By SitaMah7

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Rishi , please don't leave me alone rishi... I am scared rishi... I won't leave you, my love... No matter wha... More



66 5 4
By SitaMah7



"Who are you? How can you come to our house and talk with me about my Marriage?" The girl standing before me asked.

Sorry... Scowled.

"Oh should I go to other house or what?" I said showing hands to the entrance of terrace.

"Are you a police?" Her face had a frown with a bit of anger.. irritation.

"How did you find out? You have sharp eyes it seems." I said smiling as if I was appreciating her.

"This won't work. I hate police. You can leave." She said calmly without even looking at me.

"This was how you rejected 14 proposals in 2 years, am I right?" I said raising my head making her shock.

"You did a background check on me! Typical police mentality!" She murmured and turned to other side.

"These doctors are.. you know.. always conclude anything before any explanation...." I said imitating her.

Her eyes snapped at me. face got more angry.

"Got angry, didn't you? This is how I would have felt when you said 'Typical police mentality'.." I said.

"You are a police. Shoot outs, murder cases, trafficking, Life full of risk. Here, I am a doctor. A surgeon. Saving lives with all our might even at high risk times. I hate violence. Our lives are totally contradict." She justified.

"I can see no contradict.. you do your job with knives in your hand and I do with guns. both of us deal with cases. Infact we both save lives one or the other way." I said as calm as I could because this was going too off track.

" A police's life is a risk and... Now a days no one can trust a police." She said again.

"For our sake, can we talk like Aaditya and Vrushali? Because I am not going to marry Dr. Vrushali- surgeon. I am going to marry Vrushali d/o Vasudevan." I said raised my voice a bit and she remained silent for a while and I composed myself.

"Why do you want to marry me?" She turned towards me and asked. Her voice had a change.

"Correct the question and Ask yourself later." I said keenly looking at her.

"And why should I marry you?" She asked looking straight at me.

"Vrushali, I don't have any answer for your all wh- questions but I just want to say that I like you, your character.. not as a doctor but as a good person. And I think I am the right person for you as your mate of your life ahead. I know how you are, what you do everything. I didn't take any advantage of doing a background check on you. Infact I actually didn't do it. I trust you unknowingly, by your words, your actions, your way of dealing with people, specially proposals! I simply don't know if I will get such a girl in my life or no yet I am saying, I am the right person for you. I don't know what you think about me, I even don't care.
Now it's your decision. Think about it. About us." I confessed what all I want to tell. She silently looked at me no confusion.

Did I do the right thing! God why am I like this!

"What do you think that what I think About you?" She asked breaking my thoughts.

"Some manner less guy who brought his family for a proposal without informing before. Do you know about me... atleast something?" I said with laughter and questioning the last part.

"No." She said abruptly shaking her head making me feel disappoint.

But what she said later gave a tick mark to my... What ever you call it.

"Not about the Mr DCP of Chennai who had an eye on a surgeon in Bangalore." She said with a smile on her face. She looked complete with it and tinch of happiness in her eyes.

"You know, this village is so beautiful." I said looking around at the roof top of houses and long gopuram(entrance towers of temples) leaning at the terrace boundary.

"Villages are always beautiful. You just need to take some time and feel it." She told turning to the west side as sun was setting down and I was just admiring her looks.

Not so long hair, the always smiley face..

Few more minutes passed silently passing glances and smiles at each other.

"Shall we go down? Or they might come here." She asked seeing the retreating birds.

"Yeah." I told and we went down.

Down at the living area the scene was different. All seemed to be normal and jovial as if nothing happened. Did they know what she is going to tell or what is This?

I cleared my throat creating attention and walked to sit beside appa and Thattha. Vrushali already went and stood beside Vidya but no one knew. All their faces turned serious as they looked at us.

"So, have you both had a talk? what have you decided?" Vrushali's paati asked breaking the awkward silence.

"Vrushali, I know this might seem as absurd yet it's your choice. No one is in pressure." Amma said in her most sweet voice, the always calm voice.

