Butterfly Kisses, Wolf Bites...

De KuriTheElf

22.9K 791 253

A girl, that been made fun of her whole life has become nothing more then a shut in. She tends to stay to her... Mais

Character Sheet
How the the story is written
Chapter 1 (Zelda's View)
Chapter 1 (Tamaki's viewpoint)
Chapter 2 (Zelda view)
Chapter 2 (Tamaki's view)
Chapter 3 (Zelda's Veiw)
Chapter 3 (Tamaki's POV)
Chapter 4 (Zelda POV)
Chapter 4 (Tamaki )
Chapter 5 (Zelda POV)
Chapter 5 (Tamaki POV)
Chapter 6 (Zelda POV)
Chapter 7 (Zelda POV!)
Chapter 7 (Tamaki POV)
Chapter 8 (Zelda POV)
Chapter 8 (Tamaki POV)
Chapter 9 (Zelda POV)
Chapter 9 (Tamaki POV)
Chapter 10 (Zelda POV)
Chapter 10 (Tamaki POV
Chapter 11 (Zelda POV) (☁️🍈)
Chapter 11 (Tamaki POV) (☁️🍈)
Chapter 12 (Zelda POV)
Chapter 12 (Tamaki POV)
Chapter 13 (Zelda POV) (💔)
Chapter 13 (Tamaki POV)
Chapter 14 (Zelda POV)
Chapter 14 (Tamaki POV)
Chapter 15 (Zelda POV)
Chapter 15 (Tamaki POV)
Chapter 16 (Zelda POV)
Chapter 16 (Tamaki POV)
Chapter 17 (Zelda POV)
Chapter 17 (Tamaki POV)
Epilog (3rd person)
The Blue Rose
The Red Thread

Chapter 6 (Tamaki POV)

389 16 0
De KuriTheElf

I shook my head and looked around and then sighed dropping my head in defeat. I shoved my hands in my pockets and started heading back to school. I felt my phone buzz , and I quickly pulled it out thinking it was Zelda. But at last it was only Kirishima.

Red Riot: hey Suneater! Fatgum wants you to come in today. He said something doesn't feel right.

I sighed and texted him back.

Suneater: be right there.

I started heading to Fatgum's agency. Once I got there, Kiri was already suited up and Fatgum was in his skinny form. They both looked at me.

"Suit up Suneater." Fatgum said. He walked over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder and leaned into my ear.

"Rumor has it we will have trouble tonight." He warned. He pulled back and my eyes stared at him for a moment. I nodded and bit my lip with a serious expression on my face.

"Any idea what the trouble might be?" I asked. He sighed and folded his arms.

"My informet told me there will be a gang war going on tonight. And the information I got was.....very interesting." He pulled a hand to his chin and rubbed it. "So the Shie Hassaikai group have a new type of bullets that can cancel out quirks." He pulled his hand down and looked at me with a serious look. "Permanently."

My eyes widden when he said permanently. I could feel my body trembled a little. Dear God I hope they don't use that on my friends.

"Now go get dress we need to start our patrol. Sadly the informet didn't tell me when, nor the exact location it's gonna take place." He gave me a worried look. " So please do be careful while we are out there." I quickly nodded and started heading to the elevators. Red followed me. I could see he was nervous about this as well.

"So Sun, why do you think they are doing stuff like this. It doesn't seem every manly to do. I mean come on that's like cheating." Red sounded like he was complaining but he did have a point. To earse someone's quirk is like taking away their life. I could feel my lips trembling just thinking about it. What if they shot Zelda? Or Mirio, or even Nejire?!? I shook my head trying to get the negive thoughts out.

I push the down button, to head to the lockers, and then looked at Red Riot. "To tell you the truth it sounds like a death sentence." I spoke. There was a ding and the elevator door opened, I walked inside pushing the T button as I entered.

"Alright I'll see you when you get up her bro!" The red head gave me shark tooth grin with a thumbs up. I couldn't help to smile back at him.

"Ye-yeah." I spoke back.

Once I the doors opened I quickly ran to my locker, and thought about Zelda.

So why was she lieing? Is she trying to hide something? Is she protecting her father? Why would she go the opposite way of her house when she said she had to go home? And why would she even get into a random car? Questions were pailing up in me head. Wait.....who was she in the phone with.

I opened my locker and got changed. Keep it together Amajiki this is important. I can't let things distract me. I bit my lip as hard as I could trying to make my mind stop wondering to her and worry about what was in front of me.

Once I got dressed I headed back up stairs and saw Red Riot, and Fatgum ready to go. I quickly ran up to them pulling my hood up and pushing my visor on. "Okay I'm ready."

Both of them gave me a nod and started heading out the door.

"Alright what we are doing is dangerous please be careful, and keep your eyes peeled." Fatgum order.

"Yes sir!" Both of us shouted. As we headed out side.


As Fatgum and Red Riot was walking a head of me, my mind kept going back to Zelda. I was so worried about her that she was all I could think about.

