Childhood Friends & Traitors...

By Yanderesarehotasf

416 10 0

You and Katsuki have been friends before him and Deku were friends. You loved him with all of your heart but... More

Anger & Separation
Reaveled Secrets
I'm home Katsuki

Childhood and Quriks

187 6 0
By Yanderesarehotasf

[(Y/N) just turned 4 a few months ago and Katsuki is 5.]


"I'm coming I'm coming jeez"


" Whatever. "

You and Bakugou were best friends. You were always together and when you weren't, you were taking your parents phones to talk to each other. You two knew each like the back of your hands. Well...... You knew him like that.

You were the daughter of a young Villain. Your father didn't tell you or the Bakugou's because he knew you didn't want him to hate you. He has always told you about how he was going to be just like All might and be the best hero ever. You wanted to be beside him when that happened. He knew that if he told you, you would tell him. And that would break your only friendship. Without him you would be lonely, for he was your only friend. For you, it was hard making friends with others. And it wasn't because you didn't try talking to them.

It was because they envied you.

They wanted to be the one that goes to his house every day. They wanted to be the one that made him laugh. They wanted to be the one that he loves more than his own life.
They envied your (h/l) (h/c) hair, and they way that your (e/c) eyes shines in the light.
They wanted it all.


You and Katsuki was looking for All might. You two had heard that there was an villain attack and wanted to see it. You weren't really a All might fan, but because he was Katsuki's idol, you were always looking for him. You wanted him to be able to meet him in person and not on TV.

The way that his beautiful crimson eyes shined with excitement for every villain All might had beat. Though he loved him, you hated him. (Sorry if you like him. But for some strange reason, I don't. I just said this to make it go with the plot of the story) You hated that stupid smile that he wore when fighting. Every time you saw it you wanted to punch him.

You hated how when fighting he looked as if nothing was wrong with the world.
You were aware of the injuries that he had gotten when fighting. When you first head about it you couldn't stop laughing. 

Though, Katsuki would never know because you were a great actor. You were taught how to act since you could talk.

And you wanted it to stay that way. You couldn't bear to see him hurt. Everytime he fell, you would run to his side to help him. Though he acted like he wasn't in pain and didn't needed it, he always wanted you by his side. You were there when no one else was.

It was you two against the world. And no one could ever split you two apart........... Or so you thought.

"Look here folks! All might has once again, defeated a Villain! All might is just amazing! "

'Yea. Amazingly stupid'. You thought. The fact that people would continuously look over villains injuries to gawk at All might made you swell up with anger. You couldn't understand why they loved him so much. He puts more damage on the villians then they do to others.

But you dealt with it for Katsuki. You would do anything for him. You didn't want him to leave you. And he didn't want you to leave him.

"Katsuki...." You felt the sudden need to ask him something, even though you didn't know what it was. " Yea (Y/N)?" He said with a worried tone. " We are friends forever, right?" You said. You felt like you needed to know. Though you would probably never tell him that your father was a Villain, you wanted to know that you could trust him with your life.

"Dummy. Of course we are!" He said with an look that could make you think that you were floating. "What type of question is that?!" You didn't know what to say. He didn't hesitate at all. It was like he knew you were gonna ask that. "J-just asking"

------------------ 1 year later---------------

[(Y/N) is 4 1/2 and Katsuki is 5]

"WHOA KACCHAN, YOU GOT YOUR QUIRK!" A small timid boy with green hair and eyes yelled. 'Deku'. You thought. It has been a year now and a lot of stuff have happened.


You and Katsuki was running at the park, you bumped into a boy with green hair and eyes. He seemed as if he was running away from someone. When you looked behind him, you saw two boys running towards the three of you. 'What a bunch of assholes'. You didn't really care that they were chasing him. But they had interrupted you and Katsuki. Bad idea.

"AND WHAT IF WE DON'T? We have quirks and you don't."

'Did this dumbass just call me quirkless?!' You thought. It pissed you off that they assumed you were quirkless. Though you still did not have your quirk, did not mean that you were quirkless.
"Hey losers, why don't you just leave us alone and run back to your mommies before things get messy?! " You didn't realize it until you could smell it in the air. 

'HE GOT HIS QUIRK!' You were happy for Katsuki. And from the looks of it, it was a dangerous one. You turned your head to face him. You gasped when you saw him. He had the most determined look ever. One look at him was enough to make bullies run. And they did. One used his quirk to run faster. And the other just disappeared.

"Losers." Bakugo had turned back to face you, only to see you smiling. "YOU GOT YOUR QUIRK"

Bakugou was confused. He didn't understand what you were talking about, until he saw smoke coming from his hands. You had forgotten about the boy you bumped into, and ran over to Bakugou. You jumped on him and gave him the biggest hug ever. You refused to let him go. You only had when you heard his mom calling you, telling you two that it was time to go. You got up and helped Bakugou up as well. When you turned around to leave, you saw the boy. He looked kinda familiar to you two. You and Bakugou looked at him until you finally remembered who he was.

