The Diamond Dragons (OC'S Sto...

Door TheHotPinkNinja

429 37 33

Skeletons, snakes, stone warriors, evil nindriods, snake loving cult, ghosts, pirate genies, twins trying to... Meer

🐉💎 The Pilot Season 💎🐉
🐉💎The Diamond Dragons 💎🐉
Part 1- Way Of The Ninja
Part 2 - The Golden Weapon

Part 3 - King Of Shadows

136 5 2
Door TheHotPinkNinja

Chaper 3

Now with The Scythe Of Clouds in their possession, the ninja along with Sensei Wu are now drifting their way through The Crystallized Frozen Wasteland on their way to retrieve The Shurikens Of Crystals.

Jade Walker sighed out of boredom before taking a quick look around and said, "I spy something white." For what felt like the hundredth time this evening.

Much to the annoyance of the team leader, Ceil Brookstone who doing all she could the cover-up her annoyance as she continued to steer the ship. She took a deep breath in before facing Jade and said, "Could you try and be quiet for once? This ain't easy," As she took one hand off the steering wheel.

The ship rattled vigorously before coming to a stop moments later. Both ninja heard a sound like a crack. This action caused Jade to look down and said, "Haha, I spy something broken." As she smirked from under her hood.

The sound of the others laughter did not sit well with the team leader as she narrowed her eyes giving the pink ninja a stern look before going back to guiding them to their next destination. 

The pink ninja rolled her eyes at the team leader before she looked up and decided to watch the snow fall.

Kiara Smith shivered from the back of the ship and spoke, "If-f Sensei knows the way to the next golden weapons, then why isn't he steering the ship? We've been drifting aimlessly for miles." She stuttered only for a moment as she rubbed her hands together trying to keep warm before throwing her arms up in frustration, as she was growing very impatient with the long voyage ahead.

Alice Frost continued to watch the snow fall before she turned around and faced the red ninja and spoke, "Sensei's wisdom is beyond on my own." In her usual wise tone of voice before glaring at their master, who stood at the head of the ship.

 Sensei Wu turned around and said, "The most powerful move in Spinjitzu can only be accomplished. When all four elements are combined." He spun in the air before landing in front of his two students and said, "Earth, Ice, Fire, Lightning." As he showed them the much-needed positions to form the Tornado of Creation.

Jade couldn't help but overhear this and out of curiosity she walked up to stand in front of her master as she leans against the boat and asked, "What exactly happens when all four elements are combined like that?" As she cocked her left eyebrow at her master.

Sensei Wu said, "The Tornado of Creation. The power to create something...." He rubbed his hands together until a glass of tea finally appeared. "Out of nothing." He replied before taking a sip of the cup of warm tea. 

Seeing this Kiara decided to give it a try as she made her way through the formations only to be stopped by Sensei Wu who said, "No Kiara, if done incorrectly. It will lead to disastrous consequences." In a scolding tone of voice. 

Kiara did another spin before facing Sensei Wu and said, "Disastrous consequences. Ha, yeah right." In a mocking tone of voice before doing another spin.

Suddenly the ship made contact with the icy land and instantly froze the ship upon impact. This made Kiara to fall and the others to sway. 

Ceil removed her hand from the wheel of the ship and said, "Uh, it wasn't me." Shrugging her shoulders. 

Kiara looked around before she asked, "Did I do that?" She looked at her hands in confusion. 

Sensei Wu turned away from the red ninja as he made his way towards the front of the ship and said, "No, we are here."

The Frozen Wasteland....

The Ninja soon made their way through The Frozen Wasteland, arriving at the crystallized cavern that held The Shurikens Of Crystals. 

They couldn't help but look around but then something caught the eye of their leader, who said, "Wow, it looks like somebody already been here." As she pointed at the skeleton. 

Jade laughed and said, "Haha Ceil, I didn't know you had family here." In a mocking tone of voice. 

This annoys the leader, who was in no mood for the pink ninja's smart remarks and said, "Can it, Walker." In a slightly annoyed tone of voice.

This did not go unnoticed by Jade who snapped back with "Bring it on, Cake Kong" In an angry tone of voice. She cracked her knuckles, before making her way over to the team leader.

Ceil said, "With pleasure, Thief." She took a few steps herself before coming face-to-face with the pink ninja. 

