Best friends! (countryhumans)

By Ukraine20

32.2K 601 635

Book 1 of 2 Best friends are meant to be together. Read, see and laugh with all your heart and make it feel w... More

5 Study
7 Study (part 2)
9 sleepover
11 sleepover
13 sleepover
15 sleepover
17 a little confession
19 a little confession
21 a little confession
23 sick
24 dinner
25 sick
26 dinner
27 sick
28 dinner
29 invite
33 butterflies

35 butterflies

804 13 18
By Ukraine20

{Ukraine's POV}
Canada was getting really weird. And I'm scared. I'm scared for his health because he's always red. I know, how can I see redness if his flag's red. But, I see dark red over his cheeks whenever I'm with him, and he's not like that when he's with other people. How do I know that? I got curious so I followed him and he never saw me. So I saw him talking with Philippines the other day for their project that they had to work together, he wasn't red at all. Well, not the kind that I saw, for sure.

But anyway, Esti shoved a paper to my face when I turned around from my locker. I took it from her hand and took a peak at her face. She had a huge smile on her face which made it creepy. But I don't really care. I looked down at the paper and I had wide eyes at what I read. It was a flier for prom at school. I looked back up and saw Esti talking with Fin. Maple was just listening to their conversation. His cheeks weren't red at all. He suddenly turned around and we looked inside each others eyes. I saw his cheeks turning red and my face heating up as well. He smiled at me and I smiled back to be nice.

Esti yanked me and dragged me suddenly towards the bathroom stall. Leaving the boys alone together. She locked the door and looked at me with a huge smile. I looked at her like she just took happy pills.

-What? I asked after a long while of looking at each other weirdly.

-You should thank me for getting you out from his majestical eyes! Well, I don't feel it as majestical as Fin's.

-I wasn't getting lost in his... beautiful... wonderful... majestical...

-I'm gonna stop you right there!

-Okay fine! I guess, thanks?

-You're welcome!

-So, did Fin asked you to dance with him?

-You bet your potatoes he did!



We just stared at each other when Esti said that. I was weirded out and she was just looking at me blankly. The bell eventually rang and we got out from the bathroom and ran towards our next class. We meet the boys with two free sits that were next to them. They were chatting and like always, it was Maple who was chatting and Fin listening to everything. Fin lift his head towards us and waved and Maple looked up too and redness came to his face and he looked down away from me. I felt bad and sad. I thought that maybe I did something wrong.

{Canada's POV}

I'm freaking out. I decided to finally accept that I am going crazy over Flower. Not only I beat up boys for talking sexually about her, because she gained popularity for the boys because of her body, but also I wanna be with her everywhere! I don't trust anyone being near her except if it's me, Esti or Fin. Other than that, no thanks, I will beat you up. I found myself staring at Flower whenever I can. Blush always creeps whenever I saw her.

I felt someone grabbed my shoulder so I looked up. It was Esti. She winked and went to sit next to Fin. I watch her talking. The reason she did that is because I told them that I may ask Flower to the dance with me. They, of course, were very happy and were positive with me. I felt someone poking my shoulder so I turned back. It was Flower who sat next to me. She had a worried face. Shoot! Is she worried for me?!

-You alright? She asked and I nodded and looked back down. I never wanted her to be worried for me.

The class continued and I keep looking at her from time to time.

-Canada, how do you make a word plural? Since you aren't paying attention.

-You put a "s" at the end of it.


-Regular nouns at the end is "s", singular nouns ends with "s" "ss" "sh" "ch" "x" or "z". Some cases, it ends with a-

-Okay okay, I guess you understand the plurals very well. The teacher said and he turned back to the black board.

When he turned around, I heard giggling so I turned towards the sound and saw Flower giggling.

-What? I asked whispering.

-Nothing. She answered and looked back at the teacher taking notes. I stared at her until someone poked me at my chest. I looked down and followed the hand and then the arm until I reached the shoulder and then the neck then the face. I coughed at what I saw. It was Flower smiling at me. Everyone turned to our direction. Flower hates being the center of the attention so she lifted her hoodie and covered her face. I felt bad so I said sorry to everyone and they all turned around and payed attention to the teacher.

When the class ended, I put my stuff in my bag. I looked over and saw Flower shoving her stuff in her bag. She rushed out the classroom with her hood up and I decided to chase her out. I saw her zigzagging around the hallway and because I'm tall, I could see her. When I finally reach near her, I grabbed her wrist and pulled her to a back alley. She tried to pull away from my grip but I tighten it.

