Heaven's Lost Property x Male...

By Victorgomez4844

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Y/N L/N is a human and one of Tomoki Sakurai childhood friends along with Sohara Mitsuki enjoying his everyda... More

Ch 2 - An Airborne Prismatic Panty Adventure

Ch 1 - A Full-frontal Hero Arises in the World

706 13 1
By Victorgomez4844

Tomoki: Ever since I was little I've been having the same dream In it I see this girl she's someone I never met I'm in love with her the kind of deep love you can only feel after a lifetime time and she loves me back just as much but in the end something freaky happens the sky takes her back somehow and I wake up from the dream unnerved and restless
Sugata: Hello everyone well I'm Eishiro Sugata resident genius this here is my assistant pretty

(Uses dolls feet to click enter on his computer to show world map)

Sugata: Look here there appears to be a some type of anonymous hole orbiting the Earth scientists around the world have been working together to try and solve the mystery of its origin they even drop monitoring devices into the anomaly but haven't settled on any logical conclusion but you see their hypotheses are flawed because they are grounded in reality as I'm sure you are aware Columbus who discovered the America was able to stand an egg on its End by simply thinking outside of the box the story illustrates that no one believes in me on until they see it for themselves hence the nature of people its similar to world beneath a girl's skirt something truly a mystery but I have the ability to see I can see the key words that connect everything a whole new world now the next issue is what makes up this whole new world

Sohara: Tomo come on would you get up already were going to be late for school

Y/N: (leaning against the door frame with eyes closed)

Why do you even bother waking up him up for school Sohara? The longer we wait on him the less time we'll have to get going.

Sohara: I know that's why I'm waking him up for so we can all go to school together.

Tomoki: Five more minutes you guys.

Y/N: (Opens eyes and notices what Sohara was gonna do) I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Sohara:( angry and yanks off the sheets) For crying out loud get up. (Blushes and screams)

Tomoki:(wakes up fully) Sohara what's wrong?

(Reveals Tomoki's morning wood up and awake)

Tomoki:( Stares down and notices)

Tomoki:( Afraid of was going to happen now) You know I hear that's a good sign when the flags full mass first thing in the morning come on.

Y/N: I told you not to Sohara

Sohara:(screams and karate chops him sideways) Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Screen changes to a glass bottle top breaking via karate chop sideways)

Time skips to breakfast

Tomoki (Puts on school uniform while injured)

Sohara (Pours Tomoki a glass of milk and gives it to him) At least drink some milk before we head out

Tomoki (Still wobbling from the karate chop) Oh yeah thanks.

Sohara (Notices tie is messed up) and your tie is all messed up it doesn't matter how old you get you still act like a child

Y/N: Come on you guys we're going to be late for school.

Sohara: Just a second Tomo's tie is all messed up.

Y/N: (Thoughts) I wonder how that could have happened.

Y/N:(Outloud) Ok just hurry or we're going to be late

Time skip

Tomoki:(Locking the door and walks close to Y/N and Sohara) Alright let's get going you two.

Tomoki:( Voiceover) We live in Sorami City its a small town with a population of 7000 completely surrounded by mountains it's nice the town isn't known anything for anything in particular if it was it be the smile on the old farmer's face or maybe the humongous 400-year-old cherry blossom tree that's sits on that hill right outside of town everyone all ways complains about how there's nothing to do here but I like it its my kind of place.

Scene changes to the classroom and Tomoki starts to drift off in class

Sohara:(Notices and whispers to Tomoki) Stay awake.

Tomoki:(Thoughts) My motto is this peace and quiet is the only way to live I like to watch TV eat take a nap during class the most perfect thing you can ask for is just a thread of peace and quiet running through your life wouldn't you agree.

Y/N (Sees Tomoki falling asleep and Sohara tries to keep him awake) (Thoughts) There he goes again falling asleep again in class I don't know why Sohara cares about him so much. If she draws too much attention she's gonna get in trouble.

Y/N (Yawns) I guess a little snooze won't hurt anyone (goes to sleep on his desk)

Sohara:(Thoughts while turning to the left) Well at least Y/N is paying attention in class) (Notices Y/N sleeping in class) (shocks) not you too!!!!

