Scarlet Love

By Tanis_The_Freesia

5.1K 535 899

The one who has eyes on her. The one who is hiding from him. The one who needs her. The one who lusts her. Th... More

|1| Leaving them
|2| Fayth Williams.
|3| Trouble meets trouble.
|4| Meetings.
|5| Manipulator.
|6| First Rain.
|7| Curiosity
|8| Decisions
|10| Embarassed
|11| Save me.
|13| So friends?
|14| The Start.
|15| It's Her.
|16| The Royals.
|17| The Rules of The Fate.
|18| She Descended.
|19| The Connection
|21| Hide and Seek.
|22| The First One.
|23| Him and I.
|24| Someone like her
|25|Déjà vu
|26|The Party
|27| The Party II
|28| Consequenses
|29| The House of Cards
|30| Yuanfen
|31|The Intruder
Nolan Walker
Fayth Williams
Aiden Alexander
|32| The Intruder II

|20| The saga of them.

130 14 31
By Tanis_The_Freesia

The pic above is the perfect position for fayth and Nolan., Neglecting surroundings.

[When thinking about life, remember this.
“No amount of guilt can change the past,
And no amount of anxiety can change the future.”
- unknown.]

So, close your eyes. And think carefully.
No-one will know the better answer than yourself.

All the thinking will be in italic font.

Third-person POV-

The silence was inserted in the corridors of Elite Academy.
As the curfew time has started.
The rules of the Academy must be followed, or the consequences were upon students.
And frankly, no one in the Academy wants to be Academy's dustbin for days or weeks.

And fortunately, no-one noticed fayth and Nolan, walking freely around the Academy or rather Nolan walking with fayth in his arms.
The only sound that can be heard was the heavy footsteps of Nolan. And If you listen carefully, the loud Heartbeats of fayth.

But no one could hear the thoughts,
Which were loud in her mind.
Making her surroundings low.
First- she did not find anything to give her clues about anything in the library. Fuck! and second,
Fayth knew she had made a grave mistake, Acting like that in front of a stranger as well as Nolan.
But she was thankful of her rational side at that time, that she did not create a bigger scene.
She thanked her lucky stars for that.
It could have been bad-
It was the mistake she just can't avoid, no matter how many meditations she do., but now she have to make up her mistake. She must.

They both were half-way to her dorm.
When fayth has placed her head on Nolan's shoulder.
For a second Nolan went stiff, but then kept going.

"If I'm heavy, you can put me down. You know..." Fayth whispered to Nolan.
Fayth loved herself.
She was taught to love herself, but fayth was always conscious of her weight.
No matter how many times she told herself that, I'm perfect as I am- but the nagging never went away.

To answer her question, Nolan pushed fayth up, toward himself.
His face inches away from her-

Fayth's eyes widened on their own accord and she tightened her grip on Nolan's shoulder, to balance herself.


"Shhh, believe me, fayth- I quite like this situation better" he looked at her unblinkingly then suddenly smirked, "but you should start doing some exercise you know-"

It took fayth a second to understand that he was joking.
She narrowed her eyes at him and pinched his shoulder.

"Ouch- girl! That hurts! And I was joking."

"It was supposed to hurt Nolan," Fayth countered smugly.

Nolan abruptly stopped and looked upon the ceiling seriously.
"Ooo look here everyone- look down here God, are you seeing this! How unfair is this! Lord! Are you seeing this.! Me- the poor lad is trying to help this girl- and this bad bad girl is hitting me! Where is your justice lord! I want-"

And Nolan's rant went muffled under fayth's palm.

"Oh my god, shut up!! You will wake up everyone!" Fayth whisper- yelled at him.
But even she couldn't help and laugh at his endeavours.

Then after assuring that Nolan will not start his complaints, fayth removes her hand.

Nolan smiled at her, understanding what is going on her mind then looking ahead he says,
"Fayth, you should know that you are perfect, no cut that! You're beautiful. just the way you are., and why one would want to be perfect anyway? When you could be anything you want. Being you is much better And no you are not heavy. You are light as a feather, You understand?"

Fayth looked upon Nolan and nodded.
Was she too quick to judge him?

Eventually, they both reached their destination, her dorm.

When they both entered the room,
As always Marley was not there-
Everyone in the academy knows, just how much of party girl Marley is.

"How many times do I have to tell this girl to not wander after curfew" Nolan muttered to himself.

Fayth nudged Nolan, to which he looked down at her innocently.

Fayth rolls her eyes toward the floor.
Nolan looks at the floor- and then fayth- scrunched his eyebrows in confusion.

Fayth shakes her head at him., And smiles.
"Put me down. Nolan"

"Oh, but I don't want toooo," Nolan says in childish voice with a perfect pout toward fayth.

