If we never met

By usedtojapan

23.9K 1.6K 542

Camila wakes up in a hospital bed without any memory of the last four years of her life, including the fact t... More

Chapter 1 - there's a million different reasons
Chapter 2 - when you felt the pressure
Chapter 3 - we shouldn't be together
Chapter 5 - when I asked you something stupid about the weather
Chapter 6 - I love it when the only light is me, you, and the moon
Chapter 7 - and baby, when I close my eyes I'm thinking about you
Chapter 8 - what if I never started singing
Chapter 9 - what if you never called me
Chapter 10 - you put me back together
Chapter 11 - it all comes back to you
Chapter 12 - it all happened for a reason

Chapter 4 - I wouldn't even know what love is

1.6K 132 48
By usedtojapan

Six billion people in the world.
Six billion souls,
and sometimes,
all you need is one.


Two weeks later Camila still has no memories of the past four years of her life, not a single glance of what it was like. She’s five weeks along and even though she still can’t see any physical changes in her body, she’s been feeling pretty nauseous and tired during the whole day. She has also been peeing a lot more than usual, but finally calling to schedule her first ultrasound made up for all those things. Shawn has been working more lately, since she was feeling a lot more at home by now, but he still made sure to check on her all the time when he wasn’t at the house.

 She could tell by this point that she most definitely had feelings for him, she just couldn’t pinpoint their extent just yet. She’d find herself missing him when he wasn’t home and one night they were watching a movie on the couch when she had to restrain herself from trying to kiss him. She was scared maybe she was feeling like this either because of her hormones or because she still felt somehow obligated to make things work with him because he was her husband.

 " What do you think, Tarzan?" She asks their giant puppy that's laying down by her feet on the carpet. It's already dark outside, so she looks at the clock on the wall. One more hour before Shawn is home. Just as if he was reading her mind, her phone rang with a text from him, telling her he would be there in an hour.

 Standing up, Camila walks to a shelf placed next to the TV, analyzing its contents in her state of boredom. Her hands pick up random books, some she remembers being hers and some she never heard of. When she's about to move on from the shelf, her eyes lock on a CD case, which she takes in her hands before walking back to the couch.

 She zips it open, finding it mostly empty like she expected. There's only one DVD inside. It's white with "wedding day" written down in her own handwriting. She doesn't know if she should watch it at first, but then she decides it might help her memories to come back.

 Camila walks to the guest room and takes her laptop from a table in the corner, sitting down on the bed. She opens it, types her password that thankfully Shawn knew what it was. Apparently they shared pretty much anything with each other, even passwords. She quickly finds out her laptop doesn't have a disc drive, so she can't watch whatever is on that DVD.

 Feeling frustrated, Camila walks back to the living room and is about to put the CD case back where she found it when she notices a DVD player a few shelves under the TV. It looks old, like it hasn't been put to use for years, and it takes her awhile to connect the correct cable, but soon enough a homemade film starts playing on the TV.

 It doesn't look professional at all and she can hear a girl's voice from behind the camera. It's a simple wedding at the beach and she doesn't recognize anyone among the small group of guests besides the three friends she met earlier. Brian is in a simple white dress shirt while Taylor and Hailee smile at the camera in their light blue bridesmaids dresses. The camera finally focuses on the end of the small aisle decorated with white flowers, finding Shawn in an outfit similar to Brian's. The only difference is the light blue bow tie he's wearing, matching the simplistic decoration.

 Camila is lost on the video in front of her, where everyone is waiting for her to walk down the aisle, when Tarzan starts barking at the door, happily wiggling his tail. She presses pause, watching as the front door opens and Shawn walks in, in the same clothes he left earlier. His guitar case is hanging from his back as he takes off his boots and greets the happy golden retriever. Shawn places his keys on the small table by the door and walks inside the kitchen, not noticing Camila because she has all the lights off.

 " How was your day?" She asks when he opens the fridge, looking for a bottle of water.

 " Oh, hey. I didn't see you there, honey." He says, drinking half of a water bottle before walking to where she is. He keeps calling her honey and she found herself loving the sound of it. "It was fine. How about yours?"

 " Nothing out of the ordinary." Camila says, knowing he'll understand she didn't remember anything. She has been taking walks by the beach every morning, but since she was yet to find back her inspiration to paint, she hasn't been doing much besides hanging at the house.

 She notices Shawn looking at the TV, waiting for him to say anything, but he just keeps looking at the paused video with longing in his eyes.

 " I found it on the shelf." Camila says quietly. " Is it okay if I keep watching?"

 " Of course." He reaches out and squeezes her hand. " I was actually going to give you a flashdrive with it, but I wasn't sure if you'd want to watch it. We made this DVD copy for my mom because she insisted, but she ended up never taking it back to Canada."

 " I think it might help me." Camila whispers, looking at with a smile before pressing play.

 The video restarts and they watch together as Camila walks down the short aisle they set up on the beach. She has a long loose simple white dress on, her hair in a long braid with white flowers on it as she holds a bouquet of light blue flowers. She has the biggest smile as she walks to Shawn, who has already a few tears rolling down his face.

 Camila feels her heart beating so loud as she watches them hold hands on the TV screen that she's sure Shawn might hear it. He still has his hand on hers as they watch the officiant giving a short speech about love and finding your soulmate, and Camila involuntaraly rests her head on his shoulder.

 She's the first one to say her vows, telling him how much she loves him in an emotional speech that makes everyone cry, including herself now sitting on the couch. She wipes a single tear that rolls down her cheek, looking up at Shawn to see him smiling at the screen.

 When it's time for his vows, Camila can't hold back her tears anymore. She starts crying on his shoulder as the other Shawn in the TV tells her how he wouldn't know what love is if she had never walked into his life, explaining all the ways she taught him how to love and be loved.

 Camila is a mess by the end of it and Shawn holds her in his arms as she cries for not being able to remember such a powerful thing as the love they felt for each other. She has all the proof that this man loves every little part of her, she just wished she'd know how it felt to love him the same way. There's no denying she's already feeling so much for him without remembering anything, but she's not where he's at just yet.


A/N: omg this is already #10 at #shawmila!! 🥺💖🥳

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