The Four Kingdoms (fanfic) {f...

By Slschneider

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The Story Takes Place- in a town with a castle in the distance controlling everything with a king, "queen"(so... More

The Four Kingdoms Planner
Chapter One; Sparing
Chapter Two; A New Job
Chapter Three; The Hitlist
Chapter Four; The Duel
Chapter Five; Back Home
Chapter Six; The kidnapping
Chapter Eight; The Letter
Chapter Nine; Practice
Chaper Ten; The Neckalce
Chapter Eleven; The Bird
Chapter Twelve; The Search
Chapter Thirteen; The oveheard conversation not meant to be heard.
Chapter Fourteen; Breaking Out
Chapter 15; The mudrer mystery masscure
The Last Chapter

Chapter Seven; The Imposter

99 2 0
By Slschneider

Chapter Seven; The Imposter
Warning; Blood, mention of death, death, swearing (censored) and betrayal
I am so hype for this chapter (Picture by me)

5up listened to the conversation behind the door, an uncomfortable feeling crawled under his skin like a spider, making him tense up. He pulled at the corners of his bright pink sleeve, and he played with the small black button on his wrist. "I-I can't!" A strikingly familiar voice said, nervousness traced their tone. "You don't have a choice DumbDog." An inverted and demonic voice boomed from the inside the enclosed room. "I don't want to be-" Dog's voice was cut of by an ominous birds caw outside, Caw! Caw! The black crow sounded. No! Stupid bird! I didn't get to hear what Apollo said! The pink haired man thought angrily. The door knob turned. And the door pushed inward. 5up, who was leaning on the door fell on the unsuspecting black and grey haired man. A small yelp escaped both of their mouths. "5-5up what the h3ll are you doing!" DumbDog said, trying to push 5up off of him. "What don't you want to do DumbDog? Who were you talking to!" 5up asked roughly, standing up and brushing dirt off of his pink suit, with pink gloves. "I-I had- how much did you hear!" The man said, pushing up his glasses, and glared his menacing green eyes piercing into the younger man, he put one clawed hand in his shoulder. Apollo's black and gray wolf like ears were dropped down, a scowl full of sharp teeth was plastered on his face. "5up. I won't ask you again." He said, with no emotion, and a shadow drawn across his face and emerald green eyes. His mouth curled up more than normal, and his lips were sort of triangular. "Y-your m-mouth." 5up said, barley being able to stutter out. Apollo immediately tore his hand off the boy, and touched his face, it still had a triangular line smeared across his cheeks, like and extra pair of teeth. A slightly furry and clawed hand grabbed his own, and he was pulled inside he room. It had no light other than the sun seeping through one broken window. It was a normal looking room and it housed a fancy desk, it it was scratched and torn, then he noticed the wallpaper was scratched to reveal gray bricks from the castle and some cobwebs were laced around in the corners of the place, like someone hadn't been here for a long time. "How. Much. Did. You. Hear." The menacing boy said, pausing before every word "once more before I force it out of you." He said, still holding a grip like iron at the frightened boy. "I-I heard y-you say th- that you didn't want to do something, and a d-dark voice said you had no c-choice and then you open the d-door." 5up whispered to the elder boy, cursing his stuttering silently. He dragged his scared eyes off of the man's face and looked down at their hands intertwined. He yanked his right arm, leaving his grip, but DumbDog was faster, he just grabbed him once again and pulled him closer and whispered right next to his ear, "I am sorry 5up, you know to much." Just before biting his arm, with pointed fangs, he was able to draw blood, his teeth sunk deeper, already he tore a bite mark on his now red sleeve. A Yelp of pain and surprise escaped the younger boy, like a dog who is scared of thunderstorms. 5up stood paralyzed in confusion and pain. Apollo tore his mouth away from his right arm and looked at him straight in the eye. His head had nearly split in two, his mouth spanning his entire lower face, rigid and triangular teeth had glistened in his smile, new teeth had appeared and a large black tongue lolled out of his pointed mouth, small streams of blood dripped from his lips, the older stood, his glasses were down, and his eyes had shrunk to slits. 5up wildly looked down at the gash in his arm, a huge bite mark spanning half of his his arm appeared. Well that will leave a mark. He thought, adrenaline making the pain not even hit the pink haired boy yet. About in the center was a very small hole, it didn't got through his arm but it was a lot deeper than the others, like if you stabbed a sharp pencil into slime, but it solidified. "Apollo?" He said, falling to his knees, he went into a coughing fit, blood splattering the wooden floor, painting it like a fresh canvas and an exited young painter. His vision blurred until he blacked out. "I'm sorry 5up, at least someone can share this burden with me." Apollo said as he lifted the almost unconscious younger boy's chin. sadness and guilt entangled him and his tone and facial expression.