"Suneater?" I could hear my name, but it sounded far away. I kept my head down, she was running through my mind. "YO BRO!?"
I blinked heavily and then saw the redhead in front of me. "Dude you okay?" I bit my lip and then just sighed. My body felt like it dropped.

"Well Re-red, I umm..." I didn't know what to saw nor how to even put what I was feeling into words. "I...think I am in love with a girl." I muttered. 

"Well dude you finally admit it, youre finally a man!" Red teased. He had that shark tooth grin going on and he gave me a thumbs up. "So what's she like? Do I know her? What's her quirk? I bet she's beauticool!" He was shooting questions left and right. I could feel my face flush red.

"Well no, at lest I don't think you know her." He stairted but before I could answer another question there was a scream of pain and terror coming from about a block away.

"It's starting! Move it!" Fatgum shouted. Red Riot quickly hardn his skin and we all started running to where the scream was coming from.

When we got there the smell of burning flesh filled the air and the sound of screams of complete agony bounced off the alley way ways. There was a man on fire with fire all over the ground spredding like crazy.

There stood what seemed like a girl in a black hoodie watching the man run around in horror.

The girl turned and I couldnt see her face, but instead a wolf mask coving the top half of her face.

"Hey whoa what going on here?!?" The red rock quirk boy shouted. I saw panic in her eyes as she was looking at all of us. Right when I was about to say something she bolted down the alley way.

"Suneater after them we will take care of this!" Fatgum shouted.

I ran as fast as I could, trying to catch up to her. "St-stop!" I shouted.

I could hear her say something but I couldn't make it out as she turned the corner and started running up a ladder. I fallowed behind trying to stay on her tail.

I finally reached the top and looked around. There was no way she could jump to another building with the height differences. The other building were too high.

I took a few step forward. Alright you got to sound intimidating. Otherwise they won't take you seriously. "Stop, you have no where to run now!" I shouted, with seriousness.

I took a step forward as she started to take a step back. "Just tell me what happen! And you'll be safe I promise." I lifted my hand up, trying to tell her I wasn't gonna hurt her but at the same time I wanted to make sure to be ready if she did anything.

She took another step back, and it looked like she was on the edge of the building. She leaned back and started falling backwards.

"No!" I shot out my tentacles trying to grab her but I was to late and missed her. I heard a crash and a sound of a ripping of faberic. I quickly ran to the edge and looked down.

The girl looked like she landed in a tarp, and was a little winded. I saw her look up to me and got up and started running again, but this time she had a limp.

I quickly ran back to the ladder. I should had chicken today! I was mentally kicking my self.

Once I got down I heard gun shots. My eyes widen. Wait she was a distraction?! I quickly started running where the gun fight was.

I kept running until I saw the girl looking at the two gangs. One side it looked like a gang of bird people while the other one didn't even have mask on.

I started charging at the girl and got my tentacles ready. "Found you!" I shouted. I sent the tentacles out before I heard a voice shout out.

"We got heros!"

The girl looked at me. "RUN!" she screamed at me. Run? She started running at me. My eyes widden as I watched her run past my tentacles and was practically in front of me.

"TAMAKIIIIIIII!!!!" my body froze. How did she know my name. I felt her whole body slam into me making me fall behind a car. As I landed with a thud I heard her yelp in pain. When I looked up to her she was gripping her shoulder, and then falling to her knees.

Why did she just save me? Aren't those the quirk cancelling bullets? Is she okay? Who is she? I could feel my body paling, and blood dropped from my face. My eyes wide who the fuck is she?!?

"Who......who are you?" The words just came right of my mouth without even thinking. She lifted her head up. All I could see was the wolf mask on her face. But I saw her eyes, blue eyes that seemed so familiar. I saw her smile under her mask and then she stood up.

"Please leave. Don't get shot." She spoke softly trying to limp her way to the battlefield.

" Wait!" I cried out again my hand reaching out for her. Zelda?

She disappeared from my sight. My body still in shocked. Was that zelda? That couldn't have been her! My mind going a million miles an hour.

"Suneater!" I hear Mirio's voice. I turned my head, and saw more heros.

"Lemillion!" I shouted. I felt his arms wrap under my mine and he started to drag me away from the battlefield.

"Give me the details of what's going on!" I told him everything as he pulled me to safety.

"man we really have a bad party on our hands." He joke. I just rolled my eyes, it wasn't even funny at the moment.

"Oh Lemillion!" I shouted. He looked at me with all seriousness.

"What my friend?" I bit my lip. Should I ask him to look for the wolf girl? He tilt his head. "What is it Suneater" I shook my head.

"Don't worry about it. I'm hurt so I have to kinda sit this out. But I'll find my squad and bring them here!" Mirio nodded and started running to attack while I ran the other way. The truth was, if that was Zelda, then either A, she was a trader, B, she was forced into doing this, or C, she was Fatgum's informet. Either way I needed answers.

