Harry Potter and The Shadowed...

By itshannieee

1M 37.8K 16.4K

After the final battle Harry learns some unsettling truths about himself and those who he trusts the most. Fo... More

The bonds that hold us
Unlocked Potential
A look beneath a mask
The master of Three
Honey I'm home
Snake in the nest
Revenge served cold
Magical Maze's
Allies and Enemies
Friends, old and new
A web is cast
Then there were three
Let the disillusionment begin
Black family values
new experiences and namely friends
Fate really does like certain events
Unravelling a web
Far fetched reality
Four out of five
Second year
A peacock and two weasels
Building bridges
Secret chambers and sacred maps
How to get rid of a peacock
foolish plans of a peacock
Theft and compulsions all around
A diary
An inner circle
Mortem Magicae
Call me Marvolo
A complete soul, more or less..
A baby Dark Lord in the making
Part two
It begins
It's not all sunshine and daisies
Bug Hunting
The First Steps
Will there be dragons?
Magical interventions
I see fire
How to catch a goat
End of a Legend
A monster of our own making

Hello Old world, I'm back

32.2K 1K 523
By itshannieee


Harry sat wondering how this would all work, before suddenly he felt like his body was being forced through a blender. If he thought portkeys were bad, they were nothing compared to this. Harry felt like his very atoms were being ripped apart and rearranged. His last thought was that he was probably correct.


4 Privet Drive, July 31st 1991

Harry sat up with a groan. His head was killing him and he felt like he had bruised every inch of his skin, twice. Looking around, Harry tried to make sense of his surroundings when he suddenly remembered what he had done. With a maniacal cackle, Harry looked around the dusty confines of his cupboard; it was as bad as he remembered he thought to himself.

"It worked," he whispered to himself.

"Did you doubt me?" asked Death's deep, rumbling voice, making Harry jump as he had thought he was alone.

"No, it's just shocking really being here." Harry said, his prepubescent voice shocking him as he was used to his more mature rumble.

Death seemed to accept that. "I will leave you here," he said, "try not to call on me unless you have dire need as I am not an errand boy for your amusement. I will check in from time to time."

Harry nodded his head, still lost in the surrealism of the situation.

"Very well," Death said before promptly vanishing.

Harry sat for a moment gathering his thoughts before deciding to test his magic; it wasn't that he didn't trust Death, it was just that he wanted to verify.

Focusing on his magic, Harry held out his hand. With one thought of the lighting charm, Harry was happy to see his cupboard light up. Smiling, Harry's thoughts soon turned sour when he heard movement. In his joy he had forgotten about the muggles.

As Vernon moved above him, coming down the stairs, the ceiling let out puffs of dust making Harry cough and splutter. Harry's eyes narrowed as he remembered everything he had been forced to live through at the hands of his so called caretakers. He would be damned if he would sit back and take it again. When his cupboard door was finally yanked open and Vernon's bellowing voice rang out, Harry had already decided what to do.

"You had better be awake, boy! I want breakfast on the table in ten minutes or so help me God, you will rue the day your good for nothing mother whelped you!" Vernon roared, his face an unhealthy puce colour.

Harry stood gracefully and moved out of the cupboard. He didn't know if the blood glamour had been removed, but he guessed it had as Vernon soon started spluttering at Harry.

"What did you do you little freak?!" he demanded, advancing on Harry with his fist raised. Normally this would have caused Harry to drop and cower in fear, but now Harry just smirked and tightened his fist, watching in fascination as Vernon froze, unable to move. The spell was one he had read about in the Black library - it would bind the victim and the more they struggled the tighter the bindings got. It was based on devil's snare, interestingly enough.

Harry took a step forward and, with flourish, dropped his fist down, causing Vernon to drop painfully to his knees. "Now uncle, let's not do anything we'll regret now," Harry said, his voice mockingly soft.

"F-freak! Release me at once!" Vernon ordered, his voice not as loud as it had once been and his face taking on a distinctly fearful look. Harry watched in glee as he struggled, knowing he was causing himself further pain; and although he didn't like torture, he was suddenly gaining an understanding for it.

Sighing in mock sympathy, Harry took another step forward so that now he was only a foot away from Vernon before he spoke again, "I think it's time we established some new rules. Don't you agree?"

"S-stop it," Vernon said.

"I asked you a question, uncle," Harry said.

