The Diamond Dragons (OC'S Sto...

Da TheHotPinkNinja

429 37 33

Skeletons, snakes, stone warriors, evil nindriods, snake loving cult, ghosts, pirate genies, twins trying to... Altro

🐉💎 The Pilot Season 💎🐉
🐉💎The Diamond Dragons 💎🐉
Part 2 - The Golden Weapon
Part 3 - King Of Shadows

Part 1- Way Of The Ninja

65 8 8
Da TheHotPinkNinja

On the outskirts of Ninjago is a village and there lies a shop called Four Weapons.

The shop is ran by none other than the young blacksmith know as Kiara and her younger sister Ophilia.

Within the heat of the forge inside the shop, Young Kiara works on forging the perfect weapon. She strikes the hot metal of the sword with her hammer. Fortunately it was perfectly straight as it laid against the anvil. Kiara sets her hammer down as she smiled to herself and said, "To forge the perfect weapon first, you need the right metal, plenty of heat and coolant off."

She dips the hot sword into the bucket of cool water.

"And presto!" Kiara says with vigor. The smile quickly faded from her face as she looked frustratingly at the now twisted sword she held in her hand. Which caused her younger sister Ophilia to laugh at her older sister's mistake before stating, "You made it too quickly, Kiara. Be patient. If father were still here he would say...."

The young girl was soon cut off by her older sibling who said, "I know. No matter how much fire you had experienced isn't something you can learn overnight." Kiara quietly sighed before rolling her eyes and said, "That might work for you, Ophilia but I'm going to be a better blacksmith than dad ever was." With a determined tone of voice as she sat the sword down on the table facing away from her younger sibling.

Suddenly, an elderly but wise man entered the shop with his head down down to the ground and said, "Hhmm, your metal is loud and heavy. Useful to slow one down. All tools for a samurai. Useless in the Arts of stuff." He walks over to the Samurai armor and tapped it with his staff before saying, "All tools for Samurai but nothing for a ninja?"

Kiara felt insulted at the old man's statement and said, "Ninja? Ha, you're a long way from finding a ninja in these parts old man and the shop is called Four Weapons not for browsing. Either buy something or go peddle your insults somewhere else." In an angry tone of voice as she quickly stated to the old man's face.

The old man replies with a huff, "Hhmp, too bad I thought I would find something special here."

Before quickly turning away and leaving the shop, Kiara said "If it's something special you're looking for and let me show you...." She quickly turned around and picked up what look like to be a piece of antique Samurai armor before turning back only too soon discover that the old man was none gone.

Kiara quickly looked around for the old man but soon discovered that he was nowhere in her line of sight and Ophilia said, "What is it?" Giving her older sister a confused look. Kiara said, "He was just her.... Forget it."

Before shaking her head and putting the antique Samurai armor down.

The clear bright sky of the village soon descends into darkness as a great evil approaches the village. A monster truck made of human skulls sat Samukai, King of The Underworld along with his loyal, boneheaded minions Kruncha and Nuckal.

Nuckal jumps around excitedly in his seat as he waves his arms and said, "Whoa, whoa, let me go down there first! Please, oh please! I'm dying to go down there!" This statement quickly earned a sarcastic but obviously remark from Kruncha who said, "You, nitwit you're already dead. Try and control yourself in front of Master Samukai!" He turned his attention to Samukai before clearing his throat and said, "With all due respect. You did say I could go first." Samukai quickly look between his two minions and, "Sorry boys but this one's mine. Just remember what we're after and find that map. ATTACK!" Samukai gave the order making his skeleton army charge forward scaring the villagers as they ran for their lives.

Back in the blacksmith shop Young Kiara quickly prepared herself for battle as her younger sister asked, "What are they?" Kiara said, "I don't know, stay here."

As she put on her helmet and ran out to battle just as the skeleton via pulled up to the shop. Kiara get into a fighting stance and quickly wielded her sword as a skeleton approached her and she started to battle one after the other. When she was distracted by another who's head she previously knocked off quickly bit her foot. She said, "Ow, take this!" Before quickly kicking the head of the skeleton as hard as she could sending it flying over the village making its fellow skeletons applaud with amazement.

As soon as the skeletons were distracted, Ophilia Smith quickly took advantage of the situation knocking them out with the staff that she held in her hand before quickly smiling at her older sister who gave her a frustrated look and said, "I thought I told you to stay back?!" As the skeleton quickly surrounded the Smith siblings which Ophilia replied with, "And what, let you have all the fun?" Ophilia smiled and Kiara frowned as the siblings continued on with the battle.

As soon as the Smith siblings were distracted and caught up in the heat of battle this allowed Kruncha and Nuckal to sneak into the blacksmithing shop and go and search for the map.

