Wrong Quarterback | ✓

By -linnwrites

789K 24.5K 17.1K

There are three general truths every Acebridge inhabitant knows by heart. First, if you're on a hunt for the... More

wrong quarterback
epigraph + soundtrack
character aesthetics
1 | summer
2 | you, again
3 | water(s)
4 | of fiction and city guides
5 | fingers crossed
6 | the runaways
7 | change of plans
8 | that god-awful son of my boss
9 | here's a toast to my real friends
10 | capulets and montagues
11 | oops, we did it again
12 | illicit affairs
13 | non-friends with benefits
14 | kisses of water
15 | on the third day of august
16 | sun, salt air and you
17 | the non-sleep sleepover
18 | expiration date
19 | miss misery
20 | don't cry over spilled chai
21 | 'hi' is the sweetest word
22 | you and me, always
24 | lean on me
25 | jealousy, jealousy
26 | deep waters
27 | the aftermath
28 | the art of co-existence
29 | something told me it was you
30 | party of five
31 | family reunion
32 | trapezes and tightropes
33 | the state championships
34 | winter wonderland
35 | same old rhyme
36 | of best friends and boyfriends
37 | rivalries never die
38 | super bowl sunday
39 | enough
40 | (almost) summer, again
41 | senior ditch day
42 | commencement
bonus chapter | surprise, surprise
a thank you
spin-off announcement | coming up for air

23 | montagues and capulets

14.1K 500 323
By -linnwrites

           There's a tale as old as time of how couples who finish each other's sentences are meant to last through the test of times. Well, Tammy and Harold Adams doesn't finish each other's sentences. They do, however, cut each other off midway through – never not leaving a sentence unfinished.

No. Tammy and Harold Adams doesn't finish each other's sentences, but they do seem to finish each other's thoughts.

The pair's odd way of communicating tends to leave everyone but themselves clueless as to what their conversations are about, which is the reason as to why everyone but the two of them lingers in their places in the Adams' kitchen now. Weighing on their feet as if wondering if there's anything they can do to help or if they should simply stay out of the way.

          Avery watches the two communicate from where she's perched on one of the kitchen stools, chin leant in her palms. There so in sync sometimes she wonders if their brains are wired into one, if the few spoken words between them are more of a formality than a need. From all the time she's spent around them through the years she's pretty sure they could simply exchange a glance and still be on the same page.

It's not that they never talk to each other – she knows from experience they have the habit of being sat at the dining table long into the night, speaking of big nothings and small somethings. For the smaller matters though – laundry, what to gift a great aunt, or preparing dinner – it seems one look is all it takes, almost as if having reached an agreement of conclusion before any words are spoken. One look. A shared thought. A few unfinished sentences. It's been this way as long as she can remember.

Maybe that's what happens when you find someone you get along with at fifteen. Maybe that's what happens when you marry that same person ten years following your initial meeting. Maybe that's what happens when you fill your house not only with kids, but unconditional love and compassion too. When you know someone down to their very core, maybe there's no room for all that other stuff. No room for competition or bitterness. No room for younger, exhilarating colleagues. No room for heartache.

          It's like they want us to read their minds, she remembers Caia having complained a few Christmases ago of her parents' chopped speech and she notices Luke raise his brows now as if waiting for an actual full sentence to leave either of their lips. Her mouth forms a faint amused smile as she spots the flicker of annoyance on her mother's face too – despite having spent almost eighteen years around the pair she too has a difficult time decoding the language seeming to be just theirs.

Stood before an empty salad bowl and cutting board, Sarah grows more impatient by the second as she tries to get an actual worded answer of what kind of salad they want her to prepare, not getting much more than "I was thinking–" "Yes, and the–" "Exactly, and maybe some–" out of her friends.

          Benjamin looks like he's tempted to drop the stack of plates in his hands to the floor as his mother reaches across him, opening up a different cupboard. "No Ben, the gray plates."

She shoots another look her husband's way, seeming to get an answer to whatever question just lingered between them because she nods once before turning on her heel to leave the kitchen all together.

          Avery doesn't miss the shared flicker of loving annoyance between the remaining people in the kitchen but she doesn't mind as much. She quite enjoys it. There's something nice about sinking into a seat to observe two people so seamlessly intertwined.

Tonight, however, she's ushered out of her seat just as the rest of their company for the evening comes through the door – doubling the amount of people already crammed into the kitchen– by Caia who's muttering about how there are far too many people in this house. Nic's father offers up his own take with the grown ups still remaining in the room just as Avery's yanked out onto the patio by Luke's sister and judging by the ringing sound of laughter echoing through the house he's fired off another one of his jokes.


