Emma Crawley (Downton Abbey...

By QueenOfDiamonds07

25.1K 398 79

Lady Emma Crawley is the third child of Lord and Lady Grantham. She is extremely loyal to those who loves her... More

Episode 1- Dilemma
Unfortunate circumstances
Episode 3 - The Turkish Diplomat
Episode 4 - The Fair
Episode 5 - Dinner
Episode 6 - Politics
Episode 7 - End of an Era
Season 2

Episode 2 - The New Heir

3K 46 11
By QueenOfDiamonds07

Hello everyone! I hope you had a wonderful New Years celebration! Goodbye 2020 and hello 2021!

I had meaning to update sooner but I had wanted to relax on the new year weekend and this chapter was edited, I still don't think it's perfect but I think it's better than it was before. I had also started on a different shift at work and I had also gained more responsibilities at work. 

Anyways, enough about me and I am happy to release a new chapter of Downton Abbey. Feel free to comment, vote. To all readers, thank you for your time reading my story! It makes my day!

Episode 2

The New Heir

A couple weeks later went on by. Emma was aware that the gossip at Downton had changed from the Duke to the mysterious new heir. Nobody knew anything about him except that he lived with his mother who was a doctor and his father passed away a while ago. The new heir was an only child and he and his mother lived in Manchester. Emma learned from her father's travels to London that the new heir's name was Matthew Crawley.

Mary had been particularly snappy and callous, of course, Emma didn't blame her. She had lost the prospect of marriage to a respectable Duke, and now Emma learned that Robert was willing to go along with the entail, which meant only Cora and Violet are still fighting onwards to have Mary inherit her birthright. Emma had observed that Mary also had felt let down that she wasn't given a proposal, only the usual cold shoulder of refusal. About a two days later the Duke left, Mary had gone off on her own swallowing the bitter humiliation and Emma and Edith were playing cards in the drawing room.

'Who would want to court to a cold and distant young woman,' said Edith.

'Oh Edith, you make it sound like it was Mary's fault,' said Emma, placing down a card of three of diamonds.

'Well, what could possibly have rubbed him off the wrong way...Mary isn't exactly the fairy tale princess in the novels you read.'

'I don't know...maybe he was considering options for a bride?' Emma shrugged and Edith rolled her eyes.

'Maybe he thought she as ugly?' Edith sniggered.

Emma glared sharply at Edith.

'Oh honestly, can't you be a little sympathetic... one day it could happen to you and you better hope you have sympathetic sisters supporting you.'

Emma dropped her cards and left the room.

Emma had taken to visiting her old boutique; there was talk of a new dressmaker shop to be settled there for the modern wear. Emma had been spending her time in the village and taken up art lessons, especially figuring sketches and honing watercolour painting, which Violet had discovered and approved.

'Well, as long as you are doing something, unlike Mary and Edith,' Violet said in one tea time at the Dowager's house with Emma. 'You should bring over one or two of your art pieces. We can compare them and perhaps display them in the house.'

'Oh Granny,' Emma said, blushing, 'I'm no Picasso.'

'So? Why can't I have display of your artworks? I'm not expecting artworks from Botticelli. I don't think you're up to that degree yet.'

Emma smiled wanely and helped herself to a bite of the Victoria sponge cake.

The next morning, Emma had risen early to sketch the early sunrise and once she had drawn it to her standard of perfection, she went downstairs where she heard her parents talking in a serious matter.

'Matthew Crawley is my heir,' said Robert, in a final tone.

'Patrick was your heir,' Cora defied, 'he never lived here.'

'Patrick was in and out of this house since the day he was born. You saw how many of the village turned out for the service.'

'But nothing's settled yet,' Cora said in reasonable tone.

'It is settled, my dearest one, whether you like it or not,' Robert said.

Cora disagreed, 'I wouldn't say that, not while your mother breathes air.'

Emma watched as her parents disappear and then she raced to Mary's room.

Emma was reading the newspaper left on the bench in the village and saw a photograph of a boutique headline.


Emma blinked and read the article. She had heard of the Golden Stitching Shop, she had heard that her father liked to get his suits from the designer and there was about two shops ran by the same owner, one in Liverpool and the second in London, which turned out to be successful. Since her favourite shop had closed down, she thought it would pass the time to look in the new shop.

She had walked down the road for about fifteen minutes when she had seen a lot potential customers in the store. The store was painted white and there was a sign above the store written in gold calligraphy 'Golden Stitching'

Emma stepped into the store and a bell rang and she glanced around at the store and it was mostly of older women, young and older men looking at suits and male mannequins wearing tweed suits and moderate dinner suits.

