Nothings Gonna Hurt You Baby...

By cherubkookie

85.2K 3.5K 1.7K

Namjoon brought over another tray of drinks for the table, Seokjin and Taehyung taking theirs happily. Jungko... More



5.5K 202 180
By cherubkookie

hi!!! so this chapter includes a punishment scene !!! warnings for humiliation, choking, face slapping and spanking !!

Jungkook could hardly pay attention to his laptop when Jimin was in front of him. A dance studio wasn't the best environment to revise math notes in, but he couldn't pass up the opportunity when Jimin asked him if he wanted to come to the studio with him. While they didn't hang out often, the occasions steadily grew until their time spent as friends was more frequent than their scenes. On the days they couldn't see each other they'd text, whether it was Jungkook sending him pictures of Taehyung embarrassing himself or Jimin talking about something funny that happened at Persona, they always kept in contact. Which is how Jungkook ended up fantasising about Jimin's abs instead of completing his classwork.

Jimin was always dressed rather modestly, never (intentionally) showing off his figure, but today was different. His stomach was on full display as he danced, a tiny black crop top stopping right at the middle of his torso. Jungkook had been right in his suspicions that Jimin was soft all over, his balanced curves rivaling what would be considered a woman's "ideal" body. But he hadn't expected to see the muscles that flexed and glistened with each bend and turn. He definitely hadn't expected to see thick, black ink decorating his ribs.

Nevermind , it said, in jagged letters. The english word was a stark contrast against his demure appearance. It wasn't his only tattoo, however. Two dainty words were inked onto the back of his arms, "Young Forever" it said, Jungkook found it more than endearing. He even tells him so as he walks over to grab a drink of water.

"I got it when I was far less mature." Jimin remarked back, a nostalgic smile on his lips as he wiped the sweat from his brow and sat the water bottle down. "But I still think it's a good message."

"What do your parents think of it?" Jungkook questioned, half out of sheer curiosity and half wanting to see if he was worth getting the same reaction from his own parents. He'd always liked the idea of going under a tattoo needle.

"The same thing they think of me dominating people for money." He replied with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Nothing, because they don't know."

Jungkook eventually closed his laptop, accepting the fact that he could never get anything done with Jimin dancing around. He was told that in addition to getting paid, Jimin could also use the studio for his own dance since he taught. Watching Jimin leap and twirl and fall to the ground gracefully captivated Jungkook. The blonde danced with every inch of his body, from the delicate curl of his fingers all the way down to the straining arch of his foot.

Jungkook was interested in hip-hop, the kind of breakdancing that Hoseok did, the kind of dance that he saw on the streets of Hongdae when he first moved to Seoul. While he'd seen videos Namjoon had taken of the two dancers doing their fair share of that, he hadn't realised how amazing of a dancer Jimin was when he was in his comfort zone of contemporary. He moved like magic, his feet barely grazing the ground. Jungkook felt captivated watching him.

The dancer landed on his knees, his back moving up and down with each labored breath before he relaxed into his position, whipping his hair back as he looked at Jungkook with a faint smile. Sweat glistened against his showing skin and he rested his hands on his bare waist.

"What?" He questioned him before he gracefully stood, his bare feet padding against the wooden floor as he took slow strides towards Jungkook. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You're beautiful." The younger replied, unable to hold back his honesty.

The two men stared at each other for a moment, Jungkook looking up at him with wide, amazed eyes. Even though Jimin was no longer moving, he couldn't take his eyes off of him. There was something enchanting about him. The curve of his hip, or the plushness of his lips, his strong arms and thighs, the way a flicker of his eyes could ignite every emotion in Jungkook, all at once. He walked into a room and it was like all of the oxygen went with it, as if everything in the universe belonged to him and him alone. It's as if he was the universe, or at least to Jungkook he could be.

"That's gay." Jimin remarked, his once pensive expression cracking into faux amusement. His smile told him that he knew he hadn't meant to say it out loud. Jungkook took the out and bursted into laughter that was only partially forced.

He held a hand out, the younger taking it easily as he was pulled to his feet and Jimin draped his dance bag over his shoulder.

"How do you have the confidence to wear stuff like that?" Jungkook blurted out, looking down to Jimin's toned stomach. The dancer looked down, rubbing a hand over his abs and shrugged.

"I used to be really self conscious when I was a lot more fit than this. Once I became more confident in myself as a person, being confident in my body just followed."

The two men walked down the hall together and Jungkook could feel his mood sour a bit at the lingering stares that followed. Whether they were wanton, or judgmental he didn't want them anywhere near the blonde. But despite being obvious, Jimin didn't seem to mind the stares. He just reached in his bag for his sunglasses and put them on his face before he turned his head to his friend as they walked into the parking lot.

"Are you excited for tonight? First field trip as my sub?" He questioned, voice casual as if he were discussing the weather. Jungkook's cheeks flushed as he got into the older man's car and he shrugged.

"Yeah, I'm nervous though."

"Oh don't be! It'll be great, and I'll be right there." Jimin soothed as he pulled the car out. He was always attractive when he drove, with one hand as always. His other was always resting in his own lap, tapping to the beat on his thigh of the song playing. Sometimes Jungkook fantasized that it was on his thigh, grabbing and scratching over the fabric of his jeans. He thought about Jimin slipping his deft hands past the waistband to stroke him, and how he would order Jungkook to stay quiet and still so he could focus on the road.

In his weakest moments though, he thought about that hand in his own. The warm tenderness of their palms clasped together as Jimin drove down the streets of Seoul, his thumb brushing delicately against the back of Jungkook's hand. He tried not to think about that fantasy very often, and he never said it out loud.

As they became closer, Jungkook really began to look up to him. He was so good to him, too. Jimin was always the definition of kindness, whether it was his endless patience with him or the gentle push he gave when Jungkook was obviously too in his head. But above all else, he made him happy. Which is something Jungkook hadn't let himself be in a very long time.

