Canvas | Jikook

By _Yoongies_

493K 26.6K 14.4K

"Why won't you ink me?..." ".... I don't want to ruin what's already perfect..." Maintaining a high and respe... More

Pretty Boy
Devils Whisper
Heated Blaze
Carnival Mischief
Baby Doll
Eliminate, to Reawaken
Explosive Desires
Carnal Instincs
Authors Note/ New Book


7.1K 492 289
By _Yoongies_

"Even Satan himself falters...."

3rd Person POV

Jungkook sped through traffic, breaking every red light as his mind reeled a storm of emotions. He was fully geared and equipped, backed up with ten SUV's following behind him.

His knuckles had turned white with how tightly he was gripping the steering wheel, his jaw clenched the entire time and his body remained tense and alert. He was on edge, on the verge of snapping as he continued to fume in his mind.

Moon hadn't attempted to open his mouth or say anything, knowing he should've kept a tight leash on June the moment he found out his relation with Jimins past abuser and kidnapper.

He knew he was at fault for not monitoring him closely, but the broken and sorrowful ambiance encasing June's entire build, made it extremely difficult for Moon to restrain him in any way. Not that he wasn't already mentally restrained.

He didn't know what to do with the younger, so he had planned to call Jungkook over to discuss everything June had told him, and whatever Jungkook had suggested, Moon was planning to carry it out.

He is a father after all. So he couldn't help but feel responsible for June's well-being and care, especially after finding out his neglectful upbringing and his lack of human interaction and affection.

So upon finding out what June had done, all Moon felt was an all consuming guilt that began eating at his core. His body was slightly trembling at the fear of the unknown and the danger he potentially put his son in law through.

Moon chewed the inside of his mouth, his fingers wringing together anxiously as he felt his heart beat rapidly inside his chest.

It's all my fault...

He thought, wishing he had dealt with the situation a lot better. Whenever he saw June, he was constantly reminded of the boy he couldn't save in one of his investigations years ago. He was blinded with the thought of not repeating the same mistake and providing June with what he failed to give one of the victims from his past case.

It was a traumatising case, one that he never managed to get over. He constantly blamed himself for the lost young soul, biting his tongue at never asking the boy whether he was truly ok.

So when he saw June, he was once again met with the same exact void eyes and broken soul of Donhoon, the boy that he had failed to protect.

"I-I'm sorry kook...." moon softened, voice wavering as his hot tears streamed down his cheeks in rivulets. He felt pathetic, and utterly useless "I thought I could save him this time...."

Jungkook didn't tear his eyes away from the road despite hearing the heartbroken tone of his dads voice, he couldn't seem to care about anything else going around him as his mind was occupied with the lone thought of his lover.

"Save who?" He muttered

Moon let out a shaky breath, staring aimlessly ahead "June... I just didn't think any of this was going to happen...I thought that if I tried harder and paid more attention to him, I could protect his life..."

"Yet you managed to endanger Jimins life with your decision" Jungkook scoffed without thinking, only to regret his words at the distraught expression painting his dads features "Dad I didn't-

"I know..." moon smiled weakly "you're right though... for being a detective, I'm not that bright, am I?...." he chuckled humourlessly

"Dad stop. I didn't mean it, I'm sorry" Jungkook sighed "My emotions are all over the place, so I apologise in advance for anything I say or do that could potentially hurt you. You know it's never my intention"

"You're always so formal...." moon chuckled lightly

Jungkook remained quiet for a moment, his mind reeling over the information he's already aware of "If June was really threatened or blackmailed as you said, he should've talked to us or spoken to you about it... but I can't even be pissed at that knowing it must be difficult for him to depend on people. So all I can do is blame myself, dad... no matter how I try to think of it, no matter who I try to blame, it all goes back to my incompetence"

"Jungkook it's not your fau-

"He wanted me to stay, dad. He wanted me to be with him at the shoot but I didn't stay. I left him. I left him alone and vulnerable, and there's no one to blame but myself" Jungkook's baritone trembled, his voice cracking to his dismay as his eyes glossed over "I should've stayed. I should've never left him alone knowing that my conscience was blaring sirens as I left the studio.... my gut was screaming at me, alerting me that something was off but I never turned back. I hate and despise myself so much right now, you don't understand...