Emma looked over and found an appropriate suit that her father had worn once at dinner time last month. Emma touched the fabric and found the fabric to be clean cut and crisp.

'Good day, miss, do you need any help finding anything you need?' said a warm male voice.

Emma turned around to face a rather dashing young man around his mid twenties. He had cropped brown hair and sky-blue eyes and fair skinned with a five o'clock shadow and a sharp jaw line, he had to be about six foot and built.

'I-I was just looking around,' Emma said, moving a lock of her hair away from her face, her face turning red.

The man smiled and he turned to the suit that Emma had stroked with her fingertips.

'I see, I had made this suit made for the Earl of Grantham a few weeks ago, it was popular and I made another for the public under lower price.'

Emma nodded and said, 'It is a fine suit.'

Emma moved away from the man and went to the women's side where she saw a few women looking at a few day dresses and a couple frocks. Emma caught the eye of a dusty rose frock.

'This one is stunning,' said Emma breathlessly.

'This was inspired by a dress my mother wore,' said the attractive man, 'although I added a simple brooch that is added to the price.'

Emma glanced around at the clothing and said, 'So you designed all of these clothing?'

The man smiled and dipped his head, 'Created and designed, and I had been meaning to open a shop here in York for a few months, although I pushed myself to fulfil my dream.'

Emma smiled in admiration, 'You dreamed to open a shop in York?'

The man smiled charmingly that if Emma was sixteen, she would've swooned.

'I did, my parents met here and they fell in love, although they moved to Liverpool.'

'That's a romantic tale,' said Emma, smiling widely. 'Are you living here?'

'Yes, I had just moved here, although I spend time dividing between here and London. My name is James Montgomery.' James said, offering his hand to her.

Emma shook his hand, 'It's nice to meet you, Mr. Montgomery. My name is Emma.'

'Emma...?' he asked, his eyebrows rose.

Emma bit her lip and she looked down at the dress and she said, 'I'll think about buying the dress at another time. Good day, Mr. Montgomery.'

'Good day, Emma...' James said, watching after her retreating back.

Emma turned to see James looking at her and she blinked turned back towards the road. She didn't know why her heart was pounding.

Emma made it in time to go back upstairs to get changed into a dark red frock and Jane helped her style her hair into a low bun and putting on a black jewelled necklace. She walked downstairs, following Edith, who was wearing a gold gown. They made the usual line, where Emma slipped in between Edith and Sybil and the staff were present, standing on the opposite side of the Crawleys. Emma felt a small grin appearing on her face as she finally seen the new heir.

Robert went over to shake Mrs. Crawley's hand and said, 'Hello again. It's a pleasure to meet you at last, Mrs. Crawley.'

'We're delighted to be here, aren't we, Matthew?' said Mrs. Crawley with grace. Emma glanced at her and she found herself taken an instant liking to her.

'Delighted.' Matthew said with uncertain tone.

Emma glanced at Matthew and saw he straightening his dinner jacket, appearing awkward.

Robert led the new Crawleys into the hall and Cora welcomed them, 'Welcome to Downton.'

'Thank you,' said Mrs. Crawley, 'You've been so kind.'

'What a reception committee,' Matthew said nervously.

The atmosphere in the room tensed for a moment and Emma could hear the only the grandfather clock functioning. Emma bit her bottom lip.

'Yes, thank you,' said Mrs. Crawley.

Robert broke the tension in the room by introducing the butler, 'This is Carson. We'd all be lost without him. Mama, may I present Matthew Crawley and Mrs. Isobel Crawley, my mother, Lady Grantham.'

Isobel step closer to Violet and offered her hand to shake, 'What should we call each other?'

Violet was cold as glass and said, 'Well, we could start with Mrs. Crawley and Lady Grantham.'

Isobel put her hand down awkwardly and Cora stepped in to save her from further embarrassment.

'Come into the drawing room and we can make all the proper introductions.'

Emma glanced over at Violet and saw her pursed lips, Emma's mouth twitched in amusement.

After the proper introductions, Emma couldn't help feel sorry for Matthew. She had seen how uncomfortable he was from first sight, she hoped to be at least his friend. Emma didn't have many friends as she knew she was the lone Crawley sister, still, it would be nice to have someone for Matthew to settle in Downton. She found him to be very nice looking with golden blonde hair and light piercing blue eyes.

Just as dinner was served, Emma sat down between Mary and Isobel and Emma helped herself to the red wine before eating.

'Do you think you'll enjoy village life? It will be very quiet after life in the city.'

Violet pushed in the conversation and said, 'Even Manchester.'

'I'm sure I'll find something to keep me busy,' said Isobel.

'You might like the hospital,' Cora said.

Emma saw a spark in Isobel's eyes.