Nuckal picked up a helmet and tried it on for size and quickly looked at himself in the mirror. This got Kruncha's attention and said, "You're not looking hard enough!" He frowns at the helmet in his hand knocking the helmet that was previously on Nuckal's head off and he said "Ooowww! You're not looking hard enough!" He threw the helmet back at Kruncha before going at it like idiots making Kruncha kick Nuckal making him land against the wall and quickly made something come loose as the sign to 'The Four Weaponsm blacksmith shop falls making both of them yell, "The map!" They both yell in amazement as they soon found what they were looking for.

Back outside, Kiara was now struggling to fight the skeletons on her own and only to make matters worse, Samukai himself decided to target the young blacksmith. Kiara held her sword up high as she prepared to fight with a smile on her face which only caused Samukai to laugh as he raised four swords with his hands and came towards the young blacksmith whose smile quickly faded as she lowered her sword and slowly backed away from Samukai but Kiara being as stubborn as she had decided she wasn't going to give up without a fight.

She held her ground using her one sword to fend off the four blades that will come in her way until Samukai had her sword locked between his blades and quickly throwing away her sword leaving the young blacksmith defenseless and kicked her to the ground.

Kiara quickly look back at her sword before turning her attention back to Samukai as he spent his blades and slowly approaching the young blacksmith. But just when all hope is lost, a familiar voice could be heard as it said, "Ninja-go." A golden twister appeared catching Samukai off guard and moving him away from Kiara.

The twister knocked Samukai around a few times before revealing who was inside and it was no other than the old man from before. Samukai said, "Sensei Wu? Your Spinjitzu looks rusty." The old man now identified as Sensei Wu said "Nothing like bone to sharpen its edge, Samukai." As he stokes his beard.

Kiara was struggling to get off the ground and this caught the attention of Samukai who quickly looked at the young blacksmith and then at the water tower getting an idea. He quickly throws his blades making Sensei Wu dodge them in just the nick of time as they hit the platform of the water tower making it fall over. Sensei Wu quickly acted and rescued the young blacksmith before the water tower fell upon her.

Samukai took this opportunity to escape as he jumped on his monster truck a bones before yelling, "Lord Garmadon says take the girl."

Sensei Wu stood there in shock and whispers to himself, "Lord Garmadon?" As if he were questioning me himself. Then Kruncha laughed before releasing a hand from the back of the truck and grabbing Ophilia. Taking her as hostage.

"Ophilia!" Kiara yells as the skeletons drove off now with not only the map but Ophilia Smith as their hostage.

Kiara ran ahead abit and said, "They took Ophilia." Before closing her eyes and grinding her teeth as Sensei Wu approached her from behind and said, "As I said before, useless." He quickly tapped his staff against her helmet which only seen to anger the young blacksmith even further as she turned towards him and said, "You could have done something?! You could have used your twistitzu?! Or your, your...."

Sensei Wu quickly corrected the frustrated young blacksmith and said, "Spinjitzu." Which only seemed anger Kiara even further and she approached the old man and said, "But you did nothing. I'm going to get my sister back." She narrowed her eyes and quickly turned away starting to walk off into the direction where the skeletons vanished with her sister.

Sensei Wu says with a grim tone, "Where'd they go, a mortal cannot. That was Samukai, King Of The Underworld. And if it's true he's carrying out orders for Lord Garmadon, then I fear that things are far worse then I have ever imagined." Kiara grab Sensei Wu staff in confusion and said "Lord Garmadon ? Underworld? What's going on and what do we have that's so important to them and why would they take my sister?!"

Sensei Wu said, "What's so important?" Turning away from the young blacksmith and looking ahead before speaking again, "How about everything in Ninjago itself? Long before time had a name. Ninjago was created by the first Spinjitzu master by using the four weapons of Spinjitzu. The Scythe of Clouds, The Nunchucks of Lightning, The Shuriken of Crystal and The Sword of Fire. Weapons so powerful no one can handle all their power at once. When he passed away, his two sons swore to protect them but the oldest was consumed by darkness and wanted to possessed them. A battle between the brothers broke out. The oldest was struck down and banished to the underworld. Peace returns and the younger brother hid the weapons but no one has the older brother's relentless ambition for power, a place a guardian to protect them. In fear of his own demise, he created a map for a honest man to hide and that honest man was your father and the older brother is Lord Garmadon and I need to find those weapons before he does."

"You-you're the younger brother? Then you came here looking for the map?" Kiara says as she looks at Sensei Wu with disbelief. He replies, "No, I came for something greater, you." He turned and pointed his staff at the young blacksmith before walking around in a circle and said, "Since my brother cannot come into this world. It is obvious he struck a deal with Samukai. If he were to collect all four weapons. Even I would not be able to stop him again but you." He stopped in front of the young blacksmith and pointed his staff towards her and said, "But you, you have the fire inside. I will train you to harness it, use it to become a Spinjitzu master." Tapping his staff against her armor chest.