"What is your opinion on road head?" Jungkook blurted out, attempting to fill the silence. Immediately he regretted it, covering his face with his hands when he heard Jimin's loud laughter. Mortification coursed through his veins.

"Are you offering?" Jimin settled on, raising a brow as he looked over at him. He lifted his hand from his thigh and flexed his fingers to beckon the brunette closer teasingly. "It's all yours, come and get it."

Arousal hit his lower stomach as he looked at the smug expression that covered Jimin's face, as if he was daring him to actually do it. He wondered if this was within the bounds of their agreement or if this was outside of their roles. Technically they weren't in a scene, but could be, couldn't they? He couldn't help but be curious of how Jimin was in bed, if he took a leading role even when he wasn't dominating someone or if he would ever allow his partner to take the reins if it was vanilla.

He was willing to bet his entire life savings that Jimin would still end up barking orders. It was just so natural for him to take control. Jungkook even noticed it in their friendship, Jimin's stern gaze when he offered to pay or telling Taehyung where to sit during their movie nights. It was Jimin's world, everyone else was just living in it.

Jungkook could already feel his mouth begin to salivate at the idea of getting a taste of Jimin's cock. He glanced to the hand that fell from where it was gesturing towards his crotch and nearly whimpered at the sight of the familiar set of rings on his fingers. He could just feel those ring clad fingers tangling themselves into his hair, pushing him farther and father down until he felt the burn in the back of his throat and he stained the man's pants with a mixture of tears and spit.

Jimin was still glancing at him mischievously, like he knew exactly how flustered he was making him, which he probably did. Jungkook refused to allow him the satisfaction. He shook his head, his black hair falling into his face slightly. He pushed it back and spread his legs in his seat, holding back a smirk when Jimin's eyes followed the action.

"I think if I'm sucking your cock, you should put me on my knees properly Hyung. "

Jimin's eyes shot up to his before hastily looking at the road, his hand tightening around the steering wheel. He cursed under his breath, a habit that was rare for him outside of a scene, Jungkook noticed.

"Well I think you're testing me." He replied, his voice tight. "I'll add that to the agenda of our next scene."

Jungkook smiled in self satisfaction but there was still a small part of him that wanted to kick and scream and stomp his foot. He wanted to say fuck the scene , he was willing to submit to Jimin any time of the day. He wanted him to order him to sit back and shut the fuck up then drag him into his apartment and be brought down to the ground before they went to Persona. As time was going on he was beginning to regret telling him that he didn't want to train 24/7. He enjoyed their friendship, of course he did, but he couldn't help but think how much more he'd enjoy it if he was being bossed around and humiliated.

They pulled into the parking lot of Jimin's apartment building, the older man giving him a grateful smile when Jungkook grabbed his dance bag for him. He secretly preened at being put to use like that, taking quiet pleasure in the fact that his muscles were good for something. He thought back to how Jimin had admired him when he carried boxes in for the fundraiser at the club. It was so long before they got their shit figured out, the first time that Jungkook allowed himself to indulge.

Jimin turned on his TV once they got into the apartment, knowing Jungkook would want to watch it as he walked into his bathroom for his shower. The brunette lounged on the couch, rubbing his green socks together as he allowed himself to become comfortable on the cream colored sofa. He was working on becoming more comfortable in other people's spaces, Jimin's home had once seemed too curated, neat, for him to even exist in. It was still just as bare of personal belongings as it had always been but he found comfort in the smell of sandalwood, the scent of the candle Jimin always seemed to have lit.

He allowed his eyes to lower until they were nearly half-shut, sleepy from his classes and working on different technology for people. He knew that if Jimin saw him like this he'd be scolded and fussed over, told that they could stay in instead of going to Persona and that he should be sleeping earlier. Jungkook, ever the introvert, would normally jump at the opportunity to stay home. Especially alone with him, but they hadn't been to Persona together since he began training. He loved seeing the dominant in his own environment, his entire demeanor changing into the darker part of himself that no one would guess he had. He couldn't help but be curious on how that'd change their dynamic. The thrill that zipped down his spine when Jimin whispered in his ear their last visit there together was enough to convince him to go again.

"Jungkookie~" Jimin sing-songed as he walked through the hallway, a wave of steam following him.

"Oh." He said, causing Jungkook's eyes to fly open. "Are you tired? We can st-"

"I was just resting my eyes!" He interrupted, ignoring the irritated look on Jimin's face when he did so.

Jungkook had a feeling that "The submissive is strictly forbidden from interrupting the dominant" would be making its way to his rules. It was something he noticed annoyed him, a bad habit that Jungkook had yet to break.

He lifted his head to actually look at Jimin, a lump stuck in his throat. Jimin was dressed in only a towel that he held low on his hips, his entire chest bare and droplets of water falling down his smooth skin. He looked oblivious to the torture he was inflicting on Jungkook's mind and body but he was willing to guess that the man knew exactly what he was doing was was pursuing revenge for what they'd talked about in the car.

Being a horny bisexual teen, Jungkook had thirsted over plenty of his friends. He'd even had sex with a fair amount of them. But none of them held a candle to Jimin. While he had only ever been platonic before having sex with any of his friends, with Jimin it was so different. He was kneeling at his feet and humping his leg one moment and then they would bicker over coffee the next. It nearly gave him whiplash. He couldn't understand people like Taehyung and Hoseok who were able to play with their friends so often, maybe it was because they were straight. That had to be it, lucky heterosexuals.

"Come, I have something for you to wear tonight." The blonde said, his voice firm.

He didn't wait for him to get up before he turned around on his heel, walking down the hall. Jungkook got up and followed slowly behind, trying desperately not to look at the way his ass moved under the towel with each step.