-Tomoki's Dream-

????: Save me.... the sky has me in its grip.

(Tomoki appears and sees the blue haired angel girl)

????: The sky has me in its grip

(Dream ends)


Sohara: Tomo wake up Tomoki wake up class is over already if you hadn't noticed

Tomoki:(lifts his face up towards Sohara)

Sohara: (Sees Tomoki's face in shock) You had the dream again didn't you?

(Reveals Tomoki's Face full of tears)

Y/N:(walks up to Tomoki and Sohara)

Woah dude are you okay why are you crying?

Tomoki:(wipes tears off of face) Oh great am I crying

Sohara: Look Tomoki you been having that dream ever since you were a little kid I think maybe you should see a doctor about it or something?

Tomoki: It's just a stupid dream it's not like it's ruining my life or anything

Sohara: Okay (looks at Y/N) it seems you're finally awake

Y/N:(looks at Sohara) yeah I guess I was just a little bit tired is all

Sohara:(An Idea pops into her head) Wait I have an idea what if we run it by Sugata see what he thinks.

Tomoki: No freaking way I don't want to get wrapped up with some dude who just looks like he attracts trouble

Female Classmate: Hey everyone come quick some moron is about to jump off the roof

(Y/N Tomoki and Sohara heard the Classmate)

Y/N: Jump off the roof?

-School Roof-

Sugata: The wind is good today although I'm not exactly happy with the direction its blowing but it won't be a problem for takeoff

(Reveals Sugata with a hanglider)

Male Classmate: don't do it you're insane you'll die

(Y/N and Tomoki push pass the students and sees Mikako Satsukitane)

Y/N and Tomoki: Hello there Miss President good morning (bows their head).

Sohara: (Walks up next Y/N and Tomoki) Is somebody going to jump off the roof?

Mikako:(Points to the roof) Take a look

Sohara: (Notices Sugata on the roof) Sugata!!

Tomoki:( Turns to Mikako and points at Sugata) Shouldn't you be trying to stop him?

Mikako: I could ask him to come down but he won't listen I'll worry about it after he falls

Tomoki: Could you be more irresponsible I mean your student council president you got to do something

Y/N: Yeah aren't you guys like childhood friends or something

-Changes to chibi versions of Y/N Tomoki Sohara and Mikako-

Mikako: If you're talking about insurance I already bought a whole lot of it several Million worth of life Insurance (hold 4 charts of life insurance)

Sohara: Wow that's a lot

Tomoki (Points at Sohara don't you stand there acting all and impress come on prez like Y/N said aren't you guys like childhood friends or something shouldn't you show the tiniest bit of consideration

-Chibi Time Over -

Mikako: Are you suggesting I'm not worried about him in the slightest

Tomoki (steps back) no that's not

Mikako: are you suggesting that I believe it might not be such a bad thing to watch my dear friend plummet to his death with a big smile spread across my face as a cherry blossoms bloom and in the background

Tomoki: I didn't say that

Mikako:(Mikako stepping closer to Tomoki's face) And are you suggesting that I'm even considering the remote possibility that after I made my claim on the insurance I'll travel the world on the finest luxury Cruise liner while I mourn my friend's untimely passing

Tomoki: Uh are you?

Mikako: What do you think are you sure you want that answer?

Tomoki: No

(Turns around and sees Sugata jump of the roof with the hanglider)

Sohara:(Stands in shock) He jumped.

Tomoki:(Sees Sugata in shock)

(Everyone sees Sugata fly out of school grounds and crashes into a tree)

Tomoki so you want to head back? Sohara hang on Tomo what about your dream I am so not talking to that guy

Mikako: What are you talking about?

