
By SleepyNSantaJimin

155K 6K 183

Why me. Seriously.. It started with the best concert of my life. Now everything is upside down. Off the rails... More

Unexpected News
We Fan-Meet
W.T.F. pt 2
Fall Rain
What part of...
Planning and the Impulsive
Needful 😳
Details and devils
😳...And Then Some
Schedules Keep Changing
😳 Pain and Pleasure
Meeting in the Middle
Things don't add up
...Makes Perfect
New Things
Dance Partners 😳
Work Before Play
😳 Distraction
Unraveled 😳
Interruptions and...😳
Step Three
Consequences pt 2
In for a Penny...
... in for a ₩
Unexpected Sadness
It's Always in Threes...
False Negatives
Morning After Pills 😳
😳 Advice From an Expert
Experts: Dul
Faux Expert(s)
...And The Results Are!!
That's What He Said!
A Line Drawn
A Line Moved
Sample Tracks
The Ties That Bind
I's and T's
The First Introductions
Forward Planning
😳 Silky Moves
Aftercare Goes Both Ways 😳
Happy Be-Day/V Day!
Yoongi's Adventure
It's in the Jeon's (Genes)
Kim Line Represent!
Park Party 😳
😳 Finish and Begin
Tests and Trials 😳
😳 Highs... and More Highs
More Test(e)s 😳
Conductors and Transitions
Next up!!

Missed One!

2.4K 102 0
By SleepyNSantaJimin

I woke up to chatter. 

The bird outside wouldn't shut up. The people in the hallway wouldn't shut up. My mind, waking up from all this noise, wouldn't shut up.

Sighing I got up. Heading for the only door I knew lead to somewhere I opened it... to find three of the guys having a low conversation in the hall a couple of steps away. Like deer in headlights they looked up at the door opening, eyes wide and unblinking.

Blearily I blinked at them. 'Wassup.' I all but murmured. They just nodded. 'Where's the bathroom?' I tried again... they nodded again.

'Namjoon!' I finally shouted at the top of my voice. I heard pounding steps, then a skidding BTS leader tried to round the corner, only to pull off an epic slide into base move that had him sprawled against the baseboards of the hallway wall. The stifled giggles of the three guys got a glare from him as he knelt then stood to approach at a more reasonable pace, having seen that nothing was on fire or flooding.

'How are you feeling Y/N?' He asked, approaching me.

'Better, I think.' I respond. 'Where's the bathroom?'


After a long hot shower and all the basics were tended to in the bathroom I moved back into Namjoon's room to go through my luggage and find a clean change of clothing. 

The only thing I had left was my yoga outfit, so I heaved a sigh and started planning my day around laundry, stretching, and figuring out exactly how I fit in here.

I mean, I couldn't keep taking Namjoon's bed. I know I fell asleep being cuddled by him and Jimin, but I woke up alone, so I would assume I slept alone. I tend to sleep better when I am only touching bedding.

Walking down the hall in leggings a sports bra, and a tight top I head towards the enormous room-slash-kitchen to figure out what to have with my medicines.

I pad in bare feet and head towards a selection of cereals set to one end of the island with bowls, spoons, and a jug of milk for people to choose their own options.

After pouring out some noisy breakfast cereal I look up... to see everyone staring at me.

Blinking I just shrug. It's too early for this. I sit at the bar, eating my cereal. The guys go back to their conversations and I ignore them for the important mission of filling my stomach. 

When I am almost finished I find myself shrouded in a large robe. Looking up I see Taehyung grinning at me as he settles it on my shoulders. I nod my thanks and he sits on to the stool next to me.

Thoughtfully chewing as I work on finishing my bowl, I consider my seatmate. Taehyung has been thoughtful, curious, quiet in his own way, a supportive presence in just about every way possible. Besides wanting to experience the soul bond each chance he can he hasn't really asked me for anything, needed me. 

My eyes widen. He's the only one the bond hasn't changed for yet. I glance over my other shoulder at the guys, seeing their pulsing glows, most at a steady but slow rate. Looking back at Taehyung his glow is still the simple spotlight.