"You know, I do have clothes to wear at Persona." He said with amusement before he looked around at the bedroom he found himself in. He hadn't actually ever seen Jimin's bedroom before. It was neat, like the rest of the apartment, and minimal as well. Jungkook actually considered asking him if he just moved in, the place seemed so impersonal. Of course he didn't have much room to talk, his and Taehyung's apartment was so full of things but none of it felt like home. He just figured since Jimin was the type to bring blankets, and candles, and stuffed animals for his subs that he would have some sort of intimate details of his own home. But instead it looked like it was just straight out of a catalogue. It kind of made him sad.

"And you look great in them." Jimin agreed, tucking the towel in itself so he could flick through the rack of his closet before he tossed a black button up in his direction. "But I would prefer if you wore something of mine. Call me possessive."

Jungkook grasped the fabric in confusion, unable to understand how it set itself apart from any black button down he owned. But as he raised it up to check it's size he caught a glimpse of what the difference was. In delicate stitching was Jimin's name sewed onto the breast pocket with white thread. His face heated up quickly at the idea of himself wearing Jimin's name on his chest.

"I'll let you change." The blonde informed him with a grin as he took his own set of clothes to the bathroom with him. Jungkook took off his own shirt, folding it nicely before sliding on the button up. He smiled faintly at how tight fitted it was, a gentle reminder of how petite Jimin was. His personality often made him seem larger than life and made Jungkook feel smaller than ever, something he liked of course, but he also enjoyed the fact that Jimin was tiny.

His long fingers buttoned up the top with grace, leaving just the top one open. He didn't know how Jimin felt about him showing off his body when he was acting as his dom, considering how reserved the man normally was with his own modesty Jungkook was willing to bet that he wouldn't want much skin to be showing.

He was proven wrong however when Jimin left the bathroom, a cream colored silk shirt adorning his torso with a black harness and frowned at Jungkook's appearance.

"Here, let me." He offered, his hands reaching out to undo the buttons until it reached where his heart laid. "Might as well show you off."

Jungkook blushed something fierce at the action, distracted enough to easily allow Jimin to take his previous shirt from him and toss it in with the rest of his own laundry. Absently he was excited for his shirt to smell like him when he got it back.

When they got to Persona Jungkook could feel the nerves begin to pick at him. As they walked through the back doors Jungkook knew, and had been reminded, that he was to behave as his sub from that moment on. Taehyung watching him submit had been one thing, a brief moment between the men but this, this was a whole new level even if they weren't completing a scene.

"Jimin-Hyung.." He trailed off, voice small as he followed him down the hall.

"Yes, Baby?" Jimin replied looking back at him with a kind smile on his face. Of course he knew that Jungkook was nervous. The gentle voice he used was a tell-tale sign.

"You can say no!" He rushed out, cheeks already beginning to redden. "But do I have permission to hold your hand?"

Jimin stopped walking, turning around fully before he reached down and grabbed Jungkook's hand. He interlaced their fingers together and pressed his plump lips onto the younger's skin.

"Yes you can, thank you for asking. I know you're nervous so you don't need to ask to hold Hyung's hand tonight. Any other touches still need permission though."

"Thank you, Hyung." He whispered out, a smile finally gracing his face. He kept his head down as he was guided to the bar, too nervous to look anyone in the eye now that he was able to be reprimanded for things.

Hoseok was behind the bar, leaning over to flirt with a pretty woman in latex. Her fingers twirled his orange hair and Jimin's eyes rolled at the action. Sensing their presence Hoseok pulled back, giving his signature grin to both of them.

"Jimin! Jungkookie!" He exclaimed, his eyes lingering on the shirt that was draped over the youngest's torso. "Nice outfit."

Jungkook opened his mouth to respond before he shut it abruptly, remembering the sixth rule on his list. He looked over at Jimin who merely waited expectantly for him to ask for permission, his brow raised.

"Hyung, can I speak to Hoseok-hyung?" He asked quietly, demeanor shy.

He was rewarded with Jimin rubbing the back of his neck comfortingly and he preened under Hoseok's nod of approval. He thought the bartender was a great submissive, from what he had seen. He took each moment of pain that Jimin gave him during their scene with ease and didn't even seem to have to think in order to follow the rules. Having his approval made the brunette giddy.

With Jimin's permission he looked back at the faux redhead and smiled.

"Thank you! Jimin-Hyung picked it out for me."

That detail was obvious but he couldn't help but want to puff his chest, proud that his dominant was willing and eager to claim him publicly. He knew it was a safety measure and an effort to probably keep Jungkook in a good headspace but it still made him feel nice.

"Well, you look great. The rest of your hyungs are in the corner booth, unless you're allowed to drink..?" Hoseok replied, aiming his last half of the sentence towards Jimin who shook his head no in response.

"Not tonight." He said, squeezing Jungkook's hand softly before he guided them to the back of the bar area where the rest of their friends were sitting in the round booth, sheltered away from the rest of the guests. Taehyung and Yoongi were already enraptured in a conversation, and Seokjin was sitting sideways on Namjoons lap, the dominants chin resting on his wide shoulder. There was really only one space on the end and as Jimin slid into the booth Jungkook eyed the spot on the ground next to where he was sitting. He wasn't sure if this qualified as a private space where he was expected to kneel, he was told to act as if he was in a scene though, so maybe he should? Outside of the bar area there were plenty of submissives kneeling at their dominants feet.

His internal struggle must have been obvious, the conversation at the table dying down as everyone looked at the submissive expectantly.

"Baby, do you want to sit on Hyung's lap?" Jimin offered, patting his thighs.

"You don't want me to kneel?" He questioned slowly. Jimin ran his thumb over the back of his hand gently.

"Not tonight." He replied with a shake of his head. "It's your first time with me so I want you to sit on my lap instead. Seokjinnie-hyung is sitting on his dom's lap, isn't he?"

Jungkook's eyes flickered to where Seokjin was sitting in Namjoons lap, the dominant making a point to press a kiss to the shoulder his chin was resting on and gave the youngest an encouraging smile. Jungkook wondered if Jimin asked them to sit entangled ahead of time so Jungkook wouldn't feel bad about not kneeling. He decided not to question it, sliding into the dancers lap sideways, mirroring his oldest hyung who reached over to ruffle his hair before Namjoon stopped him with a firm look and a hand on his wrist.