Fayth narrows her eyes again at him-

"Okay- okay, I'm doing it." Nolan puts fayth on the floor gently. But didn't remove his arm from her forearm and helps her to sit on the bed.

There is no doubt on how much grateful fayth is- to Nolan.
For everything, he has done today.
But she knows that she can't tell Nolan the reason behind her actions of earlier.
That person- whoever he was- stood clearly as Nolan's friend.
She didn't want to create more misunderstanding than already exists.

So, what lies are you going say, this time? Fayth's subconscious mocked her.

Nothing big.
She replied.

Liars, liars pants or skirts or thongs on fireeee-
Fayth cut off her inner voice abruptly and scowled.

"Fayth?" Nolan's uneasy voice caught her.

She just noticed how close he was to her. There was just a hand distance between them, as he sat in front of her on chair. She felt something, but not a bad feeling. She felt comfortable with him here.

Fayth nodded"Oh, yes. Did you said something?"

"Are you okay?" Nolan asked and gives her a glass of water.

"Yupp, perfectly fine." fayth replied to which Nolan gives her the no-BS look.

"Nolan" fayth starts- "Thank you so much for all the things today, I mean it."

"It's nothing. And no- I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what happened there?"
This time Nolan's voice was sharp.
Leaving no room for arguments.

Fayth closes her eyes and opened them again.
As if to think if her lie would work?
Then she starts...

*After 15 minutes.*

"No way!" Nolan exclaimed.

"Yes way." Fayth gulped.

"I really that happened?"

"Yup, it is what it is."

Nolan's face looked like he just had heard that aliens are real and their favourite food is human intestines.

"I can't believe this!" He sighs.

"If it hadn't happened to me, I would not believe it too."

Fayth looked at Nolan.
She was feeling guilty, lying to him.
But she knows that doing this is right.
Getting Nolan more mixed up than he already is, was a risk. That she doesn't want to take.

Nolan shakes his head and fayth's heart dropped.

Did he didn't believed her?
Why? What fayth had said was sure filmy but it could happen!
Now, what she will do?
Does she have to make another lie?

But before fayth has to run her mind more, Nolan said something else. "That could happen, you're right."

Fayth released a breath of relief.

Nolan looked at fayth unsurely, and starts the tale he just heard from her.
"So let me get this straight. You went to Old library, the librarian left the library with only you inside. You were searching for the book related to your science project but ended up finding your favourite book, which was a horror book. In which a haunted library was described. You wanted to read that book from a long time but couldn't find it. So you were happy."

Nolan let out a long breath.
"You start to read the book there, alone. Which was really stupid if you ask me." To which, fayth narrowed her eyes and Nolan surrendered his hands up and continued.

"You were so terrified and engrossed in reading the book that you didn't notice someone entering the library.
So when you heard a sound of book throwing which was same as a chapter of the book, you were startled. But you couldn't find anyone so you were more scared, then you see the shadow of screamed and run toward the door but accidentally stepped on ladder and fall, fall directly onto the person or ghost with your perspective. You were too scared by thinking that Aiden is a ghost that you didn't look up at all and that is when I entered- right?"

Fayth nodded and grasped the name of the boy- Aiden.
After a second-
Very good!, from all the students in the Academy, she had to create a scene in front of Aiden fûcking Alexander! Way to go!
She had little knowledge about him from the academy students. A mastermind.

"And the rest is history." Nolan finished but did not give up on."So are you saying that-"

Fayth interrupted. "Yes, nothing kind of happened that you are thinking about. And about that boy- Aiden you said. Is he your friend?"

Nolan groaned at that- and nodded.
"Fudge! I forget about him. He is my best friend."

Fayth stopped the smile at his attempts on 'not cussing'.

"Oh thank god that he is your friend, I feel so bad for him Nolan. Can you please tell him, about this whole situation and why I reacted the way I reacted? Because I don't know how to say all of this to him, I'm already feeling so bad and embarrassed."
Fayth pleaded to Nolan.

Fayth was not embarrassed to tell this to that guy, but she can't face him.
She knows what her reaction would be again.
She can't help it. She just can't.
She is terrified to even at the thought.
She now just hopes that This guy, Aiden believes Nolan. Fayth can't really remember his expression at that time.

Is he sharp enough to spot a lie? Maybe no?
Fayth shook her head.

Nolan looked at fayth and took her reaction for something else.
"Do not worry about that fayth, I'll tell him this and don't worry, Aiden will not give Any thoughts to this., once I will tell him the whole thing."

Fayth looked at Nolan.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry that you had to go through all this because of me and Thank you."

Fayth was not only saying sorry just for that- but she was also sorry for telling him lies.