Y/N: Yeah do you mind telling me what's going on

Sohara:( faces and tells Y/N and Mikako) Tomo was just being stupid he wants to ask Sugata us some questions we heard he's in the know regarding out there kinds of things

Mikako: You'd be right about that he's creepy, perverted beyond belief, weird beyond comprehension and without a doubt the freakiest four eyed guy I know of but he is dependable for what you need Tomoki: Dependably nuts

Sohara: Who the hell else are we supposed to ask I mean you refuse to go see a professional

Tomoki: I just want to live in peace and quiet

Sohara: Fine then have it your way jackass (Violet covered aura surrounds Sohara while shaping her right hand into a karate chop)

Tomoki:(feels and shivers of Sohara's Aura)

Y/N: Dude it's better to get it done and over with now instead of having Sohara use her chop to force you

Time Skip


Sugata: I understand every word of your concerns many intelligent people believe dreams to be electrical signals your brain sends out when processing memories in other words that your desires or your memories become your dreams during your sleep

Tomoki: okay?

Sugata: But that's nothing more than a hypothesis grounded in reality and you can explain the unreal using real terms look at this

(Tomoki looks under the dolls skirt)

Sugata: No not that shows computer of the world map do know what that is?

Tomoki: The black spot no

Y/N: I have no Idea what that is either

Suguta: Of course you both don't

Y/N Tomoki and Sohara: What?

Sugata: because you've already concluded you don't know they are scientists who spent years researching this and have yet to figure out the slightest things about it but I understand it I know exactly what the true nature is behind this whole of course I also know what your dream means both of them are part of a whole new world such fools in the scientific Community something with this much mass this much displacement it can't be anything but a whole new world floating over there

(Scene changes to Tomoki in an ocean sea swimming)

Sugata: This occurring dream you've been having is also connected to this whole new world have faith in me and I will unlock the mystery of this dream of yours

Tomoki:(In the background) No No No No No

Sohara: That's great

Y/N: Nice Job man thanks for helping us out

Tomoki:(In the background) Y/N Sohara stay the hell out of it you both aren't seriously going to believe this crap oh come on you're just making this stuff up

Sugata: At precisely midnight tonight this whole new world of which I speak of will fly over this town

Sohara: You mind if I come check it out

Y/N: Yeah me too

Sugata: Sounds just fine you too

Tomoki: this is. I can already hear it at the sound my beautiful pink and quiet being torn apart of the Seas

Sugata: Cherry Blossom tree next to the shrine at midnight we're going to see this together

Time Skip to Tomoki being at the Cherry Blossom Tree


Sohara: I'm sorry but my mother told me I can't stay up past midnight tonight

Sugata: Apologies Mikako needs me tonight it doesn't look like I'll be able to join you

-Flashback Over-

Tomoki: To everyone else who said they come up here with me tonight thanks a lot I'm looking around and guess what no one sincerely Tomoki

Y/N:(Walking up next to Tomoki) Almost everyone I'm still here

Tomoki: Hey Y/N

Y/N: Guess everyone else had their own kind of Plans

Y/N: Guess so

Tomoki: To hell with this I'm out of here hey you want to go get something to eat

Y/N: Sure may as well since we're going to be here awhile

-Tomoki's Phone Rings-

Tomoki (Checks Name) Oh it's Sugata

Tomoki (Picks up phone) Hey what's up weirdo .... yeah he's here with me

Sugata: both of you get the hell out of there I just did another pass over the most recent data and something odd is going on I'm heading their now (Phone starts losing reception)

Tomoki: What you're breaking up I can't hear

Sugata: The hole is moving

Tomoki: What

Sugata: You're both in danger

Y/N: Hey Tomoki take a look (Points at the sky)

Tomoki: (Sees a black hole in the sky and a yellow coming towards them)

-Crashes into the ground -

Tomoki :(Screams)

Y/N: What the hell was that

Tomoki: What the?