'What sort of hospital is it? How many beds?'

Violet laughed uneasily, 'Well it-it isn't really a hospital.'

'Don't let Dr Clarkson hear you. He thinks its second only to St Thomas's.'

'It's a cottage hospital,' Emma said, 'of course, but well equipped.'

'Who pays for it?' Isobel inquired.

Emma nearly rolled her eyes at the thought of another person wanting to talk about money, Emma found it to be a dull conversation and she really didn't want to listen to cousin Isobel talking about finances.

'Oh good,' Violet exasperated, 'Let's talk about money.'

'My father gave the building and an endowment to run it,' said, Robert, helping himself to a canapé, 'In a way, he set up his own memorial.'

'But how splendid!' Isobel said enthusiastically.

'And Mr. Lloyd George's new insurance measures will help.'

'Please don't speak that man's name, we are about to eat,' Violet requested.

Emma watched as Thomas leaned over to Matthew with a silver tray of food.

'I will hold it steady and you can help yourself, sir.' He said snidely.

'Yes, I know,' Matthew said, mildly aggravated, 'thank you.'

Mary replicated a smile towards Matthew.

'You'll soon get used to the way things are done here.'

Matthew answered back quickly, 'If you mean that I'm accustomed to a very different life from this, then that is true.'

Sybil joined in the conversation and asked Matthew, 'What will you do with your time?'

'I've got a job in Ripon. I said I'll start tomorrow.'

Robert looked surprised, 'A job?'

'Where at?' Emma inquired kindly.

'In a partnership,' Matthew said passionately, 'You might have heard of it, Harvell and Carter.'

Emma peaked up and said, 'Yes, I know of it. They have a good reputation with Industrial Law and Mr. Murray, our family lawyer, worked there.'

Matthew smiled at Emma.

'Well said, they asked for someone who understands industrial law, I'm glad to say. Although, I'm afraid most of it will be wills and conveyancing.'

Robert looked put out and said, 'You do know I mean to involve you in the running of the Estate?'

'Oh, don't worry. There are plenty of hours in the day. And, of course, I'll have the weekend.'

Robert smiled uncomfortably and glanced around the table, 'We'll discuss this later, we mustn't bore the ladies.'

Violet looked confused and asked, 'What-What is a weekend?'

Emma sighed, it was going to be a long night.

After dinner and Mrs. Crawley and Matthew were leaving to head back to the Crawley House. Emma walked over to Matthew and said, 'I hope we made a good impression, although you did try your best. I don't blame you...'

'What do mean?' Matthew inquired.

'I mean you were thrust into this new life,' Emma said reasonably, 'a new town, a new job and meeting us seemed daunting.'

'It seems like you know how to read people, Lady Emma.'

'Cousin Emma, please,' said Emma graciously, 'Although I think it's wonderful to know that you have a job. I envy you for that. I wish I had a job, although Granny would probably hyperventilate.'

Matthew chuckled, 'Thank you for understanding, Cousin Emma.'

The next day, Emma fancied going back to the Golden Stitching shop so she asked Mr. Carson to bring the car around. Luckily, the weather was good because she wanted to buy the dusty rose frock and she didn't fancy carrying wet clothes. Emma's thoughts wandered back to dinner last night and she hoped she had made a good impression on Matthew. She didn't fancy him much, although she knew he had to marry so he could provide an heir, however she found him to be a little older than her by about eight years, and she wasn't into blonde haired men.

The chauffeur pulled over to the shop and opened the door to help Emma step out of the motor. Emma noticed that it seemed a little quieter than yesterday. She told the chauffeur that she would be right back after shopping.

She opened the door and entered and saw Mr. Montgomery looking over at a large black book full of figure sketching. He looked up and his eyes lit up.

'Ah, Miss Emma, how are you today?'

'Very well, thank you. I made my decision and I wanted to buy the dusty rose dress.'

'Ah, yes, I got here in the back, one moment please.'

Mr. Montgomery went in the store room and the bell dinged and Emma turned around to see Matthew Crawley. Although she thought Mr. Moseley would next him, she had heard from Mary that Mr. Moseley was Matthew's valet.

'Cousin Matthew, what a surprise!' Emma exclaimed, her eyes widened.

'Hello, Cousin Emma, what are you doing here?'

'I came to buy something for this evening,'

'Ah,' said Matthew, nodding.

'Here it is, it was ironed about an hour ago,' said Mr. Montgomery, holding out the familiar gown to Emma, 'although it should fit.'

'I'll try it out in one of the changing rooms,' said Emma.

She went over to one of fitting rooms and removed the dress she was wearing and put on the new dress, she felt it a little warm and nicely fitted around her waist. Unfortunately there was no mirror in the room so she stepped out and looked over at the full length mirror near the desk.