"If my answer to this proposal is what you all want now then... My answer is..." Vrushali told looking at each and everyone here with her serious look. All of them had curiosity stricken face as is they are watching the climax of the most thriller movie of the year.

"OK" she said in low voice yet being audible.

"Huh?" Chorus occurred from everyone's mouth.

"Yes, I am ready for this marriage!" She said smiling slowly nodding her head. I had no boundaries for my happiness

"I am really really happy today. Just by your word Vrushali! I was longing for a daughter since so many years. Now my wish is being fulfilled!" Amma went and hugged her and kissed her forehead.

"Sambandhi, from she is now not only ours but your daughter too." Vrushali's mom told hugging her sideways. There was smile and chuckle filled atmosphere here.

"Finally you thought of having a 'soulmate' life Mr DCP! I thought you might be single forever!!" Rishi said tapping my shoulder as if he was encouraging me!

"Dei" I gave him a glare.

"I am happy, Aadhi. We are going to have a daughter in our house after your mom and grandma. Thanks." Appa said sincerely
I know how mom and dad wanted a daughter.


"What next Satyam, engagement after Pongal?" Thattha intervened our and everyone's chats and giggles.

"You said right Mama. Now anyways we have to make preparations for Pongal why not extend it with their engagement here itself?" Her mom, my future mother in law added.

"Good idea Saranya. Infact if possible we can keep the marriage today too. They can't wait for it I suppose." Vidya joined her and chuckled looking at both of us.

All the family members accepted it...Engagement after Pongal...

We were having dinner. Special dinner for a special surprise of our marriage. While I was eating the delicious sambar Vidya came from back and sat beside me.

"Anna.." she whispered like she was going to tell me a secret.

"What Vidya?" I asked looking at her

"Did you think twice to say yes to her?" She said like I was doing something wrong. I looked at her with my horror face.

"Why are you asking like that?" I asked narrowing my eyes with a question mark face.

"Because.. my akka is a nice perfect girl at heart.. but.. she has a Neelambari hidden in her.(Neelambari is a antagonist character in a famous Tamil movie- padayappa)
she won't think twice to put poison in your food. Except that you are safe." She said softly nodding her head once to her side and shrugged.

"I suppose this is a matter to be known by me. Anyways.. thanks for the safety information." I said as if I got a clue for my case.

Indeed a good secret about her.

"Don't hesitate to tell me if anything is... You know..." She said raising her eyebrows with a cute expression.

"Sure kutty ma.( Kid/ dear girl)" I palce my hand on her head and she giggled running away.

So adorable this girl is!


I was reading my book 'This is going to hurt' when some monkeys barged in shouting my name.


"Lakshmi.." door automatically opened and before I could ask her she jumped on my bed.

"What.. what are you doing?" I exclaimed at her action. She was examining my forehead and temperature. I jerked away her hand.

"You.. this is not my akka.." she said slowly with a small face pointing her index finger near my face.

"What!" I moved my head back.

"Then what? Akka.. this is not you who rejected 14 proposals!" Stacy said grabbing my book and shuffled the pages.

"This is not you who said yes so instantly. By the way it would be pleasure if you open out what made you do this.. start.." Lakshmi told with a sigh settling herself on te bed resting her head on her hand and lied down.

Like I was going to tell her a story.

"Trust.. I saw trust in his words, in his eyes throughout the talk which I didn't see in any of the person I met as an alliance. And one thing which I liked in our conversation is that he said he wants to marry me as Vrushali, not as a surgeon or some middle upper class reputed girl. And no one did ever know about me so well... Except you guys.. What more do I want?" I said smiling.

"Parra, the way she is describing and her glowing face" Lakshmi started her teasing and shook my head holding my jaw.

"Then what, after meeting just once you are telling so many things then what all is about to come who knows! If you want any help ask me. I have a lot of advices for you." Stacy told stretching her palms and arms showing like a kid.

