,"

"Miss Green could care to explain those frequent absence and lateness,"

"I--- i was sick,"

"Well, this is your last warning else you'll get a detention and extra classes,"

Caleb's lucky ass escapes Mrs Claire's shoutings.

I rushed to Chemistry Lab. I knocked on the door, "Come in!" a loud voice let out.

I was surprised to see Jackson Archie standing in front of the class as the new chemistry teacher. He was one of Mike's school friends I kinda had a crush on him, and worst he looks much more handsome now. He was wearing a freaking suit that lays out his muscular body.

I quickly shook my thoughts 😳 and walked inside,

"Good Morning Sir, sorry for being late," my voice cracked up nervously.

"Well, everyone, the next time you come fifteen minutes after my class has started, don't you dare step in," he snarled.

"WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING MISS LATENESS," I froze in panic. My anxieties crawled up as pairs of eyes looked at me in amusement. Just by staring at Liz and Bella, I knew they had thousands of questions running through their mind. I had to sit in the front.

The new teacher mailed us homework to analyse our performance on previous topics covered. And guess what? I was not aware. Since all of us have after-school detention with Mr Archie, I feel like I'm officially a member of the bad boys' gang.

In the last hour of the class, we worked on writing ionic equations and theory on Stoichiometry. Soon as the bell rang for the next period, I tried to run away from this class. "Make sure you check your email for notes and homework updates. The class is now dismissed," Mr Archie announced.

"Miss Green! Not so fast, and you boys at the back in my office now," he ordered sternly. My heartbeat fastens, my chest tightens I put on my AirPods on played my Spotify Repeat playlist on shuffle mode.

Liz and Bella waved at me and mouthed that they will save a seat for me in our English literature class.

I paced to Mr Archie's office and nervously knocked at the door. "Come in!" he yelled, I wonder if he is who I think he is or some evil doppelgänger. Soon as I removed my Airpods from my ears and placed them back in its case.

"Where are the others?" he inquired.

Caleb and his gang bust inside, "Yoo Sir! why do you call us?"

Oh, man! I swear that look on Mr Archie's face was priceless. I had to swallow my laughter.

Mr Archie slammed past exam questionnaires on his table. "I want these completed and, I'll correct them during your detention time."

"Sir, we have classes we won't have time to complete," I declared.

"No problem, you can pay a visit to the principal's office," he stated with an ironical calmness.

"Fine, we'll do it,"

Caleb and Zack were ready to throw tantrums. I made sure they stayed quiet. I wrapped my arm around Caleb's and pulled him out of the office.

Caleb and I parted ways since he has Art and Design classes and, I had English Literature. I log onto my school's website to check which floor I had to walk to since I'm officially a terrible student forgetting to bring my printed planner.

I rushed since it was my first class and, I don't want to make an awful impression again. There was loud chattering, I quickly double-check whether I was in the right direction. I peeked inside calmed down, to see Bella and Liz.

"Mah girls," I ran to them.

"Sup stranger!" Liz exclaimed and, Bella had her bitch face on, YOO! I'm about to go down. 🤣🤣

I lift my arms in surrender, "Sorry I know I was terrible,"

"Kidding Azzy" Liz giggled and, Bella laughed and her laughter yo! it sounds like a dying rooster. From a resting bitch face to a dying rooster that's my girl, Bella. 🤣🤪

"Guess what Azy we have two periods free," Bella announced with excitement.

"For real!" I felt like dancing.

I had no proper time to settle when the girls bombarded me with questions,

"Where did you go with Caleb yesterday?"

"Are you guys together?

"Umm... we went cliff diving," I replied hesitantly.

"You what? They yelled like banshees.

"For freak's sake ditched school with the class's bad boy... to go cliff diving, totally freaking cool," Bella exclaimed like a fangirl.

"Yaaaay cool, but now you are loaded with Chemistry work and detention. We have two upcoming assessments for Bio and physics," and that is my friend Liz, the nerd.

"Be less bombastic, Liz, and calm yourself. Tell us more about how Zack, the bad boy, entered your room at night through the window." Bella made fun of her, asking how I had missed the fact that a dude was sneaking into a nerd's room late at night.

