By s-solstice

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信じる ─── 𝒊 𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒗𝒆 no music is worth making if we're not making it with you. ⤿ julie and the... More



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By s-solstice

˗ˏˋ I BELIEVE ࿐ྂ
—— -͙ – -
˚ ·
* ˚ ✦ ᷾

*・῾ ᵎ⌇ ⁺◦ ✧.*・῾ ᵎ⌇ ⁺◦  ✧.*


*・῾ ᵎ⌇ ⁺◦ ✧.*

"LOOK, DONT WORRY GUYS." alex says to them. "willie said he'd get us on that marquee." they stop in front of the orpheum.

"this is gonna work, right?" reggie asks nervously.

y/n sighs. "it has to."

another jolt goes through the boys, making her jump and she grabs onto reggie's hands.

luke glares at the two for a moment too long, before his glares are cut off.

they hear a whooshing noise and a voice behind them, "hey, you guys ok?" willie asks.

they all groan a little, y/n releasing his hands she they turn around. alex winces before answering, "yeah. yeah, it's nothing we haven't felt before. how'd it go?" he asks hopefully.

"well, when that opening band wakes up, they're gonna find their bus 200 miles outside of vegas." willie answers with a smirk, displaying his souvenir jacket. "and with no chance of getting back it time."

"and that means there's probably a promoter upstairs right about now freaking out." luke says, high fiving willie.

"nah. this is hollywood man." willie assured him, "i'm sure he's being very professional." he snickers to himself and sighs in content.

alex looks to the band before stepping forward. y/n grabs the other two's sleeves and turns them away to give the two a bit of privacy, but they obviously still listen in.

"i know..." alex starts, "how much you're risking. thank you, willie."

"i told you." willie says, a happy little smirk upon his lips, "i'd do anything for you."

"aww!" y/n gushes quietly.

alex let's a beat of silence go by before crushing willie in a hug. after a few seconds, he clears his throat and takes a step back.

"did they kiss?" y/n whispers.

luke peeks over his shoulder quickly, "no, a hug."

"this is- this is so sweet." reggie whispers, fanning his eyes. y/n gives him a sympathetic pat on the back.

"all right. you, uh... you'd better get out of here before caleb catches you with us." alex clears his throat.

"yeah." willie shakes his hand, "i'll see you around, hot dog." they chuckles before willie skates away, his hair blowing in the wind.

the other three walk back to his side. "alex, you alright man?" reggie asks worriedly.

he turns to face them and puts a smile on his face. "yeah. yeah i'm ok."

"i think alex needs a hug." y/n says quietly, opening her arms.

alex gladly obliges and hugs her tight, rocking side to side before letting go.

luke clears his throat before saying, "well, thanks to willie, panic! at the disco needs an opening band."

"mhmm!" reggie says, nodding excitedly.

"then i guess someone up there needs to know we're available." alex says, making the group smile.

the four of them teleport to the room above to see it in utter chaos. the manager angrily shouts at the person on the other end of the line. "yeah, willie was right. this guys a total pro." reggie whispers as he and his assistant continue to freak out.

"all right guys," luke says with a smirk. "let the magic happen. alex, y/n, no dancing." he says sternly.

alex and y/n look at each other and back to luke before dramatically grasping each other's hands and gRacEfUlLy waltzing over to the other side of the room.

they move their hands and hit the assistant's pens off of her desk. she leans over to grab them and reggie quickly types on her computer as alex writes down the name of their band. they pull up the performance clip they filmed as julie sings on the screen.

the four ghosts crowd around her as she watches the video. "tasha!" the manager snaps, "get me cj. tell him i need a band to open in three hours."

she glances back to the screen and smirks at her boss, "sure, but you might want to check this out."

the manager hangs up and comes over it her side, narrowly avoiding walking through y/n as she jumps out of the way.

"somehow this video started playing on my laptop." tasha explains. "it's got half a million hits in just two days."

