The Difference Between Us •Na...

By potatoejung_

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Never did Naruto think that a run would change his life so much. - More



1.3K 72 40
By potatoejung_

this chapter has a lot of fluff 😔🤚🏼
i promise the plot is there if you squint but we'll get goin soon 🥴


It was odd. So terribly confusing for the Uchiha to see. To see Hinata with a blush stained face and giggling all while in the arms of someone he'd known for years. Hinata always so stoic and unaware of her emotions and now she was just overflowing with them. It was even more odd to see them giggling and sharing secret whispers on his sofa.

Sasuke just smiled to himself and turned away from them and into his kitchen where he found his girlfriend also giggling while on the phone. He wordlessly slipped his arms around her waist and sighed into her shoulder.

"Well of course he thinks that," Sakura laughed into the phone. She turned her phone away from her mouth for a moment and whispered; "What's wrong, babe?" Sasuke just shook his head and pulled her closer to him. Sakura kissed his temple and turned back to her phone conversation.

"Okay, well, Sai needs to propose then. You two have been together since like middle school!" she exclaimed. Sasuke could hear Ino shouting and laughing on the other end of the phone. He could tell that Ino was probably a little tipsy with how loud she was. "Yeah, yeah, Pig Head," Sakura snorted. "I'm not the one waiting for a ring. I'll talk to you later, okay? Yeah. Love you too. Bye."

She hung up the phone and placed her cell on the counter. Sakura leaned back into his embrace and let out a content sigh at his warmth. "What's up?"

"Nothing," the ravenette mumbled into her shoulder. "It's just weird to see Hinata with like... emotions." he admitted. "Don't get me wrong, I'm glad she can finally understand why I left the ocean in the first place and never went back after I found you..." 

Sakura smiled once she heard those words leave his lips. She had always felt drawn to him, ever since the day she first saw him awkwardly wandering around their high school. Sasuke was far more sophisticated and knowledgeable about human life than Hinata was but he still had odd reactions to the most basic human experiences. 

"But?" the pinkette urged him to continue. 

"I mean," he sighed and let go of his girlfriend, allowing her to turn around and look at him. "I just don't know how safe they are. Hiashi is so protective over her since her powers are supposed to be just as, if not more, powerful than my own are. We're the next generations of the sea which is why everyone wanted us..."

"Married." Sakura finished for him. Sasuke nodded and ran a hand through his hair. Of course Sakura had seen his powers in action but she just assumed that other merfolk were just as strong. "Are you really that powerful?" she asked, purely out of curiosity.

Sasuke sighed. "I haven't been in the ocean for over five years so I haven't tested anything out," he said. "But I was able to do magic when I was around eight years old, so did Hinata. Most times merfolk can't use magic until around ten or eleven. If I was in the ocean I'd probably be able to use magic to summon or change the structure of our village."

Sakura whistled in awe as she realized his power in the ocean. Albeit with a bit of confusing examples but she now had a better grasp on the role of magic. The pinkette then squeezed her boyfriend's sides which caused him to jump and then laugh lightly.

"Anyways," Sasuke sighed. "If she doesn't marry me she's gonna marry some guy that moved to our village last year. He's nice apparently and Hinata didn't have a problem with it but now..." he hesitated and looked back in the direction of the living room where he could hear Naruto and Hinata talking and laughing together. "There's Naruto to think about."

Sakura hummed in acknowledgement and ran her fingers through his hair. He leaned down and rested his head on her shoulder.

"Listen, I'm super stoked I'm with like... Aqua Man," she joked and turned to kiss his head. "But you need to stop worrying so much. I know that this is definitely something we're all gonna have to worry about, especially when it's closer to Hinata's birthday, but for now let's just enjoy each other's presence. Naruto is happier than I've seen him in awhile and so am I."

Sasuke raised his head and nodded. The upcoming battles they would have to face weren't one that they could fight together. It was one that only he and Hinata could face.


"Am I allowed to stay at your dorm tonight?" Hinata asked after she noticed Sasuke leave the living area. "I have been in the ocean the past few nights to be with my mother."

Naruto perked up and put his drink down on the coffe table. "Oh, what's wrong with your mom? Is she okay?"

Hinata cocked her head to the side. "What do you mean? She is just fine."

"Then why have you been with her every night?" He asked.

"Oh," Hinata looked away. "I-I have just been spending time with her. She is just concerned for my well-being here on land."

Naruto eyed her for a minute. She avoided his eye contact further as he stared but he just shrugged it off. "Uh, okay. Well yeah, you can come over. Shikamaru is spending the weekend at home so you can probably stay until Monday."

She turned with a small smile. "Really?"


Hinata finally made eye contact with him and while Naruto was going to tease her for it he just... couldn't. Her big lilac eyes got all glowy and Naruto really loved when that happened. It had been about two weeks since she returned to Konoha and Naruto found more and more things to love about her with each moment he was in her presence.