Noticing the slight frown on my face he nudges me, the glow intensifying. 'What's on your mind?' He quietly asks.

'I think you're the only one who's bond hasn't changed yet.' I admit.

'It's because we haven't had an intimate moment yet.' He nods, understanding.

I blink, then blush. 'I haven't been intimate with everyone yet either, but all of their glows have altered... just not yours.'

Taehyung shakes his head. 'Not body intimate, soul intimate.' He rattles off something in Hangul, and I struggle to catch a word or two. Giving up I just look blankly at him. Noticing my problem Taehyung raises his voice a bit, calling Namjoon over.

'I really gotta buckle down and get Hangul figured out.' I mutter as Namjoon approaches. Taehyung nods at my statement, but speaks to Namjoon instead.

'He says that the soul bond has been changing not because of physical contact, but because of intent. It could be emotional, but it could also be something else, something deeper.' Namjoon slowly translates. It's weird being surrounded by the two tallest members, but I don't exactly feel hemmed in, more like protected, as if there is a warmth radiating off them.

'So then I just need to figure out how to make that contact with you then?' I ask, looking from Taehyung to Namjoon who just listens silently. Taehyung nods in response.

'Right. Connect on other level.' His deep voice lowers, as if mimicking the levels needed to go. Namjoon smirks and walks away.


After getting help from Jungkook and Hoseok on the where and how to do laundry I get my yoga mat to stretch while the machines are running. Efficiency, thy name is Y/N.

I head back to the main room and put the rolled mat down to one side as I see Yoongi on his laptop at the desk, Namjoon on the phone out on the balcony beyond the window wall, and Taehyung reading ... a script I think.

Pausing to get Yoongi's attention I wait until he looks up from his computer and removes the ear buds.

'I can't keep taking Namjoon's bed. I don't know where he slept last night, but he deserves his bed back. Where am I going?' I ask, a little bluntly. Yoongi looks over his shoulder at Namjoon on the phone, pacing the length of the balcony, completely oblivious to us. When his gaze finally returns to me he shrugs.

'A spare bedroom has always been available to our families, down the other wing.' He points in the opposite direction from the hallway leading to their rooms. Looking I see a glass door, translucent and dark from the lack of light from the other side.

'I'll show her hyung.' Taehyung says, jumping up reaching to grab my hand. When Yoongi nods and puts his earbuds back in I follow, feeling like a puppy on a leash. The excited Taehyung opens the door and the hall light turns on. I can hear the air system kick in, activating in this area. 

As we pass rooms he tries to say what they are, both in Hangul and English.

'Helseujang. Gym.'

'Jimjilbang. Sauna.'

'Hwajangsil. Bathroom.'

'Chimsil. Bedroom.'

This hallway is shorter than the main one, so I ask the obvious question. 'Where is the sound rooms?'

Taehyung nods, figuring out what I meant. 'Other side. First rooms. Cheos beonjjae bang.'

Remembering the doors in the other walkway before the turn I nod. 'Where can I stretch?'

He cocks his head, looking confused. 

'Yoga.' I try again. Still not quite understanding I pull him back down the hallway to the main room where I stashed my mat. Once I grab it he understands and rushes back down the newly explored hall. When he comes back he has another mat under his arm, ready to join me I guess.

We set up in the unused space in the main room. I show him how I set my phone and earbuds up to listen and focus on my forms and he goes and grabs his.

While he's running to his room I tuck my phone into the waist of the leggings and at the small of my back, turning on the playlist I have for yoga, stretching out the rolled mat.

As Taehyung unrolls his mat I settle myself onto mine and close my eyes, centering on the music and my body, preparing to lose myself in the flow of forms and movements.


I stop my music. My breathing is deep but controlled. My posture is firm and relaxed. Rolling my neck gently I pull my earbuds out, the heavy breathing in the room now the only thing I hear.

Opening my eyes I realize that I am the center of attention.

Yoongi's eyes from the desk are heavy and dark. Namjoon leans again the railing on the balcony, both hands in his pockets... his phone is nowhere to be seen. He's put his sunglasses on, and he's biting his lip as if he's at a photo shoot.