"Yooooo! Liz speak up about the juicy spice," I added and, her cheeks turned crimson.

"Nay girl you first, you got us all confused you didn't even chat with us yesterday," Liz pointed out.

"Yaaah girl, what's going between you?" Bella added.

"Nada, I don't even know, I feel completely lost about it,"

Honestly, I was lost. I don't even know what I am to Caleb and who I want to be, things escalated too fast and crashed down. I'm happy that Caleb and I cleared our misunderstandings. I admit I like him but, I don't want to rush toward any emotional attachments.

"Girl, everything will work out, relax!" they both engulf me in a hug.

"I love you guys so much," I let out heartily.

"Come on, Liz! we wanna hear your story," Bella and I pleaded.

"Okay, you guys are much too ecstatic. Since my parents were out at work, Zack insisted on coming to spend some time with me. Xavier was being cared for by my uncle Tom.

"Your hot uncle was there," Bella, interrupted her.

Tom is the younger brother of Liz's mum he, was around his late twenties.

"Let her finish," I blurted laughing. 😆

"Yeah, so I was planning to help him sneak through the front doors typical badass, he climbed through the balcony of my room." 🤣🤣

"Then what?" Ok, that's typical me when you tell a juicy story you gotta finish it.

"We studied and played Call of Duty,"

"No way you finally find your Call of Duty mate," Liz giggles. It was Liz's favourite game she'd convinced us to play with her.

"I hate that game," I stated.

"That's because you'd always lose," Liz Laughed. Kinda true I get headaches from it, getting killed over and over. 😅😅😩

"What time did he leave?" I asked her and her fair porcelain-like skin turns rosy red oh so cute!

"UGH...he stayed the night," Oh God, you should see how she's blushing even more.

"OMG! what else did you do?" Bella questioned her teasingly.

"Bella Oh God no! you are so annoyingly evil, we slept on the same bed HUGGING each other that's it!" she was annoyed.

"Ohhh man... that's so romantic," I was thrilled to see how Liz found love in life. Liz is one of your rare gorgeous nerds. We all are in fashion and makeup. We enjoy dressing for ourselves and not for people's approval. I think this is where true beauty resides being true to yourself and not to others.


Liz and Bella updated me with notes that I've missed. I made a revision and catch-up planner which I was to review after school.

"See you for lunch," I waved goodbye to my friends as I walked to the library to complete the chemistry past exam questions which were due for detention time.

I overheard familiar voices while I was walking. It was Justin and Becky, who appeared to be a tight couple. I pace ahead while trying to ignore their presence.

I heard the name "Azalea" being called. He exclaimed loudly, "Hey, wait up," and I pretend not to hear.

"Why are you calling that bitch?" she yelled annoyingly at him.

Yooo!! I don't want any drama, I plugged in my AirPods and played Falling by Trevor Daniel on repeat.

I had two Granola bars which Liz gave me, enough, to fuel my system to study and complete six questionnaires out of ten. I was seated in the Chemistry vicinity since I had to borrow books for work and revision.

Suddenly, I looked up to see Mr Archie seated at the same table, he seemed to be grading students' homework. It seems to be grade 8 when y'all lucky asses had to only balanced chemical equations. I wonder how I didn't notice him sitting at first, well, your girl was invested in her detention work. Surprisingly I didn't struggle much regarding my hate for Chem.

Suddenly I looked up when I heard him say with a serious tone, "Hope you are not ditching class for this," pointing at my questionnaires.

I simply replied "free period,"

"We'll see," he added sharply.

"who ditches class to sit in a library," I murmured and rolled my eyes.

Seems like he has superhuman ears "havin' something to add?"

"Nah just humming lyrics," I pointed at my AirPods, yo! I nearly laugh at my line.

"What's your name again?" he asked.

"Azalea?" I felt embarrassed as he waited for the next word with his ocean blue eyes. He has a gorgeous, attractive appearance that resembles a cross between Nate Archibald and Damon Salvatore. Earth to Azalea Green he is your Chemistry teacher, well a hot one but he's firing your ass with work.

"Azalea Green," I blurted out.

"Green," he seemed to be thinking or processing.

"Could you stop it now?" I thought.