"What is it you want, boy?" Vernon spat out eventually.

"I want to be left alone," Harry said. "No cooking, no cleaning, you will pretend like I don't exist and I will do the same for you and your family."

"Fine," Vernon growled the word out.

Stepping back, Harry released the spell. Vernon sank even further down before surging forward. Expecting this, Harry raised his hand and stupefied him before turning his eyes to his real audience. Petunia stood at the top of the stairs white faced and shaking, her hand covering her mouth in terror.

"Like I said, I no longer exist," Harry said to his aunt, who quickly nodded her head.

"Is-is he d-dead?" Petunia whispered.

Harry rolled his eyes. "No, not this time. However, I do think it would be wise of you to explain how our arrangement works, to both him and Dudley. It would be a shame if any unpleasant accidents happened because they forgot the new rules."

Petunia nodded again, her beady eyes darting between Harry and Vernon's prone form. "Yes, yes of course," she said, practically vibrating in her fear.

Happy, Harry turned and made his way towards the kitchen to make himself something to eat before he stopped just shy of the door. "Oh and aunty, I will be receiving my letter today, you know the one. So don't expect me back until tonight."

Harry's words made her pale even further and for a moment he thought she would actually faint. Bemused, Harry continued on his way before he froze and practically ran back to the hallway. Grabbing Petunia by the arm, Harry looked into her eyes and placed a secrecy jinx. She would be unable to tell anybody what she now knew apart from whoever Harry wished. This way she would be unable to tell Dumbledore or anybody else if they ever came sniffing about for answers - it would even work against Legilimens. He would do the same to Vernon once he woke up.

Happy with what he had accomplished in just a few short minutes, Harry returned to his previous task and went about cooking his breakfast. Just as he was about to plate up, Dudley came running into the kitchen. Seeing Harry, he turned and made his way towards him. Sighing, as it was clear Petunia hadn't had a chance to talk to her oversized son, Harry wondered for a fleeting second if he could get away with just killing them. Harry didn't really condone casual murder, but when he thought about everything his family had done to him, every beating and nights left starving, he really considered just ending them now. Harry couldn't believe how passive the potions had made him, how they had made him ignore the beatings and be forgiving about the abuse.

"Stop," Harry said, the chilling tone making Dudley do just that, almost comically freezing.

However, like his father, Dudley would never be considered smart. After a second, he narrowed his eyes and took a step forward. The look on his face, Harry decided, was supposed to be menacing, but looked vaguely like he was constipated.

Turning back to the stove, Harry turned off the hob before turning back to Dudley. It was clear the boy was confused by Harry's actions and was wavering on what to do. Luckily for him, he picked the smarter option.

"Mum!" he wailed, smirking when he thought about the trouble Harry would be in.

Petunia appeared like a bat out of hell, almost panting in her effort to get to her son. Harry watched in amusement as she looked between them and grabbed Dudley. "What is it, diddums?" she asked shakily.

"The freak was cooking," he said, sending a glare at Harry, who at this point had his omelette on his plate and was considering if he wanted to add sauce.

Petunia squeaked in terror and looked at Harry, who just raised an eyebrow, smirking, before taking a bite of his omelette.

"Diddy-kins, I need you to come with me. We need to have a chat about how we treat Harry," Petunia said, practically dragging him from the room as he protested.

With that over, Harry made his way upstairs and into Dudley's second bedroom. Looking around in disgust at the broken toys and rubbish cluttering the floor, Harry waved his hands and watched as it was banished. Next, he used a liberal about of scouring and repairing charms on the walls, floors, and door. Looking at the furniture, Harry attempted a few simple transfigurations, not anything too fancy as, even with his power increase, he was still working without a wand and with his limited knowledge of transfiguration. Whilst he had been practically living in the Black library, he hadn't studied up on it, focusing more on darker arts and soul magic in the hope of finding an answer to his problems. However, even with his limited knowledge, Harry was able to create a comfortable looking bed, with matching side table, desk, and wardrobe as well as a desk chair. Happy with the sparsely furnished room, Harry turned to leave, adding a muggle repelling ward to the doorway as an afterthought.

Entering the living room, Harry noted how the Dursleys sat together and watched him warily. It would seem that Petunia had finally got around to warning Dudley. Making eye contact with Vernon and then Dudley Harry set the jinx, happy when he felt his magic settle, letting him know it was in place.