Mist swirled around in his vision, dots of red clouded his sight. 5up sat up, clutching his head. His mouth and right arm hurt like crazy. His mouth was stretched out longer than it should have, and his right arm was limp by his side, though every movement the boy made, sent shock waves of pain spiraling through his entire body, like a venomous snake it slithered through, underneath his skin it spread its deadly poison. "5up, your awake." A familiar voice said, through blurred vision a black and Gray figure stood in front of him, they wore a tan colored trench coat, and a green shirt and black pants. They wore a gray fluffy hat atop their black to faded gray hair, large wolf ears pointed up, and glasses sat upon his nose. 5up's vision cleared. "DumbDog?" He asked, Apollo responded, "that's my name!" He said, grinning, like nothing happed a few hours? Minutes? Days, ago. He wasn't sure how long he had passed out. "I need an explanation Apollo." 5up said sternly, but his stomach turned and flipped in nervousness for the explanation. They pink haired boy was utterly stumped and confused. "We have a parasite 5up." "What. Be more specific" 5up said, still very confused. "I woke up one morning, seeing red dots and I had a massive bit in my arm, I shrugged it off, and continued with my day. The next morning my mouth was like this-" he said pausing to spilt his face in two. "Anyways, my tongue turned black, and I could do this after a little while." He said, pausing his lower jaw back and forth, then he spilt his face in half again, more teeth popped out of nowhere, and his tongue straightened to a point, like a javelin, or spear. "This is the wonderful device that spreads this quote on quote parasite to the next host. Unfortunately you happened to walk by and hear my conversation with the the very thing. We can control it, but one part of our brain is telling us to kill every human in sight. And one day, I fear it will take over, but go back to normal after we kill someone. You listened to my conversation, it wanted me to kill you." He finished with his arms crossed, and his long tail steadily hanging by his boots, swaying side to side slowly. 5up slowly digested all of the information Apollo spilled out of his mouth. (Just to clarify Apollo is DumbDogs real name, so I call him both. And 5up is 18 and DumbDog is 20 in the story) "a parasite..." he said, clutching his head again. "Your tongue is already turning black." Apollo said in a hushed tone, he grabbed 5up's hand gently and walked out the door, the younger followed, still trying to swallow the information he had gathered. "Thats my name!" A male voice echoed from across the hallway, laughter filled 5up's ears, making his day just a little better, which wasn't that hard to do as it went downhill extremely fast. Apollo
was still leading the pink haired boy towards the voices and laughter, his hand holding a strong grip. "Don't talk, or show your tongue." DumbDog demanded. "Oh okay." 5up said, falling a little behind because of his headache. "King Toast." DumbDog bowed to the king, 5up hurriedly copying his behavior, "sorry 5up's throat is sore so he won't be able to talk." Apollo said, flicking his tail and smoothing his hair down. 5up rubbed his throat and clenched his teeth in "pain" he was a pretty good actor. Next to the king stood Poki, Rae, Sykkuno and a servant he has never seen before. "Wanna hang out with us?" Rae said excitedly. "Why not! 5up you can go to my room I have some pain killers." DumbDog said solemnly. "Bandages." He whispered as he slipped a key into 5up's gloved hand. The key read; 5512 This is his room number, fifth floor. The younger boy thought as he walked to a flight of stone bricked stairs. He dragged his hand across the wall as he walked up to prevent himself from falling. He closed one of his eyes harshly and clenched his teeth in pain, he leaned against the wall. He clutched his right arm and continued until he reached the fifth floor. He opened Apollo's room, the key fit perfectly. Inside the room was clean. Everything was in order and placed neatly. The bed was a dark green, and a single candle was lit. A desk sat shoved in a corner, a drawer was locked. It's not really my business but he won't mind! 5up thought sneakily. His tongue straightened into a long black spear, he picked at the lock until it clicked open. Inside were papers and a glass jar. The papers were newspapers about disappearances and murders. Each death victim was torn in two, only leaving their lower body on the ground. Or having a big hole through their stomachs. A note was left on the desk. It read, 5up must die, spread it DumbDog. "I must die." 5up wandered to himself, the note continued, keep the necklace safe. What necklace? 5up thought, he left the note, and walked to a table with bandages, he took them and wrapped his arm carefully like a mother wrapping a gift for her beloved. He walked out of his friends room, locked the door and began the painful walk back to DumbDog. "Huff" he sighed and stumbled back down the stairs like an off balance person on a tightrope, "Hey 5up, felling better?"
-End Of Chapter Seven-
1795 words
Sorry for my wonky uploading schedule I will try and get it under control soon! Hope you like the new chapter! Also I lied 5up and DumbDog are just as important as Wilbur lol.

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