"Are you related to Mike Green?"

I recalled he'd come over many times to my house, and he and Mike would play video games along with other friends. Mike would invite him during family events and dinners. I'd always win Tekken matches against Mike and one day he'd call me to play a Tekken match against Jackson Archie. Seemingly, he'd never lose and guess what I beat his score and won 10 times. Tekken used to be one of my favourite video games.

"He's my brother,"

"Is there any Green here?" Yo! why does it sound so weird I even heard someone laugh.

I raised my arm, "Someone is here for you in the office," a clerk lady informed me.

I quickly packed my stuff away and, headed to the office I was surprised and thrilled to see Mike in the waiting room. I instantly hugged him, "You are back!"

"Yeah, I missed you," he hugged me back.

"Your face it's bruised," his cheekbone was deep red.

"Ney it's nothing just MMA training,"

He brought me MCDONALD'S and my favourite Double Big Mac with french fries and Coke.

"You should come over to the Smith mansion,"

"Alec invited me for dinner tomorrow,"

"Cool, see you." I waved him goodbye.

"Take care sissy," he pulled me into a hug, I don't why it felt different, and odd like we are saying goodbye. I quickly convinced myself that I'll see him tomorrow. I guess I was just sad and I miss my family.

My mood lightens up when I saw Bella at the canteen.

"Hey, where's Liz?"

"She left with Zack," Bella seemed sad.

"Chill I'm here now,"

"No, it's just that the canteen food is Ew." she groaned.

"Look what I've got we can share,"

"McDonald's YO girl! where did you even get that,"


"Oh cool,"

I split the burger into half. "holy mother of burgers," Bella excitedly exclaimed with her mouth full, and I laughed. This is what best friends are for, sharing your food and laughing.

While enjoying the large box of french fries, I look around to see whether Caleb was seating in the canteen.

"Looking for your Beau?" she asked playfully.

"No, I'm just enjoying my french fries," I rolled my eyes as I stuffed my mouth. I couldn't stop thinking about Caleb where he was or if was he with someone. Did he have lunch?

And again I saw Justin, or no it's about to heat up he's walking toward where Bella and I are seated.

I lowered my head and whispered nervously to Bella, "Justin is coming here, I don't want to talk to him,"

"Relax, I'll spray insect killer on that bug,"

"And I wanna Kung-fu his ass off,"

We both were laughing hysterically.

"Let's pretend we are having a good time and avoid him," I told Bella.

"Yeah, I have some great news for yah?" Bella said with much confidence, let's say she a freaking great at acting.

"Oh, my dear best what is don't hide anything, anymore with your dear best friend," I pronounced my words sassily.

"Post Malone gonna have a concert in town, at Neon Square next week," she yelled with happiness, excitement and joy. Yoo! the entire school must have heard as she jumps up and down.

I'm not a great actress as everyone eyeing us and, I can't match this girl's hypeness. I stared at her, confused.

"Yoo girl, I'm not joking it's real it was supposed to be a surprise I've already bought three tickets for you and Liz," she pulled at the tickets from her backpack. The concert is on Saturday.

Woah now I was hyped up too, I quickly typed on Google "Post Malone Black Valley,"

He made a video on insta and Twitter, "Black Valley Peeps get ready is about to get Lit on Saturday,"

"WOAH he's coming into our small town," I screamed in excitement.

Bella and I hummed "Hollywood's Bleedings Vampires feeding darkness turns to dust."

Bella and I high-fived as all the noises coming from us push that bug away.

We saw some people ordering Posty's ticket online. Hey, promoters, hire us we are loudspeakers we, gonna make you rich.

We grew even happier when we were told that we have extended lunch due to teachers' meetings. In the meantime, Bella and Liz searched for some online clothing stores where we both ordered Zombies leather jackets. It was similar to the one Post Malone wore in his Goodbyes music video. We also ordered his merch shirts on his website. We received a message "order and payment accepted, delivery in two days." not such a bad day after all Bella and I high-five.

This was when Justin disturbed our peaceful hyping moment. "Hey, you are avoiding me," he stands there like I owe him something.

Tired of this bullshit, I stood next to him, "What do you want?" I hissed.

