The Trouble Next Door (Book #...

By nevergoingtofindme

145K 6.5K 1.3K

(Book #3 of the mafia series) Sierra is now 21 years old and in her last year of collage She lives in this... More

Authors Note
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 27
Ch. 30
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 36
Ch. 38
Ch. 40
Ch. 45
Ch. 46
Ch. 48
Ch. 49

Ch. 37

2.1K 119 27
By nevergoingtofindme

Ace (aka Mathew's) POV:

"GET TO WORK ITS NOT TIME TO SLACK OFF" I yell seeing Sierra flinch a bit and starts to work harder on the punching bag.

Punch after punch yet there was still something wrong with it.

I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"WE'RE NOT LEAVING THIS PLACE UNTIL YOU GET IT RIGHT" I Yell again and this time she lets out a loud moan of frustration.

Hell if I know what's wrong with the formation of her position.

"Oh your frustrated? Get on the ground and give me 20" I say and see her not move fast enough. "NOW" I yell and she gets down and starts counting.

If you feel bad now then you should just know that she knew what she was signing up for when she asked me to train her.

Soon enough I feel someone come up next to me and watches Sierra doing push ups with me.

"Don't you think-"

"I suggest you stop talking there before she gets the punishment of doing 10 more" I say cutting off Pete.

He slowly puts his hands up in surrender and backs out.

"That's what I thought. Trying to talk to me about how to do my job" I grunt to myself and finally Sierra gets up.

"Okay now pay attention to what i am doing... can you do that or do i have to baby you?" I ask looking over at her and she nods.

I stand there looking at her and she sighs and said "yes sir".

That's when I position myself in front of the punching bag.

"Okay see this is what your supposed to be doing" I say glancing at her quickly to see if she was paying attention.

That's when I start to go on about how to punch with the left and I let her give it a go.

That's when I see it midway.

She starts off with the left and then slowly switches off to the right.

I sigh in frustration this time and she stops.

"What am I doing wrong now?" Sierra ask out of breath.

"PETE GET ME THE TAPE" I yell out and I hear fumbling behind me.

"You switch off between your right and left midway and then just focus on your right" I say and she sighs again.

"Sorry" she says sounding frustrated.

"No that's on me for not taping you sooner" I say and that's when I finally get the tape.

"Thanks" I mumble and start working on taping her.

After this workout session I should get a session myself.

With that in mind I give her two taps in the back motioning for her that she's ready to start again.

She got it right away because in no time she was out and about to what I had told her to do.

Sometimes I really do worry for the kid as she is more on the serious side if you ever tried to get into her personal life.

Sometimes I wonder how Jessica got through to her when they first met.


Now that i really think about it Jessica always got through to people even the most strangest

I look back at Sierra and see her doing better now that she was tapped up.

As I'm watching her train I feel a set of eyes on us and I glance over my shoulder to see a Nina aka Nara from the underground fights looking at us.

Or to be more specific me.

Just ignore her I told myself but no one can just ignore someone staring at you.

"Okay wrap it up kid and hit the showers" I say and Sierra immediately stops and slightly crouches down with heavy pants coming from out of her.

"Thank god...*huff* I didn't think *huff* .... I'd last longer *huff*.... before i would *huff* pass out" Sierra says letting out a finale huff.

Just as she stood up I grab her arm. "Whatever you do from now be careful.-" I see Nara about to pass by. "You have to fix your calorie intake and take more protein as your are trying to gain more to make more muscle" I quickly switch the conversation just as she passes by.

When I notice that she's far enough to hear us I start up again. "They are watching closely. This will be our last training session from now and whatever you do. Do not come looking for me until after the ball. Pay close attention to who is around you as well. One will never know if they start to follow you" I finally say and she nods.

"Okay got it. I'll do more of my research about the diet plan. Although I've never heard of it" She says quickly catching on as Nara comes to do a workout close enough to hear.

"Okay great. I'll forward it to your new Trainer. You'll enjoy working with him he's great. I'll see you later" I say and she gets her bag and goes.

I clean up the stuff that we had used from the equipment and stuff my bag with what was mine.

When I moved so did Nara. Except for when I left the gym. She never followed me out and it was times like this where I wish I could just shoot a text to Sierra.

If only she hadn't broken it.

This wasn't my first rodeo being chased or hunt down but two at once? Not only that but siblings? That's a far different position as both of them try to always  outdo the other.

I take a deep breath in and start to make different turn until finally someone would would also randomly appear to see if i was delusional or to see if I'm right about what happened in the gym.

I still have 5 more hours to kill before I have to go pick up Bonnie from Day care so let's just mess with whoever is following me.

I go down to the subway stations and notice it's half packed today which was good.

I hear a few more people behind me as they are they are getting ready to f

I see the nearest subway about to close and I slid in and when I turn around to see who looks sketchy.

If I'm being honest everyone in New York looks sketchy especially in the Subway.


Who looks extra sketchy today?

There's the guy in sunglasses, hat, and a newspaper sitting in the back who keeps looking up from the newspaper every now and then.

Then there's the guy who is so clearly disguised as a grandmother. That or did I just insult an elderly in my thoughts?

There's the guy with a little girl near by.

There's two friends sitting next to each other..... on second thought they aren't best friends they are lovers.

Omggg they were lovers.

Can you help me spot who is the sketchiest person on the subway?

I look directly into the readers eye and start blinking as the background it's outlining the people who I just listed.

Is it a, b, or C?


Did you chose A?

I look back to the first choice and start to wonder how they planned this so quickly.

I literally thought I got rid of them as soon as I stepped foot on the subway.

I keep on looking around to see if I can spot anyone else who looked sketchy.

My eyes soon landed on a middle aged looking couple. No not the ones who I thought were friends.

This is a different couple.

They seemed to be talking about something and it ended up in giggles and laughs. 

The man was tall, fair skinned, brownish almost red hair in guessing?, and from where I'm standing he had brown eyes.

The girl was around his shoulder height, dark brown hair, brown eyes,  and has more of a darker complexion.

I wonder for how long that happiness will last for them.

They make me think back to Jessica and just for a split minute I forgot where I was and Jessicas shadow was just standing past the lovely couple.

She was just looking at me with her hazel eyes wearing the same thing that she was wearing the day of her death.

She quickly faded out as we made a stop somewhere and I just hopped off with a random group of people.

I shake my head and look back to the subway to see the sketchy guy was still on the subway looking directly at me this time.

He put his arm out and showed me his black watch before pointing at it.

It didn't take me long to realize what he meant but I just didn't understand what I was running out of time for.

That's when the subway started up again.

Running out of time.....

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!

Sorry for the short chapters I'll try to get longer chapters out until next time!!!!!!!

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