"who are they?" he asks in disbelief as he watches them perform.

"they're a hologram band. they call themselves julie and the phantoms."

"tell your friends." reggie says, making the group smile.

"wh-where are they located?" the manager asks.

"our very own city of angels."

"book 'em!"

"yes!" they all cheer and smile to each other.

"sure i just don't know how to..." tasha looks to the note pad where alex wrote down julie's number. she looks around suspiciously as the group watches her.

luke scrunches his nose as he looks at the paper. "oh, your hand writing is better than mine."

"definitely." y/n smirks at him.

*・῾ ᵎ⌇ ⁺◦ ✧.*

JULIE PACES NERVOUSLY as she waits for the band to get back. suddenly, they all teleport into the garage, making her jump. "oh my gosh! what took you guys so long? did willie do it? did you talk to them? did they watch? did they like us? are we playing? can someone answer me! why is no one talking?" she says, her speed challenging eddie kaspbrack.

"woah!" reggie exclaims loudly, "that's a lot of questions. y/n, you wanna take this one?"

"take a seat." y/n tells julie calmly. "it's fine. everything's fine." she says as the ghosts crouch near the table in front of julie.

"yeah!" alex says excitedly, "you should be getting a call right... now!" he says, pointing to the phone, expecting it to start ringing. hey all look to each other, an awkward moment passing when the phone doesn't ring. "ok... right... now!" alex tries again, and this time...

the phone rings.

"ha! nailed it." alex says, high fiving the group as julie celebrates.

they all look at each other with big smile and luke blinks. "go! answer the phone!"

"oh! um," julie says, clearing her throat. "hello?" she says, answering the phone.

"hi, this is tasha from the orpheum in hollywood." the voice over three speak talks,

the five of them squeal and jump up and down, luke and y/n shaking each other excitedly.

"is this julie of julie and the phantoms?"

they all freeze so that julie can answer her. she slowly picks up the phone and speaks, "yes, it is."

they continue to freak out as tasha speaks to julie, the others unable to hear the conversation, "yeah totally!" julie answers one of her questions. "thank you so much!"

reggie and luke line up and y/n yells, jumping out of the way as alex runs full force at the boys, lifting him up, spinning him around. y/n high fives alex as they continue to shout.

"we're playing the orpheum baby! yeah!"

"i'm swimming!"

*・῾ ᵎ⌇ ⁺◦ ✧.*

Y/N CIRCLES a poster harshly with black ink. "julie and i were thinking we'd start with 'stand tall.'" she tells the boys as they stand around the piano.



"sounds good."

"sounds good?" y/n asks after reggie's half-hearted reply. "dude, wake up! i wanna hear it sounds awesome!" she says, trying to get a reaction.

luke tilts his head and joins her on the side of the piano. "look, i know this isn't how we wanted things to turn out, but we gotta be all in tonight. this is our second chance at playing the orpheum!"

reggie sighs, "i-i get it, i get it, but it's hard. do we even know what's on the other side when we cross over? do we all still get to hang together?" he asks true group, "you... you guys are the only family i have." he whispers.

alex puts a hand on his shoulder, "yeah, i mean, i don't know what's going to happen either, but... it's not like we have a choice."

the boys yelp as yet another jolt zaps them, all of them groan as y/n looks at them with worry. she clutched luke's hand as he holds onto her tightly.

"i'm pretty sure we do." reggie mumbles. "and it rhymes with hollywood ghost club."

the doors open behind them and julie walks in with a huge smile on her face. "are you ready?" she sees their worried expressions and her grin drops, "what's wrong?"

"um, we just got rocked pretty hard by one of those jolt things." alex answers.

"pretty sure i ghost peed a little." reggie adds.

"but we're fine." luke says, walking over to the group as y/n is at his side.

"mostly." she mumbles to herself.

julie bites her lip nervously, "actually guys, i'm a little nervous." she admits.

"same here. i mean, this is our second chance." y/n grins at her.