Kiara took a moment to glare over her shoulder at the two older Ninja before shaking her head and thought to herself, 'Ha, what idiots.' As she continued to follow behind Alice who led the way to the location of The Shurikens Of Crystals.

Alice suddenly stopped right in her tracks. She lifted her head to look at the site of The Shurikens Of Crystals. She stared at them only for a moment before narrowing her cyan eyes that were now locked onto the Shurikens. 

Alice's voice was practically no more than a whisper as she spoke, "The Shurikens." In a low tone of voice, but just loud enough to get the attention of the other three Ninja.

Jade and Ceil soon pulled away from one another, instantly ending their fight as they followed behind Kiara who now stood just behind Alice. 

Alice kept her cyan eyes locked onto the shurikens as she spoke, "Sisters, I require your assistance." The others didn't waste any time as they lifted their Crystal Sister from the ground until she was in range of reaching the shurikens.  

Alice extended her arm until the shurikens were now in her possession, but just then The Shurikens Of Crystals surprisingly froze her upon her touch trapping the turquoise ninja within a solid block of ice.

Suddenly, The Crystallized Cavern started to violently shake around the ninja as shards of ice fell from the ceiling. A vile "Roaaaarrrr" filled the cavern making the three ninja quickly look up as fear starts to fill their eyes as the ice dragon launched towards them, causing them to run as they screamed in terror. The crystal dragon charged from behind them just as they barely made the exit, the ice dragon getting caught within the exit letting out a frustrating roar.

The ninja soon dropped the block of ice that held the turquoise ninja with it before using it as a means to escape. Sliding down an icy path before they making contact with the wall. The ice that held the frozen Alice shattered, soon freeing her from the crystallized ice prison that once held the turquoise ninja. The other ninja soon collapsed on top of Alice.

The ninja took a moment to gather themselves as they growled in pain. Sensei Wu soon came over and handed the map off to Jade. She took her left hand and guided it along the paper before pointing at the location of The Nunchucks Of Lightning.

She looked at her teammates and said, "Let's do this, Ninja." She narrowed her electric blue eyes before boarding the ship. Heading off to the next destination being.... 

The Flooting Ruins....

The ninja approached the base of the tower and watched as lightning strikes and danced around it. The very energetic and impatient, Jade, wasted no time, quickly climbing the chain that led to the top of the tower. 

The other Ninja soon followed behind their teammate, making their way to the top of the tower.The ninja soon stopped halfway up the tower to rest. Alice glanced from over the edge of the tower and saw the skeletons quickly closing in and said, "We are being followed." In a worried tone of voice, turning back to face the other ninja.

This did not set well with Jade as she quickly climbed the chain making her way to the top of the tower, before yelling, "Let's go, slowpokes!" In a impatient tone of voice. 

Jade smirked as she reached the top of the tower, and there floating in mid-air were The Nunchucks Of Lightning that we're now reflecting in the pink ninjas electric blue eyes.

She took that moment to bask in the weapons glory before tightening her grip on the edge of the tower. As she swung her legs over the base and doing a forward flip. She quickly grabbed the nunchucks that were originally suspended in mid-air and said, "Ha, I got it!" In a satisfied tone of voice.

Jade turned around and made her way to the edge of the tower as lightning strikes the tower once more, as a fairly new but familiar sound filled the air. Jade turned her head and took a quick glance over her left shoulder just in time to see a lightning dragon "Roaaaarrrr!" It yelled, just inches away from the pink ninja.

Jade said, "Dammit." Before doing a forward flip off the edge of the tower before activating her glider making her way to safety in The Forest Of Tranquility.

The other ninja soon caught sight of Jade gliding away towards the forest. The lightning struck the tower, getting their undivided attention as their eyes soon met the lightning dragon who let out another vile, "Roaaaarrrr!" The ninja took this as a sign to escape. They released their grip from the tower and activated their gliders making their way to the forest.

Samukai laughed as he watched the ninja make their escape, for only he knew what lied ahead for the ninja. 

In The Forest Of Tranquility....

That night the ninja celebrated collecting three of the four golden weapons as they danced to the rhythm of Ceil's drumming. Jade and Kiara continued to dance to the rhythm of the music, but soon stopped to look after their master who seemed to be meditating to try and hide his frustration from his young students.

Kiara couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at her master's actions before saying, "Come on, come on Sensei. Join us." As she tried to lighten their master's mood.

