
By E_b_gw4

7.4K 261 26

'ukiyo' [u-key-yo] • Japanese (n.) living in the moment. detached from the bothers of life. "The floating w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

1.1K 50 7
By E_b_gw4

September 1st, 1942
/Aus, 10:00pm/
/Uk, 11:00am/
~fifth year~ (tw-death and killing of animals)

The train station only got busier as the time went by, a few students had looked into my compartment searching for a seat but continued on their way when they saw me. Right when the station was about clear a blond boy opened the door to my compartment.I lowered my sound shield and waited for him to say something. "I've never seen you before so I doubt you're in slytherin, which leads me to ask why are you sitting on our part of the train?" His hair shon as the now moving train went into the sunlight. "What's it to you?" His face contorted slightly with annoyance, and he huffed quietly.

"Look why don't you just go find your friends and sit with them. What's the point of you having a whole six person compartment to yourself?" I looked past him to the boys standing in the hallway, "why should I have to move? I got here first." His patience was growing thin and I smirked at his disgruntled look. "Do you even know who you're talking to?" I only smiled at his exasperated words, "why would I?" His friends looked to be getting rather annoyed as well, this statement seemed to piss him off. "Abraxs Malfoy. Now if you would get out so my friends and I can sit down that would be great." He forced a smile onto his face and I smiled right back "If you are in such a hurry I have no problems with you taking a seat but I will not be moving." He went to say something else, most likely to try to get me to leave again but his friend pushed pasted him and took a seat in front of me.

"This is the only compartment that will fit us all, so whether or not you stay is up to you but we are not moving." The boy who sat down had straight brown hair and pale skin. I only nodded as the rest of them sat down. They had already emerged themselves into small conversations between each other, all but one it seemed. I had raised my sound barrier and had started to look at each of the boys taking in each of their features. The one sitting next to the doorway opposite my side of the compartment had short curly brown hair, his focus was on the book held out in front of him. Next to him was Abraxs Malfoy, every few minutes he would look at me with a face of disdain, obviously not pleased that for once in his life someone had said no to him. Next to him was the pale brown haired boy, he was talking to Malfoy about whatever it is teenage boys talk about. Sitting next to me was a boy with long wavy brown hair, I caught him looking at me every now and then, he seemed never ashamed of being caught though. Next to him was a boy with sandy blond hair, the two of them were deep in conversation.Turning my attention from the group I stared out the windows watching the passing landscapes.

It was hours before I spoke to anyone, and even then it wasn't one of the boys that currently inhabited my compartment. I swiped and answered the telegraph only to hear the stressed and drained voice of my friend,
"Y/n! Please, please I'm sorry! I thought that I could do it alone! I didn't mean for this to happen." Her voice trailed off as she started crying. I rolled my eyes, "tell me what you did Druella." My voice was even compared to her shaky and sniffly one. My voice seemed to gain the attention of the whole compartment, i must have lowered my barrier accidentally, I ignored their stares and urged her to speak. "I was just trying to see if I could do nonverble and wandless magic without you channelling my magic and... and it just got out of hand I don't know what to do! My room is burnt to a crisp and I can't even get my magic to work anymore..." I listened as her sobs rang in my head, "I'm currently in Britain Druella." Her sobs only got louder and her words became inaudible. I sighed loudly and stood up, "Just calm down, I'm coming." I walked out of the room but not before turning to the boys "I will be coming back, I expect my spot to still be there." And with a sarcastic smile at their mixed emotion faces I apparated away to my academy.

The black haired witch was in a crumpled up heap on the floor. Her room was still burning slightly, with a flick of my wrist the fire ceased and fizzled out. "Oh Druella." I looked at my long time friend with pity. I quickly returned the room to it's original condition only now noticing the burnt body that layed next to the bed next to Druella's. Looking back at Druella she looked me in the eyes, remorse written all over her face. "What really happened Ella?" I kneeled in front of her blocking her view of the body. "I swear I didn't know she was in here, I just wanted to try out my wandless and wordless magic and I thought why not burn everything in the room and then return it to normal. Even if I couldn't return it to normal they would have upgraded our room to a better one until they fixed it. Now I can't even shoot out a get of water, let alone do restoration magic. Once I saw her I didn't know what to do, I knew you had the best necromancy skills out of everyone at the school so I just had to call you." Black mascara smudged all down her pale face, I stared into her green eyes as she wailed about what happened. I brought her in for a hug, not allowing her to see my annoyance at her ignorance.

