Baby Bella Book 2

Por DakotaNee

4.4K 274 93

I'm a 18 year old girl who has 2 twin boys. My father raped me and gave me the 2 Angel's but I will never for... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 32

78 5 3
Por DakotaNee

I stared at my mother dumb struck. "Bella sweetie, Charlie isn't your father, the devil himself is. That's why you are a very powerful witch, but also very dangerous. Charlie doesn't know this but the reason why he is acting like this is because he is being controlled by the devil himself. The deal was, I would become pregnant with you and have you but, I had to die when you were little so he can take over your father and raise him while Charlie has no idea he is being controlled by him. Things didn't go to plan and so he took over Charlie, making him have voices in his head to hurt and kill you. So that's what he is doing the man who is hunting you is not Charlie, it's the devil."

I stare at her like she was crazy. "So-so my father is controlling Charlie who I thought was my father my whole life! And you didn't think to tell me sooner!!!??" I scream in her face. "Bella calm down. I needed to tell you when you were ready." "I was finally happy. My life was good, my kids were happy, Charlie wasn't hunting me, I was planning my wedding, everything then you tell me this with mere weeks till my wedding day." I say, "Bella I am sorry you needed to know before your wedded." "Why?" I ask her, "Cause once you marry Edward your life will get a while lot harder and darker."

I look at her stunned. "What do you mean?" "The prophecy." She said. "Yes I know it says I have years till I actually am fighting the darkest force in history, the devil." I say. "Yes but darling, it's not years away, it's only a year to 2 years." I stare at her wide eyed. "Why isn't Izzy coming out?" "She needs to build her strength right now. But as we speak you are dieing, it's not your time to die, not in many, many, many years. So Izzy is trying to come out as we speak. Now that you need to know, tell your family, tell them everything enjoy the time before it happens. Now go my child go!" She says.

It starts fading then she says "Wait-" but it was already to late. I slowly came back and the spring pain came back. I wasn't screaming I wasn't moving nothing. I could feel Izzy with me now she was powerful, very very powerful. I slowly opened my eyes and saw my family all screaming my name. Then I was up, I had spun and pushed off hard on my legs. I landed in front of my family, I was hissing and growling loudly while crouched down. "Izzy my darling." Aro said. "I'm not Izzy." I say, I was surprised my voice almost sounded deep it was vibrating and down right terrifying.

"Iz is my name. The worst of the worst. Half Bella half Izzy." I chuckle darkly as his face gets paler and paler by the second. I glares at Jane and she flinched. "Now why list you disturb my peace?" I say menacing. He didn't say anything. "What cat got your tongue?" I ask him. I slowly stand up from my crouch. "Hmm?" I ask tilting my head sideways my eyes were wide and I was biting my lip. "Your a crazy lady." One of the guards say. I growl at him glaring. He falls to the ground holding his head and screaming. I giggle hysterically. "Thank youuu!!!" I say.

I snap my head towards Aro and he flinches. "Now can we leave Mr. Aro, sir?" I ask slowly and tilting my head with every word. He nods quickly. I walk up to him in my strut which was swaying my hips in every walk. When I get to him I put my hand on his shoulder and lean in to his ear as he shivers, he would be pissing his pants if he was human. "Now..." I say slowly "If you make me come out again, so help me God. I heard what you have done before. Hurting my kids..." My hands flies to his arm and twisting it behind his back it didn't hurt but was extremely uncomfortable. I was now twisted facing my family.

"I mean..." I giggle darkly again, "I never met them but from Izzy's and Bella's mind..." I whisper again slowly and darkly. "Their amazing." I say I snap off his arm and kick the back of his knees making him fall. "Oh lovely...." I say clapping and moving in front of my family again as his guards help him up. "You bowed down to me. Why thank you I know I'm amazing." Then I look at Jane I felt her trying to poke at my head and make me feel pain but it back fired.

"Oh goodie!" I say clapping, "It doesn't feel good now does it?" I crouch down and tilt my head again. I glare at her and she falls to her knees silently. Alec tries to use his powers on me but they just surround him. I clap giggling. "Bye, bye now." I wave then I scream and fall to my knees as we split, I go back in my cage and Izzy goes to hers while Bella takes control. Well it was fun while it lasted.

