
By janeslove

2.5K 188 13

"She's changing back to normal. Alright, take her away and don't forget to chain her up and cover her mouth."... More

Lost Soul
Never Alone
Be Mine
She can Hear
Golden Caramel
Crazy Notions
Dis Me, Kiss Me
Just You and Me
Shards of Hot Glass
A Lost Love
It's Unspoken
It's Unexpected
The Apprentice
He Can't Know
HELLO OUT THERE!!!!! (Authors Note)

Nice to Meet You

106 11 0
By janeslove

Take off all of your skin,

And brave when you are free.

Shake off all of your sins,

And give them to me.

Close up let me back yeah,

I wanna be yours, wanna be your hero...

And my heart beats...

And it does, hard and lound in my chest. The only problem with this song is sooner or later, my heart might not be beating. Just like the rest of the people in this clan. Who knew that listening to Empire could remind someone of death? At least I'm alive right now and enjoying the time I have all to myself.

Well, not entirely.

There is one fault: Darren's back from the Paintball arena and I'm trying to avoid him. I have my earbuds in, already playing a different song, and jogging around with Anthony guiding the rest of the group. Why I chose to jog with a bunch of girly-girls, I don't know, I had to make a quick decision. I just know that Sam has already calmed down and is currently working on her flexibility with Anthony's girlfriend- an alternative to running around the forest.

We've been out for almost an hour now and saying I'm exhausted is an understatement. Most of the girls have already complained to the nth power about not being remotely close to the lodge and how he shouldn't be making them run so much when they can already run ten times as fast.

"I'm not just training your body, I'm also training your mind." is what he says.

Now I get why he's torturing us. Suddenly I have newfound energy and I run up to the front. "Discipline." I say and Anthony just glances at me. His lips slightly tug at their sides and I know I'm correct. "These girls... lagging... Suggest... race to... lodge... Absolutely... No... Fazing." I say between breaths. When we first started to jog, I discovered they call running faster than sprinting fazing. Anthony was pretty adamant not to let us skip through the forest with that ability.

He puts his arm in-front of me, slowing me down to a stop with him. Once all the other girls catch up to us, he speaks. "Before we go any further, I want you all to know that I am glad not one of you fainted." Some of the girls roll their eyes at his failed attempt at making a joke. "For the last half-mile, I want you to compete against each other. Whoever gets to the lodge first doesn't have to come to training for the rest of the week. The last person goes on a Starbucks run tomorrow morning." I heard a couple of the girls groan in relief and pleasure before Anthony continues, "The only rules I have are: no cheating, and no fazing-" He furiously points to the girls, "-or I'll make you weight-lift more than the boys and run twenty miles, got that?" Everyone nods.

Anthony points in the direction of the lodge and blows his whistle. "Get outta my sight!"

Everyone sprints towards where he pointed. Everyone except me. I stay next to Anthony, who is now looking at me in confusion. "Aren't you going to run?" he asks while gesturing into the trees.

"I'm saving my energy in order to go all-out and stay constant."

He lifted an eyebrow. "You better get going before you fall behind." He then fazes to the lodge.

Or just wait a little more... I think to myself as I begin to jog. Confronting Darren is one thing I'm dreading right now. I know that once he sees me, he is going to ask about Samantha and I'm going to have to tell him that I had to spill and no one knows how he'll react to that! I can deal with Sam's wrath, but I DO NOT know how to handle a guy who is a vampire. Ugh, this is too stressful, I'm supposed to be enjoying my alone time.

        Then stop thinking about it.

Hey! There you are... Where've you been? I ask my inner voice.

       I thought I'd watch you run around and humiliate yourself as a replacement for Television. Boy, am I entertained.

Mentally rolling my eyes I say, Hush up, I don't feel like dealing with you right now.

        Aww, I'm only speaking the truth. If you let me, I can actually help with your problems.

Why should I trust you? Last time, you forced your way to control my body. I don't feel so confident in listening to you.

        For one, both of us were mad. For two, I wanted to prove myself. And three, you needed to see what you are. You keep denying it and putting yourself down but that is what you are. Those fangs, those eyes, that hunger is your definition. Don't lose sight of that or the life you've made with your family.

That's weird... I'm not sure if I should cry or laugh at her words. This could very well be a trap to some kind of underlying scheme but, then again, it could be a completely genuine offer.

I'll consider this. In the meantime, prove yourself worthy and maybe I'll actually accept your help.