It's killing me, dad. It's tearing at my soul knowing that everything could've been prevented but my fucked up self decided otherwise" Jungkook seethed painfully, his unshed tears burning at the rims of his eyes yet he didn't dare let them fall.

Moon looked at him hopelessly, his heart constricting in his chest as he practically saw his son fall apart right before his eyes. His deceiving calm and composed exterior failing miserably as he fought to keep himself together.

"Kook.... Cub it'll all be ok I promise just-

"Everything'll be ok once I have Jimin in my arms, otherwise, nothings ok" he spat, his eyes growing cold and distant with unsheathed anger and fury that it caused a cold chill to spiral through Moons back.

Moon knew that there was nothing he could do or say that'll soothe Jungkooks mind at that moment, so Moon straightened his own back and rubbed at his swollen eyes, asserting his authoritative role as detective and willed his emotions not to get involved.

"Let's make that son of a bitch regret the day he was born then..." to that Jungkook smiled eerily, an unfathomable dark ambiance encasing his stature.


3rd Person POV

"June, I don't recall giving you permission to be down here. Nor do I recall allowing you to remain" his malicious voice practically sneered, causing every fibre in Jimin's being to shudder in fear and disgust.

June, however, seemed completely unaffected. As if he was being stared down by nothing, rather than the incredulous man standing before him, his very father.

"Well, you hadn't told me to leave either, how was I suppose to know?" June retorted nonchalantly.

"You seem to have gained quite an attitude, might I remind you who you're talking to boy?" His father took slow, dragged out steps towards him, towering over June's much shorter frame.

Jimin reached out and tugged at the bottom of June's trousers, his hands slightly trembling as he gazed up worriedly at the boy. June looked down at him with a soft, encouraging smile, trying to assure him that he was ok.

But just as June turned around, he let out an unexpected gasp as he felt a hand wrap around his throat, long fingers coiling around his neck and contracting without caution.

His eyes locked with his father's in a hard glare, his hands clenched at his sides as he didn't dare give his father the satisfaction of seeing him struggle to pry himself away from his suffocating hold.

His father sneered at him, a sinister grin contorting his ageing features. And despite his older age, he still remained the sick, malevolent bastard that he is. He just doesn't seem as intimidating as before.

Jimin felt himself panic at seeing June getting strangled right before his eyes, he scrambled on the floor, looking for something, anything, in attempts to aid his friend. Who didn't even look like he needed any do to the lack of response or voiding of emotions in his expression.

"You've always been a quiet, emotionless bitch. No matter what I did or said, you never seemed to react, as if you were a mere corpse, a shell. That's why I've always despised you I suppose" his father spat lowly "Yoongi on the other hand, he was fucking perfect. Screamed, cried, whimpered and pleaded for me to stop whenever I tortured his already bruised up and battered body"

"You're disgusting" June plainly stated, however this time disgust and pure unadulterated hatred bloomed in his void orbs for a solid second, resulting in a sharp slap to collide with his delicate skin, tearing his lip slightly and causing blood to drip down the corner of his mouth.

"He's my son, I could do whatever the fuck I wanted with him. So keep you're mouth shut like you usually do or I'll shut it for you. And I promise you, I'll make sure to keep it that way"

"That didn't excuse you to defile and vandalise him-" June coughed brokenly as his fathers hand tightened around his neck "nor anybody else.... you sick fuck"

June immediately clutched his side as he was thrown against the concrete floor roughly, before a heavy booted leg came smashing down and kicking him in the side without mercy, ultimately crushing his ribs.

He bit down on his lower lip hard, drawing blood from his bottom lip as he refrained from producing any noise. Moisture prickled at his eyes but he blinked them back rapidly as he felt Jimins small frame enveloping his own protectively, worry spilling from his panicked state as he began to cry in June's place.

Jimin frantically moved his hands around to check whether June was okay, his mouth opening and closing to say something in his helpless state yet nothing managed to leave his throat.

"What's this? Since when was my toy in good acquaintance with my slave?...." June's father drawled, clicking his tongue as he stood a few feet away, gazing at the two boys on the floor.