I scream on my knees as we all split apart. I gasp and look up. "Bella!" My family yells. I swing my head back so my hair falls on my back as I was still on my hands and knees, I stare up at Aro. "Wasn't so fun?" I ask laughing. He growls and I growl back. They reatach his arm.

"We are leaving now Aro. Make your guards let go of my family." I say looking at him. I stood up and wobble but catching myself. He glares at me and I glare back. He moves his head and I look back and see the guards letting go of my family. Major roars and pushes Aro against the wall in a split second. I walk over and put my hand on his shoulder. "Don't you ever take her away again, or I won't hesitate to kill you!" He shouts. We all then leave.

We get in a flight and I quickly wash up at a hotel and change then we head back home. When we get there Carlisle and Esme gets Liam and Logan. When they come home they hug me. They go and play, "Guys I need to tell you all something." I say they all look at me. I clear my throat and tell them about my latest visit with my mother. They all were shocked to say the least. "So, the end of the world may possibly happen in the next 2 years?" Vivienne asks. I nod. "Yea and apparently Logan and Liam are growing quicker and quicker in 2 years they will look to be 17-18 years old instead of looking like they are 10 like they are supposed to, my mom had to speed up their childhood or else I die if they don't help in this fight."

"They will have mastered their powers by then too." I say again. I wipe a few stray tears. "They deserve a normal childhood." I say shaking my head. Edward puts his arm around my shoulder and hugs me.

Logan and Liam walk back in 2 hours later. "Mom we are hungry." Liam yells I look at him and gasp, I guess it was true, they were 7 now, in less then 2 hours instead of 5. "Ok. Come on kids." I walk in the kitchen and they follow. "Mom why are we growing faster then we should?" Logan asks, "I will tell you when you both are older sweetie." He nods smiling. "So how about strawberries and chocolate syrup?" I ask, they both smile. "Yea!" I smile and start getting the strawberries out, I cut them and throw them in a bowl then I pour chocolate syrup over them.

I walk out to the living room. "Vivienne want some strawberries and chocolate syrup?" "Yes!" She jumps off the couch and almost falls but then regains her balance and runs in the kitchen past me. I giggle and walk in eating them with Vivienne and my boys. Once we are done I wash the dishes. I then walk out on the couch. I sit down and play my phone till Logan and Liam run out and hop on the couch next to me. Logan was on my right and Liam on my left. They both lay their head on my shoulders. I smile and kiss each of their heads.

"Mommy can we go to school? Public school?" Liam asks all of a sudden. I almost spit out my water. I look at my family, "Your their mother." Carlisle says, they all leave the living room. "I hate you all!" I yell. "Love you too Bella-Boo." Emmett hollars. "I don't know you both grow to fast let's see how you both are by the end of summer ok?" They nod and get up and leave. I sigh, Alice comes down, "They can go to high school, they will be Freshmen." Alice says I look at her and glare she quickly leaves.

I lay on the couch and start thinking. My wedding was soon and we needed to move somewhere else to not raise suspicion. I was thinking maybe we could move maybe to Alaska near our cousins the Denali's I haven't seen them since I was 8 years old. I hmm, yes maybe we could go there for a while. I smile and close my eyes, falling asleep.

A few weeks later it is the night before my wedding. I was in my room, with Edward. I wouldn't see him till tomorrow at noon when I walked down that isle. He kisses me softly and wrapped his arms around my waist. I had mine around his neck. I pulled back and hugged him tightly. "Your boys will be in here with you and the girls will be downstairs, ok?" I nod. He kisses my forehead and I close my eyes. Then the door opened and Ronnie, Carlisle, Emmett, and Jasper were there.

I pulled away smiling and Carlisle kissed my cheek. "Goodnight Babygirl." I hug him "Night daddy have fun and also..." I looked at Emmett, "No strippers." He laughs loudly and pulls me into a tight hug spinning me around, "Don't worry Bella-Boo, no strippers just a night out hunting. Enjoy your last day as McCarthy." He says I could tell he was sad. "It is gonna be McCarthy-Cullen I am hyphenating my name." He smiles and hugs me again. Then Ronnie hugged me and kisses my forehead. "See you tomorrow Bella." I smile, "Ok my turn." Jasper says, he hugs me tightly. "See you tomorrow Darlin."