- Both look into the crater and see a pink haired girl with angel wings-

Tomoki: It's a person sees the white wings no it's not a person a person doesn't have.... a person doesn't have wings

Y/N:(Sees pink-haired girl with angel wings) Its a girl (Thoughts) I can't help but feel I've seen her before but where? (Outloud) Hey Tomoki let's help her out she looks injured

Tomoki: Don't think about how weird this is the whole mess just thinks of trouble

Tomoki:(Runs away) Run away

- Pillar crashes in front of him-


More pillars continue to fall

Y/N:(Sees Tomoki running away and stares back at the pink-haired Angel girl) There he goes guess it's up to me to help her (runs to the pink haired Angel Girl and puts her arm around his neck while dragging her out of the crater


Tomoki: What the hell is happening (thinks of the pink haired girl) she'll be fine I'm sure of it the chick fell out of the freaking sky without a scratch on her not getting involved no way peace and quiet is the best that's my motto and I'm sticking to it thinks of a pink hair girl again that's it that's what I always say (hand shaking) those are the words that I live by damn itttttttttt!!!!!!

(Runs back to see Y/N pulling the angel girl)

Y/N:(Sees Tomoki running back to him) Tomoki why are you here?

Tomoki: Y/N I'll do it (Takes arm off of Y/N and puts arm around his instead) you stay behind me and get some rest

Y/N: Okay just start moving (Sees Tomoki walking off and follows behind him)

Tomoki: Oh man all I want is to live in peace after this I'm going to go home watch TV and knocked the hell out

(Y/N sees pillar about to crush Tomoki)

Y/N: Tomoki watch out

(Tomoki looks up to see angel wings spread out protecting him stares back at the pink-haired angel)

Pink hair Angel: Begin imprinting process.

(Chain hooks around his right hand while landing on the ground).

Y/N: Runs up to Tomoki and the pink haired angel while exhausted).

Hey are alright Tomoki?

Pink haired angel: It is a pleasure to meet you I am a pet class angeloid (Looks at Tomoki) my purpose is to fulfill your every want and desire you are my master.

Y/N: An Angeloid? (Falls unconscious)

Time skip

-Y/N's Dream-

???? Appears on lush grassy field

A/N: couldn't find picture of the grassy field and imagine Y/N being here instead of Tomoki????: What was once yours has been returned to youY/N: (see blue hair angel) What do you mean?????: You'll find out sooner or later until then take care

A/N: couldn't find picture of the grassy field and imgaine Y/N being here instead of Tomoki

????: What was once yours has been returned to you

Y/N: (see blue hair angel) What do you mean?

????: You'll find out sooner or later until then take care.

Y/N: Hey wait

(Dream ends)


Y/N's house


(Y/N starting to wake up)

Y/N: Oh my head Y/N :(rubs head) Was that the girl Tomoki kept talking about in that appeared his dreams? (Remembers what the angel girl said) What did she mean by that exactly "What was once mine has been returned to me?" ....

(Hear the sound of Flapping Wings))

(Sees he has angel wings) (Flaps wings again) Whatttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y/N: (Stares in shock) I can't believe this I have angel wings (runs and looks in bedroom mirror)

(A/N Hair is Black and Eyes are Purple)

Y/N (Stares in shock) I am not dreaming this real (Thinks about Tomoki and Sohara) What am going to tell Tomoki and Sohara?

(Sees his Black Leather Jacket)

Y/N:Wait (looks at wings) maybe I can hide them under my jacket (looks at my jacket)

Y/N: It should work

-Sohara knocking on the door-

Sohara: Hey Y/N I just wanted let you I got cleaning duty today so I'm gonna head off to school

Y/N: Ok be there in a second Sohara.

(Hears Sohara leave and hurries up and get dressed for school)

-Meanwhile at Tomoki house-

Sohara: Hey Tomo I'm on cleaning Duty I'm going to head off to school get your ass out of bed so you're not late

(Tomoki waking up)

Pink haired Angel: Good morning master

(Tomoki looks at the pink haired Angel sitting close to him and sees her flap her wings)

Tomoki: Oh right I forgot about the wing chick who fell from the sky yesterday

(Sees the pink hair angel crawling to him)

Pink haired Angel: Master please make a command give me any order that will please you anything you desire Angeloids were created for the sole purpose of bringing our masters pleasure it is all we know

(Tomoki stares at her breasts)

Tomoki: So whatever I want?

Pink haired Angel: Yesssss

Tomoki: Your....

Pink haired Angel: My what?

(Tomoki looks away)

Tomoki: Well how about a bunch of cash

Pink haired Angel: You are requesting money?