        I can do that. You know, I'm surprized you haven't asked about the fangs.

What are yo-?

        I mean, I'm surprised you haven't asked about my name.

Right...wait, you have a different name?

        Duh, why wouldn't I?

I don't know! Maybe you just- okay, never mind. What's your name?

        My name... is Heara.

Heara. Nice name! Sounds ancient and-

Something in the air catches my attention. A husky scent that has a tinge of something rotting, not death or anything. It just smells natural but bearably bad. I slow my stride to glance around.

A growl came next. It's low, menacing, and guttural, as if to be a warning or a threat. I look above me, scan the trees above a boulder and manage to see a topless man watching- no, glaring- at me before he quickly turns and jumps. Sounds of cracking and breaking was audible as I tried to follow him with my eyes but he was too fast. Too fast for a human.

        I wouldn't follow him, if I were you.

His...his scent...I-I don't think I've smelled anything like that before.

        Who cares about what he smelled like?

I guess you're right on this one. I'll ask about it later.

        Who are you going to ask?

Ugh, I guess I'll ask Darren- only if he comes up to me first.

        Jeez, you're starting to sound like a fourth grader...

I am not!

        Mhmm... Keep believing that... By the way, if you don't hurry up you'll be going on a coffee run.

Shoot, thanks.

In that moment, I pick up the pace and sprint through the trees. I can see a girl running in-front of me, just about twenty feet away. If I don't pass her, I would have to get coffee for every girl in this place. No way in my time am I going to do that.

Pumping my legs harder- careful not to faze- I race towards the lodge. The girl hears me behind her, curses under her breath, and tries to run faster than before. Poor girl, she's about five-foot-eleven inches and her run kind of looks like she's trying to imitate a penguin.

I get a little closer and hear her huff, "I hate running!"

Aww, now I can't go ahead of her...

        But we don't want to buy coffee either.

Do you even know how to be selfless?

        What does that word even mean?

...Just stop.

I run up beside the girl, and pull on her shoulder. She looks at me, bewildered and unsure if I mean harm. She stops anyways and for a minute we catch our breaths. She sizes me up as we wait.

She speaks first. "What do you want?" Well that was pretty blunt. Looks like I'm going to have to kill with kindness.

"Hey, I'm only trying to be friendly." I say with a small smile. Hopefully I don't look scary...

The girl looks taken aback by my comment and slides a strand of loose brown hair behind her ear. "And I'm trying not to be last." is her retort.

"If I'm not mistaken, I would think that you have something against me. The question is why would you judge me when you don't even know me?" I try to regard her as calmly as I possibly can without spooking her. 

Even at her height, she seems to shrink down to my size. Suddenly, she stands erect with her chin tilted upward and a new-found confidence. Now I'm looking up to her, literally. "I might not know you, but everyone sure does."

I lift an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Everyone's talking about you. You are the talk of the clan. You are everything they say you are."

Wha-... What?

"I don't know what you're talking about." My face has dropped. "Please explain."

"Well it's obvious you're smart, beautiful, and just so happen to look somewhat like Boss. There are rumors going around that you two are somehow related. Also that you're a shape-shifter- something rare in the Vampire community. Do you want to know something else? You're way better than everyone else says you are. People think you're a freak because of those rumors and that freaky intuition you have scares everyone. I can't even cuss around you because you literally radiate Good," she shakes her head. "You're perfect."

And my blood begins to boil.

Do they really think of me like that?

"I am not perfect," I say between gritted teeth. Breathe... I tell myself. "Let's walk." It comes out sounding oddly cool. I turn on my heels and start in the same direction of the Lodge. She doesn't hesitate to follow me.

"So... you're just going to walk away?"

"Why should I be angry for what other people think? It'll do me no good to worry."

We stay quiet for a couple of minutes. This is good for me because I use that time to put out the flame of anger.

People are stupid.

        Only when they don't know anything.

Since when were you so wise?

        I am in your mind.

True... Hey! I don't know her name!

        Then ask her.

But what if she doesn't want to know me?

       You really are a fourth grader...

Not at all!

        Just ask her already!


"Hey! In everything that's happened, I never asked for your name."

"That's alright, no one ever does..." she avoids eye contact while she talks.

"There's a first for everything," and I smile at her again. "So, what's your name?"

"It's Cassandra."

I hold out my hand and she takes it. "Hello, Cassandra. It's nice to meet you."

(Empire- Shakira)

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