But this only seemed to make Sensei Wu's mood worse for a split second. He quickly turned his head to look at Kiara and said, "There is still one weapon left. We must get our sleep." In a frustrated tone of voice, before returning to the meditating position.

Jade rolled her eyes at Kiara's failed attempt to lighten their masters mood, and decided to take a shot at it herself and said, "Sensei, you've got to admit we're kicking their bony butt." In a somewhat convincing tone of voice. She grinned before punching the air around her, showing off some of her moves.

Kiara quickly caught on to Jade and decided to take the lead. She said, "Come on, get up here and show us some moves!" In a encouraging tone of voice. She took a step towards their master and quickly moved her arms up, as a sort of gesture to get him to stand and hopefully, get him to join in on the fun. 

He looked from Kiara to Jade before letting out a long sigh and said, "Mmhhh, I guess I could." Making his way to his feet, he then said, "Now, this move is very special." In a wise tone, laced with a little bit of sarcasm. 

Alice broke from her concentration and asked, "But if done incorrectly, will it lead to disastrous consequences?" In a slightly serious tone of voice. She then returned to her normal position of meditation, putting one hand in the other and closing her eyes.

Jade was now hunched over from laughter and Kiara said, "Alice, is that a sense of humor? You found it!" She laughed as she raised her eyebrow at the turquoise ninja.

Alice however did not hear them as she did not break her concentration for the remainder of the night. With that, Sensei Wu soon took the lead and joined his students in their celebration. 

He was now dancing alongside his students and said, "Shake what your mama gave you." He grasped the ends of his beard crossing them and spoke, "Yeah, look at this one now. Spin around, oh yeah. I put my feet." Soon both Jade and Kiara were hunched over from laughter, with Ceil laughing along as she continued to play her drums, as the others continue to sing and dance throughout the night.

The campfire that once burned so bright was now nothing more than a pile of ash. The ninja took this as a sign to turn in for the night, and they settled down to sleep.

A whisper could be heard by the one person it was for. "Kiara..." The call soon woke Kiara from her slumber, as they spoke once more. "Kiara, I have to go." A shadowy figure could be seen making its way to the fire temple.

Kiara said, "Ophilia?" She questioned the silhouette that she believed to be to her sister.

The shadowy figure spoke, "I have to go." They soon turned away from the red ninja before disappearing into The Forest Of Tranquility, leaving behind a very confused Kiara. 

 Kiara was determined to get an answer from the shadowy figure that she believed to be her younger sister. So, without a second thought she sprinted into the forest and started yelling, "Ophilia, slow down! Why are you running so fast?" As she soon caught sight of the shadowy figure, it was about to enter.... 

The Temple Fire....

Kiara stopped in her tracks as she caught sight of the temple. She hesitated but only for a moment as the voice of her sister called out to her once more. "Kiara." In a voice that appear to be no louder than a whisper, echoing out from the temple before making contact with Kiara's own eardrums.

Kiara soon found herself charging headfirst into The Fire Temple. She pushed the door open that once blocked her path and her red eyes finally made contact with the shadowy figure that appeared to be her younger sister, Ophilia.

Kiara smiled from where she stood at the front entrance of the temple. As she ran across the rocky bridge and said, "Ophilia!" In a relieved tone of voice.

Ophilia spoke, "Don't worry I'm right here-." But suddenly her voice grew deeper and said, "-Sister." This action revealed the true owner of the shadowy figure, as they grew three times their size. It was none other than Lord Garmadon himself, who stood there laughing evilly.

The red ninja narrowed her eyes and said, "Lord Garmadon." Reaching behind her to grab her sword, only to discover it was not there.

Garmadon said, "Forgot something?" This threw the red ninja off guard for just a moment, before she found her voice and said, "You can't hurt me here. You're banished. Trapped in the Underworld." In a strong tone of voice, taking a few steps back to try and distance herself from the dark lord.

Lord Garmadon stated, "And that is why, you're going to remove the Sword Of Fire for me." In a matter-of-fact tone. He took his shadowy arm and pointed it at Kiara, who at this point had distanced herself from the dark lord.

Kiara balled her first and yelled, "I don't think so." In a angry tone of voice.

He narrowed his glowing red eyes at Kiara and said, "Are you sure about that?" Suddenly the light source of the temple vigorously flashed before returning to normal a few moments later.

Kiara used her left arm to quickly shield her eyes from the flashing lights of the temple. 

The sound of unraveling chains echo throughout the temple. Eventually, a very familiar person came into sight. There, at the very end of the chain was Ophilia Smith.