Tomoki: That was almost weird I was about to get my freak on with an alien creature from space or whatever what's wrong with my head

Pink-haired Angel:(In the background) How many dollars are you requesting Master

Tomoki: Yeah duh if I had that much money I could buy anything I wanted in the whole world(The pink hair Angel pulls out a card)

A/N The card Sohara has in her hand

Pink-haired Angel: Initiating transport (Card changes to a money creator calculator) Pink hair angel (puts 100 billion yen into the calculator)

(Tomoki gets Shocked at what just happened and gets crushed by the hundred billion yen that's falling on top of him seeing that the money that it's real)

Tomoki: You're screwing with my head what is that card thingy let me see it hand over

(Pink-haired Angel gives him the card)

Pink hair angel: In your language is this would be known as a teleportation device teleportation I hear your request and all I need to do is order the required materials from the Synapse

Tomoki: What's the Synapse

Pink Haired Angel: I have no stored information regarding the Synapse those data banks are clear after all I have only just awoken so I am void of much data I am a pet class Angeloid my type is Alpha Ikaros I was manufactured by the synapse for you for your sole pleasure (looks back at the card hears the sound of footsteps running up the stairs and opening the door)

Y/N: Tomoki it's a good thing you're here man listen I got something big to show you( looks at Ikaros that's seeing him) Is that the Angel girl we saw last night?

Ikaros: Master who is he?

Tomoki: This Ikaros is my childhood friend Y/N L/N he's the other person who helped you last night

Ikaros: I see thank for helping me last night

Y/N: Wait what's going on here and why is there a bunch of cash on the floor

-One Explanation later-

Y/N: Oh I get it now I understand what's going on here

Ikaros: Yes it is just like Master describe I am a pet Class Angeloid Type Alpha Ikaros

Tomoki: So what are you doing here anyway Y/N

Y/N:(Remembers the real reason of coming to Tomoki's house)

Y/N: Oh yeah you remember how you keep talking about that blue haired Angel chick that kept popping up in your dreams

Tomoki yeah wait you saw her?

Y/N: Yeah I saw her last night in my dreams and then when I woke up this happened (Takes off the jacket)

Tomoki (Stares in stock) you have angel wings

Y/N: Yeah I know right I had the same reaction when I first saw

Tomoki: Ikaros you know anything about this

Ikaros: I do not as I have previously stated earlier I have just awoken so I am not known to any data regarding the Synapse however all I can verify that he has wings as well

Y/N: So much for that plan so shouldn't we be headed off to school now?

A flower pops on Tomoki's head

Tomoki :I don't care about that noise at school too confusing I have a better idea I want to know what else is Ikaros can do

Ikaros: Anything

Y/N: Anything?

Ikaros: Correct

Tomoki gets a nosebleed while smirking while look at Sohara's window


(Sohara trying to put on her bra)

Sohara: Come on (groans)These stupid things have grown again haven't they? There's no point in them getting big.

Y/N, Ikaros and Tomoki seeing Sohara invisible

Tomoki: Oh yeah being invisible kicks ass

Ikaros: Master why are we here?

Y/N: (Blushes) Really Tomoki Sohara will kill us if she knows we're here

Tomoki: (Ignoring Y/N) Living a man's dream Ikaros that's what we're doing something about men everything comes down to our libidos and food now let's mess with her

(Tomoki walks up to Sohara and grabs her breasts)


(Tomoki laughing and groping Sohara's Breasts)


Scene change while Chibi Tomoki skipping while nosebleeding with Chibi Ikaros and Y/N trying to following him by flying

Tomoki: That was awesome I can't believe I actually got her

Ikaros: Master please explain

Tomoki: That my good Ikaros was punishment punishment for the vicious girl who's always karate chopping me with her stupid hands(cackles)

Ikaros: Punishment?

(Ikaros grabs her right breast)

Y/N: (Following Tomoki and Ikaros while flying) I think I'm starting to get the hang of this

Tomoki: Its time for next one

-Grabs another card-

Tomoki: Transform

(Card changes to a stopwatch that stops time)

Tomoki:(laughs while running naked carrying a pole) while Ikaros and Y/N follow him

Ikaros: Master?