"See ya." Then they run out the door. Logan and Liam walk in, all in their Pj's. "Let me take a quick shower so I don have to do it tomorrow babies." They nod and turnt he tv on cuddling into the blankets. I grab some shorts and a tank top then I walk in the bathroom and take a shower. I wash my hair a few times then my body, I also shave everything and soon I am done. I dry off and get dressed then I walk out of the bathroom. "I shaved, washed my hair and body at least 3 times Alice don't get me up before 8 or I swear to God." I say walking to my bed. I get in, Logan moved to my left side and Liam on my right then I quickly fell asleep.

I woke up to Alice shaking me. I looked at her then the time and it just turned 8. I chuckle and get up. We head to her room and she sits me on a comfy chair and starts doing my make up and hair. A while later Esme comes in with some eggs and toast I start eating and she leaves again. I finish eating and Alice takes the plate. After a long while my makeup and hair was done it was 11and I needed to get dressed in my dress. The door was constantly opening and closing downstairs.

Alice, Esme, and Rose put up the decoration outside the house and I haven's seen them, but they also put flowers around the house and outside. Rose comes in. "The boys got back half an hour ago, they are all ready." Rose says she smiles as she sees me. I get up and Esme also comes in with Vivienne. We all get in our dresses.

Vivienne's dress

Leah's dress

Alice's Dress

Rosalie's dress

And Esme's dress

Finally once they were all in their dresses they helped me in mine, my dress was strapless and was a little tight around my thighs but loosens up going down again their was a long train with my dress and my veil was also long. I was in white heeled stilettoes and my hair was

My hair was down and looked messy but in a good way. It looked beautiful with my dress and makeup. My makeup was simple but beautiful. I smile in the mirror as I look at myself.

"Ok, send in the boys Esme." Alice claps her hands and Esme walks out. I take deep breaths calming my nerves. "Oh my god. Oh my god. I am getting married. To Edward Cullen, I love him, and I am totally freaking out! Alice!!!" I say she comes to me and grabs my hand laughing. "Bella calm down." I shake my head, "I can't oh my God." I fan my face. "I need water." "You need to calm down." Alice says. Vivienne hands me some water and I take a few sips. Jasper and Carlisle come in. "Wow Babygirl you look just beautiful." Carlisle says I smile. "I put a spell on us all so Edward couldn't see what I looked like." I say smiling but then my nerves come back.

"Jasper." Alice says then it all melts away. With my eyes closed my heart beat goes down and I take a deep breath. "Thanks Edward. Is the pack here?" I ask. "Yea they came when I did." Leah says I nod. I take a deep breath. "Oh my god I am getting married." I say I walk to the mirror and see everyone looking at me. Jasper comes to me and take my hand I look at him in the mirror. "Bella calm down Darlin." Alice claps her hand smiling. "Ok! It's time!!"

We all head out to the back door. Alice tells I to start walking after 30 seconds once Logan, Liam and Esme walk. Esme was gonna be holding thier hands. Before them was gonna be Vivienne and Ronnie, Rosalie and Emmet and Alice taking up the back then Esme and my boys and finally me.

The music started it was the lullaby Edward wrote for me.

Then they walked out. I took a deep breath. "Don't let me fall." "Never." They said I took a deep breath and we started to walk. Everyone was standing up and looking back at us. We took one slow step then another then another and we continues of. There were decorations and lights everything. I smiled I looked at the guests and they smiled at me. We turned the corner and I saw Edward, my smile got bigger as I see him all dressed up in a suit.

We get closer and closer, soon enough Jasper and Carlisle kissed my cheek and I grabbed Edwards hand. We then stood facing each other, the minister sits everybody down then begins. "Ok I do believe the groom and bride made their own vows," He motions for Edward to go first, "I, Edward Anthony Mason Cullen, say this to you, with all my heart, my soul, my life, that I love you with everything I have and everything you made me into. You made me a better person then I ever thought could. I ask you to be my wife, to stand by your side by anything. I will never leave you."

I smile through tears, he grabbed my hand and slid my ring on it. "I promise you with this ring, that I will be with you, forever, as long as I shall live. I love you Bella." "I love you too." I say, the minister motions to me,

"I, Bella Marie McCarthy, I promise as we grow old, I will always have your hand in mine, from this day on, as I put this ring on your finger," I do exactly that, "To live with you, laugh with you, to stand by your side, and sleep in your arms, to be a joy to your heart, food to your soul, bring out the best I can with you, I promise to bare your children, give life to you, and make sure that when you get a dad body I'll still love you." Everyone laughs. I look at my family.