"How are your classes going, Jungkook-ah?" Yoongi questioned, changing the subject as he drank his beer. Jungkook looked at Jimin and the blonde rubbed his back reassuringly.

"You can answer any questions anyone at this table asks you, Baby."

Jungkook nodded happily with the permission he was given and looked back at Yoongi, who was watching the interaction with careful eyes. He'd give any amount of money to know what was going through the man's mind, an unknown emotion flickering over his face before he schooled it into a friendly smile.

"They're going good! My classes have always been pretty easy, I taught myself a lot of the material when I was younger."

"Jungkook built his first computer when he was thirteen!" Taehyung chimed in, looking like a proud parent. Jungkook didn't have the heart to tell him that anyone who was into technology wouldn't be overly impressed by that, he knew many people in his classes who built their own computers. Jimin however looked impressed, his eyes widening as he regarded the younger with a look of near astonishment.

"Really? Did your parents push you to do that?" Namjoon asked, interested.

Jungkook felt rather shy at the question and took a sip of water that sat in front of him before he shook his head, fiddling with the hem of the button up that covered him.

"They're really happy that I knew what I wanted to do since I was younger but they didn't realize how serious I was until after I started fixing things for people in high school. We were just really poor so it was a lot cheaper to collect the parts for a computer over time and build it myself instead of buying one." He looked back up to find not a single judgmental look, Taehyung giving him a soft look in sympathy, being the only one who knew anything about his childhood.

"That's really impressive, I'm sure they're very proud." Jimin praised him, reaching a hand up to ruffle at his black hair.

Jungkook melted under the affection, curling his long torso up so he could fit his body down to rest his head on Jimin's chest. Everyone at the table seemed surprised at the sudden display of softness from Jungkook, far too used to his half replies and reserved demeanor. The dominant holding him only looked more prideful of him, rubbing his back kindly, as if he knew how difficult it was for him to feel comfortable doing that.

Jungkook was widely considered not to be a very tactile person, he never really pursued touch out of fear and was often so shocked when he received it that he didn't know how to respond. Most people took that as a sign he didn't enjoy it, of course there were exceptions like Seokjin and Taehyung, but even they gave affection because it made them feel good. Jimin seemed to enjoy holding and caressing Jungkook as much as they did but there was an underlying factor of him doing it for his comfort. He noticed how Jungkook's eyes would grow heavier when he had a hand in his hair or how he fidgeted less when someone was playing with his fingers. Or even how he only let himself fully relax when he was encased in someone's arms and held tight.

The youngest was brought out of his daze when he heard rapidly approaching footsteps and heard Yoongi groan in disdain. He opened his eyes and took a look where the older dom was looking only to find his sour expression was watching a delicate man walk over, a thick red collar around his neck. It was attached to a leash that was looped around a burly gentleman's wrist and Jungkook's eyes widened as they walked over, the submissive making a bee line for Jimin.

"Jimin-Hyung!" He exclaimed before looking back at his dom with an exaggerated pout. "Can I give Jimin-Hyung a hug? Please~ ?"

The burly looking man expression gave nothing away but he nodded regardless, dropping the leash. The submissive didn't bother asking Jimin for his permission or telling Jungkook to move, simply reaching forward and grabbing him by the shoulders, squeezing tightly with his head rested on his free shoulder. Jungkook leaned back instantly, his back hitting Namjoon's shoulder who he gave an apologetic look to. He didn't like it when strangers got close to him, and considering he was still on Jimin's lap, the man got very close.

"Iseul." Jimin greeted, surprise clear on his face. If Jungkook looked close enough he could see a hint of annoyance as well. "How are you doing? It's been a while since I've seen you here."

"I've been traveling." He said with a coy tone as if he was asking for someone to implore about it. No one at the table did. Yoongi did very little to hide his disinterest, rolling his eyes as he took a sip of his beer.

"Oh!" The man's eyes met Jungkook's as he spoke, surprise lacing his voice as if he was seeing him for the first time. "Who is this?"

"This is Jungkook, he's training to sub under me." He introduced, his chest puffing up slightly as he proudly explained who the man on his lap was. "Baby this is Iseul, he's a former playmate of mine."

Jungkook's eyes widened as he looked from Jimin to the man on the leash. He hadn't met anyone that Jimin played with yet, at least not directly. He'd had his clients pointed out to him every once and a while but it had been implied that Jimin didn't have scenes very often unless it was being paid for or a demonstration. He didn't know how to interact with this man.

Of course he wasn't shocked that he had played with Jimin before, he was stunning. He was petite, even shorter than Jimin and delicate in a way that Jungkook hadn't ever realized he might be envious of. His straight black hair was pushed back and he could recognize the sight of glitter accenting his cat-like eyes. He was fairly androgynous, even feminine. He reminded Jungkook of some sort of pixie. Was this the type of guy that Jimin was into?

He was pulled out of his thoughts as a confused look passed over Iseul's face. His expression twisted up slightly before his eyes dragged up and down his body, but not in the curious or attractive way that Jimin had the first night they met. This was much worse, and it made his stomach churn slightly. He felt like a slab of meat in the worst way possible.

"I thought you'd stopped training submissives." He said, his voice soft in a way that sounded anything but comforting. "And long term partners. Last time I asked if you'd found someone you said it wasn't your thing, too much effort right?"

He could feel Jimin stiffen next to him and Jungkook frowned at the words, looking down at his hands where they began to pick at the fabric of his shirt once again.

Jimin didn't address the comment about effort, much to Jungkook's displeasure. He knew that being too much work or commitment wasn't why he had been told no initially, Jimin even still reassuring him that he wasn't too much that very day. He told him that he didn't train submissives out of fear of getting too attached and jeopardizing what the submissive wanted, of course he believed the man but it still hurt to hear that he might have told someone otherwise.