'Mr. Montgomery, you have done yourself a splendid job.'

'Cousin Emma, you look remarkable!' Matthew said, looking at the dress. Emma looked around to find the designer. He wasn't there.

'Thank you, I am definitely buying it.' Emma said, agreeing that the dress was quite pretty.

'And here is your dinner suit, Mr. Crawley, it has been fitted to your size,' said Mr. Montgomery.

James Montgomery appeared from the store room and his eyes caught Emma in his dress and his mouth dropped.

'The frock suits you, Emma.' Mr. Montgomery whispered.

There was an awkward silence, and Emma twirled around in her dress and posing in front of the mirror and ignored Mr. Montgomery's gobsmacked expression.

'Yes, thank you,' Cousin Matthew said, 'I will take it now, James.'

Emma continued to admire herself in the dress and she watched as Matthew paid for his attire and Mr. Montgomery placing the suit in a large box and handing it to Matthew.

'I'll see you this evening, Cousin Emma,' Matthew said, dipping his head down in courtesy.

Emma nodded and she turned around to go back and put back her original yellow dress. Once she had dressed herself, she took the rose dress under her arm and walked back to the counter.

'I will buy it.'

'All right,' he said he did the paperwork and Emma handed in a cheque.

'I didn't know you were related to Matthew Crawley,' he said, his eyes snapped to hers.

'He's my cousin, he lives in the Crawley House,' she said hurriedly.

'Oh? Then... you must be one of the Crawley daughters?' he said, his eyes widened.

'Uh-yes, yes I am.'

Mr. Montgomery seemed flustered as he placed the frock in a cream colour box.

'Oh, I do beg your pardon, my lady, I should've known-'

Emma shook her head, 'No, no, it's all right. You just moved to York, you can't expect to know everyone in just one day. My name is Emma Crawley.'

'Lady Emma Crawley?' he asked.


'The lone Crawley?'

Emma's eyes went down and she swallowed.

'Oh, I shouldn't have said that, I apol-'

'Have a good day, Mr. Montgomery,' she said callously, her eyes sparkling with tears and she took the box and ran out the door.

She didn't know why she had reduced to tears. It was hard to make Emma cry, although this man did and she didn't know how he managed to.

Later in the evening, Emma disregarded wearing the dusty rose frock, it had reminded her of Montgomery so she asked Jane for light green evening frock with gold beads embroiled and a simple pearl necklace and her hair in a volumed plait down her back. Lastly she put on her white long sleeved gloves and went over to Mary's bedroom where she saw Mary at her dresser table, Sybil was putting on her gloves and Edith sitting lady-like on Mary's bed.

'Your inheritance,' said Edith pointedly at Mary, 'It makes no difference to Emma, Sybil and me. We won't inherit, whatever happens.'

Mary retorted, 'He isn't one of us.'

Emma rolled her eyes at her sister's snobby perspective of Matthew.

'He will learn,' Emma said defensively, 'and besides, he's not so bad, at least he has a brain.'

Sybil backed up Emma and said 'Cousin Freddy's studying for the bar, and so is Vivian McDonald.' Emma went over to fix Sybil's necklace as she sat down on an armchair.

'At Lincoln's Inn. Not sitting at a dirty little desk in Ripon. Besides, his father was a doctor.'

'There's nothing wrong with doctors, we all need doctors.'

'We all need crossing sweepers and draymen, too,' Mary countered back, 'it doesn't mean we have to dine with them.'

Emma nearly jumped when she heard her mother's voice, 'Whom don't we have to dine with?'

Emma turned to her mother and replied back, 'Mary doesn't care for Cousin Matthew.'

'Sybil, be a dear and fetch my black evening shawl, O' Brien knows which one. Emma and Edith, can you see if the drawing room's ready?'

Emma saw a book near Edith from where she was sitting and she knew Edith like the back of her hand. Emma pulled Edith's hand and they both went downstairs.

'All right, little Miss Nosy, what were you looking at in Mary's book?'

Edith plastered on a look of innocence.

'I have no idea what you are talking about, I didn't see it.'

Emma rolled her eyes and said, 'Oh, really, Edith, you insult my intelligence, and I won't tell anyone.'

Edith sighed and replied, 'There was a letter for Mary from an E.N. Napier.'

Emma glanced at her sister and said, 'You mean-'

'The Honourable Evelyn Napier, the son and heir of Viscount Branksome.'

'Goodness,' Emma sighed, 'Mary is certainly catching fishes lately.'

Edith rolled her eyes.

At the dinner table, Emma was seated in between Violet and Sybil. She caught Matthew's eye and she looked down at her plate.

