Unsuspecting Love // Tom Felt...

By PeepsPrincess96

11.9K 260 48

She threw him a half smile as she stirred the pasta sauce boiling away on the stove. Her LA sun bleached beac... More

Doorstep Fights
Missed flights
Always expect the unexpected.
An escape.
Hollywood Hills
Work Vacation.
The game
Dont lie.
The day that never ends.
1 week sober.
A weekend away.
4th times a charm?
A white lie never hurt.
Counting down.
Clean air
A blissful moment.
Fender Bender
Endless Summer Love
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part 3 subsection 1
Day 1 of forever

The family.

441 10 0
By PeepsPrincess96

Two Poor Bitch 🙋🏻‍♀️ is calling
Accept | Decline

"Hey bitch tits" Nick answers the phone, shovelling a piece of chocolate brownie in her mouth.

"Hey numb nuts. You going to Tracey's tonight?" Layla asks her.

"Yes we are" a smile escapes Nicks lips as she looks up at Tom, who feeds her another piece of brownie.

"Oh we? We get to meet the mystery man?" Layla jokes with her. Nick jumps on Tom's back.

"Don't act like you haven't googled the man. Be there like 7 ish?"

"So 8:30" the girls both laugh, so care free "ok see you later. Love you" Nick hangs up the phone, squeezing her arms around Tom's neck. Kissing him gently on the neck.

"I am going to shower" she kisses him once more on the neck before jumping down. Grabbing a towel out of the airing cupboard, Nick kisses him one last time. Savouring every last moment of it. Throwing her phone on the dresses Nick heads for the shower.

Her phone keeps vibrating on the dresser, at first Tom thinks it's just her group chat but eventually he gets up to check. He sees Nick has got several missed calls from a Carol Benson. He ignores them, probably a client of hers, Tom continues to get ready for tonight. Listening to Nick sing in the shower, he smiles. The sound is so heavenly, her voice could wake the dead for one last day of dancing.

"Hey" Nick says coming behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist. Standing on her tiptoes to kiss the back of his neck. He can feel the water on her chest pressed against his bare back.

"Hey. Someone called Carol has called you like 50 times" he says casually. But nothing about Nicks response was casual, she freezes up at the name of Carol. He spins around to look at her "you alright?" Holding her by the shoulders.

"Yeah I'm fine sorry" she shakes her head snapping out of the moment. Kissing him softly before walking straight past her phone to the closest. Tom follows her with his eyes thinking it's strange but goes along with it anyway.

She throws on a pair of denim shorts, getting a good look of her. Tom sees how many tattoos she actually has on her. Nick was completely the opposite of the type girl he would normally go for. But there's something about her, she radiates good energy, good vibes and happiness. She accepts everyone for who they are. No judgments. She throws on a semi clean GBC t shirt, over sized. Making it look like she is not wearing any shorts at all. Matching the outfit with red and white Jordan's.

"What's GBC ?" Tom asks her innocently. She looks at him with that smile that brings joy to any room, she flicks her hair back laughing softly.

"They are a music group. A collective of singers and producers. They are group my friends formed. I designed this" she rests one hand on his chest flat, standing on her tiptoes, kissing him like it's the most natural thing in the entire world todo. Like she's being doing it everyday since forever and will do it everyday forever. "Let's go"

Nick grabs her mini Palm Springs on the way out, in the taxi she decides to check phone. Big mistake.

Carol Benson
Hi sweetie. It's mum. Call me.

Carol Benson
Sweetie I really need to talk to you. Please call me

Carol Benson
I'm in some bother. Please call

Carol Benson
Oi dickhead. Fucking call me. I'm your mother.

Carol Benson
I swear to fucking god you better call me. You better sort this shit out for me.

Carol Benson
Sort this fucking shit out for me. You're the reason I'm in this mess. If you weren't born, I wouldn't do this shit and your dad would still be here.

Carol Benson 25x missed calls

Nothing like your own mother calling you high to tell you, the reason she drinks and gets high. Is you. That your fathers suicide was your fault. Carol Benson was hardly mother of the year, this year or any year. Unfortunately this was not the first and it won't be the last time this happens. Nick bites the bullet and listens to the voicemail left by her mother.

The sound of her mother's voice sounds chills down she spine, they've never had the easiest relationship in the world but recently it's gotten out of hand since her fathers suicide in 2008. Carol had always made it clear that she believed Nick's dad would of never left her if they hadn't had a baby so young. But Nick knew this wasn't true, her dad was the best dad in the world. He was always there for her when he could be, he would call her all the time. Send her postcards and letters from where ever he was in the world. She loved him dearly and misses him everyday. He would always tell her how proud he was of her.

"Hey we are here. You alright?" Tom clicks his fingers. Once more she had been in a trance thinking about her dad.

"Yeah sorry" she smiles at him. Needing a big drink.

Tom goes to knock but Nick just lets herself into the house. To anyone walking in you would think a bunch of crackhead squat here but to her this house is more home than her family home was. Her best friends all live here and yes it was dirty. But everyone was always welcome at any point in the day, there was always laughter and joy in this house. Her friends maybe broke and she may take high paying boring clients to make sure she can do them so cool designs for less. But they are family to her and one day they will be big, then they will repay her love. She knows it.

Walking in there's couch cushions everywhere forming mini beds on the floor. Where friends crash on the regular. Graffiti on the walls from where a year ago Layla and her thought they were artists. Or the wall behind Tracey's bed, where they all drew on it after being awake for 72 hours. Then signed it like it would be worth anything. This house it full of nothing but happy, slightly weird memories.

"Hey dickwads" Nick announces them as they walk in.

"Nickle Pickle!" Layla exclaims handing her a joint.

"Guys this is Tom. Babe this is Layla, Nedarb or Ned, goth, cold, smoke, Charlie, yawns and Tracey" she points at all her friends dotted around the room. Nick leaves Tom to talk to the boys whine she gets drinks. Layla follows her, concerned her friend is acting strange. "She back"

Nick looks over Layla's shoulder. Making sure Tom can't hear her from the living room. She slides her phone across the table. Layla presses play on the voicemail.

"Listen here you ungrateful bitch. I brought you into this world and I'll take you out of it. This is your fault I'm in this mess. If it wasn't for you, your dad would still be here and we would be happy. You ruined everything. You little thieving bitch. Pay my debt now"

Layla stands there scroll through the messages as Nick downs shot after shot of whiskey.

"What does that sound like to you? Crack Carol or Coke Carol?" Nick asks. It's a game her and Layla play everytime Carol pops her head up. Which every few months.

"Crack Carol" they say together.

"You don't say a fucking word about this to anyone. Especially Tom. He doesn't need to know about my fucked up family, especially does not need to know about crackhead carol" she instructs Layla

"You know he's gonna need to know at some point. You can't lie forever" Layla says.

"Well I'm hoping I've fucked up by then and he's ran for the hills" she does 3 more shots before Layla joins in. Nick looks terrified.

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