By imlikeaspy

1.5K 118 20

Join Zainab and Jabeer on their journey to find a better life after loosing everything. On their journey they... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Not an update!
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21: last chapter

Chapter 4

70 7 0
By imlikeaspy

Zainab's POV

I couldn't stop crying, Aunty Meenat my mom's best friend is back! She left for Spain like 5years ago. She has always been my mom's best friend. They grew up in America together. Aunty Meenat married a man who was from Spain, then 5years later my mom got married to my dad. Aunty Meenat usually came for vacation with her kids but 5years ago she suddenly stopped coming. We usually talk to her when she Face time's or Skype's. I think something happened five years ago that I don't recall.

Back to story😭😭
I looked at her with tears in my eyes and I said "Yes! Aunty Meenat I thought you'd never come back. I missed u so much." I said as I tried to hug her but "Arrghhhh" I winced in pain as a felt my whole body was paining. "Llamen un médico!(Call a Doctor!)" She shouted in spanish to a young man standing by the door. (You'll call me a psycho but The guy is so damn cute. Ayeh he is super handsome. OMG I'm drooling) He quickly left and came back with a doctor. The doctor looked around and said "Excuse us please." They all went out except for the guy who called the Doc. The doctor didn't seem to bother by the guy's presence. The doctor looked at me and said "Where does it hurt?" Well I wanted to show off my Spanish accent so I said "Me duele aquí(it hurts here)" I showed my head. (My Spanish isn't bad) " the doctor looked a little confused, so he said "Repita, por favor(please say that again.)"  Well now I'm confused so I looked at the guy who was standing there doing nothing. He shrugged and said in a very cool voice "He said you should repeat what you just said." He took a deep breath before adding "Please dont speak in Spanish again. Your accent sucks!" Wow that was pretty mean. The Doctor only shook his head and continued with his job. He asked me questions in English and I responded in English.

Two hours after the check up Aunty Meenat, Jabeer and the other two came in. She sat down beside my bed and said "Zee I'm so sorry, Jabeer told me everything. I will be taking you to guys to my house after you get discharged. You will be living with me from now on Inshallahu." He didn't know when I hugged her saying "Thank you Aunt Meenat." She smiled and pulled away. She then looked at the two people, the guy and the girl. She pointed at the girl "Her Name is Azeema, she is my third child.(then she pointed at the guy) And he is my second child SAMEER! I actually have four kids. The first one is Ahmad, second one is Sameer, third one is Azeema and my last born is Muhammad. You'll love to live with them." All of us started laughing except for Sameer, I think he's cold🥶😒. Azeema sat next to me and said while smiling "Dont mind Mom, she loves Muhammad and Sameer more than she loves any of us, but you'll get used to it gradually." We both burst out laughing. Yeah I really like this girl.
After a while Sameer looked at his mom and said "¿Dónde está el centro comercial más cercano?(Where is the nearest shopping mall?)" She kept quite for a while before she said "I dont actually know,but, Ir en taxi(go by Taxi)" He only Nodded and said "Jabeer come with me." Jabeer smiled at me before he stood up and they both left.

Well as soon as they left, a doctor came in and told them I needed rest, so they should all leave. They left,  and I was sedated.

Jabeer's POV

Life takes turns, I guess. At first we were so damn rich, then we became typical beggars and now u don't know what we are. We are just surviving I guess.
We went to a supermarket, Sameer bought us clothes. A lot of them if I should say.... Alhmdllh dai.
When I tried on My new T.shirt, black skinny trouser, and new shoes I looked like a king. Wayyo I mean da ka ganni kuwa kamar wani Dan mallam (dont mind me, I meant Almajiri).
Sameer kept on smiling while I kept on admiring myself in the mirror. The guy doesn't talk much, he has an emotionless face and he always has a frown on his face. I cant he's smiling lol. I kept on thanking Sameer over and over the only thing he did was nod his head (Sannu qadan gare). The only thing I can say is 'I've found myself a new bro and he has too.'

Zainab's POV

I woke up and checked the time '9pm' whatttttttt? Subhanallah I didn't even pray Magrib and Isha. La'ilah shikenan xan kone(I'm going to be burnt).  I quickly tried to stand up.  "Wayyo Allah na(oh my god)" I winced in pain. Someone pushed the door open and came in. He looked at me and said "Dallah Malama who asked you to move? " Sameer! I'm starting to hate this guy. Even though I was in pain I had to glare at him. "And what is your damn business? As it is kaika bige ni so koma meye laifinka ne mtw." I snapped at him. "Kehhh Dallah if not na bige ki ai da yanxu kina Kan dutse a waje kina shan ruwa, you wouldn't be on this fine bed, da A.C da Komi. So you should be thanking me because I did you a huge favor." He snapped back. Before I could say another word he walked out. Kambuuu wlh I hate this guy, banza kawai.
Feeling very angry I stood up and walked into the toilet. I rinsed my face, then I performed ablution, came out and prayed. Still feeling angry I said to myself "Wallahi I will teach that fool a lesson he'll never forget."

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I love you guys so much🌹

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