"Jungkookie is special enough to bring any dom out of retirement." Seokjin injected, shooting Jungkook the kindest of looks. The younger gave him a smile in return, one that seemed to make the older relax enough that even Namjoon didn't scold him for entering a private conversation. The brunette wondered if his discomfort was that obvious.

"I'm sure he is." Iseul agreed even though his expression and his tone of voice made it obvious that he was definitely not believing it. "Why isn't he kneeling always said the best subs stayed by your feet?"

While Jungkook thought he was still being rude, he could see out of the corner of his eye just how hard Taehyung was restraining himself. The rest of the group seemed to be in various levels of shock and even Jimin's eyes widened before he relaxed into his calmer demeanor.

"Iseul, how rude of you. Other people's submission isn't any of your business." The man's dominant remarked. It was the first words Jungkook had heard come from his mouth.

"I didn't mean to be rude..." The submissive said coyly, his expression crumpling slightly before he looked at Jungkook, faux apology written all over himself. "I'm really sorry, Jungkook. I just know how much Jimin-hyung loves it when his subs kneel. It's always a rule of his, I was just about to offer to help you with it!"

Jungkook felt conflicted. On the one hand he really didn't want to disrespect Iseul, he had always been taught to take the high ground. But he also felt threatened by him. He had this condescending aura that drove Jungkook nuts. He knew that he wasn't a good sub yet but he wasn't bad was he?

Jimin opened his mouth to speak on behalf of him but Jungkook beat him to the punch, speaking for himself. "I do kneel, thank you. He asked me not to tonight."

Iseul raised his brows, his lips twitching into a smile and the pouty expression long gone. Jimin focused his submissive with a look of disapproval, patting his thigh gently.

"Baby, you've been doing so well with your rules but we do not speak to people I haven't given you explicit permission to speak to." He reminded him, gentle but his tone was still stern. "This will be your only warning, am I understood?"

Jungkook wilted under the reprimand, nodding. When he looked back up he saw the smug expression on Iseul's face and grew increasingly angry, the frustration overriding the guilt of breaking one of his rules. The man was so cocky, it made his blood boil.

"No verbal response?" Iseul said with disdain, his face pulled into a grimace. Instantly Jungkook's eyes flickered to Jimin, successfully cutting him off before he was about to speak again.

"Did he invent all of your rules for you or something?!" He exclaimed, watching as the rest of the group winced at the scolding that was to come but made no move to look like they disagreed with the sub.

"Darling." Jimin replied warningly, but he was already standing up from his lap and falling down to his knees abruptly. He locked his hands behind his back and stared down at the ground, not even flinching when Jimin stood up.

"What on earth are you doing? I told you I wanted you in my lap." He admonished, and Jungkook could see his ring clad hand form a fist from the side of his eye.

"I'm kneeling, how want me to. I'm not going to speak either, hell maybe I should stop working out and stay on my knees so you think I'm smaller since that's apparently what you like. " He spat out in response, effectively making Taehyung inhale sharply. He knew what he was doing was disrespectful but if following the rules still got him ridiculed then fuck it, at least if he got in trouble it could be chalked down to him not trying.

"Oh my!" Iseul said, amusement laced in his tone. Jimin kept his eyes on his kneeling sub but briefly looked up to make eye contact with the man's dom.

"I sincerely apologize for my submissives behavior tonight, but I am certainly not impressed with Iseul's own behavior."

"Jimin-Hyung-" The collared submissive began to whine out before Jimin raised a hand to silence him, still refusing to speak or look in his direction.

"Persona doesn't take kindly to rude guests, a detail I think he's forgotten in his time away from here. I suggest you discipline him accordingly and leave me to do the same for Jungkook."

Jungkook couldn't see what the man's response was, and didn't hear one but he seemed to agree with Jimin, the sound of Iseul's attempts of an apology as he's guided away from them like music to his ears. Jimin's own voice when speaking to the dominant had been irritated but calm. It was completely void of any strong emotion, as if this was a problem that just needed to be solved with a piece of advice. However his next words to the sub were steely and ice cold with disdain.

"Jungkook, I am giving you three seconds to stand in front of me and explain what the fuck made you think it was okay to act like that."

Jungkook's legs moved before he could think of disobeying, bringing himself up to his feet. He kept his head facing the floor until a harsh grip latched onto his chin and it was lifted to meet Jimin's gaze. The man looked terrifyingly put together, raising a delicate brow.

"Explain yourself."

"He was being mean! I didn't even insult him like he insulted me!" He rushed to defense but Jimin shook his head, the man clearly not satisfied with that answer.

"Don't make your mistakes about him. Why did you do that?"

"Because you didn't do anything! If I had asked you for permission to speak, you wouldn't have given it to me!"

"So what I'm hearing is you just decided to stoop to his level and misbehave because you didn't trust me to handle the situation." Jimin finished for him, his jaw set. "Jungkook, I can't discipline a submissive that doesn't belong to me. Especially one that is accompanied by a dominant who collared them, that's like adults disciplining a child that isn't theirs in a supermarket."

"So you just wanted me to deal with it then." Jungkook assumed, spitting out his words angrily. Tonight was all about proving that he could be a good submissive, but he hadn't realized that was also in the hands of the people around them.

"No." Jimin replied haughtily. "What have I told you about making assumptions? I can't discipline another sub but I can talk to his dominant regarding his manners. However, the moment you spoke out of turn and disobeyed me, I had to correct that first. I can't condemn another submissive's behavior when mine is acting out. I would have never allowed that disrespect from him if you hadn't shown such blatant disregard for our arrangement. What he thinks of you as a submissive is irrelevant, and if you had trusted me I could have handled it as such."

Jungkook rolled his eyes, stepping back with his arms across his chest. He clicked his tongue and shook his head, his black hair falling around his face. "Whatever you say, Jimin-ssi ."