June instantly sat upright, turning his head to smile reassuringly at Jimin once again but the prickling tears in his eyes that he willed to stay at bay, contradicted his smile. June was in pain, but he didn't dare try to show it.

He moved in front of Jimin, his hands going back to guard the smaller boy as he looked up at his father once again. Jimin tugged at the back of his shirt, shacking his head in protest.

"He's not your toy, nor am I your slave" June retorted spitefully "you're demented and repulsing..."

June clenched his jaw tightly as his father knelt down and gripped the lower half of his face tightly, digging his fingers in June's soft skin and bruising his cheeks.

"Say that one more time boy, I dare you"

Jimin whimpered behind June, his heart constricting as he saw June get picked up by his jaw and forcibly shoved against the concrete bricks. You could hear the earth shattering sound of his back colliding with the cold, eery basement walls.

His father began to tighten his hand, pressing June's head against the wall as he began laughing cynically.

"You're so fucking pathetic. Since the day you were born, I knew you wouldn't amount to anything. You should be grateful that at least you came out good looking, otherwise, you've got nothing" he whispered lowly, his free hand going under June's shirt as he began to caress his bare skin, gripping and kneading his flesh sensually.

June began squirming in his hold, fear and disgust piercing his orbs and resulting in a snarl from his fathers lips.

"So, all it took was to feel you up in order to receive some sort of response?..." he chuckled darkly "well, guess you'll be my appetiser before my main course..."

June's eyes widened fearfully. For once, he was genuinely feeling on the verge of losing himself completely. Tears stung at his eyes as his fathers hand slid down his abdomen before dipping into the waistband of his boxers.

June kicked around, thrashing his body only to have it pinned in place by his fathers own build, pressing him up and against the wall. His tears streamed down his face in agony as his father began to stroke his member with his palm almost painfully.

June allowed his tears to continue spilling, no matter how his father continued to stroke and play with his member, he wouldn't get hard, causing his father to get even more aggravated.

"You fucking bitch, I will cut off your dick if you don't get aroused" his father roared.

Jimin snapped out of his petrified daze as he looked up into the pained eyes of June, and despite what June was experiencing, he attempted a gentle smile to comfort Jimins broken state.

Jimin shook his head sadly, his eyes darting around in search of anything he could use to help June. And that's when his hand hit against a thin metal bar on the floor.

His heart leaped in his chest, a relieved sigh escaping his lips as he scrambled to get on his feet.

"STOP!" Jimin practically screamed, grabbing the metal bar from the floor and swinging it across the back of the mans head.

Jimin cringed at the loud impact, a blood curdling scream ripping out the mans mouth as he dropped June to the floor, his hands instantly going up to cup his now bleeding head.

"June!" Jimin quickly dropped next to June's limp body on the floor, pulling the frail build to his chest and cradling him in his arms "You ok, June? Please tell me you're ok?...."

Jimin cried, rubbing his hand down June's back soothingly. June chuckled at the younger's worried state, it warming his heart immensely and making him momentarily forget his pain.

"I'm ok Jimin, as long as you're ok, I'm ok" June smiled up at him, trying to hide Jimin behind him but to no avail. His body felt broken, and his mind seemed to go down a heart shattering , never ending tangent.

"You fucking bitch!" Junes father glared menacingly, yet Jimin didn't spare him a distraught expression. Instead, he stuck his tongue out along with his middle fingers "I'm going to fucking kill you, and enjoying breaking your body while doing so..."

He stalked towards Jimin, grabbing June by his shirt and throwing him to the side before pulling Jimin up by his oversized shirt, which Jimin had taken from Jungkooks wardrobe.

"I mightn't have fucked you last time, but I'll be sure to fuck you to death this time" He smiled wickedly, sparing Jimin no time to respond before ripping his clothes off and leaving him in his boxers.

"What are all these marks on your neck?...." his eyes burned with malice "I see you've become a whore..."

Jimin began to panic, fear gliding throughout his skin only to be replaced by sheer pain as he was thrown on the floor, clutching his stomach in unadulterated agony as he received a sharp kick to his abdomen.