"I will be moving into Dudley's second bedroom," Harry stated, watching in fascination as both Dudley and Vernon recoiled as though struck.

Dudley let out a horrified squawk, but before he could protest Petunia nodded. "Yes, of course," she said quickly, sending both the male Dursleys a fearful look.


Waiting, Harry was almost bouncing with excitement when he heard the mail come. Walking to the door, Harry easily saw the letter that was for him, the parchment standing out against the muggle envelopes. Picking the letter up, Harry immediately felt the charms and compulsions on it try to take effect and smirked when his magic reacted and tore them apart. Taking the letter upstairs, Harry opened it after reading the address, gleefully ripping apart the purple wax seal bearing the school's coat of arms.


Mr. H. Potter

The Cupboard under the Stairs

4 Privet Drive

Little Whinging




Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall,

Deputy Headmistress


Equipment list

First-year students will require:


Three Sets of Plain Work Robes (black)

One Plain Pointed Hat (black)

One Pair of Protective Gloves (dragon hide or similar)

One Winter Cloak (black, silver fastenings)

Please note that all student's clothes should carry name-tags at all times.


The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1 by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble

Other Equipment:

1 Wand

1 Cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set of glass or crystal phials

1 telescope

1 set of brass scales

Students may also bring an Owl, Cat, or Toad.



Reading the list, Harry thought about Hedwig for a moment; he could buy her again in this life he thought happily, pleading that his first friend would hopefully be with him again soon.

Summoning a biro and some paper, Harry quickly penned his reply to McGonagall. It wouldn't do for him to use ink and a quill and gain any unwanted attention.


Professor McGonagall,

Thank you for the letter, I accept my place at Hogwarts school as a first year student.


Harry J Potter


With that done, Harry spent a moment and concentrated on his clothes, transfiguring his oversized t-shirt into a short day robe in a dark blue colour with pale green accents and his jeans into a pair of grey trousers. Harry then focused on his shoes, looking in disgust at the barely held together trainers, and transfigured them into shiny black ankle boots. Happy that his clothing would last until he managed to buy himself a proper wardrobe, Harry made his way down the stairs, glad to see the Dursleys going out of their way to ignore him. Even Vernon, who clenched his teeth and shook as he stared at Harry, but he still let him pass without challenge.

Walking out of the door, Harry took a moment to observe the wards surrounding the property and felt his anger towards Dumbledore surge. There were no blood wards surrounding the house. The wards consisted of a simple protection ward, an anti-apparition ward, and an owl redirection ward. Luckily the old man hadn't thought to place any magical detection wards, or Harry would have some explaining to do. 'I will make him pay', Harry vowed to himself.

With a growl, Harry continued his journey and passed through the wards fully before spinning on his heel and apperating to just outside of the Leaky Cauldron. Entering the pub, Harry made sure to walk quickly and keep his scar covered. The Wizarding world hadn't yet met him and didn't know what he looked like, therefore he hoped that dressed in wizarding fashion and without Dumbledore's blasted blood glamour, he would go undetected.

Going up to the bar, Harry gained Tom's attention. "Excuse me, could you open the passage to Diagon Alley please?" he asked.

"Certainly, young sir," Tom said.

Nodding his in thanks as the entry way opened, Harry slipped into the bustling crowd. He remembered only days ago reminiscing about the magic of Diagon Alley, but now he felt he had exaggerated it as he struggled to get through the crowd without knocking into people. Like before, the crowd parted easily for him subconsciously but still, with the number of people milling about, the journey through wasn't without difficulty.

Finally reaching the other end of the alley, Harry slipped into Gringotts, giving the guards a nod in greeting and happy to see he got one in return.

After waiting in the small queue, Harry finally reached a free teller. Barely able to see up over the desk, Harry nodded in greeting and spoke, "Greetings, master goblin. I wish to enquire about the state of my family's estate and my inheritance."

Nodding, the goblin stood. "Greetings, Mr. Potter, we at Gringotts welcome you on this day. If you would follow me, I will take you to Chief Ragnok, who is personally overseeing your accounts."

Harry let out a breath in relief when he heard this and hoped that Ragnok hadn't been wrong when he assured Harry he would remember. Taking the familiar route to Ragnok's office, Harry greeted the guards and bid his escort goodbye before entering the office.

