Harry Potter and The Shadowed...

By itshannieee

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After the final battle Harry learns some unsettling truths about himself and those who he trusts the most. Fo... More

The bonds that hold us
Unlocked Potential
A look beneath a mask
The master of Three
Hello Old world, I'm back
Honey I'm home
Snake in the nest
Revenge served cold
Magical Maze's
Allies and Enemies
Friends, old and new
A web is cast
Then there were three
Let the disillusionment begin
Black family values
new experiences and namely friends
Fate really does like certain events
Unravelling a web
Far fetched reality
Four out of five
Second year
A peacock and two weasels
Building bridges
Secret chambers and sacred maps
How to get rid of a peacock
foolish plans of a peacock
Theft and compulsions all around
A diary
An inner circle
Mortem Magicae
Call me Marvolo
A complete soul, more or less..
A baby Dark Lord in the making
Part two
It begins
It's not all sunshine and daisies
Bug Hunting
The First Steps
Will there be dragons?
Magical interventions
I see fire
How to catch a goat
End of a Legend
A monster of our own making


19.8K 799 297
By itshannieee


"I do believe Harrison that you still have a lot left to tell me, but for now I fear I must rest and regain what I have lost." He knew his mind was repairing itself, but he was self-aware enough to realise he needed time to restore order.

Harry nodded and stood, "nobody but I can enter these rooms, you can of course call Kreacher to you if you need anything." Walking past him mate Harry stilled before giving into whim and leaned forward to press a chaste kiss to the man's cheek, "for now rest, and if you need me send Kreacher," straightening quickly Harry left the room, before Marvolo could react.

Marvolo stilled at the soft press of lips and the ensuing sensation they brought, not just the physical but the magical. His whole soul sang out at the press to his cheek and it left him reeling, enough that he didn't even notice his mate leave. Standing he made his was slowly towards the bed, deciding he would punish his mate for his escape when he was able to actually move without pain and think without lapses into madness.


Harry didn't know what had possessed him to give into the urge, but leaning against the door he had rushed through, he couldn't deny the results were worth the risk. His soul was humming with joy and his magic was practically buzzing. In comparison to the apathy and general lethargy he had been feeling it was almost overwhelming. With a smirk which was rather out of place on his currently 12-year-old body, he pushed off from the door and made his way back towards the ritual room, he was sure the rest would have questions for him, and if not, well he was finally feeling alive and he didn't want to waste the feeling simply standing around.


Walking back to the ritual room Harry couldn't help but to smile lightly, Tom was back- No, Marvolo was back- it was going to take some time for him to think of Tom as Marvolo, but he was sure he would manage. Entering the room, he noted how Severus and Lucius both flinched before relaxing marginally when they saw it was only him.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes, however I fear that the dementors damaged the mutt more than we initially suspected," Severus sneered, looking at Sirius with narrowed eyes however his gaze didn't hold the animosity Harry used to see.


"It's nothing, little Lord," Lucius interrupted, hoping to not bring his Lords wrath down upon them if he ever found out what Sirius had said about him.

Harry quirked a brow at the title, "Harrison is fine Lucius, I'm no Lord."

"I believe my Lord would prefer us to speak to you with more respect,"

Harrys paused then about to argue but realised Lucius may be right, he wasn't sure just how Marvolo would react, in all honesty he wasn't sure yet just who is soul mate really was.

"Is our Lord recovered?" Severus said, seeing that Harrison had been silenced by Lucius's words.

"Yes, the ritual was a success, I've left him to recover himself in peace. I doubt he will call on you today so if you need to you can leave, I am grateful to you both for being here." Harry added the last bit sincerely, knowing that both had held some reservations about returning the dark Lord to life. Severus more so than Lucius, but still they had both shown their loyalty and Harry was grateful as he knew the next few months and possibly years would be trying.

"I shall return to my manor then, little Lord. If you need anything do not hesitate to contact me, I shall have rooms prepared for my Lord, that is if you still think it's best for him to move there?" Lucius asked.

"Please do, it might be a few days before your Lord is well enough to be moved, but I fear Dumbledore has been to silent this summer."

"It shall be done, little Lord."

Rolling his eyes Harry nodded to the blonde as he exited. Watching him walk out Harry was surprised when Severus remained, merely saying farewell to the blonde Lord.