Callie's already taken it upon herself to help Benjamin set the table and Avery walks over to join them as Caia, with a sigh, recruits Gabriel – Lea's younger brother – to help her fetch the drinking glasses. Nic and Townes are lost in their own world, Nic sat in one of the dining chairs and Townes hovered above his shoulder as he– judging by the wistful sighs leaving his lips – most probably scrolls through the pictures he has of Mateo from this summer. Luke and Lea have disappeared to the trampoline stood in the corner of the backyard, not even bothering to pretend to help out.

Avery lifts her gaze and watches them bounce on the worn out trampoline mat, nudging Callie in the side as she places the forks next to the knives her friend's already laid out. "You want to bet one of them gets hurt?"

"If not from their attempted gymnastics," Callie glances up and regards the two, scrunching up her freckled nose. "Helena is going to rip Lea a new one of she finds out she's being reckless with her knees."

"Watch it – mom's got super-hearing."

Callie lets out a small laugh at Gabriel words as he and Caia reenters the patio, glasses in hand. "I can imagine."

The springs of the decade old trampoline squeaks loudly, echoing through the air and Avery's lips automatically pull into a wider smile at the familiar sound as she pulls out the chair closest to her, sinking into a seat as she glances up at Callie. "Maybe you should go over there and show them what it's all about."

"Let's save that for another time."

          Their parents spill onto the patio in a trail a moment later, pans and serving dishes in their hands. Tammy catches her husband's gaze as she lingers by the end of the patched together row of tables making a long one for tonight's dinner. "Do you think–"

Harold nods, walking over to the wall to plug the infrared heaters in. "On it."


Dinner lasts forever. The heat's been turned up further, knitted blankets have been brought outside, sweaters have been slipped into. Full plates of food have turned empty and been replaced for dessert plates alongside cups of coffee and tea. It doesn't happen often, but it's nice – the seventeen of them all sat together.

While Luke's and Avery's families have been glued together for the better part of the past two decades, the rest are simply brought together every now and then by the friendship of their children. More than acquaintances but less than close friends, gathering for the most important moments. The night before the first East-West football game of the season seems the perfect opportunity for such an occasion.

           The rest are still sat at the table as Avery and her four friends drift over towards the trampoline, kicking their shoes off and climbing inside the net – just sat together in a huddle on the worn mat.

Callie runs her fingers through Avery's hair as she scoots down and uses the girl as a pillow – glancing up at the dark sky above. They exchange a small smile before Callie lifts her gaze to glance over at the boys.

"You ready for tomorrow?"

Nic, too, flops onto his back. "Piece of cake."

Luke rolls his eyes at Nic's words, lying down too. "Judging by practice, it should go well. Then again, East are on top of their game."

Nic snorts. "No kidding."

            Avery rolls her lips together. With East having won their first game of the season and West having done the same – defeating The Hawks last Friday, the teams are technically going into the game with equal opportunity to take it home but there's no secret East have placed higher than West in the State Championships for the past couple of yours. Even if it's been with the tiniest margin, on paper East has a better play. But it's a new year. Old players have graduated, there are new additions to the team – a new season promising of a clean slate.

"Gabriel said Taylor's apparently already browsing through University offers," Lea says, grimacing as she cups her knee to carefully shift in her seat. "Everyone wants a piece of the golden boy."

Nic's voice vibrates against the mat. "As expected."

"Only two. He's made two official visits to campuses but he's still–," Avery finds herself saying but as Callie's hair falls into her face she cuts herself off, lips pulling into a faint smile as she peers up at her friend who's already gazing down at her with a knitted brow. She attempts a non committal shrug. "Is what I've heard anyways."

"Good for him."

Lea glances over at Luke. "So could you though. If you cared."

"MIT doesn't offer athletic scholarships."

"And that's where you're going?"

"And there's where I'm going."

Lea exchanges a look with Avery, rolling her eyes before they drop to Avery's hand and the fingers tapping rapidly against the mat of the trampoline. "Pregame nerves?"

"Something like that," Avery says, capturing her hand in her other and places them on her low stomach as she glances over at Luke. "But like, what about Georgia Tech. Or Duke. Or UNC. Shouldn't you at least reach out and show an interest in some schools?"

"I don't really see myself playing on that level – you know that."