"IZUKU?!" You both yelled at the same time. You had met Izuku at pre-school. The teacher had made you and Bakugou play with him, because no one else would. After that, he hung around you two more, following everything that you said. He was like a puppet. Eventually Katsuki talked to him more than he did to you. It annoyed you. You didn't want him following you around. You just wanted to be with Bakugou..... Alone.

"Y-yes?" You were angry. You never wanted to see him again. You didn't want to speak to him. So before anything else could be said, you left the two boys. You walked over To Mitsuki and sat down, crossing your arms. You huffed in annoyance and turned away from the boys.
"Stupid Izuku" You mumbled. You started thinking about his name and how he can't ever defend himself. "Izuku? Ha. More like Deku. Useless, defenseless Deku."You said.

Mitsuki looked over to see you, but not Katsuki. "(Y/N)..? Where is Katsuki?". "Over there with his new best friend". You were angry. You didn't understand why out if every kid here, you had to run into Deku. (I don't hate Deku but he does annoy me from time to time)


The car ride was silent. You didn't want to talk to Katsuki. Not after he didn't even realize that you weren't next to him. Katsuki kept trying to talk to you, but you ignored him. Your actions had surprised him. You have never gotten mad at him, let alone ignore him. He was getting annoyed. A few minutes later of talking and ignoring, he snapped at you.

"WHY WON'T YOU TALK TO ME GODDAMMIT?!" He yelled. It took you and Mitsuki by surprise.

"Well ask your new best friend damn it." You said sarcastically. You wanted him to feel the same pain that you felt. It hurt you when he didn't see you leave. And, he made you miss the ice cream truck.

"Who are you talking about?! You are my only best friend!" 

"Tell that to Deku, not me."

"Deku? Who is Deku?!" 

You grew silent. You didn't want to argue with him, but he was making it hard not to. Eventually he stopped trying to talk to you and looked at the window. The rest of the 30 minute was silent and long.

When you got to his house, you didn't even get out. You were still angry at him. You wanted Deku to go away. You wanted All might to go away. But you didn't want to hurt Katsuki. After Katsuki had got out of the car, you took off your seatbelt and opened the door. The cold air rushed through your lungs as you breathed in. When you stepped out of the car, the wind blew your (h/l) (h/c). You looked at the familiar house that you left two hours ago for the park. You stared at the ground. You didn't want to look up. You knew that Katsuki was looking at you. When you felt his gaze leave you you looked up to walk inside of the big luxurious house. You knew where everything was placed in here. You would come over a lot. At times you would stay for days and not realize it until your father uses one your quirks to tell you to come home. 

You followed Mitsuki to the bathroom for you to get cleaned up. She was the only mother figure in your life. You mother had died from...something. Your father won't tell you. And after you met her, she was like a mother to you. She took care of you, feed you, clothed you, read and sang you to sleep, and the best part.

Treated you like you were her own.

She loved you with all of her heart. When she found out that your mother was Dead, she took it as her responsibility to be that mother figure you so dearly wanted. She took you in. You wanted to repay her, so when she was sad or not feeling well you took care of her.

You two had a mother daughter relationship.

You went inside of the bathroom and got into the bath that she made for you. Once you were in the water you relaxed. You wanted to forget about the argument that you and Katsuki had. You closed your eyes as you relaxed. A few seconds later you heard the door open. You opened your eyes to see Mitsuki with a towel and a outfit she had bought for you. She laid them down on the counter and left.

------- After washing up ------

After you were finished you walked to the living room. You would normally go straight to Katsuki's room but you didn't want him to start talking about the argument.

You walked over to the couch just to see Katsuki sitting on the couch. You suddenly felt like crying. You wanted to talk with him without the chance of arguing again. You were thinking about what could happen. You were so lost in thought that you didn't realize that you were speaking out loud.

Katsuki had looked at you. He was confused on why you were standing there for five minutes. He would normally call you over. But he felt like he should leave you alone. You were acting weird ever since you bumped into Izuku.

'Wait. She called him..'


When he said that you snapped back to reality. You hated how he said his name.

"What did you say?"


"What. Did. You. Say?"

"I said Deku. That is what you called Izuku earlier."

"Do you know why I call him that?"


"Because everytime I see him he is not defending himself. He is worthless and defenseless Deku. He doesn't deserve to be friends with you. So why? Why are you friends with him?!"

You were crying. You couldn't understand what was so special about Deku. You wanted to know why the same kid that you two avoided was suddenly his best friend. Katsuki was looking at you with a sad expression. He didn't like seeing you cry.

"I... I'm sorry." You said with a sniffle between each word. "I just don't know why you hang out with him." At this point you were on the floor sobbing. Katsuki ran up to you. He tried hugging you but you moved. You didn't want his pity. But you did want it. You just wanted things to go back to when you two never knew Deku. You were starting to hear rain from outside.

