Not So Sneaky Spider

By Playedcrowd5610

1.2K 73 12

Peter has to break into Avengers tower to retrieve something that he forgot on his field trip. Only to be met... More

Well How Bout That
The Footage!

Breaking in was the easy part

494 25 1
By Playedcrowd5610

In the city of New York lots of crazy things have happened, like just a couple months ago there was an alien invasion. So no one would really think twice at a man scaling the side of a multi-billion dollar skyscraper right?

Well that was what was going through Spider-man's mind as he was trying to scale Avengers tower, his fingertips were burning on the hot glass of the building as he tried to keep his grip. Dodging what looked to be cameras. "I thought breaking into a place like this would be harder." Spider-man mocked, just as one foot slipped, causing him to fall.

He slid against the glass as he tried to grip the smooth surface only to catch a ledge, stretching his shoulder, he could feel the muscle tare. "Jezz I don't want to be a Spidy pancake today thank you very much." commented trying to take his mind off of almost dying.

Spider-man pulled himself up onto the ledge that was roughly 6 inches out from the next set of windows. His back now against the glass and his heels were on the ledge. He nervously looked down at the crazed city below, people rushing across roads and cars in traffic. They all looked like ants from up there. Peter was actually quite scared of heights, but most of the time he could get over it, and this needed to be one of those times. He swallowed and gripped the next window looking up, he still had multiple stories to go. He jumped up nearly 10 feet in the air and started to continue the climb, his heart racing and his stomach in his throat. "All this for a stupid web cartridge." He huffed, "if flash handed grabbed my bag I wouldn't be in this mess. And if Stark finds it ugg, I don't know what could happen."

Peter had been on a field trip with his class yesterday at the tower, they did not get to meet any of the avengers but Peter get to see the labs, they were great, all of the chemicals and gadgets he could ever dream of, and now he has to break in to find one stupid web cartridge.

Then he saw it, the window he needed. He glanced back and forth to see if anyone had been watching him and climbed to the window, it was slowly getting harder to breathe, the air was quite a bit thinner up here and the mask didn't help.

Peter wasn't going to break the window, it could set off an alarm or someone could hear it shatter. He reached for his pocket to grab the corrosive acid he made in class that day, just for this mission. Holding it his hands were shaking, he needed to place it in his web shooter carefully, or he could burn his wrist. Just then there was a ping from inside, someone had opened the door to the lab, it gave Peter such a fright that he dropped the green cartridge. With no hesitation, he jumped off the window grabbing it out of the air with one hand while the other shot a web that stuck to the building. Peter sighed in relief as he hung from the web above the city, it could have burned someone if it landed on them. He carefully placed the vile in the already open web shooter compartment. "Hope the new web-shooters don't melt." he looked back up towards where he was and glared. "Now let's see who interrupted the party."

Peter, still shaking from the heights climbed carefully back up to the window and looked inside. Standing there in the middle of the room was Dr. Bruce Banner, Peter was beaming with excitement he had never seen him in real life, he was one of his idols.

But Peter still had to get into that room. He looked around and there under one of the desks was his web fluid canister. Peter smiled under his mask, there it was, but how does he get it with Banner in the room?

Peter thought for a moment, and looked at his other web shooter, he had an idea. He raised his hand and shot a single web on the window just outside of the room, making just enough noise that the doctor would go check it out. And in a single move Spider-man raised his hand and sprayed the window with the acid, making a perfect hole glass with acid dripping from the edges, he then reached his arm in shooting the door with expanding webbing so it ended up covering the whole wall. Peter smiled, he just tricked an avenger.

He climbed through the melted window and ran across the room grabbing the web cartridge from the floor. He spun in around in his hand, it was untouched. he sighed in relief and looked around the lab. Now it had experiments going on, there was a 3d printer making an armor circuit for tony, and a small arc reactor was sitting on the table in the corner hooked up to some testing wires. But Peter was curious about what Banner was doing, he walked over to the desk and started looking through the papers. They were formulas, Peter could read most of them, and they looked to be on experiments with radiation.

Peter was tempted to steal it because it may tell him what really happened to him, but it wasn't his, maybe he could read it when the dr. publishes it. But now he had what he needed, time to go home and do his homework before he gets grounded.

All of a sudden his Spider-sense went off from all directions. A computer's voice sounded. "Intruder main lab, lockdown procedure initiated." all of the windows had metal plates slam shut over them, and red light filled the room as all of the gadgets turned off. Peter whipped his head around to see 'the' Tony Stark standing behind him holding up a repulser to his head commanding. "Don't move!"



-This story is after avengers 1 and they all move into the tower, Peter is 15 rn and has never met any of the avengers as Spider-man.
-I know this chapter is short, the next one will be longer.
-I would love to hear your feedback and ideas for future chapters.
-I hope you will come back for chapter 2.

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