Falling For The Badboy *Revis...

By Yasmine_Haven

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The Revised version of Falling for my Badboy More

I Hate Math Class
Watching Me
I Dislike Her
Goodbye Quiet School Days
Mr. Tutor
What Did I Agree Too?
What was I Thinking?
Teasing Me
I'm not Jealous, right?
Does He Like Me or Is He Just Playing With Me?
Nightly Visit
Sneak Out with Me
The Mall
School Drama
I'm Upset
The Plan
Making a Choice

Making Amends

116 6 0
By Yasmine_Haven

I don't know what happened, but after a lot of dancing we had moved to the couch. Maybe it was the drinks, because once we were on the couch, Addie came bringing us two beers. I was skeptical of drinking it, I know I might have already drunk alcohol in the cup, but beer was different.

"You don't have to drink it."

I remembered Zach telling me, but if I was trying different things tonight, why not. That was probably my biggest mistake. The beer was bitter on my tongue, but I kind of liked the way it made my body burn. Soon one beer turned to three, and I then found myself making out and grinding in Zach's lap. Breaking apart, I wouldn't say that I was drunk, because I still could comprehend everything that was going on.

Running my fingers through his hair, Zach stared at me for a moment, before gripping my ass.

"You good?"


Leaning back down, I ran my tongue over his lips asking for access. Smiling into the kiss, I explored his mouth and his tongue felt even hotter. I knew we should stop because we weren't alone, but I didn't really want to. His hands then went into my back pocket, before he pulled me even closer into his lap. Pulling away from the kiss, I listened to the song for a moment that was blasting.

Sin City wasn't made for you
Angels like you
Oh you know it, oh you know it
Oh you know it, oh you know it
Oh you know it, oh you know it
Oh you know it, oh you know it
Oh you know it, oh you know it
Oh you know it, oh you know it
Oh you know it, oh you know it
Oh you know it
Right now

Take that off
I just wanna see you
Your legs so soft
I had to be near you
Thoughts in mind, going so crazy
I just wanna hear you
One touch on your body, what I've prepared for you
Nothing will spare you
Pussy so wet, I feel the drip coming down
Must be in Houston
You close your eyes, you feel the rise, I go inside.

My face then flushed for a moment, before I glanced back at Zach. Maybe it was the lyrics from the song, maybe it was the alcohol I drunk, or maybe it was the pressure I felt from between my legs as I sat in Zach's lap. But I suddenly felt really embarrassed, and I bit my lower lip meeting Zach's eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Shaking my head, I climbed off his lap, before leaning back. Wrapping his arm around my shoulders, I turned my head licking my lips.



"Stay here, I'll be right back."


Standing up, I watched him go, before pulling out my phone. It was three in the morning. Staring down a moment, I didn't realize it was that late. Scratching my head, I turned when I heard voices getting louder.

My eyes widen when I saw Catherine with two guys trying to pull her around the corner. It was obvious she was drunk, and both those guys looked sketchy. Before I knew it I had moved off the couch and approached them.


They all turned looking at me, Catherine eyes soon widen, before she pulled away throwing her arms on my shoulder.

"Melissa, how you get here. I didn't know you partied too."

She slurred, before hugging me tightly.

"I tired."

She mumbled, and I frowned hugging her tightly. Slowly meeting the eyes of those two guys, they eyed each other before smirking.

"She looks hard to handle, we can help you."

"Um no... that's ok. I got her."

Trying to pull away, a hand touched my lower back as one of the guys approached me.

"Don't be like that."

His touch felt like a bucket of cold water and made my skin itch.

"Don't touch me, thank you."

"Awe don't be shy."

The feeling of his hand sliding down my back made me flinch, until the touch disappeared leaving the sound of him yelping in pain.

"I think she said not to touch her."

I heard Zach sneer as he twisted the guy's arm behind his back. Throwing him a little away, he crashed into the wall, before collapsing onto the floor.

"What the fuck is your problem."

The other guy yelled, before charging at Zach. Quickly moving Catherine and I out the way, I heard a fist collide with something and a crunch sound. Flinching, I tried to look over Catherine's shoulder, but all I saw was Zach's back.

"You ok?"

A hand touched my back, and I glanced beside me to see Addie.

"I'm ok, can't say about those guys."

"What happened?"

"They were trying to take my cousin somewhere. When I approached them, she grabbed me, and one got touchy. Zach got involved and the other one ran at Zach causing whatever is going on over there."

Nodding her head, she glanced at them, before rolling her eyes.

"Zach you good over there?"

Glancing over Catherine again, he had turned with a wild look on his face. It reminded me of that day in school, and I bit my lower lip. Moving over, he nodded his head.