"Yo! calm down not here for a fight," he chucked with sarcasm.

"So speak up we are cool," I sighed sarcastically with a hint of annoyance.

"We could be friends and make things work. We were friends since, as long as we could remember. Please remember the friendship promises we made," He tried sounding and added a tone of sadness or some useless shit.

"Hey what's your deal? why I'm I the one to remember, when you disappeared three years ago without a single word, you could have at least left or sent a letter,"

"I did..." his eyes were teary.

"No, you didn't! You disappeared. I thought something happened to you," I sobbed as PTSD flooded as a fucking bitch.

"I've even done some research, I came across Valentin, the Police officer who was your mum's friend he said that you don't want to have anything with black Valley or anyone from here,"

"I even went to his house I begged him to give me your contact,"

"You wanna know what he said?" I yelled like an angry crying banshee. He nodded and, I told him what Valentin said, "Girl you look like a walking dead," this is how I felt, it was like half of myself ripped from my soul.

I'm forever grateful for what this guy added, "girl, set your spirit free live your life fully do not worry about those who do not care for you, live your life for yourself,"

"Wanna know what I did? I burned you down, everything which reminded me of you I turned them into ashes and set my soul and spirit free as they flew away. "You are long... long gone, now move away," my voice was all shaken up.

"Let's go, Bella,"

"Wait, I could never set myself free from you," he grabbed my wrist.

"Let her go, Justin," Bella snapped at him.

"Shut up! Underwood" He hissed at her.

"You are the one to shut up," I exclaimed angrily.

Suddenly he starts pulling stuff from his backpack, our childhood photos and our first date together. We were sure we would spend our life together. He was never really my boyfriend but more than the best person in my life. I would share my thoughts with him effortlessly, and I trusted him. I was 14, and he was 16 when he asked me to be his girlfriend. We both wore her and his half-heart necklace. Two months later, he disappeared from my life. At fourteen years old, I thought that we were meant only to be just friends and that falling in love broke our lifelong friendship and tore us apart.

He pulled out half of her necklace, along with other stuff, socks when we were babies embroidered with J and A. Those stuff does not mean anything anymore. They are long forgotten and healed. "Well you would never be able to let them go they are the remembrance of the harm you caused. Nothing here is mine it is just you and your mistakes, accept and move on. I can't be any part of it."

"Bella and Liz are now my only best friends the ones who never left and stayed with me while you were gone, they've filled up the space you've left,"

"Can't I at least get a hug," he looked sad.

I had to hug him as he sobbed, "I'm sorry." I understand how you feel, but you need to let them go too, just like I did three years ago.

I caught Becky glimpsing at us, hugging. Oh, man! You should have seen the look on her face.

"Before your girl has a fit here, you better head back to her. Today's drama has had enough of me "I warned Justin.

"That plastic fake blond, no way she's not mine," he loudly mockingly comments..

I think this boy wants drama. "Shit's about to go down," I murmured as I tugged Bella arm's as we quickly rushed to our biology class which is the last class of the day.

"Yo, did you hear how Justin trashed talk, Becky?" Bella laughed uncontrollably.

"Yeah! that is why we should move quickly before she blows on us "As I sped toward our class, I exclaimed.

We were in the main hall when not so surprisingly, Becky and her plastic dolls gang walked toward us. Bella was about to go all kung-fu mode.

"I'll deal with her," I reassured Bella to stay calm. I didn't want Bella to get involved. She is a Karate black belt, it would be a bloody mess.

We walked past them but I swear I will lose my shit if Becky starts any drama.

Becky dressed like she is on some runway fashion. She wore a mini black skirt with fishnet tights and black stiletto along with a red tank top and a silver leather jacket. If any of her gang wore clothing pieces similar to her, she'd make them change into PE outfits.

"Green stop where you are!" she commanded pointing, at me with her long pointy black acrylics nails.

We pretend not to be bothered by her and walked away.

She screamed like a lunatic, "How dare you to leave, I own this school, I could send both of you to the Principal right now."

"If you wanna talk to me you come alone,"

"LOL, you sound scared," she joked sarcastically.

"Jokes on you, I'm not the one having minions' shield,"

She angrily waves her palm signalling them to move away.