Seeing Ragnok behind his desk, Harry approached before stopping to glare at the chair he usually sat in. Although he could get into it, it wouldn't be easy as his eleven year old body was disturbingly small.

Ragnok, who was watching, chuckled at seeing his friend, although he hadn't met him yet officially, struggle with the limitations of his new body.

Harry, giving up on trying to sit down, simply focused his magic on the chair, using a slight shrinking charm. Harry watched happily as the chair reduced enough in size that he would be comfortable yet still able to see over the desk. Once he was settled, he looked up to see Ragnok smirking at him.

"It is good to see you again, my friend," the goblin said, "although this is our first time meeting for me."

Harry let out a breath. "I am glad to see you again as well," he said.

"I take it you are here to withdraw money from your vaults?" Ragnok asked.

"Please," Harry said, before he added, "would it also be possible to make it so that only I can take money from my accounts?"

"Sadly, you cannot ban Dumbledore from your vaults as he is your magical guardian, however you can make it so that only he can access your vaults and only in person," Ragnok said

"Please do, and could you possibly recall all of my vault keys?" Harry asked, remembering that Hagrid had one in his last life.

"Recalling your keys is easy, just say your full name and that you wish to recall your keys belonging to your name and they will appear," Ragnok instructed.

"I, Harrison James Potter-Black, recall any and all vault keys belonging to my name."

Within seconds several keys appeared, shocking Harry. "What do I do with them now?" Harry asked.

"They will be disposed of for you if you wish," Ragnok said. At Harry's nod he preceded, flicking his wrist so the keys were banished.

"Without a key nobody else apart from Dumbledore can gain access to my vaults, right?" Harry checked.

"Correct. Even with a written statement from Dumbledore, they would be unable to get in," Ragnok confirmed.

"Can you make it so no new keys are given out? Perhaps, lie to Dumbledore, saying that it's a new policy or something? Maybe say that they can only be given out with the family or heirs permission?" Harry asked

Ragnok considered the request before giving a sharp nod. "It can be done," he said.

"Thank you," Harry said, before he frowned. "I need to get into my trust vault, but I was wondering if there was anything other than a key that I could use," Harry said.

"Wearing the heir ring of your house will grant you access to your vault. As like a lordship ring, an heir ring can only be worn by the rightful heir, it cannot be fooled by potions or glamours," Ragnok said.

"I see, do I have heir rings?" Harry asked as he had not had one last time, or at least he didn't know about them.

"You do, however you only have two heir rings although you are still the heir of four houses. Heir rings are a newer trend, coming about around 150 years ago, therefore only the Potter and Black families had heir rings made," Ragnok explained.

Harry nodded his understanding and picked up the two boxes Ragnok produced. Putting on the heir rings, Harry felt the same tug he experienced when he claimed his lordships in his past life.

"These rings have the same protections as their lordship counterparts and can work as a payment seal when making purchases. However, as there is no Black heir vault set up for you, only the Potter seal will work for payment; just think of that when placing the ring and it will show up," Ragnok continued to say.

"Thank you," Harry said after his magic had settled. Being able to use his ring to buy things would make it easier for him to make large purchases.

"It is no problem," Ragnok dismissed. "If that is everything, I will have somebody take you down to your trust vault."

"It is," Harry said, saying goodbye as he exited the office.

Greeting his new escort, Harry asked about getting a money pouch attached to his trust vault, much like he had seen many purebloods using in his last life. After haggling the price down, Harry agreed with the goblin and accepted the pouch. This way he wouldn't need to take copious amounts of money out to buy everything he needed and the pouches were magical signature locked, so there was no worry about his money even if it was stolen.

Entering his vault, Harry was greeted by the sight of piles of gold; he remembered being overwhelmed by the picture the first time around when he came in with Hagrid and snorted thinking about how he would have reacted to the sight of the Black family vaults. Grabbing a couple of coins just to keep on him, Harry was in and out of his vault quickly as he no longer needed to spend time counting out money now he had his pouch.

Greeting the goblin who was waiting back at the cart, Harry soon left the bank.