Kiara got up from her spot on the rock then push to stop away and said, "I'm flattered you think I'm all that but I need to save my sister. Not get involved in your sibling rivalry." She started to walk away only two have since a will trip her and landing right on top of her making her yell, "Hey!" Sensei Wu says, "How careless of you? You're not even ready to face my pinky toe." Wiggling his foot in her face.

"If you want to get your sister back. Then you must control the fire that burns inside. Only then when you become a Spinjitzu master, will you be able to face Lord Garmadon." The young blacksmith sighed laying her head back down on the stone ground of the village and said, "Okay, then when do we start?"

Time Skip

The Next Day

Sensei Wu and Kiara attempted to climb a mountain that would lead to the location of where Kiara will soon master the art of Spinjitzu. Kiara almost slipped as she turned her grip on the rocky surface of the mountain. They will still probably crawled past her like a spider reaching the top of the mountain before she did. Sensei Wu sat on the top on a rock as Kiara weakly pulled herself up taking a heavy breath and said, "How long is this training going to be? Aren't we in a little bit of a rush since they have the map?" Still trying to catch her breath as she thought about Ophilia and getting her back home safe and sound.

Sensei Wu stood up from his spot on the rock and stroked his beard as he stated, "Patience, you'll be ready when you're ready and not a moment sooner." The two quickly approach the gates of the Hidden location. Sensei Wu opened up the gate to reveal the location to be a monastery. Kiara took a quick look around and said, "A monastery? You expect me to learn to fight in a place of peace?" As she finally catch her breath.

Sensei Wu says, "Not fight, train. To become a true ninja first you must be able to see what others do not." He taps his staff as Kiara raised an eyebrow and said, "But there's nothing here!" Sensei Wu gestured his head towards the golden dragon statue before taking his staff and hitting it making it fall over to reveal a red button that was hitting underneath as he quickly pressed to reveal a hidden course.

"Whoa, is this going to teach me that cool move?" Kiara quickly hopped onto a pole and did what appeared to be the crane pose before quickly hopping back around to face Sensei Wu in the same position as the pole slowly lowered itself sending the young blacksmith into the air bouncing off of the dragon statue and hitting the ground.

Sensei Wu sat on the porch and said, "Complete the training course before I finish my tea. Then we'll see if you are ready." He grabbed his cup and teapot and poured his tea before quickly drinking it as he got up and said, "Today you failed. Tomorrow you will try again." Kiara quickly got up from the ground and gave him a frustrating look and said, "Failed? But I haven't even started?!" Sensei Wu did a flip and the screams close behind him and his only reply was "Patience."

The next day soon came and Kiara was determined to complete the training course, learn Spinjitzu and get her sister back but unfortunately her body had different plans in her mind after failing the course many, many, many, many, many, many, many times beforehand. Kiara FINALLY managed to succeed by completing the course and this shocked Sensei Wu as he looked around for the young blacksmith preparing his tea only to discover her next to him with a cocky grin on her face and said, "Will that be one sugar or two?" She held the bowl of sugar cubes up to his face.

Sensei Wu quickly got up and let out an angry breath and said, "Ha!" Before getting up and walking away from the young blacksmith. Kiara raised an eyebrow and said, "So am I going to learn this Spinjitzu I've been hearing so much about ?"

Without turning back Sensei Wu's stopped in his tracks and said, "You're so much about you. You already have. Your final task comes tomorrow. My advice is to get some sleep." Kiara was shocked by this with her only reply being confused and questionable, "Huh?" That escaped from her lips.

Kiara Smith decided to take her Master's 'advice' and prepare to turn in for the night as she brushed her teeth, but she couldn't help but glare at herself in the mirror. Her eyes wander to the toothbrush she held, a playful smile danced upon her face as took her toothbrush before swinging it around like a sword.

"Hai-ya !" She said, getting caught up in the excitement of playing ninja but little did she know, her playtime would soon to be interrupted.

Upon the roof of the monastery lured three figures who were all dressed in black. The three shadowy figures made their way from the roof top to where Kiara Smith was located.

Twisting around, Kiara noticed the first figure and slowly backed away before running into another and backed away from that one as well.

Running away, she ended up running into the third and final figure as all three of them surrounded her.

Slowly, they walked towards her before trapping Kiara where she stood.

"Whose," said Kiara, preparing to fight the three black figures on her own. She couldn't help but think to herself 'I wonder how this is going to end?' Soon, she was going to find out. 



I want two things to amazing people who acted as my editors in the godforsaken hours of late last night. 

These people are My Wattpad Big Bro @DiabolicReader19 and My Great Friend @Alena_Always . 

Alex and Ali-Chan, thank you both for editing this mess that I'm pretty sure you have no idea what fandom this is but you still acted as my editors and for that I am grateful. You two truly are amazing and I am honored to have you as part of my life. Thank you. 

Love ya !

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