After I got her calmed down I left her in the room as I apparated both her roommate Carla and I into the forest. I conjured up a blanket to lie her brunt body on, her blood and flesh smeared all over my clothes. I pulled out my necromancy book searching for the right incantation, while I did that I summoned two large deers to where we were situated. For necromancy to work, there always needs to be a sacrifice. A life for a life is most often what the books say. I drew a pentagram of salt round the girls body, then proceeded to run my hand over her body smoothing out the burnt flesh as I went. I also regrew out her chestnut hair as it had been singed off. Once I was done she merely looked as if she was in a deep sleep. I called the deer over to me one by one, chanting quietly as I carved into the unsuspecting animals. I went back over to Carlas body and started drawing the symbols of life and magic on her body with the deers blood. Suddenly the girl shook shooting up in her spot, before she said anything I obliviated her memory of the fire and her resurrection. I knocked her out with a simple jinx and brought us both back to her room.

Druella was pacing back and forth when I came back, " I was starting to think you were losing your touch, it's been 4 hours, I almost feel asleep." Finally the Druella I knew is back, "Yes it did take quite a while to reconstruct the girls skin but it seems you're in good spirits again. Also it's only 2:00am Druella, night classes haven't even finished yet." The girl merely smiled at me. "We'll I should be getting back to my train." The girl nodded but not before asking "why were you in Britain?" I smiled at her slightly, "oh haven't you heard? I now go to Hogwarts." The look of shock was the last thing I saw as I apparated back on the train. Before I opened the compartment door I cleaned off the blood from my clothes and masked the smell of death and burnt flesh with some lavender perfume. Sliding the door open grabbed the attention of the boys, "welcome back sweetheart." The guy with the long curly black hair smirked as I took my seat next to him once again. I went to grab my book and found that it was nowhere to be seen. I knew it was a stupid idea to leave my stuff here. It was Malfoy that smiled this time holding up my book, "looking for this?" I rolled my eyes at his childishness. "Can I have my book back?" I held my hand out expecting him to hand them over, unfortunately for me he only stuffed it into the pocket of his black bag. "Before you get this back, we'd like to know a few things about you. Oh and you missed a bit." I turned to the boy next to me in confusion but watched as he wiped a bit of blood off my cheek.

"What is it you would like to know?" I kept my face a calm as I could while I looked at them all. "Who are you and are you a pureblood?" Of course that was the first question, I rolled my eyes at them "I think it's only fair if I also know who the rest of you are as well, no?" The boy next to me announced proudly "Sebastian Lastrange, at your service milady." I nodded as acknowledgement and looked to the boy next to him "Theodore Nott." I turned to the boy sat in front of me and he smiled "Alex Avery" I skipped past Malfoy and looked at the boy who was still reading, when I realised he wasn't gonna look up anytime soon I decided to ask him directly "finally you, do you have a name?" The boys in the room seemed to shrink if only a little bit, he never once looked up only said "why should I tell you?" I smirked only slightly at his response, maybe this will be fun. "My thoughts exactly, why should I tell you strangers anything?" I watched as Malfoy did a quick pat down of his bag and I smiled when he came up empty handed, though it seems I'm the only one who saw it as Lastrange says "well if you ever want your book back darling then you might want to answer our questions." I simply laughed at him a little and held my hand up "oh you mean this book?" The look on their faces was very humorous, "it seems I should be worried about the curriculum here if you can't even detect simple accio and concealment charms." I smirked as Malfoy glared at me. "So your a transfer student?" Nott stated while looking past Lastrange at me. "Yes I am, I'm from Alfedene's school of Witchcraft and The Dark Arts in Australia." For the first time since the boy sat down he finally looked up, we made eye contact but I broke it by looking out the window at quickly approaching castle.

We came to a sudden holt and I got up swiftly, "well It certainly was fun meeting you all." Smiling I left the compartment and followed some little kids that adorned grey robes to the boats.

The castle was quite a sight to see, I think I'm going to have a lot of fun here.

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