"It's not supposed to rain today.." You said. You looked outside to see that it was raining as hard as you were crying. As you watched the raindrops fall from the sky like fallen angels would, slowly stopped crying.

You have always been comforted by the rain. Just as you had finally stopped crying, the weather cleared up. You and Katsuki were amazed. Just as you got up, Momsuki (She is Momsuki. You cannot tell me otherwise) walked out to see if you two were alright and you two respond with only a nod as you two were realizing that you had gotten your quirk.

" (N/N)... You got your quirk!" Katsuki said with a wide smile. Masaru had walked out to check on you three when Mitsuki did not come back to the room. "What's wrong? Why was there yelling?"
"(Y/N) GOT HER QUIRK!!!" Mitsuki and Katsuki yelled at the same time. You were so excited that you didn't realize that your quirk was still active. Everything outside was covered in the sun's rays and birds were singing. Everything looked as if it just came fresh out of a fairy tale.

"It looks so pretty outside." You said with a smile. You ran to the window in awe. You felt as if nothing else mattered. You were smiling until your father used your phone-which you jokingly called your quirk- to tell you to come home. You pouted and the sky got clouded. 

"Ms. Bakugou.... Daddy said for me to go home." You said with a monotone and a sad look.

----------------In the car------------

You were looking out the window. You hated going home. Your father always tried to get you to get you to stop going over to the Bakugou's. Though you always ended up going, you had to argue with him. You would just ask your mother, but she died trying to stop your father from killings on accident. He had forgotten about his quirk when you had learned to walk and tried to pick you up. Your mother saw and jumped in between the two of you, getting killed in the process. Not that the media knew.

You never told anyone who he was in fear that you would lose your father as well. He was the only biological family you had left because your grandparents moved to the US. You understood why he didn't like you going out. He was afraid to lose you too. You were his only family he had left. He cared for you though he never really showed it.

"(N/n)... Are you still mad with me? Katsuki said quietly so his mother couldn't hear him. You were silent for a while before responding. "No.... I wasn't mad at you I was just... I was mad at myself and Deku." You turned your head to face him. Your facial expression was like you had no emotions. Yet your eyes and voice was sweet. You always loved staying with him. He was your happy place. You never liked sharing. When going to school, you always had to be partnered with Katsuki. You refused to do things without him or with someone else.

You once got in trouble because you had bit someone for asking to play with you and Katsuki at recess.

To be specific.

The kid you bit...Was none other Deku.

"Why?" Katsuki asked. "Because you looked so happy with him and it annoyed me." You said. You didn't even have to think about what to say because ever since you had first encountered him, it has been on your mind. Your quick response had made Katsuki look at you with a sad expression. He didn't realize it because when Dek-- Izuku came around, you always looked away or made an excuse to leave the two boys. He guilty. He felt like it was his fault.

"I-i.....I'm sorry." Katsuki said while looking at the car floor. "For what?" You said confused.
"For making you feel that way." He said quietly. You could tell that he felt responsible for the way that you felt towards Deku.

Though the true reason why you hated him was because of how he would always talk about All might no matter where he was. "Kat-... Kacchan.. It's not your fault that I feel this way. It's Deku's." You said the last part of that sentence with an eye roll. You had a bitter taste in your mouth from the mention of Deku. You thought of that nickname for Katsuki be the had an explosion quirk."O-oh..." Kacchan said looking a little happier that you weren't mad at him or that it wasn't his fault that you were mad.

You and Kacchan continued to talk about things like what they should do the next time that you came over.

Like normal, Mitsuki would drop you off at a park an hour away from the one that you and Katsuki normally played at. She waited until she saw you walk over to someone and you wave good bye to them to drive off. Both Mitsuki and Katsuki was sad that you had to go home.


"Father." You said to the man the you were now holding hands with while walking home.
"Yes?" A raspy voice said. You looked up to look up at the man that took care of you.
"Can you tell me another story about mother when we get home?" You asked him.
He would tell you stories about your mother and how she loved a cared for everybody and thing. He even showed you a picture of her.

(An: That is what your mother sorta looked like.)

Though you never really been with her long enough to remember her, you felt like she was always with you. He way that your father looked while telling you stories about her looked as if he was living a dream. He always looked so happy talking about her. That is the main reason why you would ask for him to talk about her. To see him happy.

"Hmmm....Okay." He said. You got really happy. You started skipping while talking to your father about your new quirk.

~Flashback over~

Your father wished that you would never be like him. He wanted you to be like your mother.

A hero

But just because you wish something


Doesn't mean it will happen.

An: This literally took me days to write. I had writers block after I got to the hating All might part. Sorry if you get confused. I had no idea what to put so I just put whatever popped up in my head at the time. I'm sorry if you like him. You got the hatred of All might from your father. Sorry if you like Deku. I needed to think of something that you could hate that I didn't need to make up. These updates will be slow as hell because a bitch gets writers block, okay.

Peace out simps ✌️

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