'Have you been able to explore the village?'

'I have, it truly is nice to explore the local area...' Matthew replied to Robert's question, 'Oh, I also saw an old friend, James Montgomery, who opened a boutique in the village, you must've heard about Golden Stitching?'

Emma tensed in her chair.

'Indeed I have,' said Robert, 'Montgomery is a good chap, I met him in London a few months ago, he designs clothing for both genders.' He explained to his wife.

'It sounds wonderful,' Sybil commented, smiling dazzingly. 'I would certainly like to visit,'

'It is, I bumped into Cousin Emma there this afternoon whilst picking up my attire.'

Everyone's eyes were on Emma and she wanted to sink into the rug.

'Why didn't you tell us you were going to the village, dear?' Cora asked kindly.

Emma hoped to God she wasn't turning red, she felt her face burned.

'I only went to pick up a frock,' Emma said in a dismissive tone, 'It was nothing.'

'Mr. Montgomery looked speechless when he saw wearing his new designed frock.' Matthew commented.

Emma's face was scorching red and she felt everyone eyes staring at her.

'Emma, you're blushing!' Edith remarked.

'No I'm not,' Emma said sternly, 'The food is just a little spicy for my liking,'

Emma coughed and gulped a glass of water.

'Anyways,' Emma said, looking only at Mrs. Crawley, 'what about you, Cousin Isobel, have been able to look around in the village?'

'Indeed, I have,' said Isobel, 'And I thought the hospital a great credit to your father's memory. But I'm afraid the good doctor and I did not see eye to eye.'

Emma smiled, she knew that Dr Clarkson and Violet were alike in many ways, for one, they don't fancy new treatments.

Violet chuckled, 'Oh, you amaze me.'

'He's treating one of your tenant John Drake, for dropsy, but seems reluctant to embrace some of the newer treatments.'

Robert nodded and said, 'Drake is a good man, and far too young to die, but I suppose the doctor knows his business.'

Violet muttered, 'Not as well as Mrs. Crawley, apparently.'

Robert turned to Matthew and said, 'By the way, if you ever want to ride, just let Lynch know and he'll sort it out for you.'

Mary intervened quickly and said, 'Oh, Papa, Cousin Matthew doesn't ride.'

Emma glared at her sister.

'I ride,' said Matthew.

Mary looked stunned for a second then rebutted, 'And do you hunt?'

Matthew seemed crestfallen, 'No, I don't hunt.'

Violet chuckled and said, 'I daresay there's not much opportunity in Manchester.'

Matthew's interest peaked, 'Are you a hunting family?'

'Families like ours are always hunting families.'

'Not always,' said Robert, 'Billy Skelton won't have them on his hand.'

'But all the skeletons are mad,' said Emma, putting her knife and fork down.

'Do you hunt?' Matthew asked Mary.

'Occasionally,' Mary said unpleasant tone, 'I suppose you're more interested in books than Country sport.'

'I probably am,' Matthew said, helping himself to strawberries, 'You'll me that's rather unhealthy.'

'Not unhealthy,' Mary snipped nastily, 'Just unusual...among our kind of people.'

Emma glared at Mary's appalling behaviour.

'I've been studying the story of Andromeda, do you know it?'

Emma's mouth gapped open in disbelief and watched as the scene unfolded. This conversation wasn't going to go well.

'Why?' Matthew asked tensely.

'Her father was King Cepheus, whose country was being ravaged by storms, and in the end, he decided the only way to appease the gods was to sacrifice his eldest daughter to a hideous sea monster. So they chained her naked to a rock...'

Violet chuckled in an unsettled manner, 'Really, Mary, we'll all need our smelling salts in a minute.'

'But the sea monster didn't get her, did he?' Matthew said.

'No,' Mary said in an unkind manner, 'Just when it seemed he was the only solution to her father's problems, she was rescued.'

'By Perseus,' said Matthew.

Mary smiled, 'That's right. Perseus, son of a God. Rather more fitting, wouldn't you say?'

'That depends, I'd have to know more about the Princess and the sea monster in question.'

After dinner, Sybil promised Emma that they would take a ride with Diamond and Peal around the estate tomorrow and whilst she was about to leave the room, she went over to Matthew.

'I'm sorry about Mary, she can be a bit of a pill at times.'

'It's all right,' Matthew said wistfully, 'I fear we will never get along, that's all.'

Emma shook her head and said, 'Give her time, she'll lower her walls around you and you might be surprised to see what a kind young woman she is. Anyways, I will retire, Goodnight, Cousin Matthew.'


The next day after breakfast, Emma and Sybil went riding and they stopped over at the Skelton's house for tea. Emma told her encounter with James Montgomery and his store.