Callie cuts in before the two best friends get the chance to dive deeper into what could evidently spiral into a stubborn disagreement, nudging Nic with her foot a she shoots him a, "What about you? You've been in touch with some schools, haven't you?"

"Well yeah but... you know what my plan is. I'm taking a gap year. And then I don't know."

Lea snorts into the glass she brought with her from the dining table. "Does your parents know that?"

"Not yet."


They stay out there a little while longer, drifting in and out of conversation until they hear the scramble of chairs against the stone tiled patio floor. There's a click as the infrared heater is turned off, then the sound of the patio door sliding open and close.

Avery runs a hand over her skin and the goosebumps caused by the chill September night. "Should we get inside too?"

Lea speaks through a yawn. "Yeah."

Pushing herself to her feet Avery extends a hand to Callie, the two of them following Luke and Lea to the other side of the safety net. Once stood on the grassy lawn they turn to glance at Nic who's now enjoying the spacious trampoline, the springs squeaking loudly with his jumps.

Leaning an elbow atop Lea's – who scowls and pushes him away – head, Luke rolls his eyes. "Should we just go ahead or–"

"I'm warming up for tomorrow. I'm ready to win this shit."


With a sigh of defeat, Avery sinks into her seat on the wooden bleacher and rubs her palms over her knees. It's colder than she thought it'd be tonight. Lea squeezes into the seat next to her with a mirroring sigh as she pulls out the KitKat bar Callie provided them with before the game.

Ripping it open, Lea hands one of the bars to Avery. "Energy break?"

"Energy break."

           Barely paying attention to the halftime show that is a joint effort by Ace East's cheerleaders and school band, they rest their legs – and vocal chords – while passing a bottle of water between them. The East-West games always pull big crowds, the entire town putting their lives on pause to entertain the decades long rivalry but the first game of the season always seem to bring the largest. Everywhere she looks there's someone she recognizes. She and Lea could barely make it to the field from the parking lot without being stopped every other minute to greet yet another acquaintance.

Her gaze flickers to the row below them where her mother's sat next to Tammy, her expression as bored as when they first arrived and Avery's lips pull into an amused curl – at least there's one person here who'd rather be somewhere else.

          Lea pulls her phone out of her pocket as it chimes loudly and Avery can hear her own follow with a mirroring sound just a short beat later. Showing her the screen, Lea smiles. "We're celebrating at Callie's afterwards."

"Celebrating that we lost?" Avery's lips quirk up. "Because we're losing."

Lea waves her hand dismissively. "They'll turn it around."

From inside her petite shoulder bag Avery hears her phone go off with another buzz but as Lea doesn't fill her in on whatever the group chat has to say, she slides the device out of it's pocket – quickly angling it out of her friend's view where they're squeezed together on the wooden planks.

'that god-awful son of my boss'

there's this small patch of lawn on the back of the gym

         Apart from the small smile they exchanged through the entrance glass doors of said gym – having lucked out on Ethan passing by on the other side as she and Lea gave their friends one final pep talk, they haven't spoken much today. Pressing her lips together to suppress the smile paired with the flutter in her chest, she angles herself away a little bit further before replying.


you should meet me there when we're done with this whole spectacle

          She rolls her eyes, lips quirking into that smile she's trying to hold back. Despite all the times he's tried to humble those sentiments when spoken to him, she's watched Ethan out there tonight. He's a star on the field. He belongs there. And it's clear he knows it just as much as she does.

i guess i could make that work


wait. are you really supposed to be on your phone right now?

probably not

see you there?

see you there.

          "What are you smiling about?"

Straightening up in her seat, she's quick to lock her phone and drop it into her bag as she shoots Lea a glance. "Cat video."

"And you didn't share with the class?" Lea pulls another chocolate bar out of her pocket – this one too provided by their redheaded friend – and tears the wrapper apart. "Rude."


Lea's right. West does turn things around. In the last few minutes of the third quarter, Nic pulls an improvised play that ends up shifting the entire dynamic of the game and they only go up from there. Once the crowd begins to empty the stands, it's an energetic buzz of a West win that fills the air, warming the chill night.

Lea croaks her words, vocal chords since long over with, as she and Avery bid their parents goodbye and watches them leave. The two of them linger behind on the somewhat spacious bleacher a moment longer before joining the crowd pouring onto the field and trekking their way towards the parking lot.