"Meet me at the cafeteria now, else I'd make your life a living hell," Yo! someone needs to calm down. I wonder how her vocal cords keep up.

"Are you seriously gonna meet her?" Bella asserted.

"Yeah, I want to make things clear with her, she is pissed that Justin hugged me, or something," I was seriously annoyed.

We walked when suddenly one of Becky's minions violently grabbed Bella's arm. Becky standing in the middle.

"What's all this drama?" I yelled at Becky.

"Here people... is a girl who stole my man, now she wants Justin too and today I'll show to y'all what occurs when you mess with the school's Queen,"

No seriously, she is not giving a speech about me stealing her man and LMAO "school's queen,"

I'm about to laugh my ass off in her freaking face, I stepped close to her, "Get over yourself no one wants you," I cracked up.

Becky being a fucking bitch isn't over her shit yet and of course, I've foreguessed it. I'm generally quiet but you get what you've asked for messing with me.

She pulled my hair and violently pushed my back to a table and pinned me with her knee. Of course, everyone was ignited who doesn't love drama? Almost everyone chants "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

I knew I was strong enough to push her away but I'd be in so much trouble I already have detention for today.

She smashed me in the face with a punch, okay I have to admit that hurt but her hit was a switch to where all adrenaline rushes in. All the wrestling and MMA matches I've been watching ignites me to try some live-action turning me into a female McGregor. I fiercely head-butted her she was taken aback as her heels break off, that was hilarious but I was not done with her.

Someone shouted and everyone joined "Bring that bitch down!"

She angrily threw away her shoes, "I'm not done," she lashes at me and pulled my hair and slapped me in the face.

I grabbed her right arm and twist it behind her back. "If you don't back off, I'll break it," I screamed as she cried out in pain. "Pathetic" I laughed out in her face.

I let go of her arm and she pushed me to the ground and threw punches at me, angrily I pinned her down and lock her arm and leg.

"Stop it hurts," she wailed.

"Are you talking to me Becky I ain't hearing you clear," I might have heard a crack or two.

Then Justin ran towards us and break us apart, Becky hugged him and cried. But, he has to do it again and pushed her away from him, "Are you okay?" how dare he ask me.

I walked away with a limp "Hey wait I'm so sorry, let me get you some ice,"

Guess what? Becky was not over as she ran toward me and slammed my back with a metal food tray.

Now I'm about to go all Loca, I pushed her down and threw punches after punches after making sure she didn't get off the ground.

"Get off her Lea, that's not like you," Justin exclaimed.

I stood up "My name is Azalea, and you have no idea who I am," I was enraged.

"How dare you shout at my boyfriend," she stood up. How is she even still yelling?

"I'm done with you! Dare try this shit again or hurt any of my friends, I'd break your bones," I was exhausted and sore.

Before Becky could reply, Justin threw this line at her "Becky stop all this drama I don't fucking care about you, I've just met you and I don't want to even see your face again,"

This is all because of you, she ran toward me and I grabbed the metal tray and slammed it all over her suddenly Bella, Liz and the boys ran toward us.

Justin pulled off Becky and Caleb pulled me into a hug calming me down.

"Sorry I wasn't here earlier,"

He whispered into my ears.

"You are fucking crazy," Justin yelled at me.

"What did you just call her?" Caleb yelled at him.

"Who the fuck are you?" Justin exclaimed back.

"He's my boyfriend, you dumbass," I exclaimed confidently as everyone's eyes widened, I said that especially for Justin so that he stay away from me. "Get your bitch away from me," I ordered Justin.

"What did you just call me," the bitch snapped as Caleb pulled me from this sickening crowd.

20 minutes of my next class were already missed and I didn't even want to go to the next class which was at 12:45 pm and I still need to attend detention class.

Caleb walked me to a secret spot in the backyard of the school.

"What's all that shit, this is not even you!" he snarled.

I kept it all together until now, tears ran down my cheeks, I feel like crap and my whole body was freaking sore.

"Hey... I'm sorry I just got scared when Bella called me, I was worried about you," he comforts me with a hug.

"What would you do if someone pinned you on a freaking table?" I sobbed.