I started running to see if I could find Fatgum and Red Riot.


I kept running until I saw Fatgum and Red Riot. It looked like they finally got the fire under control.

"Fatgum! Red!" I shouted as I ran up to them. They each turned and looked at me. "The fire was just a distraction! The really battle is on Suku Street!" Both of them wide eyed me and spoke profanities under their breath. They started running and I ran behind them.

"What our status Sun?" Fatgum asked.

"Not good! But another group of heros showed up with Lemillion!" I answered.

He nodded and we kept running until we met up with the group. 

Once we go there it seemed like the battle has ended and there was some wounded heros sitting on the ground. I saw Mirio and ran right up to him.

"You didn't get shot did you?!?" I ended up shouting.

He smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up. "Nah, though it was close a couple of times if I didn't use my quirk."

I let out a relief sigh and felt my heart started to calm down. But then my mind played the wolf girl again. "Mi-Mirio. Can I talk you in private?" His eyes became serious, and then he nodded.

We made away from the group and into an alley way, still on our gaurds just incase there was stragglers.

I looked at the ground, trying to sound serious. "Mirio I think..." I stopped and then looked at him dead in the eye. "No I KNOW Zelda is in danger." My voice almost sounded like I was growling. Mirio's eyes widden and then he narrowed his brows and nodded.

"Alright. What can we do to help her?" He asked. He folded his arms and gave me his full attention.

"Well, I think she is stuck with the bird like gang." I started. "and this only a theory because I can't really prove it was her but the way she knew my name, her eyes and last she saved me." Mirio's eyes widden.

"Saved you?!?" He ended up shouting. I nodded my head, and then continued.

"First she told me to run when one of the bird people was about to shoot me, and then she pushed me out of the way!" I shouted. He looked at me, and nodded.

"Okay. I believe you. Cuz if she knew your name and she was that noble that it has to be Zels." He spoke. I breathed in shakey.

"But Mirio, I.... I failed to protect her." I muttered out. I felt his hand on my shoulder.

"She got shot cuz of me!" I could feel the tears filled my eyes. "I......I....failed." Finally the tears started rolling. I felt like someone was behind me and I felt their hand on my shoulder.

"Suneater what's going on?" That was Fatgum's voice. I looked over my shoulder and gave him such a defeated plea.

Mirio spoke up. "A girl name Okami is our classmate and we believe that she might be in danger. It seems like she was with the bird people." My eyes darted to Mirio. I was wide eyed and my mouth hung open.

"Okami?" I turn to the side so I could see Fatgum scratch his chin and then he looked up, and then at me. "Wolf....." His eyes widden. "That girl in the wolf mask?!?" I nodded.

"I thin-ink that was her." I spoke. He looked at me.

"My informet did tell me that they went and got a new recruit by force, a girl named Wolf, who does indeed wear a wolf mask." He looks over at Mirio and then back at me. "He also said they were using her to play mother hen to a little girl."

My heart stopped. They kidnapped her, and is using her! Not only for their dirty deeds but they also have a child? I could feel the anger bubble up into my throat. "Suneater, we will find her and save the girl. I promise." His words were on deaf ears. Right now no one can promise me she was safe. Unless she was in my arms then I have to do things my self.

I felt Mirio walk over to me, he gently placed his hand on my shoulder and then pulled me into a comforting hug. "Don't worry Tamaki I believe she is okay, so please don't fret. We will save her." My hands shakily raised up and then clung to his shirt. I barried my face into his chest and started crying.


As the night went on I was told to go home. I opened my front door to an empty house. I dropped my stuff by the door and kicking my shoes off. I shuffled into my room and plopped down on my bed with my face barried into the pillow.

I felt so numb, I didn't know what to do. Slowly I rolled over to my side and grabbed my switch. I opened up my Pokemon and was greeted by Zelda's shiny eevee she gave me.

"Hey buddy." I spoke to it. I made a camp site and feed my team. After they ate I play with the eevee. Making him play fetch, and then petting him. Finally I went to level them up.

Ever since Zelda gave me that eevee I cherish him. I favored him over the others even my shiny butterfly one.

As I was grinding for levels it said that eevee was evolving. It was day time I expect to get a Espeon. But what startled me was itnt green. No, it was a white cat looking with with blue ribbons. Eevee evolved into Sylveon! I was shocked. I never kept up on the news so this was a new eeveelotion. I read up on his pokedex.

There’s a Galarian fairy tale that describes a beautiful Sylveon vanquishing a dreadful dragon Pokémon. -pokemon shield-

I looked up how I got a Sylveon. Sylveon is from a eevee that is show love and affection. In of course evolves from it's trainers love.

I felt like my heart was being pulled. I cherish Zelda so much that I loved her gift and it evolved from that love.

Tears started forming, and I sat up. Quickly I saw small droplets on my screen. My heart aching. But now I know the truth. I AM IN LOVE WITH HER.

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