Ophilia yelled, "Kiara!" Drawing her older sister's attention to herself.

"Ophilia!" Kiara called out making her way to Ophilia. She suddenly stopped in her tracks as Lord Garmadon spoke, "If you don't remove the sword, how else will you cut the chains to save your precious little sister?"

"You know it's a trap. I can free m-myself." Ophilia said, trying to free herself from the tight vines of the chain, before saying, "Okay, that's tight." Then the chain slowly started to lower Ophilia closer and closer into the lava pit below her.

"Aaahhhh!" Ophilia screamed, out of fear.

Realizing there wasn't any other options, Kiara took a moment to calm herself before jumping over the rocks that were surrounded by lava. She did a quick flip, grabbing The Sword Of Fire in midair.

She landed with a thump before running along the temple wall yelling, "Ninja-Go!" A flaming tornado surrounded Kiara as she did Spinjitzu along the wall before spinning over the lava pit, cutting the chain and setting her sister free. 

Both of the Smith sisters soon land safely on the other side. Kiara didn't waste any time, making it onto her feet, before quickly reaching behind her to help Ophilia to her feet, saying, "Stay close." In an overprotective tone of voice, walking a few steps ahead of her sister. 

"Trust me, I'm not going anywhere," Ophilia said, in a scared tone of voice, continuing to follow behind Kiara. 

Kiara took a quick look around until her eyes lit on the shadowy figure of Lord Garmadon and said, "You can't hurt us. You're only a shadow." She pointed The Sword Of Fire at Lord Garmadon.

Garmadon spoke, "Even shadows have their uses." In a dark, yet wise tone of voice.

Kiara was too busy focusing on what Lord Garmadon was saying, that she failed to hear his warning. Her shadow moved from her side to stand right in front of her.

Ophilia wasn't wise enough to catch onto Garmadon's words. She soon caught sight of the moving shadow and said, "Kiara, look out!" Warning her sister.

Kiara quickly turned her head as the Shadow tried to strike. Luckily, Kiara managed to dodge the attack. 

Kiara looked back at Ophilia and said, "Stay, back Ophilia." She used her left hand to gesture for Ophilia to take safety behind the rocks.

Ophilia got behind the rocks. "Stay close, stay back. Make up your mind!" In a frustrated tone of voice. 

The red ninja stood her ground. She swung the sword. Anyway, she could try and land a blow on her evil shadow clone, but unfortunately, she was unable to land a single punch on her evil shadow.

However, it was quite the opposite case for the evil shadow as they landed every possible strike it could on Kiara, before kicking the red ninja one last time making her land flat on her back just a few feet away on the rocky ground of the temple. 

Ophilia watched, before saying, "That's not fair!" As Kiara laid right beside her, who was lying flat on her back.

Garmadon spoke, "Oh, am I being too harsh ?" In a mocking tone of voice. Suddenly the one evil Kiara clone became ten. 

Kiara quickly made it to her feet, before charging head-first into the evil shadow army, only to be brought down once again.

She soon lost her grip on The Sword Of Fire. It fell out of her possession landing just feet away from her, as she was knocked back down to the ground. 

The sword laid near the shadowy footing of one of Kiara's evil shadows. The shadow slowly bent over and retrieved the Sword Of Fire from where it laid on the ground.

A mix of anger and fear reflected in Kiara's red eyes. She sits up and watches the evil shadow bend over and retrieve The Sword Of Fire that was laying on the ground.

Kiara's evil shadow slowly raised The Sword Of Fire on their left hand as if to claim their victory status. 

But suddenly, the sword was soon knocked free from the evil shadow's grasp by the oncoming attack from what appeared to be a very familiar figure.

Kiara was hesitant to trust the new shadow that was now fighting her battle. She took a moment to gather herself before taking a deep breath and tightens her grip on the handle. Before closing her dark red eyes, she slowly turns her head in the direction of the shadow's owner. Kiara allows herself to release the breath she held within of her lungs. Then she slowly pries open her left eye as she stands in shock. There stood her master, Sensei Wu who is on the other side of the fire temple. Alongside Sensei Wu was a entirely new shadow on the wall. That which belongs to Sensei Wu himself who now has The Sword Of Fire in hand.

"Brother--", a familiar voice spoke that was laced with pure unadulterated evil. Sensei Wu turned quickly to the left and narrowed his eyes at the shadowy figure that's sticking on the wall. "I see you protect one. But what of the other three?" The a questioning tone of voice.