"What about you? Are you okay pup?" Sirius questioned, suddenly a lot closer to Harry.

Sending a tired smile to his guardian, "I am quite well. My magic is more at peace than it has been for moths. I hadn't realised how strained I was until it disappeared."

"Shall I prepare a sleeping drought for you Harrison?" Severus asked.

"I think I will be able to sleep without one, thank you. I am exhausted, the ritual was draining."

Severus hummed and quickly assessed his condition. "Are you still taking the potions prescribed to you last year?"

"I am, only once a weak now. why?"

"I am merely curious. I am glad to know you're recovering well."

Harry nodded, the answer didn't feel quite right but his exhaustion was catching up with him.

"Right then," he replied awkwardly, "I'm going to go and rest before I fall down."

"Let me help you," Remus said, sensing the weakness the young teen felt and wanting to help his cub as best he could.

"Thanks, Remy," Harry said sending the werewolf a smile. "You two behave," he added, sending the two remaining men sharp looks before accepting Remus's arm and being lead from the room.


After Harry and Remus were out of ear shot, Sirius turned to Snape, "what was that about?" he demanded, his protective instincts over Harry coming out.

Severus fought his urge to bite out an almost automatic scathing response and instead took a breath, "I truly was curious. More so to know if the damage is still bad but also to know how Harry has healed."


"I fear the actions our Lord will take when he realised his soul mate has suffered abuse. He is not a man who tolerated the abuse of children. If he had to our Lord would kill a child, but always quickly and painlessly, he couldn't stand to torture or abuse one. I am afraid of what our Lords reaction will be."

"Your Lord," Sirius childishly pointed out.

Sighing Severus sent the dog Animagus and unamused look, "I know Harrison has hopes that my Lord will be sane and that his return will not be so violent, but I have doubts. I was merely inquiring as to his health as I know the dark Lords reaction will be... shall we say explosive when he knows the extend Harrison suffered"

Sirius nodded, a dark look crossing his usually carefree face, "is it wrong that I find myself not truly bothered by that?"

Severus shot the man a surprised look, "you were always so firmly on the light's side. I know you will follow Harrison, but I had thought you neutral more than dark."

Sirius laughed, the sound coming out quiet and rather bitter, "I was strictly light and look where it got me." He spat out, "no, I am done pretending, I am a dark wizard Severus and I would honestly be delighted to help the Dark Lord get revenge on those muggles that abused my son."

Seeing the shocked look Sirius laughed again, this time sounding more like his usual carefree self, "don't look so shocked Sevvie. I am a Black, the Lord Black in fact. Dark magic, that is what naturally call to me. I tried fighting against my nature, I turned against what I had been brought up to believe, our traditions, my own family, all it brought me was ruin. I am done denying who and what I am."

Severus allowed his eyes to drift over the man as he spoke, the strong determination making Sirius seem taller, righter, simply... more.

"What about James? He was a light wizard," Severus said, seeing for a moment how Sirius seemed to flicker before the determination once again took over.

"I think that if James was alive now, he would be standing right here with us, Lily as well."

Severus took a breath, "I betrayed the dark for Lily."

"I know."

"I loved her."

"I know that as well."

"I am a dark wizard, but for my sister I betrayed myself and my Lord."

"I think, given all that has happened, that you should forgive yourself."

"Lily died!"

"And It was not your fault."

Severus reared back like he had been struck, "I know that!" he spat.

"Do you?"

Severus turned in frustration and strode away only to come back, leaning closely into Sirius, "how do you do it? How can you forgive that monster! He killed them! He killed so many people!?!"

Sirius leaned back slightly, adding to the distance between them before he let out a breath, "you think it's easy for me?"

"Yes! You act like you don't care!"

"I care!" Sirius shouted back, "But I also realise what and who is to blame!"

"It was the dark Lord who killed them!"

"His wand, but was it his will?" Sirius shouted back before calming himself, he didn't want to disrupt Harrys rest, or merlin forbid the dark Lords, "I know it's hard, but he, like us has been manipulated."

Severus seemed to crumble then, making Sirius panic and quickly reach for him, drawing him into a slightly awkward embrace.