            Callie's nowhere to be seen, likely caught up in the spectacle among her fellow cheerleaders. Nic and Luke are both swarmed by too many people for Avery to even attempt to make her way over to them and the East Montagues have disappeared out of sight entirely, rushed out of there by their coach as soon as the post-game exchanges between players were over with. He probably had a few words to get off his tongue, Avery imagines.

"Well, at least now they'll be looking for someone to tend to their wounds."

The sweet voice speaking the words is soon awarded by a group of giggles from the girls in front of them and next to her Lea's lips quirk into an amused smile. Avery, however, is not entertained. Her lips fall into a flat line as she bites back a scowl, a flash of heat prickling her skin. No one's tending to her boyfriend's wounds.

Oh shit. Ethan.

Biting down at her lip, she wonders how he's taking the loss. She'd been a little too preoccupied by the eruption of joy around her, being swept into Lea's arm in their joint happiness upon the win to gauge his reaction. Becoming a bit tentative in her step now, a slight wariness creeps into her mind but it does little to shake the itch to see him.

            Lea comes to a stop outside the entrance doors to the gym, eyes on the screen of her phone as she lets her know they're waiting for some friends to go with them to Callie and Avery doesn't waste any time lacing her fingers around the cold steel handle of the double swing doors.

"I'm just going to... go to the bathroom."

Lea glances up from her phone, moving swiftly to her right to step out of the way as a group passes by. "Go at Cal's?"

"I really have to go now."

"Okay let's go."

"No, no," Avery pulls the door open, supporting it with her foot. "You should wait for Marlene and Diya. I'll be quick."

          The warmth of the somewhat sweat-smelling space closes around her as she lets the door fall shut behind her, hurrying down the simple colored hallway and past doors leading into locker rooms and the actual gym. She keeps her gaze in front of her as she whirls past groups of friends and families, passing by an oddly placed trophy case and the narrow hall to the restrooms before turning a corner as she hopes she'll find another exit out of this place.

To her relief, an emergency exit comes into view just then and she throws a glance over her shoulder before walking towards it on swift feet – crossing her fingers as she tries to still the rapid beat of her heart, hoping there isn't an alarm tied to it.

Normally she would've thought twice about whether or not locking her clammy palm around the handle will set off a scene but her mind's become clouded with one thing and one thing only. Seeing Ethan.

          She casts another quick glance over her shoulder to make sure there aren't any eyes on her before pushing the door open, a breath of relief tickling her lips as she's let out to the back of the building without an ear-piecing alarm notifying everyone around.


A few steps out the door, she pulls a hand through her hair and gazes across the lawn extending to the back of the school's main building where it latches onto the gym. The sports field she just came from is viewable from a different angle in the distance and there's a rather sad looking lone picnic table stood haphazardly to the side of a small hill. There's an eerily silence to the air here, away from the cheers and the bustle of noise she's been surrounded by all evening. The voice traveling from the front of the building muffled and drowned out.

             She's just about to slide her phone out of her bag to make sure she's in the right place as a set of palms land on her hips, having her jump high as her breath catches in her throat.

Her heart thunders – beating hard and loud – as she sinks back against Ethan's chest, his familiar laugh tingling her ear and vibrating through the air.

A chortled breath escapes her as she draws one of her hands to her chest, palm to her rapid heart. "Don't do that!"

He's still catching his laughter as she turns around, palms lingering on her hips with a light touch. 

"Sorry," He coughs out, pulling her with him from the light spilling through the door as he takes a few steps backwards. One of his hands leaves her hip to cup her cheek, his fingers treading through her hair as he kisses her. She barely has time to react, her own hands left lingering in the air as he pulls back with a grin. "I've wanted to do that all day."

            Smiling, she lets him interlace her fingers with his as she regards him – trying to gauge how he's feeling but his grin overshadows any other possible emotion. Still, she cannot not bring up the reason as to why they're both here – at Ace East High School – tonight and so she decides to tread lightly, swinging their hands easily between them.

"How's Jake doing?"

Ethan's brows knit together for a beat before smoothing out again. "Oh. He's fine – dramatic as ever. His annoyingly charming self. Coach just didn't want to risk anything."

"Good. That's... good."

She smiles again, lifting her other hand to twirl one of his curls away from his forehead. Letting her hand fall to his shoulder, she pulls at the rumpled hood of his sweater to smooth it out. She drags her lip between her teeth as she lets her eyes flicker across his dark gaze, the slope of his nose, his cheekbones defined by his smile. The corners of her lips twitches, wanting to settle into a soft smile. He's pretty.

           "So? No commentary on tonight's play?"