Sensei Wu raises The Sword of Fire before pointing it at his brother and says with a protective tone, "They're safe...Far from your graphs, Garmadon." In a protective tone of voice.

Lord Garmadon spoke with malicious confidence, "I wouldn't be so confident." 

Garmadon slowly put his hands together making a mysterious blue light appear from within the tip of his fingers. The mysterious blue light morphs into a portal and with that showing the current status of the other Ninja. 

Back In The Forest Of Tranquility....

Samukai wasted no time infiltrating the ninja's camp and ties up had Jade and Alice up. Both of who are trying to break free from the rope that binds them together. 

Ceil awoke at the sound of the oncoming footsteps that approach her. She slowly opens her stormy eyes to discover a boneheaded skeleton that's making its way towards her.

A gasp could be heard as it escapes from the grey ninja's lips. As she setups to reach for her scythe that was usually kept by her side at all time only to discover that her scythe wasn't there.

She quickly looks up at the sound of unsettling laughter and there standing before her was Kruncha who held a tight grip on her scythe. The sound of struggling made the grey ninja turn her head once again to see that both Jade and Alice tied up with Nuckal sitting directly on top of her teammates.

With the golden weapons in The King of the Underworld's possession The King of the Underworld, Samukai stated, "I believe these belong to Lord Garmadon now." In a celebratory tone of voice.

This made the skeletons cheer and Ceil narrows her eyes at Samukai and said, "No." In a low tone of voice. 

The grey ninja knew there was no way to get out of this. A skeleton that said before her roughly grabbed her shoulder and pulls her toward the ninja.

Back In The Temple Of Fire....

With a final spin, the portal vanished taking the faith of the other ninja along with it.

Sensei Wu lightly shook his head. Realizing what needs to be done, he makes his way across the rocks that made up The Fire Temple floor and said, "My brother must not reunite the four weapons. We must keep them apart." Both Kiara and Ophilia following closely behind him.

Lord Garmadon yelled, "Awaken, guardian of the deep! They're stealing the sword! You must not let them escape!" 

Enraged by his brother's words, this would undoubtedly foil the plans of escaping the underworld and shape Ninjago into his own evil image.

As they continue to make their way along the rocks Sensei Wu and the Smith Siblings soon encounter the fire dragon. It quickly rose out of the molten lava just in time for Sensei Wu to land directly on its head.

The fire dragon lets out a furious roar. 


Sensei Wu quickly flips off of the fire dragon's head and lands directly in front of The Smith Siblings. 

Now that the fire dragon was fully standing over them, it spread out its wings and lets out another roar as it breathes a fiery breath on to Sensei Wu and The Smith Siblings. 

Ophilia continues to slowly back away as another fiery breath hit her face making her dark brown eyes widen and screams, "Aaaayyyy!" In absolute terror.

Suddenly, the fire dragon swings its tail knocking the rocks that hung over the entrance loose and blocking all means of escape within The Fire Temple.

The dragon spread its wings, as it lets out one final roar. 


Then it slowly backs away from the Ninja group. Kiara narrowed her eyes and desperately looked around to find some other means of escape but sadly, the red ninja fell short of her goal and says in a hopeless tone of voice, "There's no way out. He's taken away all our options."

However, knowing very well that case Sensei Wu spoke, "All but one." The older ninja states hoping it would reassure his student and her sister.

Sensei Wu quickly does a backward spinning and lands safely on the rocks behind The Smith Siblings. He took The Sword Of Fire that he held in his hands to pry the rock free. 

Kiara asks, "Sensei, what are you doing?" This made her anger return and she balled her fist out of rage and frustration knowing all too well what her master was doing. 

Lord Garmadon yells, "No! You fool!" As he watched his brother slowly floating away on the rock to the edge that will undoubtedly lead to the Underworld.

Sensei Wu says, "If he is to bring the other weapons here...." He moved the Sword of Fire directly in front of his chest. "....then I will take the Sword of Fire to the Underworld. It is my sacrifice to bear." With that said, he bowed his head and sat on the floating rock while holding The Sword Of Fire tightly in his grasp.

"No, it's mine. I shouldn't have come on my own." spoke Kiara as she desperately stretched out her hand to her Master. "You don't have to do this. There has to be another way." The red ninja continues to try and plead her master to try and find another alternative.