"Hey, Hinata?" he said softly and leaned back into the couch. She hummed in response and awaited his question. "Why do your eyes do that?"

"Do what?"

"Glow." He answered. "Whenever you get excited or happy they glow."

Hinata's eyes dimmed considerably once he pointed it out. She turned a light pink shade and then raised her hands to cover her eyes. Naruto then immediately regretted his words since they seemed to have caused her stress.

"H-hey, I didn't mean anything bad by it," he reassured. The blond scooted closer to her on the couch and placed a hand on her shoulder and the other on her thigh. "I think it's cute."

He felt her body relax under the palms of his hands once he said that. Then an idea crossed his mind.

"I think your eyes are beautiful, especially when they glow." Naruto said gently, testing the waters. When he saw her shoulders drop he smiled to himself. "And you're definitely the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. You have the nicest smile though you don't smile enough. And don't even get me started on your body because then we'll be here for days." He snickered at the last part but knew that Hinata just needed reassurance. Especially since she had become much more aware of what other women looked like (i.e Temari) after her and Naruto officially began their relationship.

She lowered her hands from her eyes. Now, they weren't glowing but Naruto still smiled. "There you are," he said. "Can I see your pretty smile now?"

Hinata's eyes casted a small glow but shook her head. "Wh-what else do you like about me?" She asked timidly, muffled through her hands.

Naruto was taken aback by her words but let out a chuckle. He looked to the kitchen where he could see Sasuke and Sakura still on the other side in some deep conversation.

"You're just beautiful overall but of course I'm not that shallow. You're kind and so so curious. You've never been rude or harsh even when I couldn't meet you for a few days." He began. Hinata's eyes became brighter with each word and Naruto leaned in to kiss her temple.

Oh, how Naruto wanted to say so much more but he didn't want Sasuke or Sakura to come in and hear something embarrassing. Naruto had never been in love before but he assumed that this was it.

"You make me feel," he stated. "You've made me feel more than anyone else has in the two months I've known you."

Hinata's eyes once again were threatening to fill with tears. She had become much more emotional now that she had someone who meant something to her. She fought them away and lowered her hands to reveal her smiling face.

Before Naruto could comment on her beautiful smile, she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close to her. Naruto startled but just let out a content sigh and held her close to him.

He pulled her halfway onto his lap once he straightened his back and she went willingly. "You know," he mumbled into her shoulder. "I also love how warm your affection is. From the sudden hugs and embraces you give me to sleeping with you wrapped up in my arms."

Hinata let out a little laugh at that and turned her face into his neck. She also shifted her body so she wasn't as twisted and her legs were now on the sofa. Suddenly, Naruto could almost feel her blushing as her face warmed awkwardly against him.

"What about... kissing? What are you emotions towards our kisses?" She said against the skin of his neck.

The blonde smiled a bit at her shyness but then let out the most exaggerated 'ugh' he could manage. While doing so, he swung her completely onto his lap and faced her so she was looking at him.

"How could I forget the kisses?" He said animatedly. "They're the best. You're the best kisser in the world."

Hinata blushed furiously and dodged the kiss he had leaned in for. "Not here, Naruto-kun." She said, uncharacteristicly shy, while motioning to the kitchen. Naruto pouted but let the bluenette scoot off his lap but she still remained glued to his side.

"T-to answer your earlier question," she said while adjusting her hair and clothing from all the movement. "My eyes naturally glow in the ocean because of the darkness, as do Sasuke's. However it appears mine also glow when experiencing... happiness. I was able to conceal it before our relationship but now I am more comfortable with you. Although I do still conceal my more aquatic features in public." She answered.

Naruto nodded as he gathered this new piece of information about the girl next to him. He decided not to go above and beyond with his response since she looked like she was about to explode from all the affection she had just received in the past five minutes.

It was then that Sakura and Sasuke walked back into the living area so Naruto decided to turn it around on the ravenette.

"Sasuke!" He exclaimed which caused the Uchiha to jump. "Your eyes glow? Lemme see, lemme see."

The black haired man only rolled his eyes and sat on the recliner and Sakura took the spot next to Hinata on the sofa. "Yes, they glow. No, I won't show you."

"Why not?" Sakura asked with a pout and an almost betrayed expression. She did not know about his glowing eyes after all these years.

Sasuke scratched the back of his head and looked at the three on the sofa. "Well, I can't do it on command like Hinata. And it needs to be super super dark."

Hinata tsked at him and crossed her arms. She was now able to express herself much more clearer. "Sasuke, do not hide the complete truth from those who care about you."

Sakura and Naruto looked from Hinata and then to Sasuke in sync. Sasuke huffed and suddenly wasn't as happy as he was before with Hinata becoming more and more outspoken and knowledgeable.

"Damn, now there's someone to call you on your bull shit." Naruto snickered and wrapped an arm around Hinata's shoulders.

The Uchiha sighed. "Part of my powers come from my eyes. Both my and Hinata's families have powers that come from our eyes. I can't just make my eyes glow because I don't know if I can control it on land yet."