"Who.. you.. Stace, I don't want any more chapters of that as for now. And keep your advices with you only. It fits you only." Lakshmi glared at her and hit her head lightly. Stacy fake frowned her face. I know what will happen if these two start fighting on the same topic again.

"Now run off you both. I have works pending here." I made an excuse to make them go.

"Important work isn't it.." Stacy said smiling mischievously getting up from bed. Lakshmi was not ready to go. She was not satisfied with what I said.

"Run out.." I told and Lakshmi threw my book over me and sulked.

My mind struck me the talk I and Aadhi had making me smile.

"Correct the question and ask yourself..Why do you want to marry me?.... Why we shouldn't get married?..."


"Vishwa... Dei Vishwa..." Thattha was shouting his name from down.

"Thattha.. what happened?" I asked coming down from stairs.

"Where is Vishwa? I am calling him from long time..."

"He's busy with some loan and sample test matters. Tell me.. I'll do it." I told approaching him.

"No Lakshmi dear.. it's just that tomorrow harvest is there right. I wanted him to Inform some men for work. Now it's too late that's why I was about to send Vishwa for it." He said.

"That's it na. Why Vishwa..I'll do it." I said blinking my eyes and shrugged with smile.

"Girl, you have been working and running here and there from dawn. No need I'll send Kaveri." He said putting his hand on my head with care.

"Thattha..." I gave him a glare to make him convince.

"As you wish.. but come soon okay.." he told sternly and I walked off.

I was walking in across the fields when I saw a person, a man going from other side. He didn't look like a villager. Is he some robber?

"Yow! Yaaru ya adhu vavval pora nerathula vayalanda irukarthu! Veetuku poi seru mariyathaya! ( Hey! Who's that roaming around the field when bats are flying! Reach your home now.)" I shouted to be audible.

"Who are you to tell me when you yourself are here!" He said as he was coming towards me. I could not see his face properly in the dark.

"Ading! Indha nerathula velila suthurathe thappu idula edhuthu pesuriya..( it's wrong to roam around at this time and you are back answering me!)" I shouted and threw a stick on him.

"Eyy... You.." he shouted and dodged the stick.

Rishi came infront.

"You.. what are you doing here?.. at this time??" I exclaimed pointing him.

"Same goes for you too. What are you do here?" He asked raising his eyebrows with a smirk.

"I ... Came to check here if anything is missing or not. And why are you here? This is not even housing premises.. it's the other side.. how come you are here?" I questioned him placing my hands ony hip.

"I came for a walk my route wrong. And here it's so beautiful.." he told looking around. As if I believed you.

"Hmm. Let's go before someone comes here" I told and we walked on.

" So..What do you do? In Chennai?" He asked

"Pathologist. Global health hospital. This way" I told him with smile.

"How is your brother? I mean he's police right." I asked him to make a talk.

"Yeah. He is, but a good guy and pretty Workaholic and mostly serious. So your sister has to beware of him." He told me which made me chuckle thinking about it.

"Hello sir uh! Your brother has to be always beware of my sister. She is the dangerous person in our family after Thattha. You won't have a slight thought about this till you experience it." I told him

"I really can't believe he made us come all way long without informing us for only an alliance." He said under his breath turning to other side.

"What do you mean by that.. for only an alliance huh?" I got angry. How could he say like this in front of me!

"I don't mean anything. I just said it casually.." he told

"Casually.. take your words back. Now!" I

"Why are your over reacting? Fine."

"Ooran veetuku vanthu pesura pecha paru( being in other's house and the way he talks)" I murmured to myself. Not being to loud.

"I heard it." He said. He caught it.

"I wanted you to." I told rudely walking forward and turning to next street.

"Your name is Vidya Lakshmi right. Then why every one here calls you Lakshmi?" He asked following me.

"Silly question...yet I don't know why. I don't care with what they call me" I shrugged my shoulder clicking my tongue.