Looking to my side Taehyung is struggling to keep his balance in warrior's pose. I edge slightly away in case he topples... then stand to help him.

Moving his knee in a bit, adjusting his outstretched hand, then moving to place my hands on his hips, moving them so that they are firmly above his grounding thigh and knee. I step back once he's positioned and he nods his thanks, keeping his eyes closed to focus and memorize the position. 

Stepping back I look around, considering my options. It's then that I notice the rest of the guys.

Seokjin is in the kitchen, pouring a glass of water, motioning at me to have it. Hoseok looks like a statue, paused in his workout clothes. With his eyes wide he gulps some air, then unsticks himself from his moment of shock and passes me and Taehyung to open the glass door to the hallway. 

Jungkook is sitting on the couch, phone in hand, likely to play games. Instead he's also staring, pillow firmly planted in his lap, one hand holding it down as if he's afraid it will run away. Jimin is behind the couch kneeling or squatting to look over Jungkook's shoulder and watch him play games. Instead his eyes are on me as well, eyes dark like Yoongi's, lower lip being worried by his teeth. With his folded arms supporting his head on the edge of the couch he keeps adjusting his balance, his frame moving a bit as he seems to steady his balance. 

Nervously I walk over to the kitchen and nod my thanks to Seokjin for the water as I down it in one long gulp, holding it out for a refill. Eyes wide he complies, watching as I down almost all of the second glass. I can hear a hard gulp behind me and I refuse to look around, heading for the laundry room instead to change up the loads.

I find a wicker basket to put my clean clothes into and head with it fully loaded towards the spare bedroom that I was shown.

As I pass the workout room the door practically vibrates from the booming bass coming from the other side. It sounds like Hoseok is working out from the grunting and groaning so I leave him be and continue to the two last doors in the hallway.

Opening the spare bedroom's door, now mine I guess, I find a fairly plain room, pictures of the guys and their family members scattered in frames on some of the surfaces.

Putting the basket on the bed I look in the dresser drawers, finding them empty. The closet has a couple of jackets for inclement weather, but is also otherwise empty... thankfully there's a few hangers though.

When I finish putting away the clothes from the first run of laundry I go and check the adjoining bathroom. It's simple and clean, and when I open the other door in the bathroom I find myself back out in the hallway. The music has been muffled or turned off, so I close the bathroom door to head back to gather the basket to prepare for more clothes.

Taehyung is sitting and working on controlling his breathing as I pass him to head to the laundry, and I attempt to ignore the eyes on me as I pass through. After leaving the basket by the machines I head back to Namjoon's room to get my suitcase and bring it down to my new room.

Jimin jumps up to help me as I pass, but when he picks it up and feels just how light it is empty he lets go, shocked. Instead he follows me as I go down the short hallway and drop the luggage off in the closet.

Humming to himself he wanders from photo to photo as I set my stuff up next to the sink in the bathroom. 

'You should meet my namdongsaeng.' He says lightly. I can hear the warmth and smile in his voice. Looking through the doorway I see him holding a frame, a photo of  him and his family posing silly for the camera. 

'Your brother?' I ask. 

'Yeah. Little brother.' He replies. It's obvious he loves him the way he starts talking about him. 

Jimin sits on the edge of the bed, holding the picture as he laughs about the antics they got into when they were together last.

A knock on the doorsill and the open doorway shows a sweaty Hoseok smiling in.

Jimin says something in Hangul, his tone wicked, the smirk on his face mocking Hoseok. Hoseok just throws his towel at him grumbling at him, making Jimin fall over and roll around on the bed laughing.

I shake my head at their antics, smiling. 'Do I get to hear the joke?' I ask.

Hoseok was walking in but instead pauses, eyes widening, face growing still as he turns a glare at Jimin. 

Jimin is suddenly choking, however, causing me to dart for him, helping him sit up as he works on getting his breathing back under control. Even as he is sitting up he is shaking his head violently, sputtering 'Nononononono...' over and over in between gasps.

The twinkle in his eye as he looks up from under his hair though tells me it's a good joke though.

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