'Next time I want something new, I will definitely drop by there,' Sybil said.

Then Emma told her about the last visit to his store and what he called her.

'Maybe get to know to him and he'll realise you not what those childhood memories are.'

'I think everyone knows the story that I had a twin brother who died at birth,' Emma sighed, 'I still remember Mary and Edith and I playing game of what we fear the most and-'

'You fear dying alone... I remember. I remember Mary and Edith teasing you and that's how you got that horrid name.'

Emma looked miserable, 'When I am around him, I meant Montgomery. It's like I don't know how to talk to him. He is so good looking and I never met a man like him... I know now it's not his fault for calling me that name. I want to talk to him but the way I left things the last time...Maybe I should forget it...'

Sybil frowned, 'No, maybe I'll go with you, you should bring in your art works and show him your sketches or something. You like to draw.'

Emma shrugged, 'I do, but talk about what? Lines? Circles? Little squiggles and dresses?'

Sybil gave Emma a sympathetic expression, 'Well, it's a start.'

Emma gave Sybil an exasperated look.

Emma finished her tea and they both got up and they rode back to the house and given the horses to Lynch where they saw the front door was open and Anna ran out through the front, a loud, unfamiliar voice came from inside the house.

'How bizarre,' Emma muttered.

'Oh, aye! I'll not mind waiting in here,' said the stranger.

Emma and Sybil frowned and walked over to the library where they saw a man sitting on the couch, looking smug.

'Bates?' Sybil asked, still looking at the stranger.

Mr. Bates turned to the girls and said in a low voice, 'This...gentleman is an acquaintance of Mr. Carson, milady.'

'What is he doing in here?' Emma inquired, taking her riding helmet off.

'He says he has urgent business with His Lordship,' Mr. Bates answered

'Urgent!' said the stranger.

Mr. Bates murmured, 'I've sent for Mr. Carson to come at once.'

'Then we'll both stay with you in case explanations are needed,' Sybil said.

Mr. Bates mouthed 'Thank you.'

Emma nodded.

It was getting awkward with the stranger looking around at the house and muttering about waste of time. Emma and Sybil glanced at each other and Emma was hoping either Carson or Robert would be soon. The stranger had started to complain about five minutes later and he was getting louder with strings of swear words.

'How long are you expecting me to wait? I'm a very busy man, you know!' the stranger asked Mr. Bates.

'If you could just be patient for a little longer, sir.'

Thankfully, Robert entered the library and saw the stranger there.

'May I ask who is this and precisely what is going on?'

Just then, Carson and Anna appeared, they both seemed breathless.

'Mr. Bates, what are you...? Er...I'm sorry, Your Lordship,' Carson said, looking flustered, 'Mr. Bates, you may go now.'

Mr. Bates was about to leave when Robert intervened, 'No, stay where you are. No one is going anywhere,' he said and turned to Carson, 'Do you know this man?'

'Don't try and deny it,' the stranger said to Carson.

'No, I won't deny it,' said Carson, 'I do know him, my lord, but not what he is doing in the library.'

Emma turned to Bates as he spoke, 'I tried to take him downstairs out of sight, Mr. Carson, but he wouldn't come.'

'Thank you, that was thoughtful.

Robert persisted, 'But who is he?'

Carson hesitated and Emma couldn't help feel sympathetic.

'Will you tell him or shall I?' said the stranger pointedly.

'His name is Charles Grigg. We worked together at one time.'

'Oh,' Grigg said, 'I'm a little more than that, aren't I, Charlie? We're like brothers, him and me.'

Carson dismissed him, 'We're not like brothers.'

'We were a double act,' Grigg explained, 'On the halls.'

Emma gasped and shared a look with Sybil. She had no idea that Carson used to perform. She would never had even thought of Mr. Carson on the stage.

'You were on the stage?' Robert asked, surprised, 'Carson, is this true?'

'It is true, my lord,' Carson said in a low tone.

'The cheerful Charlies, that's what they called us,' Mr. Grigg said, giving a old flyer to Robert and he did a small tap dance. 'We did quite well, didn't we?'

Carson rolled his eyes in annoyance.

'Until you couldn't keep your hands out of the till.'

Anna spoke up and asked, 'Would you like us to go, Mr. Carson?'

'No,' said Carson, 'You know it now. You might as well bear witness to my shame. He turned up in the village with no warning some days ago on the run, asking for somewhere to hide, and of course, for money.'

'God in heaven,' Robert said, glancing at Grigg.

'He's wanted for some petty crime of which he is, of course, guilty.'

'Hey, steady on!' Grigg said sharply.

Carson continued, 'He threatened to expose my past to make me a laughing stock in this house. And in my vanity and pride, I gave him what he wanted.'