"um, y/n, can i talk to you for a second?" julie asks.

the boys look to each other and alex nods. "yeah, girl talk. we uh, we'll just go over there." he says, pulling reggie and a protesting luke away from the pair.

"yeah?" y/n asks.

"um... can you do me a favor?" julie whispers.

y/n smiles at her friend. "yeah, anything julie. you know that."

"when you crossover," she starts, "if... if you happen to see my mom, can you tell her that i love her... and thank her for bringing you guys to me?"

y/n nods quickly, "yeah, i will." she smiles softly to julie and looks to the other members of the band, who are trying not to seem suspicious. she shakes her head and turns back to julie. "band circle?"


"guys." y/n calls, "band circle." luke quickly comes up to y/n's side, julie on her other, reggie and luke across from her as they all clasp hands except for julie. "we don't know what brought us here, but... what we do know is, you're a star julie."

julie smiles softly at each of them before luke continues, "and just because this is our last night together, it doesn't mean we won't be watching you from above... or..." he clicks his tongue and looks down. y/n glares at him and he clears his throat, "now let's go rock this show."

"let's give them a night they'll be talks about until the sun comes up." y/n adds. "legends on three." she says, putting her hand in the middle.

the band stacks their hands, "one." luke says.

"two." reggie smile.

"three." alex says, looking to julie.

she smiles and puts her hand on top. "legends!" they all cheer.

they hear a horn honk and julie sighs. "that's my dad. he's driving me there, so i'll see you guys soon. y/n, i'm trusting you to get them here on time."

y/n salutes to her and she leaves the garage.

right after julie leaves, carlos walks in, clapping his hands. "have a good show, ghost band." he declares.

"carlos!" their father calls.

he looks in ray's direction before turning back to the group. he holds up two fingers to his eyes, and points them back at the empty space between them as if to say 'i'm watching you.'

"how did he find out about us?" reggie asks.

alex inhales deeply, "i dont know reg. maybe it was the blinds. or you know what? the blanket. you know, it could've been any number of those things you did in that house."

"it's doesn't matter, you guys." y/n says, wrapping an arm around reggie. "we're not coming back here anyways." she says sadly, luke coming to her other side.

they here a pop, and suddenly a man dressed in all black appears on their piano. "and where is it that you think you're going?" he asks, making them all jump.

"what are you doing here?" luke says, moving protectively in front of y/n.

caleb gasps mockingly, "such hostility. i'm just here to congratulate you on your big night. not everyone gets to play the orpheum." he chuckles.

luke shakes his head, "no. ok, we know that it's your stamp that's hurting us." he says, rolling up his sleeve. "we already told you, we have a band. we don't want to join your little club."

"yeah, and you can't make us either!" alex says, stepping forward. caleb glares at them and alex shrinks back. "sir."

caleb looks over them, his eyes landing on y/n. with a snap of his fingers, y/n is at his side as he clutches her arms, making her yelp.

"y/n!" luke yells, lunging towards her but only to be held in place. "let her go!"

"hmm... nah." caleb says with an evil grin, stamping y/n's wrist. she screams as a jolt goes through her.

"y/n!" the boys cry, all of them unable to move. "let her go! let her go you bastard!" luke shouts.

and jolt goes through her and she falls to the floor with a groan.

caleb laughs at their predicament. "right! you're crossing over tonight. so exciting! funny thing about the cross over, no one really knows what's waiting on the other side. but i know what's happening on this side." he says with a smirk. he blows a kiss towards the boys, making them all disappear.

"no!" y/n yells as caleb looks down to her. "ah!" she groans as another zap hits.

"don't worry, little one," he says creepily, making y/n gag at the nickname, "you'll be joining them too."

*・῾ ᵎ⌇ ⁺◦  ✧.*

dun dun duuuuun

kinda a cliffhanger?? y'all already know what happens so-

two more chapters left :'(

*・῾ ᵎ⌇ ⁺◦  ✧.*

word count : 2219

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