Shopping quickly and trying to be efficient about collecting his first year supplies from the various stores, Harry aimed to keep a low profile. The only time he deviated from the equipment list was when he was in a apothecary - he collected his own ingredients instead of buying the readymade up first year kit in order to have higher quality ingredients; he also added a few extra in case he found himself needing to brew anything. Harry also diverted from his list when in Flourish and Blotts, as he bought books on everything that fascinated him as well as his required texts. When looking at the books, Harry was reminded of the Black family library and cursed his own stupidity. Buying the books quickly, Harry practically ran back to Gringotts.

When he re-entered the bank Harry did not go to a teller. Instead, he nodded greetings as he passed and made his way straight to Ragnok's office. Harry barely even waited to be called in when he bound through the doors.

"Sirius Black!" he practically shouted to the startled Goblin chief.

Ragnok blinked at the state Harry was in and wondered what Sirius Black had to do with anything. "Mass murderer, placed in Azkaban prison on November 4th 1981 for the murder of twelve muggles and one wizard, Peter Pettigrew, reported Death Eater, and betrayer of the Potter family," Ragnok recited.

"No, he's innocent and he's my godfather," Harry said.

"Innocent?" Ragnok questioned, "You're sure?"

"Yes. In my third year it was confirmed, Pettigrew is alive; he's an animagus living with the Weasleys. He was Ron's pet rat while we were at Hogwarts. He's the real traitor."

"I see," Ragnok said. "What do you wish to do with this information?"

"I want him freed," Harry said. "He never had a trial, he was just locked away. If he is freed I gain a new magical guardian, which solves my Dumbledore problem, and I will have access to the Black family library again."

Ragnok frowned. "No trial? That's unheard of, especially as he was the heir of an Ancient and Noble House," Ragnok muttered, more to himself than Harry.

"Can it be done?" Harry asked.

"I can make inquiries," Ragnok said. "However, it will be a slow process; this screams of a cover up and the ministry will want this to remain buried. It would not look go on them to have locked up a noble heir without a trial for almost ten years."

Harry smiled in relief and asked, "Would it help for me to acquire Pettigrew?"

"Yes, but not immediately," Ragnok said. "If, like you say, Pettigrew was at Hogwarts, then it's not unreasonable to believe Dumbledore knows. If he is to just disappear before we have sorted out a trial, Dumbledore may grow suspicious."

Harry frowned but nodded, pleased that Ragnok would start to work on getting Sirius a trial.

"I will make a contract for you with a reliable law wizard," Ragnok said, "that way, once the gears are moving, we can use them as an intermediary, thus keeping the nature of our relationship hidden from the world."

"Brilliant," Harry said, awed by the goblin's cunning.

Ragnok smiled toothily. "Now, if that is all, it would seem I suddenly have a lot of work to do."

With that dismissal, Harry once again left the bank, making sure to say goodbye to the guards as he had rushed passed them when he had entered.

Returning to his school shopping, Harry realised it was almost dusk and the shops were either closing or closed. With that in mind, Harry decided to get a room for the night at the Leaky Cauldron instead of returning to Surrey as he was still in need of his uniform and wand.

Entering the pub, Harry once again gained Tom's attention, asking for a single room for the night and paying. Harry was happy to hand over the small cost as it included both dinner and breakfast and he was starving. He was determined to try and reverse some of the damage done to his body because of his relative's care.

Going up to his room, Harry looked around and added a few extra wards before removing the few bits he had brought from his robe. Returning downstairs, Harry ordered the Sheppard's pie as well as a pot of tea and tucked in. Leaving a small tip when he was finished, Harry thanked Tom and returned to his room, trying to think of everything that happened in his last life and how he could change it for the better.

It only took a moment for Harry to recall exactly what else had happened the day he had gone to Diagon Alley and he cursed his stupidity. The stone! Thinking back, however, Harry thoughts soon turned to suspicion. Why was it that Hagrid was sent for the stone on the day he had to pick up Harry? Surely the better option for Dumbledore would have been to send somebody who could actually do magic? If not pick it up himself....

Thinking on the situation, Harry cursed his own stupidity and had to hand it to Dumbledore; he had well and truly played Harry. The entire situation was a setup - he was testing Harry and Harry had fallen for it every single time. Laughing in spite of himself, Harry wondered how Dumbledore would try to get Harry after the stone this time.

Barely able to stay awake, Harry wondered why he was so tired but figured time travel probably left one sleepy and quickly stripped from his clothes and slipped into the bed.