I grabbed her by her cheeks and I pulled her body towards me. She grabbed my sleeves to not fall down. I started to shake and I was about to have a mental breakdown. My legs were getting shaky and numb and Flower noticed it. We slowly fall on the floor and tears came out from my eyes.

We were on our knees and she was hugging me tightly and telling me stuff that I wanted to hear. Like, "You're perfect" "Thank you for every thing" "Don't change" and stuff like that. I wasn't hugging her back, I couldn't move my arms. All I could think about it the feeling of getting love at the person that I love so much.

When I calmed down, we ended up just sitting on the floor and chatted. I was leaning on the wall and I had my legs crossed. Flower had her head on my lap and I was playing with her hair. It was silent after a while.

-Proms coming up, got someone you wanna ask? She started and looked at me.

-Yeah... you?

-Hmm, I want someone to ask me cuz I don't have the guts...

-Is it a guy?


-Do I know him well?


-Who is it?

-Not telling you~!

-Hmm, if I tell you, will you tell me?

-Yeah sure.

-You. I wanna take you to prom...

She got up and wasn't looking at me. I started to stress out fearing that she will say no. She turned around and looked straight to my eyes. I tried to not cry in fear again and just keep a serious face.

-I've got one question. She started and crawled to me. I nodded telling her that she can ask away.

-Shoot me. I said to make sure she understands.

-What else does that phrase represent?

-My love for you. I said that just like that without thinking twice. It felt so good to get that off of my chest.

On the other hand, Flower looked like she just saw a ghost waving at her, in front of her. Her jaw was dropped. I was waiting patiently for a rejection. She closed her jaw and bit her under lips. I knew it was a sign of hesitation.

-Just do it. I said sighing at the end in defeat

-You wanna know what I think of you?


-I think that you are the best thing that has ever happened in my life. You're the reason that I smile. You're the reason why I love myself for who I am. You are the best. The best best best friend that I could ever ask for!

I was processing at how many times those word touch me in the heart.

-You really want me to do it? She continued and I didn't really understand, after all that, was she gonna reject me? Wait, was this even a confession?

I snapped out of it when I felt two hands on my cheeks. Flower wasn't feeling comfortable at the position she was so she went in between my legs. Now the only thing that I could focus is the fact that her face was just and inch away from mine. She went closer and closer and closed her eyes and kissed my lips gently. I eventually fallen for the kiss and deepens it a bit. I put my hands on her hips and lean closer to her. It felt like the time stopped. It felt like me and Flower were the only two people on earth.

-AND THAT'S WHAT BEST FRIENDS ARE HERE FOR! shouted a girl. I snapped my eyes opened and so did Flower. We parted away and looked at the person. It was of course Esti and Fin next to her. She had a smirk on her face while Fin did a small smile. In his hand was a phone.

-And we caught you on record! She continued. I looked at Flower and so did she. She dropped her arms from my shoulder and put it on my chest. She pushed away and was looking at the floor. Ah frick it!

I forced our lips to clash into each others and did a passionate kiss. I heard cheering sound in the background but I didn't care, I only had eyes on Flower. My Flower.

-And kids, that's how I met your mother. I said proudly to my kids who were looking at me with disgust.

-Did you really had to give us that much details!? Asked my daughter who was the middle child, Ukranada.

-Rana, shush! Inside voice! Said the oldest of them all, my son, Craine.

-Craine! You're not even using it! Fought back my youngest son, Canurk.

-What are you four doing here? It's past your bedtime! Said my wife, Flower, while leaning on the door.

-Yes ma'am! We all said it in a union and she just rolled her eyes, smiling.

-By the way mom, can I go and hang out with Estland tomorrow? At his house? Asked Ukranada getting cozy in her bed.

-Sure sweety, now good night. She said and I exit the room. She closed the light and the door. She sighed and I just smiled. I grabbed her bridal style and she just gave me a weirded out face and then giggled. I smiled and walked towards our room. Yeah... We're married.

The end~

{Author's note}
Okay end. This is the end. Nothing more. Thank you so much for reading this badly wrote book. I feel so tired but I'm sooo excited to do the second book.

Disclaimer: the second book will have nothing about Canada and Ukraine or anything like that, the next book will be about their kids, well, it's only going to be Ukranada and Estland because why not... And the two will discover love. Yeet!


By the way, it was my mom's birthday today... She doesn't read this luckily.



(I have a problem, I love giving hugs)

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