"What do you do?" Now I asked him. Is he the one who will always ask!

"You don't know?" He gave a puzzled look.

"What I don't know?" I got confused by his answer.

What am I supposed to know Da?

"Nevermind. I work for a high post in a reputed company." He told.

Boring climax for a good movie!

"Oh. Paisakaran ah ( money man. similar to rich)" I said

"Girlfriends?" I asked him but he remained silent.

"Come on now a days every one has a one. Highly talented people maintains two!" I told dramatically.

Well to get to know about someone is not bad right?

" Well.. your sister is going to marry Aadhi. Not me! No point in interviewing me."  He told not looking at me neither straight. He tried to change the subject.

"Then something is there behind this. Tell na.. shying or what.." I said bending my head smiling widely to look at his face whether he's blushing or something!

"No. I have least interest in these stuffs."he said and rolled his eyes.

"Then one day it will happen." I told like a teacher.

"Huh?" He

"Nothing. What's the time?" I asked him as we neared my house.

"What?" Why he has to re-ask every time?

"Time.. you have your watch" I pointed his watch on his hand.

"10.45" he said and a plan started in my mind. But he...

" I am going somewhere. Do you want to come with me or.." I was about to continue when he cut me.

"At this time? I'll come with you."he told.

"Think twice. You have an option. If you get caught with me.. paati will cut you into pieces along with me." I warned him before he has to decide.

"What are you actually going to do?" He asked me as we went in from side gate along with looking at his sides.

"Come silently.. no one knows we are out." I whispered making out my way. He silently came behind.

"Have you ever eaten seempal?( Seempal is a sweet made of fresh cow's milk after she has given a calf. It is called as junnu pal in Telugu and kharwas in hindi)" I asked him slowly opening kitchen door without making noise.

"What is that? I have never heard of it.." he said Bending down to avoid having a hard crash on his forehead. Giraffe!

"Such a waste you are. Come" I nagged and started my search party in kitchen.

"This one.. noo. That... Why are you standing idle? Check those. Slowly okay." I ordered him to atleast help me. He did help me!

"Got it!! Yay! Come sit down.." I jumped high once holding athe big bowl in my hand and pulled him to sit.

"Here.." I gave him some pieces of seempal.

"Umm.. so nice. Why are you stealing and eating this that too at night?" He asked me folding his leg and forwarding his hand for more seempal

"Because it would not remain tomorrow. Paati will distribute it and I will get nothing." I said stuffing more in my mouth.. decently.

"And what is this for?" He asked me while I was putting some pieces of seempal in other box.

"Will sir stop asking questions?" I answered him irritatingly

"Oh! Then I am going.. ouch!" He told and got up hitting his head about the wodden plank above shattering the vessels

"Yow. Can't you see while you get up..." I gasped turning around and whisper-yelled at him

"Who's that?" I heard Kaveri Atthai's voice which came from her room window.

"Shit shit... I am done.." I muttered under my breath assembling the mess.

"Now it's all up to you and your seempal...Tata" he told smiling and left from there leaving me here!

"Dei! Kazhuti vitutu pora le... unakku irukku aprom. Ippo Lakshmi escapu..( Hey! You are Leaving me in Middle and going right. I'll deal with you later. Lakshmi escape now.)"


Sneak peek: one character introduction and festive time.

What is the festival to be held?

I know you all already know the answer yet you need to mention it.🤗

Hey sweeties.

How was the chapter?

I am really sorry for a so late update.

I was busy with studies.

So back to my question..

What is you think about this marriage?

And about our cute sweet little Vidya and Rishi..

*Not little and sweet 😂

I am trying to write as often and casual as possible with familiar Tamil slangs.

Mention if any hurdles or suggestion regarding it.

Also chapters can contain multiple Pov's and more of conversations. So read carefully.

Target- 40 votes, 500 reads.

Next update will be when target is completed. So it's up to you.

Until then


Khuda Hafiz

Happy living Kudos..

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