Nolan smiled at her.
Then out of the blue, flickered her forehead.
"Silly, I told you that it is alright. And I'm happy that I was there for you."
His expression changed from pure to naughty, "And Who knows you could have started to use the verses from the Bible, to eliminate the ghost of Aiden."

"Ahhh" Fayth groaned "you're going to use this against me, aren't you?"

"Come on, this is gooold, the brave fayth terrified of the ghost, who is not even ghosted" Nolan let out in between his laughs.

Fayth scowled and pouted.

But then he got serious, and grabbed fayth's palm with his own., to catch her reaction and to notify her that how important this situation is.
"Fayth, you were lucky that it was me and my friend, that you encountered in the library. This Academy is not a place you should roam freely so late at night, without anyone by your side. But If you want to read late in the library, just call me. I would go there with you. And no I don't want you to be scared, I just want you to be aware of your surroundings."

Fayth knew what Nolan was saying was true, and it was for her own.
But how does she tell him that she is not here to be safe.
And what about how she wanted to be far from him., but now she needed to be near him and his friends.
How should she tell him that she had just lied to him, even when he was helping her.
How does she tell him that he is diverting her from her own beliefs.
And how does she tell him how much she is terrified of his friend.
And how does she tell herself that she is trusting him over her beliefs.

Fayth nodded and squeezed his palm.
A gesture of reassurance.
"I'll be more careful. So don't worry about me."

Nolan smiled at her gesture.
But Nolan was suddenly aware of his actions. How his hand was over her.
And just now she squeezed his palm back. It was something he would have never done for someone. It was just something insignificant in his sight. But right now when fayth removed her palm from him and went toward the water glass, he was ready to forget about his existence and was ready to yank her hand again. Just to feel that feeling again. But he controlled his self.,
Finally, fayth was trusting him and was spending her time with him.
He doesn't want to ruin that.
No matter what, he wouldn't ruin his new formed friendship with fayth.

Nolan looked up,
"You know if you want. I'll stay here"
Then he shakes his head with a change of mind. "No. I'm staying here until Marley came-"

Fayth chocked on the water "NO!" And shrieked at him in mid-sentence.

With that fayth erupted into a fit of coughs.
Nolan's eyes widened as he scooted closer and began to pat her back.
"Are you a kid? Why did you have to say something in between drinking! I can't believe you!"

Fayth tried to calm her coughing by swallowing so that she can end her embarrassing moment!
And coughing stopped, only to come again with more force.

Nolan gives her water,
And after some moments, the coughing finally stopped.
Fayth and Nolan both let out a long breath of relief.

But out of the blue,
Nolan started to laugh.
Then he tried to stop it but couldn't.

Fayth was confused at his behaviour and she exactly asked,
"Why are you laughing!?"

Nolan shakes his head.
"Nothing" but still could not stop his laugh.

Fayth felt annoyed at this rate.
But then her eyes suddenly went to the mirror beside her wardrobe.

And her first reaction was-
"Oh my god! Who the hell is that-"

In front of her, Nolan was now on the floor with his laughing.

Fayth's whole Face was red as a tomato and her eyeliner was smudged around her eyes! Making her a perfect twin of a panda.

Fayth now understood why Nolan was laughing like a maniac.
And when they both made an eye contact with each other-
Fayth ends up laughing herself.

And that's my friends, how their relation started,
Not knowing the end,
They laughed with each other,
Not knowing how these laughs will end up becoming cracks.
But does that really matters?
When you enjoy the moments with sincerity?
Forgetting the past and future.

After a lot of persuasions, Fayth had convinced Nolan to leave her dorm.

Fayth was near her window,
Looking at the moon, which was full.
Which looked unhealthy beautiful.
Making her conscious of herself.
Fayth wanted to be alone.
She needs time to think about this situation.
Which was so unthinkable.

And most of all-
She needed to check her emotions.
Which all were at a point, thanks to Nolan.
But she knew,
The moment that person will come in front of her,
All of her control will collapse.
Fuçk, she will collapse!
And she can't let that happen.
Not again.

That's why she needed to get to the deep of this problem!
And that can only happen with-

Fayth nodded to herself and picked up her phone to dial a number.

She thanked her memory to remember the number perfectly.

Fayth's leg was bouncing unconsciously, showing just how nervous she was.

No one received it the first time.
Or the second time.
And fayth knew that he never really received any unknown number ever.

But fayth can't give up.
So at the fifth time, someone answered the call.
Fayth was expecting a rough voice, precisely a man.
But the voice that greeted her-

"Who the fuck are you to call him! At this hour!?"

So when a feminine voice hit fayth's ears with curses,
Fayth was seeing red!

How dare he!

"Tell that fucker that red is calling and give mobile back to him before I chock you with your own hairs and god help me! Get away from him right fucking now!" Fayth was beyond angry, she was disappointed.