The next day Harry looked at his transfigured clothes. They were still usable but looked rather lacklustre; that was the problem with transfiguring clothing when you were not a professional: the charms faded quickly. Sighing, Harry transfigured them again, and vowed his first order of business after getting a wand would be clothes.

After a breakfast of pancakes and bacon, Harry quietly joined the crowds of Diagon Alley, making his way straight to Ollivander's.

Unlike in his first life, the shop was not empty, and much to Harry's chagrin the person was none other than an eleven year old Hermione Granger. Narrowing his eyes in distaste, Harry barely stopped himself from cursing her just to get it over with; this was the first time he had seen somebody on his hit-list and he was not feeling magnanimous. He was surprised to see that she didn't have a school escort but was with her parents, who were standing looking shell shocked in the corner.

Hearing the bell chime over the door as he stepped through, she had turned to look at him. Her brown eyes narrowing as she ran her eyes over him, looking at his casual wizarding clothing with distaste.

Just then Ollivander spoke, "Ah, Mr. P—"

Harry quickly cut the peculiar man off before he could say Harry's last name, "Please sir, call me Harrison."

"That's rude you know," said Hermione in a matter of fact tone that had Harry clenching his fist to stop himself from lashing out. "You shouldn't interrupt people when they're talking,"

Harry just looked at her with distaste. "Indeed," he said, unconsciously mimicking Lucius Malfoy, "if you're done Miss...." he let himself trail off.

Hermione seemed to puff up at his tone with indignation. "Yes, actually, I am finished," she said contemptuously. "And my name is Hermione granger," she added.

Harry hummed, "Granger, I've never heard of that family before." He really didn't have a problem with muggleborns, not at all, but he hated how Hermione treated the Wizarding world. She thought their customs were outdated and scorned their culture just because it was different from the muggle world. She didn't try to understand them, she just ignored them and complained.

"That's because I'm the first witch in my family," Hermione replied, looking at Harry challengingly.

Making sure to put as much distaste behind his words as possible, Harry said, "I see."

Turning then, as though to dismiss her, Harry only had to wait a second before she exploded in self righteous indignation, "What? You think you're better than me because you have a magical family?" she demanded.

Harry hummed again, "No, I never said that. That belief is all yours, Miss Granger."

Just as Harry was sure she was about to explode, her parents seemed to pull themselves out of their fearful state and noticed she was done.

"Oh, come on Hermione, we've got to get going," Mrs. Granger said, practically making a run for the door.

Watching them leave, Harry let a small smirk form on his face when he saw Hermione struggle and glare at him.

"Well, that was interesting," said Ollivander voice, drawing Harry's attention to the man who had been silently watching his interaction with Hermione.

Harry shrugged. "I really don't have a problem with muggleborns," Harry said. "I just hate people like her who come into this world and try to change it into a replica of the muggle one."

Ollivander hummed again and nodded, "Well then, let's see what the wands make of you, Harrison."

Stepping forward, Harry watched as Ollivander seemed to lose focus before looking at Harry intently. "Your wand arm, if you please," he instructed.

Handing out his right arm, Harry considered just telling him what wand was his but decided to go with the process. Maybe his wand would have changed.

Eventually Harry decided that his wand hadn't changed as, like last time, after testing dozens of wands, Ollivander finally produced a familiar dusty old box.

Picking up his holly wand, Harry felt his magic sing. Although he was now more than capable of wandless magic, the feeling of unity between a wand and its wizard was something special.

"Ah, interesting," Ollivander said, almost mirroring his speech from Harry's last life. "Eleven inches from the wood of a holly tree and containing the tail feather of a phoenix."

Nodding his head, Harry didn't ask what was interesting, instead he asked, "Could I also buy a wand holder for my wrist, in black dragonhide if possible?"

Ollivander nodded when Harry spoke and went to find the holster. After placing it on the till he looked at Harry. "I will be expecting great things to come from you with that wand, Mr. Potter," he said.

Harry smiled slightly. "I hope to achieve great things," he said.

"That will be twelve galleons and eighteen knuts in total," Ollivander said eventually.

Reaching into his money pouch, Harry thought of the amount of money he needed and withdrew his hand, the correct sum now in it. Passing it over, Harry attached his wand holster to his wrist and placed his wand in it before leaving the shop.

Next, Harry headed for Madam Malkin's. Entering the shop, Harry was glad to find it empty.