"I'm fine."

Reaching over, he pressed a kiss close to my lips.

"You're not hurt, right?"

"I'm fine, but can we go?"

Nodding his head, he glanced at Catherine for a moment. Before turning to Addie, Zach's friend then appeared taking Catherine from me.

"I hope you had fun Melissa, see you next time."

Addie smiled pulling me into a tight hug, not knowing what else to do, I hugged her back. Suddenly being ripped away, Zach gave her a look, before pulling me away.

In the car, Catherine was fast asleep against the window. What are we going to do with her?

"Is there somewhere I can take her?"

I can't possibly take her home, Aunt Cali would kill her and maybe me as well. The only option would be to sneak her into my house.


Lifting my head, I stared at Zach from the mirror.

"Just take us to my house."

Raising an eyebrow, before nodded his head anyways.

Getting to my house, he drove passed it for a moment, and I noticed that Dad's car wasn't there. Telling him to park in the driveway. I got out first, pulling out a key, and opening the door. Peeping inside, I cut on the light, and noticed a note on the table.

Had to go in on a call. See you later – Dad.

Thank god for his job, and I turned walking back to the door. Motioning them to come inside, Zach glanced around, before meeting my eyes.

"Your Dad?"

"He had to go to work."

"Luck seems to be on our side."

Smiling, I watched Zach's friend come in with Catherine on his back. Motioning him to put her on the couch, I went to closet pulling out a blanket, before covering her up. Asking to use the bathroom, I motioned him where it was. Looking, Zach had disappeared, until I heard saw him come down the steps.

"I unlocked the door for you."

Oh yeah, my room was locked.

"Thanks Zach."

Moving, he wrapped his arms around me, before leaning down. I thought he was going for a kiss, but he ended up just hugging me.

"You going to be ok by yourself."

"Yeah, are you ok?"

He was drinking, maybe less than me but he also did fight that guy.

"Yeah, I'm use to this."

What helping drunk people or getting in fights or drinking.

"I'm going in the car."

Zach's friend had mumbled sleepily, and I pulled away. I forgot about him, and he went out the door. I should have asked him for his name.

"Well I got to go. Talk to you later."


Reaching, I pulled him down into a kiss before he smiled pulling away. Walking him to the door, I waved as they left, before locking the door behind me. Staring at Catherine on the couch, I shook my head, before walking upstairs to my room. Kicking my shoes off, I collapsed on the bed.


The vibrations of my phone is what was woke me. Groaning, I rolled over answering it.



Sitting up, I pulled the phone from my ear, before staring at the screen.

Aunt Cali?

"Hey Aunt Cali."

"Hun have you seen Catherine, she didn't come home last night."

Yawning, I stared at the clock to see it was ten in the morning.

"Yeah, she spent the night."

"She did?"

I could hear the surprise tone in her voice, and I left out of my room.

I think she's still here

"Yeah, we had a sleepover."

Going down the steps, I peeped into the living room to see Catherine curled up in the blanket. Shaking my head, I moved into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water.

"A sleepover, really?"

"Yeah, we had a girl's night?"

I could have smacked myself for making that sound like a question, just hope Aunt Cali didn't catch on.

"Oh, that's wonderful. You two haven't spent time like that since ya'll were little."

"Mmhm yeah I guess we haven't."

Well that's not my fault. Once upon a time, Catherine and I were the best of friends, but once my mom died and her parents divorced we grew apart. She also started acting like a snob toward me, so I stopped trying to socialize with her. Thus, turning our relationship to this.

"Well tell Catherine to call if she needs a ride, ok?"


Hanging up, I sat my phone on the counter, before taking a long drink from my water. Letting out a deep breath, I ran my hand through my hair, before folding my arms. I wonder if Catherine is going to remember what happened last night. I know by now I am no way going to be able to get back to sleep.

Going upstairs, I took a long shower, before changing into a white tank top and my pink Nike tempo shorts. Running a comb through my hair, I laid on my bed, before pressing my face into the pillow.

I must have dozed off again, before the knock on my door made me jerk up. Catherine then popped her head inside staring at me for a moment. Staring right back at her, she pushed the door open, before rubbing her arm.

"I... um made some breakfast. Well I guess it would be lunch by now, if you want some. "

She let out this awkward laugh, before looking away. Glancing at the clock, it was pass twelve, and I gave a slow nod.

"Yeah, I could eat."

Sitting across the table from each other, you wanna talk about awkward. Pushing my eggs around in my plate. Catherine kind of out did herself, pancakes, eggs, and sausage. It was amazing how good it tasted, I didn't know she could cook. Well how would I?


Slowly meeting her eyes, she ran a hand through her hair, before setting her fork down.