Unfortunately, Sensei Wu did not want to listen to reason as his mind was already made up. He took out his beloved teapot and started to pour himself a cup of tea just as he vanished over the edge and out of the sighted of The Smith Siblings. 

Kiara let out a desperate cry, "Nnnnooooooooooo!" As her master vanished from her line of sight. The red ninja fell to her knees with her younger sister slightly leaning over her.

Lord Garmadon spoke, "Then I will see you there, brother." Paying neither of the siblings no mind as his shadows soon left from along the wall leaving the siblings alone. 

Kiara slowly looked up from the ground and over at the edge. She growls with regret, "It's all my fault. Sensei, I won't be able to hold out for long." She took her already balled up fist and hits the ground out of anger.

Finally, deciding to take her eyes off her older sister...Ophilia stands up and doing so made direct eye contact with the fire dragon that was now directly crouching over the siblings.

Ophilia questioned, "Forget Sensei, what about us?" The older sister heard the panic in the youngster's voice and slowly stands up beside her and stands in front of Ophilia.

Kiara glances at Ophilia and says, "Don't worry, Ophilia. I'll protect you." The red ninja was now the one making eye contact with the fire dragon and asks in a questioning tone of voice, "Now...Are you a good dragon or bad dragon?"

The fire dragon responds with a aggressive and yet a affirmative roar which made the red ninja smile.

In The Forest Of Tranquility.... 

The other ninja were captured and hoisted up into a nearby tree with no means of escape. The Ninja continue to try and break free from the rope that blinds them together. 

Samukai who now stands before the skeleton army yells, "TO THE FIRE TEMPLE!" The Skeleton army cheers with confidence and malice. Samukai holds up the remaining golden weapons for all to see.

Unfortunately, the celebration was soon cut short. Lord Garmadon's shadowy figure appears among one of the tires of Samukai's ride.

Lord Garmadon narrows his red glowing eyes and spoke with unbridled mirth, "My brother has taken The Sword Of Fire to the Underworld. Hurry. Return home and unite the weapons before it's too late." 

In a fit of rage, Garmadon vanishes from alongside the tire and is undoubtedly making his way back to the Underworld.

Samukai quickly turns his head away and back to his skeleton army. He said, "Uh, change of plans. To the Underworld!" 

Samukai's 180 turn of plans makes the skeletons cheer once again as they march to the Underworld.

"Yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaah!"Cheered the skeletons as they forgot about the Ninja which works all to well for The Ninja themselves. One of them sneakily swiped the sword from Nuckal's hand and soon replacing it with a branch. 

But as soon as the short celebration ended, Kruncha walked up alongside Nuckal and said, "What happened to your weapon?" Before making his way back to the truck. Nuckal shrugged his shoulders before dropping the branch and following it shortly behind Kruncha.   

One by one, the skeleton cars drove away with Samukai's behind as they made their way back to the Underworld. 

Ceil coughed up the dirt and gas fumes that were directed into her face and said, "Great. Now what?" Turning her attention to the other Ninja. 

Jade smirked as she reach into the back of the rope and pulling out the sword that she swiped from Nuckal and says, "Now we get out of here." As she swungs the sword in a backwards

Ceil raised an eyebrow with worry and said, "Uh, Jade? Before you do that, you might wanna--" 

Unfortunately, the grey ninja was cut off mid-sentence as Jade cut them free and they drop towards the ground landing with a large thump."--warn us." said the not-so-happy leader.

The Ninja quickly stand up and Alice said, "Let's go." Throwing on her hood with both Jade and Ceil following the turquoise ninja lead. 

The skeletons continue to drive at a dangerously high speed. Unfortunately, this did please the The King Of The Underworld. 

Samukai yells, "Faster!" In demanding tone of voice. To much the skeleton driver oblige as they started to gained a great deal of speed.

Samukai said, "We need to go faster to cross over to the underworld." Directly to the skeleton driver and with that, the first vehicle vanished into the underworld.

"There they are!", said The Ninja leader with Alice just out in front of her as they jump from tree to tree. Jade jumps from the trees and to the ground then breaks into a run at lightning speed. 

Alice and Ceil jump from the trees and land on one of the skeletons' vehicles. The Ninja waste no time taking out the skeletons driving it.

Samukai was unaware on the oncoming surprise attack yells, "More speed! We'll never get home at this rate." The skeleton driver nodded his head and quickly shifted the truck into high gear. 