"First year robes?" asked Madam Malkin herself as she appeared from behind a clothing display.

"Yes please, could I also get a few day robes and—" Harry cut himself off with a sheepish rub of his neck. "Well, actually, I need an entire wardrobe really," he admitted.

"Right then dear, why don't you step up on the platform and I'll measure you up," Madam Malkin said.

Standing up on the raised platform, Harry soon had his measurements taken.

"Right dear, I can have the school robes done in a few moments," she said, indicating for Harry to get down. "We can pick out the rest and I can modify the fit for you."

"Thank you," Harry said, going to look through the racks.

Picking out a few pieces, Harry soon found his arms full with day robes, shirts, trousers, jumpers, underwear, and pajamas. All of it got added to the pile growing on the table - he even picked out shoes and a few accessories. Eventually, between himself and Madam Malkin, who had returned, Harry had a decent variety of clothing which Madam Malkin promised to charm to grow a few inches so it would last even if he had a growth spurt.

"I can have these modified and charmed by the end of lunch. Why don't you come back and pick them up at, say, around one o'clock? If that's convenient, of course. If not, I can have them owled to you," she said.

"I can pick them up," Harry said. It was almost lunch now and he still had to go to the Eeylops Owl Emporium to buy Hedwig.

"Would you like to pay now or on collection?" she asked.

"I will pay now," Harry said.

Malkin nodded and tapped her wand to the till. "Your total will be 126 galleons and six sickles," she said. Harry nodded at the price, soothing the lady's nerves as she worried the child wouldn't be able to pay such a large sum.

"Can I use my heir ring to pay?" Harry asked.

Producing the payment sheet, Madam Malkin handed it over. Focusing on the Potter crest, Harry placed his ring in the designated space and watched as the Potter seal appeared. Handing it back, Harry watched as Madam Malkin's eyes widened and then darted to Harry's forehead. Seeing this, Harry looked around the shop before carefully moving his fringe to show the famous scar.

"I would appreciate if you kept it quiet that I am shopping today," Harry said.

"O-of course, Mr. Potter, anything," she stuttered suddenly, making Harry want to sigh. He hated when people suddenly realised who he was and started to treat him like a celebrity.

"Right then Madam, I will see you after lunch," Harry said, nodding his head politely in goodbye.

Leaving the shop and ignoring the seamstresses stuttered farewells, Harry headed to Eeylops. Seeing Hedwig still outside in her cage, Harry smiled brightly. Approaching her large, knowing eyes Harry hoped that she would bond with him like she had in his last life. Seeing his interest, a shop assistant appeared as though summoned and asked if he wanted to buy her. Harry nodded and barely drew his eyes away from his old friend.

"She's a temperamental one, doesn't seem to like anybody. Always takes a nip at whoever has to feed her," the shop assistant warned as he looked at Hedwig in her cage.

"She's perfect," Harry said. "Can I also get a large cage and some owl treats?"

"Certainly," the assistant said before gathering the items and telling Harry the total. Shrinking them down, the assistant handed them over to Harry, who handed over the required gold in response.

Carefully opening the cage Hedwig had been kept in, Harry watched as she looked at him with interest before she walked onto his arm.

"Hello, beautiful," he said softly, scratchy her in the way he knew she loved.

"Well, I'll be damned, you must have a lucky touch," the shop assistant said, watching Harry interact with the bird in awe.

Nuzzling against his hand, Hedwig have a contented trill.

"My name's Harry and you and me? We're going to be great friends," Harry told the bird. "I'm going to call you Hedwig," Harry continued, and watched as her intelligent eyes seemed to accept her new name.

"Right then," Harry said after a moment, "why don't you go and catch yourself some food and stretch your wings for a few hours? I'm currently living at 4 Privet Drive in Surrey so, when you're done, you can return there," Harry instructed the bird. He watched happily as she flew up in the air.

Happy now that he had finished all of his shopping, Harry found a small cafe to have lunch before returning to collect his clothing. Glad he was done, Harry wandered through the Leaky Cauldron and apperated back to Surrey.

He didn't want to risk forgetting anything about his first year again like he almost did with the stone, so he was going to make a list of everything that had happened. Thinking back as he wrote, Harry couldn't believe at the amount of things he had done that played into Dumbledore's hands; but then again, that was probably exactly what he had wanted. Vowing things would be different, Harry started to plot.


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