"It is easier to hate him than to acknowledge how much of a fool I have been. I believed Dumbledore, I followed him like a lost lamb and betrayed myself and my friends." He whispered softly before realising their current position and stiffly pulling out of Sirius's arms and trying very hard not to think about how good it felt to be in them, surrounded by the man's scent and magic; protected.

"You are many things, a sarcastic and somewhat evil bastard, to give examples, but you are not a fool Severus" Sirius said, his voice soft yet unyielding even as he joked. It hurt him to see the usually composed man so distraught, he wanted to do something, anything, to make the situation better- a thought he decided not to dwell on as the repercussion and insinuations... yes, best not to read too much into his sudden desire to protect Severus from the world and from his own self despairing thoughts.


Sirius sighed as he took a sip from the glass in his hand, he had allowed himself a rather large helping of fire whiskey after Severus had made a hasty get away. The usually dower man had practically ran from the room after their 'moment', and Sirius was sure he had even spotted a faint flush on his cheeks as he fled.

Walking into the parlour, Sirius took a moment to consider his drink, twirling his glass before downing it. An appreciative whistle sounded from the door and Sirius looked up to see Remus entering the room.

"Don't supposed you've got another one of those?" the werewolf asked.

With a wave of his wand, Sirius summoned another glass before sitting down heavily on one of the lounge chairs.

"So, I heard some raised voices..." Remus said, his tone of voice inquisitive.

"Did you?" Sirius replied innocently, before refilling his tumbler.

Remus snorted, taking a sip of his recently poured drink, "so, what did you and Severus argue about this time?"

"It wasn't an argument..."

"..." Remus didn't speak but sent Sirius a look.

"...It wasn't really an argument, Severus needed somebody to rant to I think..." Sirius sounded unsure.

"And he picked you?"

"Yes?" Sirius once again didn't sound sure of himself.

"You two don't have the best history," Remus explained.

"Yeah, well, different times, different people."

"That's true, so what was this none-argument about?"

"He's worried."

Remus hummed and drank deeply, "we all are."

"He's worried about his former betrayal and how the Dark Lord will punish him, and I think he's still struggling to accept him being back."

"It's hard." Remus agreed, drawing the words out, "but it is the reality we now face- He is back."

Sirius snorted at that and drank deeply, "yes he is."

The sat in silence for a time before Sirius began to speak again, his tome sombre as he tried to give voice to the confusion and emotions he felt... "I sometimes think, that the world as we know it will cease to be, and I feel guilt because of that- not because of the struggles or the war we will most definitely face. no, I feel guilt because I don't care about the world anymore, I don't care who has to suffer of die as long as it's not my son. Voldemort can burn it to the ground and rebuild it however he wants, and I simply wouldn't care, as long as Harry is safe and happy."

Remus hummed and drained his glass be before raising it in a mock salute "as long as Harry is happy," He agreed, speaking the words like a vow.

"We are awful people, aren't we?" Sirius asked.

"Most defiantly, but I can think of worse and to be honest I can't bring myself to feel too bad about myself any more. We will survive this coming war, for Harry, for James, for Lily, and for Dumbledore." The last name was spat out.


"We will survive to show his how his plans have failed. He will die knowing Harry has won."

"Why Moony, that's positively evil of you, very Slytherin."

"If were done being overly maudlin I think I will retire, tomorrow will be interesting enough without me being overly tired."

Sirius snorted, lifting his glass in a toast before finishing it, "yes, interesting."


Harry hovered for a moment before entering the room he had left Tom to recover in. All night he had tossed and turned, sleeping only a handful of hours because of the restlessness he felt regarding his newly returned mate. He didn't know how he would be received by Tom, or if it would be Tom he would meet, so steeling himself for any possibility, he knocked before entering.

"So, the little raven has returned to me."

Harry turned to the voice and saw Tom was sitting in a chair by an open window. The early morning breeze causing the chestnut hair on his head to flutter slightly.

"Good morning Marvolo," he said, speaking softly and remembering the man's preference about his name.

"Is it?"

Harry frowned and saw that beneath the dark red eyes were equally dark bags, Harry noted this and felt himself frown slightly in concern.

"Did you not sleep well?"

The laugh that he got in response was chilling and full of loathing, but Harry sensed it wasn't aimed at him.