Tomoki: Yes everywhere I want to go is mine the world is mine for the taking let's keep moving

Timeskip to night after Tomoki's perverted antics.

Ikaros: How is your dinner Master

(Shows Chibi Tomoki and Y/N eating meat)

Tomoki: Its lighting up my tastes buds but what is this stuff anyway I never had it before

Y/N: This meat is so good right now I want eat good like food all the time

Ikaros: The card summoned a quantum food changer which transformed the air in such a way Master

Tomoki: Forget about it that crap's way over my head

Ikaros: Do you have any further commands Master?

Tomoki: Not right........now....

(Stares at Ikaros's body)

Tomoki: Cept maybe you stripping?

Ikaros: Alright

Y/N: Hhmmmm?(sees Ikaros starting stand while eating Barbeque ribs)

(Ikaros gets up and starts to strip)

Tomoki: Nononono reel that in seriously I was just kidding it was a joke cancel that order

(Ikaros continues to strip)

(Y/N stops eating and gets a nosebleed while staring in shock holding a Chicken Drumstick)

Ikaros: I cannot cancel orders I was not given capacity for that function

(Ikaros drops her skirt)

(Y/N and Tomoki sees Ikaros walking towards Tomoki)

Ikaros: Do you have any further orders for me?

(Y/N faints unconscious while steam comes out of his head from the pressure)

(Ikaros still walking towards Tomoki naked)

Tomoki: Nonono nothing I can think of in fact I'm exhausted we're done for today we can just pick up the whole thing where we left off tomorrow what do you say that said I'm happy I got to do everything I wanted to I guess the only now on my list is to take over the world (Laughs)


Sohara: Tomo Y/N time to wake up why weren't you both at school yesterday the teacher was pissed you both are in so much trouble today (Banging on the door) open up the freaking door

Tomoki: I heard you ease up (Opens door) What do you what (Sees no one) hey uh Sohara? (Sees a school uniform on the ground) What the heck?

Ikaros: World domination will be complete momentarily Master I activated a world domination program while you slept (Holds up another card)

Tomoki: Don't tell me

(Flips through the TV channels)

Ikaros: According to my research not a single human on planet Earth would recognize you as their supreme ruler if therefore seems the program determine the best course of action was to erase all other humans on a planet from existence

Tomoki: Wait every other human being on the planet

Ikaros: Correct

Tomoki: Can you cancel that

Ikaros: I cannot I was not getting capacity for that function

(Tomoki runs to school during Ikaros explanation)

Y/N: (Opens bedroom door) Hey what's going on here Tomoki Ikaros what's going on?

Tomoki: What the Y/N your still alive how is that possible

Y/N: Yes I'm alive what are you talking about and what's going on

One explanation later

(Tomoki runs to school during Ikaros explanation)

Y/N: Oh I get it now Ikaros I guess since I'm still here its possible the card didn't recognize me as a full human.

Tomoki: Wait here I got to go check something out

(Tomoki runs to school)

Timeskip to Sunset

Tomoki: Is there really no one left on the entire planet aside from us

Ikaros: I apologize master I interpret your statement as an order what do you wish now would it remedy the situation if I destroy myself

Tomoki: Yeah I guess that makes things a lot better

(Ikaros summons a cart and transforms into a gun)

Tomoki: I had enough of this BS

(Ikaros points the gun at her head)

Y/N: So what do we do now Tomoki?

Tomoki: I don't know

Ikaros: Yes Master (About to pull the trigger)

Tomoki:(Grabs Ikaros hand away with the gun and falls on top of her)

Ikaros: Master?

Y/N:(Turns around) Tomoki what the hell?