He was acutely aware of the way their friends were staring at them, Seokjin at least attempting to not be listening out of solidarity with the submissive but with how silent the table was, Jungkook knew it didn't matter.

"What the fuck did you just say?" Jimin replied, his voice dropping down and Jungkook could feel his own irritation melting away in favor of nervousness, watching as Jimin stalked towards him.


"I don't want to hear one more word out of you unless I ask for it." He snarled, gripping the submissive harshly by the back of the neck and nearly dragging him out of the bar area.

Thankfully not many people paid them any mind, the sight of someone grabbing someone by the neck as he dragged him down the hall somehow not surprising. Jimin grabbed the keys to his office from his pocket and opened the door before shoving Jungkook inside first. The submissive stumbled forward before finally regaining his balance and rubbed at his tender neck.

"Why are you standing? You wanted to be on your knees so much, so do it." Jimin remarked as he went over to his desk, sitting in his large chair.

He'd never been so casual with Jungkook during a scene, even when he was humiliating him he was being praised. The younger hesitantly lowered himself to his knees, looking at Jimin with big eyes from across the room. The room was silent, and the fact that they were alone was enough to make the confidence from earlier drain out of his body. Distantly he knew that Jimin could have easily handled the conversation had he kept his mouth shut. The dominant was so protective over him, and so mindful, he would have had the perfect words to pacify the situation. But of course Jungkook wasn't used to having someone stand up for him, and it wasn't until recently that he was able to stand up for himself.

"Do you understand why I'm disappointed in you?" The dominant asked, cool as ever where he sat. Jungkook cursed the part of his brain that didn't seem to care that he was in trouble, the thought of how attractive Jimin looked going on in a loop.

"Yes, Hyung." He replied quietly, blood going cold when he heard the chilling laugh Jimin gave in response, the sound void of any actual amusement.

"Oh so now you want to address me properly." He responded dryly before he beckoned him over with a finger. Jungkook made a move to stand up and walk over but with one single glare he realized he was meant to crawl.

The hard concrete floors made his knees scream in protest but he slowly shuffled his way over to the dominant until he reached his feet, taking his lower lip between his teeth.

"First, you spoke to someone I didn't give you permission to speak to. You interrupted me to do so, you got on your knees when I told you I wanted you in my lap, and you talked back to me in front of others. Then when I try to correct that behavior you make it worse for yourself by rolling your eyes at me, sassing me and not referring to me by my title. Am I missing something?"

Jungkook shook his head, his gaze falling down with every word until his eyes were trained on the dominants shoes. "No, that's all Hyung."

"Then you understand that you're being punished." Jimin finished for him and Jungkook gave his verbal response of yes.

"Stand up." He ordered and Jungkook did so. The dominant stood up as well, reaching out to unbutton his button up from the submissive's torso before tossing it to the other side of the room. "You don't deserve to wear my name after that little stunt."

Jungkook couldn't hold back the whimper that fell from his lips at that, feeling shame encapsulate his entire body. He knew the man was disappointed in him and somehow that was even worse than the anger, he was disappointed in himself too.

"What is your color?"

"Green, Hyung." He replied, mentally reprimanding himself when he heard how watery it sounded, the tears already gathering in his eyes.

"Good, if that changes at any point you have to tell me. That rule is far more important that any you've broken tonight, okay?"

Jungkook agreed, the reassuring words cutting him even deeper. Even when Jimin was upset with him he was caring. He felt so embarrassed and ashamed for disrespecting him like that, he was the best dom that he could have asked for.

A small hand pushed at his lower back until he was bent over the desk, his breath hitching and a single tear falling onto the wood. Jimin's hands reached around him to undo the buckle of his jeans, peeling them down until they sat at his knees, his red briefs the only fabric covering his ass.

"I'm going to spank you thirty-five times. The seven instances that you disobeyed me or broke a rule times the five friends who you embarrassed with your insolence. The first ten will be over your underwear and then I'll take those off. What is your color?"

"Green, Hyung." He granted him permission and braced himself for the first smack.

He heard the sound of jimin's rings being put on the desk and opened his eyes to find them right in front of his face, causing him to hold back a whine. Jimin rubbed over his ass, squeezing and massaging at the area before he raised his hand and landed it down on his left cheek. Jungkook squirmed only to be pinned down by the back of his neck by the dominant's free hand. It hadn't actually hurt as bad as he thought it would but it definitely wasn't pleasant. The dull sting zipped through him and he was hardly able to muffle his whines as a round of three smacks rained down on his body.

"We've barely started and you're already crying like a bitch." Jimin spat, letting out a huff. "Fucking pathetic."

Jungkook's eyes squeezed shut at that, unable to fight off the arousal that coursed through his body. He should be pissed, and disgusted at the treatment. He was ashamed, he was willing to admit but that only made the heat in his groin grow stronger.

Six more smacks and he fell lax against the wood when he felt the blonde step away only to let out a cry when the fabric of his underwear brushed over his already tender ass, his feet flying up to dangle in the air.

"Hyung it hu-urts!" He exclaimed, covering his cheeks with his hands in a vain attempt to stop the punishment.

"That's the point. Dumb sluts like you never learn unless they're in pain." Jimin sneered, causing Jungkook to pant against the desk.

Suddenly the hand on his neck was replaced over his wrists, lifting them to the middle of his back harshly where he cried out, Jimin's short nails digging into the delicate skin. He felt his body freeze up when the warm heat of the blonde's body was draped over his back, plush lips pressed to his ear.

"Don't ever fucking cover yourself like that again. You're mine to do with as I please, if I want to spank your ass raw I will. I know you think you're big and strong but you are nothing but a bitch to me."

The submissive lost it at that, going limp where he laid as if those words tore out the last remainder of his strength. The moan that left his lips was nearly pronographic and he could feel the older man smirk at it against his ear. He stood up straight and began to spank him properly, ignoring all of the cries and moans that followed.