"No. My mind is full of holes; my memories, my magic, even my emotions- what little I have, are suddenly beyond my control. I feel like a bloody first year Hufflepuff girl." The last part was spat out and Harry found himself smirking.

Seeing the smirk Marvolo stiffened making Harry snort. Quickly trying to cover it up, Harry bit his lip as he tried to contain his mirth but Marvolo clearly wasn't convinced if the narrowing of his eyes and the angry hiss he released was anything to go by.

"There's nothing wrong with Hufflepuffs," Harry having overcome his mirth, countered eventually while thinking about Hannah and Suzie. Even if they had parted on less than ideal terms he still considered them his friends.

"Yes, you are friends with some. I remember them from when I was... with... Quirrell..."

"Processed is more accurate, but yes, I have friends in Hufflepuff, Hannah and Suzie."

Marvolo scoffed then, "meaningless sentiment."

"Did you ever have any had real friends?"

Marvolo stiffened, "friends are weakness."

"What about me?"

"What about you?"

"I am your friend, or I hope to be."

"No. You're mine."

"I'm not an object for you to own or control."

"You're Mine. My soulmate. My horcrux. Mine!"

Harry startled but fought to rein in his own anger and instead sighed when he was the mad glint in Marvolo's eyes. "Yes, I am, just as you're mine," He said instead, speak softly.

Marvolo hissed again, closing his eyes he wrestled the urge to scream and cause his little mate harm. "I apologise, I am not myself still it seems."

"It's okay, I don't expect you to be fine in a day. The progress you have already made is remarkable."

"I am weak," the man scoffed, his self-disgust palpable.

"No, you're the strongest wizard I know."

Marvolo turned away from him then and closed his eyes, winning the war within him, "I do not wish to argue with you Harrison, I am tired."

Harry winced then, he had been caught up in the moment and forgotten how his mate was suffering.

"I can leave you if you wish?" he offered even though he didn't wish to leave him.

"No, you can stay, I however wish to meditate. I will gain control of myself in short time."

Harry smiled slightly, it seemed his mate didn't want him to leave either.

Sitting Harry allowed himself to relax slightly, Marvolo still had his eyes closed and body turned away from him slightly, but when Harry focused on him he could see the man's magic was reaching for his. With a sigh he allowed some of his magic to react and watched as their magic clashed and curled around each other in greeting. The feeling was indescribable, what he imagined unconditional love and acceptance felt like, he could feel all of Tom, his very soul was bared and laid out for Harry to see. A soft gasp drew his attention from the magic, and he saw the look of bliss and awe of Marvolo's face as he too experienced their magic merging, seeing Harrys soul.

"Incredible," the word was whispered.

Harry hummed and slowly withdrew his magic, he missed the feeling, but he knew Marvolo needed to focus on his occlumency and fixing his mind.

Marvolo sighed and drew his magic back to himself, he hadn't noticed it reaching for his little raven, but he was glad it had. Such raw power and potential and it was all his. he didn't notice the whispered word falling from his lips of the look of devotion he sent to the younger wizard.


Cracking his neck, Harry let out a slight groan. He had been sitting for hours reading an advanced rune book while Marvolo meditated, not noticing the time going by but looking out the window he judged it was well after lunch.

"Kreacher," he called out, focusing on his bond to the elf

"Little master called for Kreacher."

"Could you bring us some light refreshments? please."

The elf popped away and Harry saw that Marvolo now had his dark blue eyes focused on him.

"Yes?" he inquired.

"I know that elf."

"Kreacher has served the Black family for many years,"

"I remember him, he was in the cave."

"Yes," Harry agreed, amazed by the progress Marvolo ad made in such a short amount of time.

"I'm impressed you managed to retrieve all of my horcruxes, the enchantment I had placed on them were advanced and one of a kind."

"It was easier this time, I knew what they were and where. Last time though it was a struggle, it took me and my... friends... a year, though I could have, maybe, improved on our time had I not been declared 'Undesirable Number One' and you and your minions had not been casing us down."

"I see," there was a slight frown on his face.

"Honestly if it helps the mummification curse you invented did get Dumbledore last time, he couldn't resist your compulsions, and was in considerable pain before his death. He also drank that rather ingenious potion you had surrounding the locket, which I still don't know the name of, was it you own creation?"