Despite this, the car continues to go at its regular speed. Samukai quickly looks around before turning back to its driver and said, "What's wrong?" He looks behind them and saw a grey ninja. The skeletons who failed to notice that she took ahold of their chain before planting her feet in the ground and now dragged along with the truck but still managed to slow them down enough for the turquoise ninja to land on the truck undetected.

Alice softly lands on the back of the truck and quickly ducks at the incoming tree branch which took out both of the skeletons that stood in front of her. Samukai looked in time to see the turquoise ninja jumping up on top of the truck before giving a friendly wave.

The pink ninja continues to run at lightning speed before coming around the truck and landing with a ship. Jade didn't waste anytime checking out the remaining skeletons with her trusted nunchucks before pulling the weapon back to her chest and narrowed her electric blue eyes at Samukai. 

Samukai was not pleased with the look from the ninja with the frightening look as well as the menacing glare from the pink ninja. Having enough of these pesky ninja, Samukai yells, "Get them!" Pointing his blades at the direction of Jade who was still standing on the front of the truck.

The skeletons on the motorcycles drove up. Now with one on either side of the truck, Jade smirked from under her hood and thought, 'Ha, too easy.' To herself. 

Jade yells, "Ninjago!" 

A hot pink lightning twister appeared around the pink ninja just in time to take out the skeletons that jump towards her, knocking them straight to the ground.

Jade used her Spinjitzu to get to the back of the truck and try to free the golden weapons. She bawled her hand into a fist and hit the lock, hoping it would break but unfortunately it failed.

As the pink ninja shook her hand that was now writhing in pain and said, "Dammit, now I know why they make keys." 

Suddenly, a idea popped into her head and she climbed up to join the team leader who's standing at the top of the truck.

Ceil was busy fending off both Kruncha and Nuckal with her scythe. She swung the scythe just as Jade was making her way to the top of the truck.

Jade said, "Hey, Ceil--." The blunt tip of the scythe hits the pink ninja in the throat making her cough and finally getting the attention of their leader.

Kruncha and Nuckal burst out laughing at the pink ninja's miserable face. Well they were distracted so Ceil quickly kick both of them in the face which made them fall off the truck.

The leader kneeled next to her teammate before putting her hand on Jade's shoulder and said, "Jade. Sorry. I didn't see you." In apologetic tone of voice. 

Jade coughed one last time before looking up and narrowing her eyes at the leader. Ceil knew from the look in the pink ninja's eyes that she wasn't going to forgive her anytime soon. 

Suddenly, Alice quickly jumped onto the passenger door of the moving truck and said, "Greetings-- Unh! Whoa!" Samukai kicked over the edge and onto the moving mouth of the truck. The turquoise ninja tightens her grip on the truck in hope she wouldn't fall off.

With a punch of his fist, Samukai knocked out his skeleton driver and stole the vehicle for himself while laughing evilly, "Mewahaha!"

He shifts the truck in the high gear in order to open the portal to the Underworld. Next, he quickly shifts the gear one last time making the truck do a wheelie and knocking the ninja off. The truck's tires soon spun fire onto the road before a large purple portal appeared that undoubtedly led to the Underworld. The King Of The Underworld quickly drove through the portal and it vanished leaving the ninja stranded along side the road. 

Realizing they have failed, the Ninja can do nothing more than stare at the wall in utter silence. Jade decides to break the awkward silence between the three of them. 

 "Dammit, we los--." Jade says in a wheezing tone of voice before breaking out into a coughing fit. The Ninja leader sings before putting her hand on the pink ninja's shoulders. 

While Jade continues to stare at the wall, the ninja leader says, "Jade, you don't need to say it. I know--." She removes her hand from Jade's shoulder as the three Ninja stand up.

The lightning crackles and thunder roars in the sky as Ceil said, "--We've lost." Both Jade and Alice could hear the disappointment in their leader's tone and they all bowed their heads in shame. Knowing they failed their mission.

To Be Continued....


Note : Hey guys, no your updates are not broken. Because I have finally decided to update and I'm sorry it took so long. I hope you enjoyed it and don't forget to leave your comments down below. Telling me what you think and vote, if you like it enough. 

I want to thank both my siblings Alex and Jan for editing this book for me. I love you guys and y'all truly are the best.

Later , Ninja.

~ Jade. 

P.S. This is the longest chapter yet.

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