I look back at Edward and take a deep breath, I wiggle my fingers and tears start falling down his face along with my family's faces, "No matter what happens in the future I know that I will be by your side, I promise I will be with you forever, as long as I shall live. I love you Edward." I say looking up at him.

"You may kiss the bride." The minister says and takes a step back. Edward leans in and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck on my tippy toes. He wraps his arms around my waist and spins us around while never breaking the kiss. I laugh into the kiss Then he sets me back down. I open my eyes and his were open too, then he slowly pulls away staring me in the eyes.

That's when I heard all the cheering and clapping. We looked to the people all standing up. We were facing them with his arm around my waist and mine around his torso. We smile at each other then back at everyone else. Then we do pictures, lots and lots and lots and lots of pictures. After that is the ceremony, me and my family were in the middle of the guests outside.

Then Alice goes up to the microphone in front of everyone. "Hello. Hi. I am Alice I am the new sister of Bella. Yay! Anyways, time for speeches. First is Jacob Black." She gets off the stage and then Jacob walks up. He clears his throat. "Hi, I ma Jacob Black. When me and Bella were younger we were like brother and sister. Then things happened and I lost her."

Tears come to his eyes.  I smile sadly at him. "Then just a few months ago, I found her again, and I am so glad she can have a husband just like Edward. I hope that you Bella Cullen have the best and fullest life, thank you for bringing me back into it. I love you for that." Tears fall down my face and I sniff. Jacob jogs over and I stand up. He then hugs me tightly. I lay my head on his chest.

"I love you to Jake." He kisses my forehead and sits with the rest of the pack. Then up goes Leah. "Hi I am Leah Clearwater, I am a new friend of Bella's. She has been a great person, Edward is a great person and seeing you to for the past year, it has been lovely. There is no love like Bella and Edward love. I am so glad that I got the chance to be here and be able to be a bridesmaid. I love you both." I smile and she comes and hugs me. Then up goes Rose.

"I am Rosalie Hale and I have known Bella her whole life. And Edward is the best little brother a girl could ask for. They both and a connection their while lives as soon as they met I knew they would be together forever. I love my family so much and I am glad I got to see you both get married and have the happiest day of your lives. I love you both." I smile again and she comes and sits down. Emmett goes up next.

"Hi I am Emmett McCarthy-Cullen and I am the big brother of Bella. I would do anything for Bella and Edward. They both deserve this. And Bella-Boo if h hurts you, just yell for me and I'll beat up his small booty. I am here for you Bella-Boo and I'd you touch him Pretty Boy then you have to deal with me." I laugh and Emmett comes and kisses my cheek and hits the back of Edwards head as they were smiling.

Vivienne heads up there, "I am Vivienne, I am the best of the best friend of Bella. When she needed to let something out, we'd go out on walks and talk. I couldn't imagine my life without Bella. And Edward, he is just annoying." She says shrugging I laugh and Edward looks at her with his mouth open. "But I do love you. 90 percent of the time." She says quietly in the mic but everyone hears. I laugh again.

Then she gets off the stage and hugs me sitting next to Ronnie. But Ronnie gets up and heads to the stage. "So I haven't known Bella and Edward for long. But seeing them 2, they are ment to be you can tell by just looking at them and I hope you guys are happy." I smile and he sits back down. Esme then heads up there.

"I'm Esme Cullen, the mother of the 2. I couldn't imagine you both with anyone else. Taking you in Bella at such a young age and being vulnerable, it was hard for me and Carlisle but we did it and look at you know. All grown up and having the best day of your life. I love you both so much, I hope you know that." She had tears falling slowly down her face. She walks off and I stand up, she hugs me tightly for a few seconds. "I love you to mom."

We pull away and she wipes my tears smiling. Then she kisses my cheek and sits next to Carlisle. Liam and Logan climb on top of he flap again. Then Carlisle walks up onto the stage. "I'm Carlisle Cullen, I am the proud father of Bella and Edward." He looks down smiling, collecting his thoughts. "When Bella was young, the first time she called me dad, or daddy was one of the best days of my life. Just looking back, he being a small fragile little broken girl, to this amazing, beautiful, women sitting before me, with a husband, who adopted 3 kids, just at the age of 18 I mean, where did the time go? But I want you both to know that I will always love you both. And I am so proud of you Babygirl."