Tomoki:(Crying and Laughing) I was just kidding it was just a joke you know go ahead and cancel that last order

Y/N: Ikaros was probably taking what you say for real

Ikaros: I cannot cancel an order

Tomoki: Why the hell not you haven't done a single thing wrong you just been falling every stupid order I've spit out come on there's no reason for you to die

Ikaros: I was not giving capacity

Tomoki: I'm begging you to help me mostly everyone left me because of me I don't know what I'm supposed to do don't leave me here all alone I'm on knees cancel that order stay stay with me please

(Ikaros hugs Tomoki)

Ikaros: I will master

Tomoki: I wished this whole mess was nothing but one bad nightmare

-Tomoki Dream-

(Blue haired Angel Appears)

????: Keep your angel treasure her and never part with her not ever

-Tomoki Dream ends-

-Y/N Dream -

Y/N: I'm back here again why

????: Help Tomoki treasure the angel and guide her

Y/N: Wait hold on second I still have a few more questions left to as you

-YN Dream ends-

Time skip

(The next morning)

(Y/N's House)


-Sohara knocking on the door-

Sohara: Hey Y/N I just wanted to let you know that I got cleaning duty today so I'm gonna head off to school

Opens bedroom door

Y/N: Sohara your here I'm glad you're Ok

(Hugs Sohara)

Sohara:(Blushes a little) Of course I'm fine why wouldn't I be

Y/N: Nothing never mind forget I asked

Sohara: Okay? Well I got cleaning Duty so I'm going to head off to school

Y/N: Okay meet you there.

(Sohara leaves and closes the door)

Y/N: If I had to guess who's behind this I have to say Ikaros (Hurries up and gets dressed)

Meanwhile at Tomoki's house

Sohara: Hey Tomo I'm on cleaning duty today so I'm headed off to school get your ass out of bed so you're not late.

Tomoki: Was that some kind of tripped out dream or what I feel all dizzy whoa man I can't even tell which way is up what's my problem

(Ikaros holding a card in her hand)

Ikaros: Are you well this morning Master

Tomoki: You

Ikaros: You wish everything was nothing more than a nightmare so I activated a program that made it all to a dream and return the world to normal

Tomoki: You can actually do that

Ikaros: Did I do bad?

Tomoki: Hell no you did a great thing you're the best ever but to be honest I'm more tired than I've ever been

Ikaros: Pardoned me master is this something you want to stay as part of your dream as well

Tomoki: Is what something?

Ikaros: You told me to stay with you then you said you wanted everything to change back would be better if I remained a part of your dream state

-Tomoki blushes a little-

Tomoki: I think you should do whatever you want Ikaros

Ikaros: Master I do not understand

Tomoki: Do I have to explain everything?

Ikaros holding her chest

Ikaros: No master

Y/N:(Bursts into the door) Hey Tomoki hey guess what everything is back to normal guess you should thank Ikaros huh? Looks at him and Ikaros

Tomoki:(Growls a little) I just want my peace and quiet back!!!!!! Man I too tired for this (Goes back to sleep)

Tomoki:(Voiceover) I say this all the time but the only thing I want in this world is to live a normal peaceful life except there's this chick The Vicious karate chop who's always out to get me....

-scene changes to Sohara gazing out a window

.... and some freak boy who thinks he can fly stressing me out ....

-Scene changes Sugata throwing a paper airplane-

.... and last but certainly not least I got a Ikaros the Girl who fell from the sky and Y/N my most chilled out childhood friend despite him having angel wings like Ikaros its something I'm gonna have to get used to

(Y/N and Tomoki at the cherry blossom tree during the voice over while Ikaros is walking around the field)

Tomoki: And that's how this whole thing began these are days I don't think I'll ever forget

-Title Screen Appears-

Heaven's Lost Property

(Y/N looks at Tomoki and Ikaros while leaning against the tree)

Y/N:(Thoughts) With Ikaros around things are sure going to be lively around here (Looks at Angel wings) it looks like I'm going to have to do some practicing to get used to flying and more importantly find out who that blue hair Angel is and what did she mean by what was once mine has been returned to me I guess all these questions will be answered in due time but for now I think I'm going to enjoy things with Ikaros around

A/N Finally finished with the 1st Chapter leave a like and tell me how well I did in the comments and see ya in the next Chapter

Next Time: Ch 2 An Airborne Prismatic Panty Adventure

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