Jungkook didn't have the strength to squirm away like he previously attempted to, his brain was void of any thoughts and he only seemed to live for the blistering heat each spank brought him, ignorant to even the drool that fell from his lips and onto the desk.

Sometime after he lost count he felt the hands on his wrist pull him back until he was standing, swaying clumsily against Jimin's chest with his clothes around his knees.

"There we go," Jimin cooed with faux softness. "All it took was a little beating to put my toy back in its place."

Fuck if that wasn't hot. Its place. As if he wasn't even human, but instead just a possession of the man's. The rational part of Jungkook's brain would normally argue against that, or at least pretend to not be interested in such a notion but that part of his brain was nowhere to be found. Instead it was replaced with Jimin.

"Hmm.. now that Jungkookie knows where he belongs, I think it's time we address that filthy mouth." He remarked, as if he were talking to someone else, and as if he hadn't just called him a dumb slut with his own.

Suddenly he felt a pressure behind his knees, distantly recognizing it as Jimin's leg as he was lowered to kneel. His head felt heavy as he leaned it back, looking up at his dominant with a dazed expression.

"Oh, I spanked you stupid didn't I?" Jimin said with a dark smile, the familiar look of something sinister painted on his face. It was a look he had only caught glimpses of during scenes, but here it was in full on mode.

He sat back in his chair, his hands rubbing over the leather before he reached out to fist a hand in Jungkook's hair and pulled him over, ignoring the cries of pain that he gave. Jungkook stumbled, the clothing around his legs making it even harder to move when pulled. He landed face first into Jimin's groin, letting out a whimper when he felt the press of his hard cock against his cheek. He looked up at the blonde with heavy lidded eyes only to be met with a low chuckle.

"I think I found a good use for that mouth of yours. Maybe I'll train your throat until you know that's all it's good for."

Jungkook let out a moan at that and watched with wanton as Jimin undid his pants, and pulled his hard cock out. While Jungkook had always wondered if he would have a small cock(have you seen his hands? Or his cute little feet?) he definitely felt nervous to suck him off as he watched him stroke himself. He wasn't frighteningly big like Taehyung(sharing an apartment leads to very unfortunate cases of nudity) and he had sucked off guys who were bigger, he most certainly wasn't lacking, and Jungkook knew he would be granted no mercy after his behavior.

"Don't look so shy, you wanted me to put you on your knees to suck me off didn't you?" He teased before he gripped Jungkook by the chin. "What's your color?"

"Green, Hyung." He stated breathlessly and Jimin nodded in approval before he held him tightly by the jaw and slapped his hard cock against his cheek. Jungkook's already pink skin flushed even further at the mortifying treatment, only to feel the stab of arousal growing twice as strong. Jimin tapped the head of his cock against Jungkook's spit slick lips before pushing it past them abruptly, The younger's hands flying up to brace themselves on his thighs.

"Put your fucking hands behind your back before you land yourself in more trouble." He gritted out and the submissive's hands instantly went into position, gripping his own wrists tightly to hold back.

"God, look how good this mouth is when it's not being disrespectful." Jimin sighed, as if that's all he was, a mouth.

He pushed in further and his hand that was on his jaw took hold in his hair, helping Jungkook bob his head down. The submissive swirled his tongue around the shaft of his cock, mentally noting the way it made the man groan out. He hummed happily around the dick, the mixture of pain from his ass and the hand in his hair only elevating his pleasure at getting Jimin off. He wanted desperately to touch his own groin but he wasn't willing to wager whatever punishment that would land him, he could focus on Jimin.

"This is what you wanted all along wasn't it? Is that why you acted out? So Hyung would shove his cock down your throat? Is that how much of a whore you are?"

They both knew that the words being said weren't true but Jungkook moaned around his cock regardless causing Jimin's hips to stutter up with a groan. He gagged slightly and Jimin pulled out, a trail of spit connecting the head of his dick to Jungkook's puffy lips. The dominant lowered his hand to wipe the saliva from his lips across the boy's cheek, the submissive swaying with the rough treatment, tears mixing with his own drool as he was turned into such a mess.

"That's my boy." Jimin praised, his other hand cupping his cheek to hold his head still. The spit soaked palm was raised before it landed across his face. Jungkook cried out, fat tears rolling down his cheeks steadily now and his hips jumped up at the action. "I wanna mess you up so badly, fuck you stupid."

"Ple-Please!" Jungkook hiccupped, looking up at the dominant with wide, pleading eyes.

"Oh no, after your behavior earlier I don't think you deserve to get fucked." He replied.

Jungkook could cry. Or at the very least cry more than he was now. He had been so naughty earlier, he was so disrespectful and he embarrassed his hyung. He knew that he didn't deserve to get fucked, especially when he was so bad. But he wanted it. He wanted to push Jimin back in his seat and ride him, make the man lose his mind like he lost his.

Jimin landed another cruel slap to his cheek, the wet skin turning red from the abuse. Jungkook watched with wide eyes as the dominant stood up and gripped the back of his head, fingers tangling themselves in his hair. The burn of his scalp as he was tugged backward were almost too much. His teary eyes looked up at the man pleadingly, his mouth slack and half open.

"Hyung is gonna fuck your throat now, okay? Can you show me what green looks like when you can't speak?" Jimin requested, nodding in approval when he received three little taps on his thigh. "Good boy, what's your color?"

"Green!" Jungkook exclaimed, followed by another three little taps.

Jimin then pushed his hips forward, effectively shoving his cock down the submissive's throat with a groan. Jungkook's eyes watered even more, making his sight blurry, much to his own displeasure. He wanted to see the sweat roll down Jimin's forehead and the blissed out expression on his face. But instead he tried his best to focus on not choking as his head was pushed down.

The blonde pumped his hips in and out of his mouth, his pace steadily rising until he was pushing his cock further and further down his throat.

"Fuck, you look so good with your lips wrapped around my cock." He praised him.