Marvolo smirked slightly, "It does and yes. The recipe was something I developed during my travels after Hogwarts. I derived it from an old potion created by the Mayans. It makes you live your nightmares over and over, manipulating your fears all the while causing physical and magical damage to the mind."

Harry nodded, "it was impressive to watch. Of course, at the time I was horrified but looking back? Very remarkable."

"Yes, you mentioned the manipulations placed on you. I take it they were extensive to create such a vast difference in your reactions."

Harry scowled subconsciously, his magic mimicking his rage causing the temperature to drop. "yes, I can get a copy of them for you but suffice to say they were many and caused me to be a loyal little light lamb who was fully prepared to walk to the slaughter house."

Marvolo noted the change in Harrison's magic and felt his own anger at the response, "that's man will pay."

A pop broke Harrys train of thought. Seeing Kreacher standing there shaking slightly because of the pressure caused by his magic he fought to regain control.

"Thank you Kreacher," he said after a moment.

The elf nodded, mumbling about powerful masters and unworthy elves before popping away and leaving a few covered trays and a pot of tea with cups.

"You're too polite to it." Marvolo muttered looking at the spot Kreacher had just vanished from.

Harry rolled his eyes, "house elves are very underappreciated. Their magic is powerful and if you can gain a house elf's true loyalty, then you have not only an valuable asset but a friend."

Marvolo suppressed his rage at having his mate roll his eyes and snorted, "you would befriend such a creature?"

"I would, I have."

"Your sentimentality will get us killed."

"A house elf saved my live. Twice in fact."

"Emotions are weaknesses."

However, Marvolo noted he didn't quite believe the words, he remembered the fierce determination of a young lily potter as she stood in front of her son, his mate, he remembered the love she felt, and he could his own newly awoken emotions.

"Emotions are not weaknesses, they can give us strength, will, hope."

Marvolo didn't automatically shoot the idea down as it resonated something in him as he looked at his mate, taking in the bright green eyes that seemed to bore into his very soul. Yes, perhaps he could believe in emotions. Still... "Maybe so, but really Harrison, a house elf?"

Harry snorted lightly, "at least I have friends dear," the pet name slipping out without thought.

"what need have I of friends when I have you, little one?"

Rolling his eyes at the nickname, Harry grinned lightly, "we should eat, I can't imagine how hungry you are."

The words caused Marvolo's stomach to growl and the man to nod. Standing Marvolo moved closer to Harry before removing the lids from the food and tucking in.


Days rolled into one as Marvolo mediated and recovered his mind and magic. Each new snippet of memory causing emotions he didn't even know he could feel too well up. Looking back at his own madness and at how far he digressed from his goals made him cringe, and he was grateful to his mate for this second chance.

Thinking of his mate made Marvolo smile slightly, the boy, no young man, was a surprise. He was smart, perhaps not to the degree he himself was, but Harrison's mind was truly intoxicating, he continuously surprised and amazed him. Harrison had been with him constantly, sitting silently while he meditated, offering conversation and explaining his 'past life', and letting him know every detail of the world he know found himself in. What the green-eyed youth had accomplished was astounding, he had literally reshaped the world to bring him back, such power and foreknowledge, well Marvolo was actually looking forward to the future now- Dumbledore and his foolish followers wouldn't know what hit them.

"You look younger when you smile."

Looking up Marvolo caught his mates' eyes and hummed when a thought hit him, "I do not know how old this body is physically."

Marvolo had investigated this new body in excruciating detail, it was his body, the body he had once had as a younger man but it also different, perfected in the way only a new-born was. It didn't hold the scars of his past or the blemishes of living through the war, it was strong and healthy. What he could have been had he grown up with the correct food, clothing and attention.

Harry allowed his eyes to wander the body of his soulmate, he felt attraction towards him but his own body he knew wasn't quite old enough to really react, however he would admit his mate was gorgeous; Pale skin contrasting with slightly tousled dark brown hair and dark blue eyes that seemed to flash red more often then not. The demonic colour didn't detract from the beauty of Marvolo but enhanced it, the red eyes were dangerous but enticing.

