Game Over [ENG]

By Paedagogengirl

84 6 0

It's game over for me. I can't escape this. I'm sorry Linda, I love you. More



15 0 0
By Paedagogengirl

PoV Henry:

When I wake up again, I'm still in that room with the summoning circle. I shake my head slowly, trying to remember the flashbacks I had.,, Ugh, oh my head. What happened? " I mumble to myself, ink seems to be taking parts of my vision away. I stand up, saying:,, Well, I guess there's only one thing to do: Press on. See if I can find a way out." The ink, taking away parts of my vision slowly fades. I grab my axe again and destroy two boards, opening a new way to a staircase. As I walk down it, I can see the message " He will set us free" on another wall. Who will do that? "How did this place get so big?" I quietly ask myself. I then find another audio recording.

Voice of
Sammy Lawrence:

He appears from the shadows to rain his sweet blessings upon me. The figure of ink, that shines in the darkness. I see you, my savior. I pray that you hear me.

Those old songs, I still sing them. For I know you are coming to save me. And I will be swept into your final, loving embrace.

But, love requires sacrifice.
Can I get an amen?

After the recording stops I roll my eyes. Sammy seemed to make all his into some weird cult. I stop breathing for a second, after I hear Sammy's voice, coming from everywhere,, : I said: Can I get an amen? " What the hell?! Is he here?! Where is he and why isn't he helping me? I continue on my quest of getting the hell out of here, walking through a small, ink flooded passage, as I see something, no someone walk by. This... Thing mumbles:,, Sheep, sheep, sheep... It's time for sleep. Rest your head, it's time for bed." I watch it and get a little faster.,, Hello! Excuse me! Can you help me! Hello?" whatever it is, it doesn't react at all to me and just walks to the left. When I get there, it's gone. But there's no door or anything. Where did it go? It couldn't just dissappear!,, Where the hell did he go?" I say, looking at the small, boarded up hole in the wall, the shelf on the right and the Bendy cutout right in front of me. There's no way he could've gone. I don't understand this. Maybe I was imagining things. I mean, I did fall from a very high place and I fainted. I look at the shelf and find a lot of... Bacon soup. Sounds disgusting, but I'm very hungry, since I lost my bag, where my wife's food would've been in. So I start opening and eating can after can. It doesn't taste too bad. I then walk away and find a power generated switch. "Need to get power to this gate somehow. Should be a couple switches nearby. Then, maybe I can open it." I think and walk back the way I came from. I saw a switch in that shelf. I flip it and try finding the other ones. After I found everyone of them, I hit the big switch and watch the gate open. I walk through it, when it finally opened and cut through more boards. I end up in the music department. I always knew, that we had a small music department above ground level and I am once again, shocked at how big this place got. ,, it's really dark in here.. " I mumble when I see another audio log.

Voice of
Sammy Lawrence:

So first, Joey installs this ink machine over our heads. Then it begins to leak. Three times last month, we couldn't even get out of our department because the ink had flooded the stairwell.

Joey's solution? An ink pump to drain it periodically. Now, I have this ugly pump switch right in my office. People in and out all day.

Thanks, Joey. Just what I needed. More distractions. These stupid cartoon songs don't write themselves you know.

I sigh at that. It's true, Joey always decides over the head of his workers. And his solutions don't always help the problem. I keep walking and sigh, as I come across a flooded stairwell. "Looks like the stairwell is flooded. If I'm going to get out of here, I'll need to find a way to drain it." this is just great. As I walk back to the room with Sammy's voice log, suddenly something pops out of the ink on the floor and... Attacks me? It actually kinda hurts and takes away a little of my vision again, blinding me slightly, with its ink. I hit them with my axe and they just disappear into ink again. I then walk into a room and see a pool table. Well, I didn't know that Sammy liked playing that. I ignore the table and walk out again, towards the Infirmary. There's a notice over the flooded stairwell.

Anyone found faking illness will be docked a full week's wage.
Not sick, not paid.

I mean it is kinda fair, but a full week of no payment? Joey, that's cruel. When I get to Sammy's office, there's a broken pipe. Of course there is. I look into his office window. "Well, there's the pump switch alright. But that's one hell of a leak blocking the door though. If I could just stop that from flowing, maybe I can get in." I feel annoyed, because of the fact that everything in this building seems to want to keep me here and make my escape harder. I look at the wall across from the leak and see another voice log.

Voice from
Wally Franks:

So, I go to get my dust pan from the hall closet the other day and guess what? I can't find my stupid keys! It's like they disappeared into thin air or something.

All I can think of, is that they must have fallen into one of the garbage cans, as I was making my rounds last week.

I just hope, no one tells Sammy. Because if he finds out I lost my keys again, I'm out of here.

Oh Wally. You and your always lost keys. Also, why did he put this in front of Sammy's office? As soon as I found the keys to the closet, I find yet another audio log. Man, there are many of those around.