Jungkook let out a hum at the praise, his hips grinding against nothing but air. Jimin seemed to notice the movement and rested his dress shoe against his groin, cursing when he felt the vibrations of Jungkook's moan course through his cock. He pressed down painfully against Jungkook's erection, the man thrusting his hips up to meet the contact despite the painful pressure it brought with him.

With each thrust drool continued to gather at the sides of his mouth and drip down his chin. His teary eyes squeezed shut when he felt both hands on the back of his head, pushing and pushing down until his nose hit Jimin's groin. He gagged wetly, trying desperately not to make himself sick but Jimin kept his grip tight, groaning as his torso folded over with pleasure. He gave short thrusts, only pulling his dick out less than an inch before shoving it back in and continuing the assault on the poor submissive's throat.

Despite the rough treatment Jungkook continued to hump against Jimin's shoe, too caught up in his own final chance of pleasure to ever consider pulling off of his cock. He knew that Jimin was close, he had to be. With every spasm of Jungkook's throat around his cock he gave a curse, he questioned if the man would even care if he threw up.

"God I'd kill to keep you like this, on your knees just waiting to get your mouth fucked. It's all that brats like you a fucking good for, anyways."

His voice was shot, almost like he was the one who had been on his knees. Jungkook shivered at the words, trying desperately to focus on breathing through the abuse of his mouth. With another extra deep thrust he let out a near cry around the cock, his hands flying up to prepare himself to pull off. Jimin seemed to slow down at that but with three little taps indicating that he was green the man was back to his punishing pace and Jungkook locked his hands behind his back.

"Just you fucking wait Kook, before you know it I'm going to own both of your holes. Then i'll own every part of you, serving me will be the only thought your fucked out brain has."

Jungkook could picture it, what he said. It was fucked up but he wanted that to a certain degree. He could see himself changed up and owned, his only purpose being to pleasure Jimin whenever the man asked. The idea of staying on his knees for the man forever didn't scare him, it thrilled him. He was tired of thinking for himself, doing for himself. Jimin would take such good care of him.

Jimin suddenly pulled out and away, causing the submissive to fall forward. His hands stayed behind his back as he slumped forward until his face hit the floor, coughing wetly and inhaling every bit of air he could get. He looked up at Jimin with wide, wet eyes, his face utterly destroyed. It was a mix of tears, snot, saliva and precum spread across his face, his cheeks ruddy and his mouth hung open. If he was in his normal headspace he might have the decency to feel ashamed of the state he was in, but with how Jimin looked at him in utter astonishment he never felt more beautiful.

Jimin got down on one knee, watching with a sinister sort of pleasure as Jungkook's big eyes only grew in size with anticipation for what was to come. He grabbed the young man by the throat, causing Jungkook to let out a pitiful whimper and began to fist his own spit soaked cock. Jungkook's eyes zeroed in on the action, licking his red lips as if he was holding himself back from choking himself on it again.

After a few moments the blonde came with a groan, his sticky white come painting all over the submissive's face. He withered against the floor, whining out pathetically. Jimin released his hard grip on his throat and instead went to the mess that decorated his face, gathering the come on his fingers and shoved them past the boy's lips. Jungkook's eyes abruptly opened as he moaned around the fingers and shut his mouth, sucking off the fluid before he sank back against the cold concrete.

"What do we say after punishments Baby?" Jimin reminded him, tone gentle as he pulled his fingers out of his mouth.

"Thank you, Hyung." He replied, wincing at the sound of his own wrecked voice but melting into a sated smile regardless.

Later, when they got back to Jimin's apartment the older man insisted that he give him a bath, saying he wasn't going to settle for the typical cuddle after a shower like he normally would. Jungkook felt like it should be more awkward having your friend lean over the tub and wash your hair but as they both filled the bathroom with quiet laughter, it didn't feel that way. Jimin was still in his clothes from the club, his button up sleeves rolled up to his elbows as he filled a cup with water and covered Jungkook's eyes.

"Head back, Jungkookie."

The younger boy obeyed and allowed the man to rinse out the conditioner from his hair. He felt the strange urge to cry, but not in the way he did when he was overwhelmed or upset or in the middle of a scene. It just made his heart ache when he realized he couldn't remember the last time someone pampered him like that. He always felt like Jimin was taking care of him, even on their vanilla days, but this was another level. He couldn't believe he was being treated so kindly in general, let alone after how he acted that night.

"Hyungie, I'm so sorry." He whimpered out pitifully, tears streaming down his clean face. Jimin instantly dropped the cup into the water and went to wipe them away, shaking his head.

"Jungkook, no." He protested, a small pout on his own lips. "All is forgiven, okay? That's why we have punishments, so you can deal with the consequences of your actions and then move on. I don't want you walking around feeling bad when you have already made it up. I've forgiven you and now it's time you forgive yourself."

With each gentle reassurance Jungkook found his sniffles dying down and he simply nodded, sinking down into the warm water as the blonde scrubbed at his skin until it was slightly pink and smelled of vanilla. He tried not to stumble into him when he was helped out of the tub and dressed into Jimin's pajamas(a pair which the man claimed were his softest), the feeling of his warm hands dressing his body enough to make his eyes grow heavier.

Jimin kept him awake though, just long enough to eat and write in his black journal for the scenes. They only talked once they were snuggled up in bed together, Jimin spooning him from behind as he talked about Iseul. He kept it brief saying he was the first and only person he ever trained besides Jungkook, and that their arrangement hadn't ended as well as the rest of his former partners. He also listened intently when Jungkook spoke about the feeling of inadequacy he felt when the man criticized him and how after the second reprimand he felt like if he couldn't be good he might as well be bad, at least then Jimin's attention would be on him.

The dominant cuddled even closer after that, and rubbed at the soft expanse of Jungkook's tummy as he hummed a lullaby to the boy, promising him that he was already the best sub and person that he could ever ask for. Before Jungkook could overthink the meaning of those words he was being pulled into his dreams. 

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