Brought out of her thoughts, she presses her lips together as they twitch again – this time into a faint smirk. "I'm trying to figure out how much I can say without offending you."

He rolls his eyes, hand dropping back to her hip as he eases her closer. "So what's the plan now? Party?"

"Yeah, we're celebrating at Callie's. I would invite you but you know... could be awkward," She heaves a sigh. "Speaking of, I should probably get going because Lea's waiting and I don't want her to come looking for me."

"One more minute."

She bites back a smile, melting into his embrace. "I could ditch early. If you want to hang out."

"You don't have to do that."

She lifts her head to catch his gaze. "Do you want to wallow alone?"

"I just think a win against us is hard to come by and you should probably be there to celebrate having witnessed such a once in a lifetime experience."

A silent laugh escapes her lips as she slowly shakes her head, lips in a small smile. "What if I want to ditch early? Would you have me?"

"Of course I would."

"Good, then that's decided. I really should get back out there now though."

She tilts her head back, puckering her lips and grins as Ethan complies by pressing a kiss to them.

He holds onto her a beat longer. "Let me know if you change your mind."

"I doubt I will," She takes a reluctant step out of his embrace, and then another, towards the door. "See you later."


Avery kicks her shoes off and climbs onto Ethan's bed, already tearing into the bag of M&Ms as she props herself up comfortably against the pillows. Glancing back at her, he pulls a hand through his hair as the site fills his laptop screen.

"What episode?"

She pours a few M&Ms into her palm, busying herself with choosing what order to eat the different colors in as she tells him where she's at in the show. Out of the corner of her eye she notices his brows dip together, glancing back at the screen before turning to look at her again. She lifts her gaze, offering up a shrug before extending her palm.


He smiles, pressing play before scooting back against the pillows and as he lifts his arm she lets herself fall into his side while pouring another hand of M&Ms into her palm. Her lips pull into a smile as the pads of his fingers absentmindedly trace a pattern on her leg, drawing her attention away from the screen and as if sensing her eyes on him he points a finger into her shoulder.

"Watch the show."

Complying, she flickers her gaze to the screen. "Why does that guy look familiar?"

"Because it's Doug Judy."

"Right. And who's that?"

He shoots her a sideways glance. "Are you serious? This is like the third episode he's been in."

Shrugging, she averts her gaze from the laptop to press a kiss to his jaw. There's a flicker of amusement crossing his eyes as he turns to look at her, swiftly brushing his lips over hers before nudging her in the side with a nod towards the screen.

"Yeah yeah, I'm watching."

"No you're not."

"Yes I am."

           She presses a kiss to his neck. Then another one. One to his jaw. To the corner of his mouth.

He laughs as she ends up straddled over his legs, her back to the screen as her lips light up in a bright smile. Easily resting his palms on her hips he narrows his eyes, "Okay, now you're definitely not watching."

She casts a quick glance over her shoulder before meeting his gaze with a raise of her brows. "Would you rather watch the show?"

"To be determined," He says and she presses her lips together, cheeks tightening with her smile as he reaches up to tuck an errant strand of hair behind her ear. "You are so beautiful."

          A short uneven laugh escapes her, warmth flushing her cheeks as she tenses. Caught off guard by the words she scrambles for something to say, parting her lips only to have them press together again. She finds herself inching backwards, corner of her mouth twitching in uncertainty as another nervous laugh leaves her lips.

"Shut up."

He stops her before she can escape his embrace, one hand still securely placed on her hip as the other one laces around her wrist. Swallowing, she meets his dark gaze as it reaches hers, the beat of her heart both still and heavy simultaneously.

He presses his thumb to her wrist. "You are."

She bites down on her lip, cheeks still flushed as she relaxes ever so slightly. As if noticing she's not about to bolt, his fingers fall from her wrist and her lips set in a faint smile as she lifts her – somewhat trembling – hand to cup his cheek. She lets her thumb explore the, slightly amused, curve of his mouth before inching closer. He straightens up, barely letting her lips brush against his before lifting his hands to her face, fingers sprawling through her hair as he cups her jaw and kisses her back. 

. . . 

hi my friends! 

there's been quite a few eventful days of this new year to say the least... I hope you're all doing well <3 

I love you all THIS much and lately I've received some sweet messages and I just wanted to again, say thank you for being so amazing and supportive <3 I am so very grateful for every single one of you. 

here's a gentle reminder to follow me here on wattpad to stay up to date with everything WQ.

love you lots, 


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