"Why did you do it?"


I kind of knew where she was going with this, but I still played dumb. I wanted her to say it first.

"Why did you help me?"

"So, you remember huh."

Setting my fork down as well, I took a sip of my orange juice, before meeting her eyes again. Her faced looked really flushed, I didn't know if she was hungover or just embarrassed.

"I remember bits and pieces of stuff. I remember you helping, I remember Zach's face, and then I remember some strange guy putting me in a car."

I wonder if she knows how dangerous her situation was. If I didn't help her, those guys probably would have raped her.

"That was really dangerous you know."

"I know. I messed up, it wasn't supposed to be like that. I think they put something in my drink. But still why did you help me, I mean you hate me."

Shaking my head at her, I sat my glass down, before folding my arms.

"Catherine, I don't hate you. I hate the things you do. I hate the things you say. But I never hated you. Besides your my cousin, and I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

I watched as her eyes widen, before she bit her lower lip dropping her head.

"Your too nice Melissa. I don't deserve your kindness. I've been nothing but a bitch to you since Auntie died."

Well she's not wrong.

"It's fine Catherine, just tell me one thing."

Slowly lifting her head, she motioned me to go on.

"What made you change. We used to be so close. But then you started to hate me. Why?"

Fiddling with her fingers, she glanced away, before looking down.

"I was jealous. Man, I mean I still am."

Staring at her confused, what did she have to be jealous of.

"Jealous of what?"



Why would she be jealous of me? I mean Catherine's pretty, popular, and smart. Why the hell would she be jealous of a nobody like me.

"That doesn't even make sense. Of all people why would you be jealous of me?"

"You don't get it, do you. Melissa everyone loves you. Your smart, kind, considerate. Not like me, all I do is party, have fun, and get fussed at. No wonder my mom likes you better..."

Frowning why do she think Aunt Cali like me better.

"You don't really believe that, right? Your mom loves you more than anything."

"Ever since my parents divorced, my relationship with my mom has changed. It's like she doesn't even care anymore. All she does is talk about you. Poor Melissa all alone. Poor Melissa having to do everything on her own. Poor Melissa tries so hard for everyone else."


What? Is that how Aunt Cali sees me?

"Just for once, I wish she saw me too. I'm working hard. I've brought all my grades up, even though I just switched schools. I keep the house clean. I'm not out here sleeping around. Ok so maybe I shouldn't drink because we are underage. Maybe I shouldn't go to strangers' parties. But she doesn't understand how I feel at all. Why do I have to sit at home alone all the time. I'm sorry I can't be perfect like you."

Watching her, she had balled her fists up, and was glaring down at her plate. I never knew she felt like this. Lifting her head, she took a deep breath, before looking at me.

"I'm rambling, sorry. No matter what I was going through, it doesn't excuse the fact I was being cruel to you. I'm sorry."

Getting a little glimpse into Catherine's world, I felt like I could understand her a bit more.

"I forgive you. Truth be told, I was kind of jealous of you too."

The surprised look on her face made me suddenly want to roll my eyes.


"Catherine, your outgoing. You make friends easy. Your very pretty, and you know how to show it off. Plus your smart, smarter than you pretend to be. Yeah, I study. Yeah, I stay at home like a good girl. But I am in no way perfect, and I don't want you to think I am."

Smiling, she leaned back letting out a sigh.

"Ok, you're not perfect, but I don't believe you're a good girl either."


Staring at her shocked, she smirked, before shoving a piece of pancake into her mouth.

"I saw you dancing and making out with Zach at the party."

She spoke with food in her mouth, scrunching my face, before continuing eating. I could feel my cheeks burning, yeah that did happen.

"So, are ya'll dating now?"

Biting my lower lip, I shook my head.


I don't even know what Zach's feeling are.


Looking up, she was leaning forward, and I saw a glint in her eyes.


"So, do you usually sneak out with Zach?"

Pulling on my hair, I shook my head finishing my food.

"No that was the first time."

She hummed continuing to eat her food. Standing up, I went and put my dishes into the sink. Since she cooked, I might as well as wash the dishes.

"But you do like him, right?"

Catherine had come behind me dropping her plate into the dish water. Smiling down, I nodded my head.

"Well yeah."

"What's the hold up then?"

Sighing, I dried my hands off, before glancing over at her. She was leaning against the counter.

"I don't know. What if he is just playing me?"

"Do you think he is?"

Pursing my lips, I leaned my head back staring at the ceiling.

"I want to say no..."

"Then have more confidence."

Confidence, huh.

Catherine then slapped her hands on my shoulders, and I stared at her bewildered.

"Let's get dress. Melissa, we are going shopping."


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