Grigg scoffed and moved towards the window overlooking the grounds, 'You did not.'

'I put him in an empty cottage and fed him from the kitchens. I couldn't buy food from the village, it would raise too many questions. I stole. I'm a thief... she saw it,' Carson indicated to Anna.

'I'd never have said anything,' Anna said.

'And now, my disgrace is complete. My lord, you have my resignation,'

Emma looked hurriedly at her father, ready to say something when Robert spoke with a soft tone.

'Really, Carson, there's no need to be so melodramatic. You're not playing Sydney Carton.'

Carson glanced down at the floor and Robert turned his attention to Grigg.

'So why have you come here, if he has done everything you asked of him?'

'Because he hasn't,' said Grigg, sitting on the armchair, 'He wouldn't give me any money.'

'If I had, how could I have prevented his returning to Downton once it was spent?'

Robert cleared his throat and said, 'My dear Mr. Grigg-'

'Ah, nice to see someone 'round here's got some manners,' Grigg commented.

'Hold your tongue!' Carson snapped at the man.

'I'll tell you what is going to happen,' Robert said with authority, 'When I have given you twenty pounds, you'll leave Downton immediately and we will never set eyes on you again.'

Mr. Grigg said, 'I'll have to see about that.'

'If you return to this area, I will personally ensure your conviction for theft and blackmail.'

Mr. Grigg sprung up from the chair, 'Just a minute-'

'You will serve from five to ten years in His Majesty's custody,' Robert said and pulling out his wallet and holds out the cash.

'You think you're such a big man, don't you. Just 'cause you're a lord, you think you can do what you like with me.'

'I think it, because it is true,' said Robert with a finality tone. Griggs hesitated then he snatched the money and said, 'You'll not always be in charge, you know. The day is coming when your lot will have to toe the line just like the rest of us!'

'Perhaps,' said Emma, 'but happily for Carson, that day has not come yet.'

Griggs glared at her and he turned on his heel and left. Anna and Mr. Bates left as well shortly and Emma smiled at Carson, 'He won't trouble you anymore, Carson.'

Carson seemed stunned, 'I... take it my resignation has not been accepted?'

'My dear fellow, we all have chapters we would rather keep unpublished,' Robert said, 'to be honest, Carson, I'm rather impressed. Did you really sing and dance and everything in front of an audience?'

Sybil smiled.

'I did.'

'And do you ever miss it?' Sybil asked Carson.

'Not in the least, milady.'

Carson left the library and Emma spoke, 'Maybe we can ask him to sing a jig or something, imagine that!'

Sybil laughed and Robert chuckled.

A few weeks later had passed and Emma had introduced Sybil to James Montgomery. Mr. Montgomery had apologized repeatedly to Emma but she had already dropped the matter and forgiven him. Sybil was enthralled by the clothing in the store and bought a couple of pieces, one for Cora and the other for Robert. Mr. Montgomery had apologised to Emma and she had already forgiven him. Since that month, they had become friends.

She was rather nervous about the idea of introducing Mr. Montgomery to her family, although she felt ballsy and made a date with her family, including Isobel and Matthew, she thought that if the family were going to meet him, then why not everyone for just one time.

Emma invited Mr. Montgomery for dinner to introduce him to her family and she never seen him looking frazzled. He was drawing simultaneously in his portfolio when the shop was closed and Emma remained at the store, flickering through the ideas and styles he had of gowns and suits.

'It's only dinner with my family' said Emma reassuringly, 'it's not a dinner with the royal family.'

'It might as well be dinning with the royal family,' said James, setting the measuring tape down on the counter, 'I don't know how to act or what to say.'

Emma chuckled and said, 'Just be polite and charming, that's all.'

'So who will be there?' James asked with a hint of nerves.

Emma shrugged, 'It's only close family. So myself, my sisters, Mary, Edith and Sybil and my parents and grandmother.'

Luckily, when that night came, Violet was actually nice to him, even Mary, who had cooled down a bit after the unpleasant story telling with Matthew. To ease Mr. Montgomery's nerves, Emma suggested bringing his portfolio to talk about his passion and she was impressed that he gotten everyone's name right, even being polite to the staff and asked Mr. Carson to thank Mrs. Patmore for a delicious meal. The dinner ended with Brandy and Peaches.

'I must thank you for coming, Mr. Montgomery,' Cora said, smiling politely, 'it had been entertaining.'

'Not at all, I must be thankful to Emma, she has been very helpful, she has a keen eye for detail in art.'

'Did Emma tell you she is quite an artist?' Edith said.

'No, she did not,' said James, peeking a look at Emma, who was sitting opposite of him.

Emma blushed in embarrassment.