When she heard a whimper of female, fayth knew the female was out of his sight.

And finally, she heard his voice, which was noticeably crumbling.

Noah, her best friend had broken his promise to her.
To fayth, promises were the biggest aspect. Promise meant a lot to her.
And Noah knows that-
He broke them!
Fayth don't take them lightly. Not at all.

Tears were at the edge, but fayth controlled them and asked him with a monotone voice.
"I have something to ask you."

"Doll, I'm sorry. I'm fucking sorry but it was too much, and you're not here, and I didn't take them yet-"

Fayth let out a breath of relief at this., Internally.
"Cut it. I don't want to hear it. I have something to ask, are you helping me, or else I'm cutting this call."

Fayth heard his heavy breathing.
She knows he was regretting. But it doesn't matter.
If you can't keep a promise, don't make them.

"What is it? That you want to know?"

Fayth restraint her breathing, trying her everything to control herself in front of Noah. She can't let him know the situation here.

"You remember the first time I had asked you for a favour?"

Fayth waited for his answer.
It's been five years when she has asked that., The start of their friendship. Noah could have forgotten about it. He forget things easily.

"Are you talking about that favour, when you asked to look into a person? To find his whereabouts?" Noah asked unsurely.

Fayth let out a sigh of relief.
"Yes that, what did you find about him, tell me now"

"But why didn't you asked me about outcomes at that time? Even when I bought the topic, you avoided it. That is the only reason why I still remember it. Why did you do that?"

Because I didn't want to hear it.

"That isn't important now Noah, what did you fucking find out!?"
Fayth let out aggressively, her patience running slim.

For a second, fayth only heard his breathing, then.

"That person was dead, six feet under!"

The first tear fell on from fayth's face to her chin.

"Are you sure? Did you checked it yourself.?" Fayth asked and gripped the side wall to help herself standing.

"Yes, I even went to the cemetery but there was something in his records, which was odd. no one knew how he died at-"

"That's enough." Fayth stopped him.

"If you got what you wanted, will you tell me why did you change your mobile number? And why you didn't call me even once after going to that fucking Academy!? And why your voice sounds so-"

"I'm fine. And we will discuss your outing when we meet! And you have to give me a lot of explanation." Fayth fired back. Pushing her miseries behind her.

"I'll do that! But don't - don't be disappointed with me. Please, doll."

"I'm disappointed, Noah!" Fayth exclaimed. But she knows Noah enough to know his next actions, that's why she said again."But I don't want you to be in this situation ever again. I don't want you to be that Noah again. Okay?"

"Okay I understand Doll., and about your que-"

"Bye Noah. Love you." And without hearing him furthet she cut the call.

And it ringed right back-
Fayth switched it off and went to her bed,
She looked toward her drawer. Which was locked.
She stood up again took the keys and opened the drawer. There, behind the massive files, lay a white small bottle. She opened it and took two capsules out.

What are you doing? Put that thing back in!
You promised Noah!

Fayth shook her head, tears spilling.
"He broke his promise first. I should too."

This time, her subconscious didn't speak up.

Fayth still remember, how she and Noah had seal the deal with each other.
She will stay away from these pills.
And Noah had to stop consuming these killing drugs.

She still remembers, the night. The penthouse. And the oath.

She looked at pills which were looking like a way to escape. Escape from where exactly? His Face.

Fayth shook her head again.
You're stronger that this! She thoughts and put the capsules back to it's place. Hiding it from her view.

Then she drops herself on bed, taking a different route of escape for now.
With only one thought consuming her mind, speaking it in her mind, like a Mantra. Again and again.
Protecting her mind from her own demons.
Noah confirmed,
He is dead.
He is dead.
He is dead.
He should be-


Hey there, lovely humans.
I hope you all are coping up with things.
Things that you don't want anyone to know,
Things that you want to shout in void,

So, one long chapter here.
Fayth and Nolan, awwww- my babies.
And yes, fayth have one dark mind and thoughts.
What are your thoughts on her this side?

So I wanted to do this from a long time-
Thank the humans, who are supporting Scarlet love.
I know that, my book is Slow with a lot of things.
Have a lot of Mistakes. And is mind confusing.
So Thank you so much, for supporting this book,
It means a lot to me, and no, I'm not just saying it.
I fucking cry, whenever someone message me that it is good book, whenever someone votes or comments.
Thank you., Here we go...
Millie-the-Ginniemention a user
strangeeerrr (idk if you remember but you were the first one to make me aware of my grammatical mistakes and helped me to get them correct. Thankyou.)

And to my silent readers, idk your names or account, so just know that I Love youuu... It means a lot that you're reading this.*sending purple hearts*


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