The cheating story...


450 6 15

This is in real life and this is true about what happened this night... More


450 6 15

As I was getting a Go-Gurt in the fridge because I am hungry for a snack before I go up to my room.
As HE walked past me with my little brother, taking him to my other brother's room and put on the gate, I told HIM that mom will pay $20 for my Nintendo Switch (So I can go online). As HE goes in and just sucking the Go-Gurt, I heard my mom yelling at HIM in her room. I thought that HE made a fucking mistake on something HE made but as I was done it, I grabbed two strawberries and one blueberry because I fucking hate my memory about my mom and dad brake up in a fight when I and my brother saw.
"GET OUT!" My mom shouted as I knew something is wrong. I went upstairs to tell my Granny and little sister about it.
Later as I followed her downstairs, my baby bro was playing around the bed with my sleeping brother because he needs to fall asleep.
My other 12 years old brother woke up and walked to the kitchen to maybe go eat something as I told him about it. As so as I being to call one of HIS cheating women HE was talking to on the phone as we knew that they are about to fucking fight. I quickly told them to go to my room upstairs as we did but we forget about our little brother in his room. "I'll get him." He said as he goes to his room and gets him with us. Me and her (Little sis) are scared as hell about it. I was having anxiety about it as they (My two brothers) came into my room.

As we stay in my room, we decided to watch a movie so we can't hear them yelling and shit. was too late...
They (Mom and HIM) are yelling right by the back door, to the stairs and kitchen, yelling about it. We hear can it and I can't take this shit anymore!
We started to cry but not my little bro. As I hear footsteps, HE opens the door and goes to our little bro and picked him up as he goes back there. I fucking knew that he is taking him away from us! HE IS PART OF THE FAMILY!
My mom told HIM to let him go but HE didn't. She tried to get him away from HIM and I couldn't stand this fucking mess in this year!

I opened the door yelling "LET HIM GO, YOU BASTARD!" because I want HIM to do it NOW! My brother held me back as I started to cry more. I don't want him to go with HIM, we want him to stay!

After we talked and cry, we hear mom's laugher and wonder why she is laughing about. Little sister sees the cop's car outside of our house as we think that she called the police or something.

We knew that he is leaving and I don't know why HE is taking him.
"Why is he taking him, Granny? Why?" I asked her as she doesn't know why...

We cry...

We talked about it...

And we still have one of our little brother sandals to remember him...

As HE started to leave and get his stuff, my little sister asked HIM for a hug before HE goes but I think HE said no...

The cops are gone...

HE is gone with our adopted brother, away from us...

We started to go to mom's room and asked if we could hug her.

She opened her arms and we hugged her. "Sorry for me cussing, ma," I told her and she forgives me...we listen to her rules, we listened to her words...she is our mother and we loved her...included our gone little brother...

{Thanks, y'all for reading this...

And yeah.}

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