'Oh, but she is, she is doing well in painting watercolours,' said Violet, peaking a look at Emma.

'I am not that good,' said Emma, shaking her head and brushing off the comments about her hobby.

'I disagree with you, Emma,' said Cora heartedly, 'You painted a beautiful art piece of lilies and roses for me two weeks ago.'

'You never told me, I would love to see your artworks,' James said, his eyes twinkling.

Emma bit her lip and nodded, 'Perhaps I can arrange something.'

The evening went well and ended with the men having a brandy and the women having coffee before turning in.

'He seems like pleasant gentleman,' Cora said sweetly to Emma.

'He's nice,' Emma said, shaking her head and bowing down.

'Nice?' Mary snipped and glowered at Emma sourly, 'So it's nice that a middle class-man who doesn't know how to hold his fork properly?'

Emma's head snapped at Mary and glared at her.

'You could do a lot better, Emma,' Mary said, rolling her eyes.

'Oh yes, let's hear another trivial error about middle class from Princess Mary,' Edith snipped and Mary's eyes narrowed at Edith.

Emma swallowed at the obvious tension that was building up and Sybil intervened.

'He is delightful, and we would like to see him again soon,' Sybil said to Emma.

'Are you courting him?' Mary asked Emma sharply.

Emma almost spat out her coffee, but she took in the hot caffeine beverage down her throat before answering.

'No, we are just friends, that's all.'

'It's none of your business, Mary,' Edith said, 'If Emma wants to court Mr. Montgomery, then she should, thank goodness there is only one bitter Crawley than two.'

Mary was about to snap at Edith's remark when Violet hushed her and it was time to go. Violet, Matthew and Isobel left. Mary stormed off to bed and Emma met Mr. Montgomery near the front door.

'I'm really glad I met your family, they are charming,' Mr. Montgomery said politely as Carson handed him his coat and hat.

'I'm glad you're glad, I rather must admit that I was terrified,' Emma smiled in embarrassment.

'Oh, not as much as I was, I had a bundle of butterflies in my stomach,' Mr. Montgomery chuckled, 'Thank you, Mr. Carson.'

Carson nodded and left, giving Emma and Mr. Montgomery room for themselves.

'Will we be seeing you soon, Mr. Montgomery?' Emma whispered, her heart was already racing.

He smiled and he said, 'Please, call me James...'

'James...' she tested his name and rather liked saying it.

'Hopefully soon, I was meant to hire a couple of people to help around in the shop tomorrow,'

'Oh,' Emma said, feeling dejected.

'Don't worry, I am staying in the village... I rather like Downton, it feels like home.'

Emma's eyes met James's and she could've sworn she saw herself in them clearly before he blinked.

'Anyways' I better go, I got an early morning...'

Emma nodded and he stepped out.

A few days later, Mary, Edith, Emma and Sybil were walking down towards the stairs and Emma had heard that Isobel was going to be president along with Violet and share responsibilities with her. She had heard she had helped saved Mr. Drake using new methods of treatment and Emma thought she and Violet would be quite a pair both squabbling over anything.

'Why must we all go to the hospital?' Edith asked sullenly.

'I'm afraid Papa wants to teach Granny a lesson,' Mary answered. 'Poor Granny, a month ago, these people were strangers. Now she must share power with the other and I must marry the son.'

'You won't marry him, though, will you?' Edith asked hesitantly.

'What, marry a sea monster?'

Mary and Edith laughed. Emma rolled her eyes.

'You shouldn't laugh,' Sybil reprimanded, 'that's so unkind.'

Mary and Edith stopped laughing.

'What are you thinking, Edith?' Emma asked.

'You know, I don't dislike him as much as Mary does.'

'Perhaps you don't dislike him at all,' Mary said.

'Perhaps I don't' Edith replied serenely. Emma's eyebrows rose at her sister, she never thought that Edith fancied Matthew.

'Well, it's nothing to me,' Mary brushed off, 'I have bigger fish to fry.'

'Oh, and who might it be this time?' Emma asked with interest.

'Are we talking about E.N.?' Edith inquired.

'How do you know that? Have you been poking around in my things?!' Mary asked in disbelief.

'Of course not,' Edith answered back loftily.

'Come on, who is he? It's not fair that you both know?' Sybil inquired.

'You won't be any wiser, but his name Evelyn Napier,' Mary said proudly.

'The honourable Evelyn Napier, son and heir to Viscount Branksome.' Edith said, posing

'Of course, you had been snooping in my things,' Mary muttered.

'Who knows, he maybe Mr. Right for Mary,' Emma interjected.

'Why wants an old sea monster when they can have Perseus?' Mary said.

The girls chuckled.

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