"I get it, it's not your fault," he caressed my cheeks and dry my tears and gave me a forehead kiss.

"We should get you some ice,"

Bella and Liz came with ice and painkillers and pain relief ointment.

"Girls, you are not in class?" I asked them.

"Our bestie needs us," they comforted me.

"Sorry I couldn't help you, those bit***es would not let me" Bella was sad.

"It's okay and I'm fine," I reassured her.

"'s not okay at your face is all swollen and red,"

Liz pointed out.

"Yeah listen up you three girls are staying with us for lunch and break time from now on," Zack asserted.

"I won't let her go this easily," Bella's fingers curled into a fist.

"Relax baby, if she hurt you I'd snapped her Barbie neck off," Cole added.

Everyone laughed and Bella cried out "Did you just call me baby,"

"Yes he did," we all added laughingly.

"Enough, we are going to class," Bella left and Liz joined her along with Zack.

Caleb stayed with me, "you told that douche that we are together,"

"Umm...did I?"

Uh, I didn't know what to say.

"Do you know him?" He asked.

"Childhood friend," I replied bluntly.

He seems dissatisfied with my answer. "I don't want to talk about it,"

I lay on a bench with my head rested on Caleb's hoodie, listening to my crazy thoughts about how my life messed up so bad since I moved into a new school.

Suddenly Caleb's words snapped me out of my tormenting thoughts, "I'd like to be with you,"

I sat up, lost for words my brain would not process, he sat next to me.

"We don't have to be boyfriend or girlfriend not any of this crappy relationship status, we only need to stand by each other's side and be independent of each other and not break each other's hearts; we just have to be happy with ourselves and share our happiness,"

I was still buried in my thoughts; I liked being with him; it was like walking into a dark tunnel, but his heart was lighting my way, and with each step, I realised he was more than just a bad boy.

He stood up and mumbled, "I'd understand if you don't want to," I can't let him go I need him.

"Uhh wait," I stood up my leg was sore I almost twist my ankle when Caleb gracefully held my arm.

I glanced into his emerald green eyes and felt safe in his embrace. His eyes sparkled with compassion and affection. 

I wasn't sure of what to say, I was scared of getting hurt again.

"See you later," his voice cracked up.

When Caleb left, I felt an emptiness within me that I had never felt before. I was left puzzled.

"You need him, he needs you too," 

My heart desires it to, as a voice inside my head urged.

I tried looking for Caleb and searched for him in vain.

I was running down a hallway, my body physically exhausted, but I needed to see Caleb right now, and I wasn't going to stop until I found him.

When I connected with someone's hard muscular chest, I was jolted out of my thoughts.

I feared Justin was following me. I peeked to see it was Caleb, "Azalea," he whispered in confusion as I said his name "Caleb," I gasp breathlessly.

"Are you all right?" He inquired, concerned.

"I needed to see you," I explained.

"I want to be with you," ok now my heart was racing.

"What are you serious?"

"Yeah, why would my heart beating like crazy?" Ok, I did scream that loudly again.

"I wanna hear it," no way!!!  I think he's just taunting me for leaving him heartbroken earlier.

I walked away, but he grabbed my arm and murmured lovingly in my ears, "I can't let you go this easily."

I couldn't say anything when I stared into his eyes. "I'm scared," I said, laying my palm over my racing heart. I could feel my body heating up as if I were on the verge of colliding with the stars.

He placed his palm over my chest, "His eyes widen oh God, I didn't know I have such effects on you, "

"Don't bottle it up," *I convinced myself I opened my eyes to see him standing so close to me, it was not the bad boy standing to me, it was a lovely human being I couldn't stop myself, I kissed him, we kissed it was not just passion or pleasure, it was love.

Our kisses stop and my heartbeat slowed down, "I want to be with you, " I let out softly.

"I want to be with you because I love you; I can't lie about it," he hugged me.

Wow, my heart nearly bursts. Trillions of butterflies flutter around in my stomach.

"I love you too, " umm...I screamed again.

"Oh God, I say it too loud, " his face beamed with happiness showing his perfect smile.

"Fuck everyone! and guess what I freaking love Caleb Smith,"

We hugged and kissed coincidentally, at the same spot we collided on the first day of school.

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