Voice of
Sammy Lawrence:

Every artistic person needs a sanctuary. Joey Drew has his and I have mine. To enter, you need only to know my favorite song:

The bass fiddle songs with deep articulation.
The drum thunders in triumph.
The banjo playfully plucks.
The violin shudders with a piercing voice.

Sing my song and my sanctuary will open to you.

Now I am officially weirded out by Sammy. The words he chooses are so... Special, to say the least. But I write the instruments down in the correct order. Bass, fiddle, drum, banjo and violin. I then walk upstairs to a room with another projector and an audio log. Great.

Voice of
Norman Polk:

Every day the same strange thing happens. I'll be up here, in my booth, the band will be swinging and suddenly, Sammy Lawrence just comes marching in and shuts the whole thing down. Tells us all to wait in the hall.

Then I hear him. He starts up my projector, and he dashes  from the projector booth and down to the recording studio like the little devil himself was chasing behind.

Few seconds later, the projector turns off. But Sammy, he doesn't come out for a long time. This man is weird. Crazy weird!

I have half a mind to talk to Mr. Drew about all this. But then again, I have to admit Mr. Drew has his own peculiarities

Yeah, I have to admit, Sammy does seem really weird. He hasn't been, when I met him, but I did only once. I sigh a little and start the projector, then I walk down, playing the instruments in the order I noted. I hear a few creeks after playing the last one and walk to a gate that has been closed before. That must be his sanctuary I guess. I walk through a small corridor and look to the right, when I see an equally small room at the end of it. There's a banjo in there and more words are written on the wall. Sing a happy song. Whistle a merry tune. Wait for his arrival. He's coming very soon. Who is that 'he'? Is it me? Do these creatures know I'm coming? Or is it that Bendy demon? There's another summoning circle and a flow pipe. I turn the flow valve and as I look up to the room next to the one I came from, I see a weird guy, staring down at me. He wears a Bendy mask and there's a Bendy cutout next to him. As I step outside, there are more of those inky creates, attacking me. After I killed all of them, I find a hidden audio log.

Voice of
Susie Campbell:

It may only be my second month working for Joey Drew, but I can already tell I am going to love it here!

People really seem to enjoy my Alice Angel voice. Sammy says she may be as popular as Bendy some day.

These past few weeks I have voiced everything, from talking chairs to dancing chickens. But this is the first character I have really felt a connection with. Like, she's a part of me.

Alice and I, we are going places.

From all I am seeing here, this young lady was very naive to think, anything good was coming out of this. I then walk down to the infirmary, where another one of those creatures attacks me, but I kill it pretty quickly. I walk towards the switch. "Oh no, there's no valve... Where did it go?" I really don't like the fact that something doesn't seem to want to let me leave. I open utility shaft 9. When I turn right, the first thing I see, is another message. Down here, we're all sinners. Okay, great. Well I am not, therefore let me leave. I walk towards the message and end in an inky little river. I see another monster with the valve I need. I walk towards it, talking to it:,, Hey, can you give me that? I really need that." Of course, it doesn't liste, it just makes a moaning sound and disappears. "Was that thing really holding my valve?" I sigh as I break the boards that kept me away from it and keep walking through this inky river, reading another message on the wall. The sheep will come to slaughter. Not a nice message. I just continue walking, until I see a little cubby, with a chair and a table in it. And an audio log.

Voice of
Jack Fain:.

I love the quiet and that's hard to come by these busy times.

And yeah, sure it may stink to high heaven down here. But it's just perfect for an old lyricist like me. Sammy's songs always got some bounce, but if I didn't get away once in a while, they'd never have any words to go with them.

So I'll keep my mind a-singin' and my nose closed.

I never met this guy. Sammy used to do both the music and the texts. I find another bacon soup and open the can quickly, emptying it. I should eat whenever I can, it could be important to do so. I see the thing with the valve once again and I'm as quiet as possible. I also see two machines. What do the switches do? I pull one of the levers and it rises a box. I somehow manage to get this thing... I think it may be that guy Jack Fain, why ever I think that, under the place where the box is and I drop the box on him. He moans in pain, as the Box splashes him to death. The only thing left of him, are his hat and the valve. That was kinda brutal.,, Sorry I had to do that. Nice hat though." I mumble quietly. What did Joey do to his newest workers? All of them seem to be gone, that thing with the head was definitely different from the rest of those, as it did not attack me. Maybe it actually tried to communicate with me. I sigh a little as I take the valve and head back and out the valve back, so I can finally use it. "OK, that should do it." I think as I walk back up again, out of the infirmary and into Sammy's office, to drain the flooded stairwell. I quickly walk to thaz, but before I get there, something hits my head. I blink a few times and fall to the floor, slowly fainting as I see the guy who was staring at me before, saying:,, Rest your head. It's time for bed." and everything goes black.

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