"Then why can Hinata do it?"

"I have fully not come into my powers yet." Hinata answered. "For example, Sasuke can call for items while I still do not have that ability."

Again, Sakura and Naruto immediately turned from Hinata to Sasuke.

Sasuke sighed and with the flick of a wrist he was now holding Naruto's wallet.

"Hey!" Naruto reached over and snatched it back. "You use your powers for evil, Sasuke." He muttered which caused Sakura to let out a snort. 

Naruto then paused after putting his wallet back into his pocket. "So when you get your powers, your eyes will stop glowing?" He asked Hinata.

The Hyuga merely shrugged. "Our powers nor our features are the same. I will not know until my birthday."

Sasuke didn't want to dive too much into the topic of their powers and Sakura knew that. Especially after their conversation in the kitchen. "Why don't we get into the mechanics of powers another day? I know I'm getting hungry so why don't I run to the store and get us some food." Sakura suggested.

Hinata then remembered she needed to talk to Sasuke about something. She hoped that this was her chance to.

"Yes!" She agreed. "I am also hungry."

Naruto frowned at Hinata. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was not hungry until just now. Do not worry." She smiled at him. Naruto blushed and turned away from her only to see Sakura giving him a sly smile.

Of course that only caused him to blush more. Obviously Sakura was pleased that they had began dating since she called it way back to when Naruto first met Hinata.

"I'll go with you, Sakura." He offered and stood up. The blond kissed Hinata on the head before grabbing his sweater. "Text me what you guys want." He said to Sasuke.

"Yeah, yeah. Be careful." Sasuke waved them off and gave Sakura a kiss before locking the door behind them.

When he turned around to head back into the living room, he was faced with Hinata's big pale eyes.

The ravenet nearly screamed but instead just let out a loud gasp and gripped his chest. "Oh my god, Hinata," he breathed out. "Don't do that."

Hinata backed away but still had an odd look on her face. Sasuke had come to recognize this look as 'I don't know what this is and I need help'.

"I am sorry," she said timidly. "I just... I know Naruto and Sakura will return soon and I..." Hinata's cheeks began to turn a light shade of pink. "I need to ask you something."

Sasuke was immediately concerned. Hinata rarely had questions since Naruto was now explaining much more to her now that he knew she was basically from another world.

But if Naruto didn't explain this to her then it must be something he doesn't want her to know.

"What's wrong?" He asked once he sat down. Hinata sat on the seat of the sofa that was closest to the recliner.

"Well," she fiddled with her hands. "Have you had sex before?"

Sasuke blinked at her.

Then he realized.

It's not that Naruto didn't want her to know. It's that she was too embarrassed to ask him herself.

"I- what?" He stammered. "Why... why do you want to know that?"

Hinata stared at the ground. "I had been meaning to ask you since the day I went back to the ocean. That day me and Naruto..." she trailed off. "That would have been our first kiss had we not been interrupted by Neji and Itachi."

Sasuke crossed his arms over his chest. "And you're asking me about my sex life because..?"

Hinata glared at him. "I just need you to explain it to me so I can be prepared." She said. Then she realized he hadn't answered her first question. "Unless you have not–"

"Of course I have," he cut her off with a slight blush on his cheeks. "But this is weird. I can't just have a sex talk with my best friend all of a sudden."

"But you are the only person I can talk about this with. I am not close to any other person here besides Naruto and Sakura."

"Then talk to Sakura!"

"She will tell Naruto!"

"She...!" Sasuke thought for a moment. Sakura would most definitely tell Naruto since they were best friends. "Okay yeah."

There was an awkward pause before Sasuke got a notification on his phone. It was Naruto asking what they wanted from the store. Sasuke asked Hinata and then sent their answers.

"Okay," Sasuke said once he sent the message. "I'll go over as much as I can. You can ask questions but please nothing too specific. Sex is also about learning with experience, especially if you're with a partner you care about."

Hinata's eyes once again lit up and she grabbed a throw cushion to hold against her chest. "Okay!"

Sasuke looked up at her with a grim expression. "You're never to mention this conversation to anyone ever, got it?"

Hinata smiled. "Got it."


Twenty minutes later, Sakura and Naruto returned from the store.

"We're back!" Sakura called once Naruto and herself walked back into the apartment.

They took off their jackets and walked into the living room with the bags of miscellaneous snacks.

"Okay, now they didn't have the noodles you wanted Hinata, but–" Naruto paused once he looked up at the two they left in the apartment. "What's wrong?"

Hinata's entire face was red and Sasuke also had a blush resting high on his cheeks. "Nothing!" They both shouted in unison.

Neither Sakura or Naruto could get them to tell what had happened.

this chapter was very self indulging. i love soft naruto 🥺🥺

next chapter is more about their powers and stuff, but ofc fluffy, then it'll only be about 5-ish more chapters until we done w this fic!

thank you for your continued support ❤❤❤❤❤

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