I smile through tears he gets down and hugs me tightly. Then kisses my cheek.
Then it is Jasper's turn to go up there. I smile, he said he was practicing his speech with Alice and it made her tear up the first time she heard it. "Hi I am Jasper Hale. I am also the best friend of Bella and the adopted brother of Edward." He clears his throat

"Being Bella's best friend through the rough times, everything with her childhood, she never let those bad and cruel things define her, define, her whole heart and soul. She is the kind of person that lights a room when she walks in it, or when she smiles it feels light, easy, and full of love." I look him in the eyes as he stares back at me. "I know this is a long speech but she deserves everything she wants. Without her, this whole family wouldn't be as it is right now, in this moment right here. I want you to know how much you mean to me, to us Bella. I love you with all my heart Darlin." I smile and he walks over and hugs me tightly.

He kisses my cheek, "Major says he is proud of you and that he loves you." He whispers I hug him tighter. Then he sits down. And lastly Edward goes up there. "Wow beautiful speeches, I wanted to thank everyone for coming. Me and Bella will never forget this. And I came up her edit a few words too."

"I love you Bella, you will never know how much I love you but just know, that before you came into my life, it was dull and sad, but then you made it better. Way better then it was. And it feels like I have been waiting a century for this." He raises his glass of expensive champagne. "To Bella and Me." We all take a sip as the kids take a sip of their kids sparkling juice.

Then I get up, I walk up to the microphone, "Hi, so I know the bride usually doesn't give speeches, but I wanted to say a few words for my older brother, Emmett." I say smiling. My family gives me confused looks besides Alice and Edward, they were smiling, proud. "So as you all know my maiden name was Isabella Marie Swan." I say looking around, I look at the pack everyone was there, even Billy, Jacobs dad.

"So my life wasn't he best or the greatest before I met the Cullen's, who I call my family." I look at the human guests, they all were tearing up, "And I know everyone knows me because of my father." I look down taking a deep breath, Then I look back up with confidence. "So as you all know I changed my last name to McCarthy, that is because of my older brother, Emmett, He isn't my biological brother, but damn near close to it." I say laughing a little.

Then I lock eyes with him, he was stunned, "When Emmett was younger, like me, his real family and life was amazing, as I am told. But then things happen, life happens, and the circle of life is fulfilled." I say slowly while keeping his gaze. "Then the next thing he knows he is being taken to an unknown family, because his is gone. His last name was changed, and he did it because the pain from the memories were to much, when he told me this,"

Tears know fall down my face, "I was heartbroken, so I changed my name to McCarthy, for him and his family, so he could remember them from me, he told me, I looked like a little sister he once had," and it was true, when I was 16 he told me and it made me happy and sad, "So that is why I changed my name, for him, and his sister, Anabelle or Belle for short. When I was 10 it was hardest for him because that was how old she was when she passed, every time he looked at me, he saw her, and one day he called me Belle."

I look down as tears fell down my face but I was smiling, I looked at my family and they all had tears in their eyes, the spell from earlier was gonna last the whole day and night. Then I look back at Emmett who was covering his mouth. I smile, "So, for his sake and mine, I promised myself, I promised..."

"That my next child, was gonna be called Annabelle, and if he wants to call me Belle then so be it. It's not gonna hurt anything, and the reason I wanted to come up here and say it in front of everyone is because I thought he deserved to know this what happened to him, was terrible and I wanted to honor that." I look at Emmett, he was crying hard, "I love you Emmett McCarthy-Cullen. Forever and always. You are much stronger then you think." Tears fell down my face as I smiled.

I step back from the microphone as people clap and some cheer. I look at Emmett and he stands up and quickly walks over to me with his head down, when he reaches me he pulls me into a hug. His shoulders were shaking so he was sobbing. "Thank you Belle I needed that, it is in my head all the time and you just made it better." I kiss his cheek and he pulls away while he holds my right hand then he kisses my hand.

We walk off stage with his arm around my shoulder and my head on his chest.

Guys I am so sorry for the long wait but here is the next Chapter. I hope you enjoyed the wedding. Have a good day or night. Love you all. 😁❤️❤️

Don't forget to vote, comment and share this story. Also if you wouldn't mind could I get a few follows too?

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