Marvolo internally preened at his mate's appraisal, he couldn't say he was attracted to him, Harrison was still too young for that, but he knew that he would be. He could see that Harrison would grow to be beautiful, his mate was already lovely, but in the way of a child not a potential lover, not yet. No what he felt for Harrison was more the stirrings of affection, not yet love or lust, but the beginnings of a much deeper bond

"I would say you appear to, be around 23, you could pass for slightly older or younger, but early 20's definitely."

"I would agree. You're 12 now, yes?"

Harry nodded, thinking of the date, "physically yes, my birthday is coming up soon. However, I am around 19 mentally."

"10 years... it would be improper for me to court you openly. And 19 is hardly old, you're still decades younger than me little one."

Harrison felt an eyebrow raise, it was easy sometimes to forget how old Tom was, "you plan on courting me?"

"Of course, you are mine. However, I shall have to wait until you are older, 15 perhaps..."

Harry nodded slowly, he should have expected Marvolo to insist on something like this, but to hear the words shocked him.

"I suppose it makes sense, I don't need such things though. It is as you said, I am yours as you are mine."

Marvolo smirked then, the twist of his mouth looking slightly wicked, "yes, but if I don't claim you publicly then people would still try for your attention and I would have to... deal with them trying to take what is not theirs."

"I am not a possession."

Marvolo smirked again, causing Harry to surpass an eye roll another, "of course not dear,", he responded, sounding smug and not at all believable.

"I had various alias's set up for you, if you're interested in looking at them?" Harry offered, not wanting to get caught up in banter with Marvolo, which was surprisingly easy to do.

Marvolo nodded, he recalled Harrison telling him about his bond with the goblins but seeing his mate summon the goblin forgeries he was amazed. The high quality of the work was astounding, and to have so many forgeries done to such a high degree? His mate was holding a fortune in his hands without even realising.

"The best one, or the one I think would be the most believable is on the top."

Marvolo hummed, taking the documents from Harrison however not before casually running his hand over his, causing a shiver to race down his spine as their magic connected briefly.

Reading through he couldn't help but notice that his alias had a life that was eerily was similar to his own, knowing that Harrison knew his past was something that kept catching Marvolo out. He wasn't used to being known, see for who he was and not the mask he presented.

"The given name has been left blank," he mused out loud, the last name however was Gaunt, something he was not terribly impressed by, but he knew that it was the most believable persona. He was going to be his uncle's grandson, his own second cousin if he wasn't mistaken, a half-blood whose parents died when he was still a baby.

"Yes, Lucius agreed with me when I said that you would rather pick your own name, I wasn't sure you would want to go with Tom," seeing the eye twitch Harrison covered his smirk, really his mate was too sensitive about his name, "so we left it blank, once you know the name you want it will be easy to have the documents solidified and put into the correct places. Nobody will even know you're not who you claim to be,"

"Marvolo Salazar Gaunt,"

Harrison did roll his eyes then, "Marvolo I can understand, it's the name you prefer, but Salazar really?"

Feeling indignation Marvolo glared at Harrison, "Salazar Slytherin was one of the greatest wizards to live, I am proud of my ancestor."

"He was a great wizard, yes. But really, it's so... so predictable and old."

"It's a classic name that not only shows familial pride but follows wizarding tradition."

"If we ever have children I am not letting you have a say in the naming process." Harry said with a decisive nod, Salazar, really?!

The comment threw Marvolo who quickly covered his gaping up with a derisive snort, "whatever you say dear, Now, if you're done making a scene about my name, I do believe you had more you wished to discuss today."

"Yes, you seem to be recovering well," Harry commented, looking at his mate softly. He didn't want to get into this topic, but he knew he had to.

"I am." Marvolo agreed.

"Then I think it might be a good idea if you were to move to Malfoy manor."

"Oh?" Marvolo let out a sound of inquiry, he knew from what Harrison said that Dumbledore was too interested in Harrison's life and was determined to gain control of his little mate but still the thought of leaving the little raven was unappealing.

"Dumbledore won't stop, and his twinkling gaze is on me constantly- Your being here isn't safe, you need more time to recover and plan before he knows you're back, with Lucius you can do that."

Marvolo was silent for a moment, he knew his Harrison was correct, but he didn't like it.


Malfoy manor, Wiltshire


Draco re-read the letters he had received from his friends and fought not to pout as he realised he still hadn't heard from Harry, nobody had as far as he knew. He wanted to know what was going on, and if the Dark Lord had returned; Waiting was killing him. He was proud that Harry had told them, that he had trusted them enough with such a huge secret, it made him feel important.