"L-let him fucking... go... you disgusting, malevolent bastard...." June choked out before attempting to tackle his father to the floor. However he only managed to make him stumble over his steps and instead receive a backhanded slap across his face.

"Stop meddling you insolent bitch"

His father sneered, gripping June by his hair and forcing him to drop to his knees.

"I should've gotten rid of you a long time ago, you useless slave- FUCKING HELL!!"

He screeched, releasing his tight hold on June's hair as he clutched his bleeding thigh. He fell to the floor in a heap, screaming and shouting profanities as he attempted to cover the bullet wound that pierced through his flesh.

Both June and Jimin looked towards the sound of feet descending down the stairs, their eyes instantly landing on Sungjae's tall, muscular frame. His body was decked with holsters and various weapons that occupied and adorned each holster.

Two men dressed in a similar fashion followed him down the stairs, making their way to guard the bastard sitting on the floor.

Jimin couldn't help but feel relief wash through his body, yet that immense longing tearing at his heart continued to boil, his eyes still lingering on the open metal doors atop the staircase. He practically pleaded in his mind for someone else to walk through, that someone being the man that sets his heart and mind ablaze with passion. Jungkook.

June laid unmoving on the floor as Sungjae stalked towards him, worry and concern adorning Sungjae's beautifully handsome features as he knelt on the floor next to June.

He pulled the smaller man in his arms gingerly, cradling him against his chest in fear of him magically disappearing. His blood boiled at all the marks, cuts and bruises adorning June's build.

"Hey, love..." Sungjae whispered softly, stroking June's light brown tresses with his fingers "you're going to be ok, I have you..." he softened as he felt June's body tremble in his hold, his heart shattering at the choked sobs breaking through June's lips despite his attempt to muffle them.

June snuggled into him closer, burying his face in the crook of Sungjae's neck and allowing his scent to soothe and calm him.

Sungjae picked June up tenderly without another word as he walked towards Jimins bare body. The only material covering Jimins skin is his tight cotton boxer briefs.

"You ok Jimin?..." he asked gently, eyeing Jimins body respectfully in search of any open wounds or fatal injuries. He wrapped Jimins body with the blanket thrown on the floor.

Jimin merely nodded his head, for some reason being unable to convey his words through speech.

Sungjae smiled softly, relieved at seeing no major injuries. However that darkening spot against the side of Jimins stomach caused him some concern.

"Who the fuck are you?! I'm going to kill all your pathetic-

"I wouldn't start now" Sungjae glared menacingly, pure blood-filled hatred seeping through his darkened orbs as he spat the words out through clenched teeth "If it was up to me, you'd have been long dead, rotting on these basement floors as I feed your remains to wild animals. But unfortunately for you, your ceasing to exist will be in the hands of my boss. Someone who I assure you, will ensure that you face a dreadfully long and painfully torturous death"

And as if on cue, in steps in the domineering physique of none other than Jeon Jungkook, who's eyes were fogged over with intent murder and promise of blood.


Hey babesss!!! Early update, what can I say, I'm a simp for y'all 🥵.... hope u enjoyed this one, what ya thinkin? And can I just say -because my dumbass forgot-, for all those fasting during Ramadan, y'all r powerful af!! Eid Mubarak to u beautiful ppl, u deserve the world xx

(Might trigger)
#freepalestine #freesheikhjarrah #plm

I personally feel like it's extremely important to speak up when I see/witness unjust, inhumane and treacherous acts. It's so heartbreaking and saddening to see our very people get stripped off their rights, off their own homes and land, and to hv their dreams and future shattered right before them. I believe we as ppl, deserve happiness, prosperity, equality, justice and our rights and freedom etc. That does not exclude any religion, race, sexuality, gender identity etc. So therefore, it does not exclude Palestine.

If you haven't already heard about the heart wrenching and unfathomable things going on in Palestine, I urge you to do your research and show support. Sign petitions, post about it on your social media accounts, make donations (if possible!). I never believed in remaining silent, when something is wrong, I speak about it. I love you all dearly, and wish you gorgeous ppl the best in life! Pray for Palestine my loves xx BORAHAEEE 💜💜💜


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