Lucius startled as his mark burnt, it wasn't the agonising sensation it once was, but it was surprising to feel after so long. Seeing Narcissa turn to him as he stumbled slightly he sent his wife a soft smile and excused himself. He knew that she suspected something, but she was too smart to question him on it or his actions. Plausible deniability was any shrewd witches or wizards ally after all, and his lady wife was anything but stupid.

Pulling out his wand he quickly apparated to his Lord, not surprised when his saw Harrison sitting next to him. Seeing his Lord as he was now was still a shock, he was a very handsome young man, which was something surreal to Lucius as when he thought of his Lord he thought of the sadistic snake-like monster that had haunted his dreams, not this velvet toned youth, with aristocratic features and a sinful smile.

"My Lords," the blond said, dropping into a respectful bow before straightening.

"Hello Lucius" Harrison greeted warmly, smiling lightly at the blond Lord.

Marvolo but nodded his head in greeting.

"Please sit," Harrison said indicating to the chair.

Lucius sat and took a moment to look at the two powerful wizards in front of him. Their very aura's so commanding that Lucius couldn't help but feel cowed being in their presence, yet he wasn't afraid, he knew with certainty that either of them could kill him easily and without hesitation, yet he felt no fear, no, he was in awe of them. Their magic was so intoxicating, their bond even new was shining brightly between them.

"You summoned me my Lord,"

"Yes Lucius. Harrison has informed me of everything that has happened in my... absence,"

Lucius nodded his head, he didn't dare to speak or interrupt his lord.

"I am pleased with what you have achieved, my slippery friend. You escaped imprisonment in Azkaban and have managed to instil yourself as a paragon of society. You have the ministers ear and considerable sway in the ministry. Yes, my friend, you have done well."

Lucius fought down his pride and pulled his pureblood mask on tightly as he basked in the praise of his Lord, "thank you my Lord."

Marvolo nodded his head, waving away the thanks, he didn't need to be thanked, he was their lord and he would reward such ingeniousness.

"Harrison has informed me that he thinks it would be best for me to relocate to your manor, tell me Lucius, do you agree?"

Lucius stilled for a moment, speaking one's opinion to the Dark Lord was always risky and, in the past, often resulted in unimaginable pain. However, he took a breath and focused, pushing past his fear to answered.

"I do my lord. Harrison has most likely told you about Dumbledore's obsession with him, your being here could easily result in that old fool finding out about your return before you wish for it to happen."

Marvolo hummed and nodded, hands drumming on the arms of his chair was he thought, "very well, I will agree to this relocation. Tell me, are your wife and son aware of my return?"

"No, my lord. I would not inform them without your permission." Lucius answered, his thoughts briefly going to his son, his son who was the same age, technically slightly older, than the boy sitting in front of him, which was shocking to think about. However, Draco was not like Harrison, not that his son wouldn't one day be a great wizard, but his son was still a child in his mind, not like Harrison.

Harrison as if sensing the blond lord's inner turmoil spoke, "I trust Draco. He will be able to keep this secret."

Lucius could help but want to protest, to protect his son.

"Trust me Lucius, I will protect Draco..." Harry said with conviction, and he would, Draco was his, he along with the twins, Blaise, Pansy and Luna, they were all his and he would protect them.

"...Draco will find out. Marvolo will be in your home. Draco will need to know, and I trust that he will be able to deal with this news."

Lucius nodded, he believed his Little Lord, but he couldn't help but ask "how can you be so sure?"

"I know because he is already expecting it. I told them about my plans before we broke up for the summer," Harry said, shocking Lucius but not Marvolo who knew this from Harrison telling him everything he had missed.

"My son already knew of our plans?"

"I trust him Lucius," Harrison said, "he is one of mine."

Lucius nodded, he couldn't help but think of what that meant though.

Marvolo however was fighting to keep his glee hidden, for all his mate claimed to not want to stand by his side and rule as equals, he didn't seem to mind building his own inner circle.

"Very well my lord." He agreed, not noticing the smugness that doubled inside the dark lord or the exasperated look Harrison shot his self-satisfied mate.

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